
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Vicar of Halifax Songs from a Hundreds Join Aged Peer Death Revives Talk of with Communist King Tut Curse Littered Desk Says West Indies are, Becoming, Americanizcu race.
LI Tut sham.
the young elm IT had to be good to get where Coca Cola it is (By LEWIS PENDERSON in the NEW YORK, Feb. 27. During the munist party. One employed in a Chicagu Delender)
last three months, nearly 1, 000 Negro hat works, writes that he joined the LONDON, Feb. 21 Th: superstiANOTHER SOUTHLAND PARTY way wlan, Vicar o dantax, in Panama led me to think has the workers throughout the country have communist party because the com tion that a curse solows alt those Fr. has just America. as believe, quite rigouy, wa Simbre and dim, was the light of the turned to the Communist party, as moon, munists fight discrimination. want connected with the opening of King Vacuum in u pace is best assured by reasona.
And the stars ceased to twinkle the only political party championing to get the colored workers interested Tut ankh Ameu tomb in Egypt was nu le mo. Vivid im prepared to the evgeni and glow, in and out of elections, the cause of in Communism; it for equality be rewved to day when Lord Westbury, nau recebeu was of we NAVAL FLATS the oppressed Negro masses. The For the moon and the stars with a tween all workers, no matter what 70 yeur old peer, leaped from Alvercaniston West The naval preparations in Cuva districts of the Community party are seventh story window near Bucking pitying gaze Les and the etniciency wluch are equally suggestive. Here, cau engaged in revolutionary competiham Palace and plunged through a Were waiting, and watching he We must knock it into their heads glas mof to his death.
Americans hau Leveljed the only go by the very low.
tion to see which can recruit the that there no discrimination in the dural resources of Conra Anneri. ments due to ure by my lov largest number of Negroes. So far, Communist party and the Young Silently treading through tall rustling He had been grieving over the ca.
travellers who struck ww. 116 the honorrests with the four districts Communists League.
grass Now, that strange death of his son, the Hon. his developinent is making serious by far the most candid cries Like ghosts and the speetres whose centers are New York, Detroit, hard, because they ve been fooled so Richard Bethell, who was Howard Hulical representations, which American policy and Amer. can conold, Philadelphia and Chicago many times by white organizations.
Carter secretary during the exca willhy of receiving serious political ditions. It is quite an open secret There hastened a number of stern the Negroes join in large numthe vations in the Valley of Kings and repercussions, particularly at that in American public opinion the But we have to show them we re visaged inen bers there have been outeroppings fighting for them by doing things for who was found dead in the Mayfair present time, said Bishop Frode possession of the West Indies woulu All burdened and rugged, an of race prejudice among some of the Club last year. Ever since establish the naval safety of ih them.
less advanced of the white member ankb Amen tomb was opened Egypt be general improvement for United States of America, which Another, an unemployed seaman, Bound in their midst limped a cres.
ship of the Communist party The iang have been repeating the an instance, in Panama is almost inconwrites: think have found my must live or die by the integrity of tureforlorn, party answer to this manifesta cient malediction, Death shall comeceivable. Cristobal, in the Canal Panama Canal 11 serious way out of being just a dumb slave With a countenance haggard and tion is to expel all white members by entering the Young Communist 0:1 Swift wings to him that toucheth Zone, is a new town of reinforced trouble with England should com white, still under the influence of the imthe tomb of a Pharaoh.
concrete. Colon (banana town) has wisieh no one desires, the States For he knew he was doomed by the League. It fights for the Negro perialist ideology of white chauvanworkers and for all the workers. Lord Westbury death been entirely rebuilt, and the sanita might be forced to seize the West is the code of the South irm, and to train the new Negro retion is now excellent. The same is Another, also a seaman, and un twelfth among those who were assoIndies, or at least part of them.
To cross the Great Border that cruits for leadership in the party.
employed, writes: was not work ciated with the finds at Luxor. true of Limon, in Costa Rica, which was asked by an American whether night.
Most of the new Negro members ing and started to think. When letter left by him read: once was the chosen abode of yellow thought England would make a Cresting the hill loomed a vibrant jack (fever. deal with the States on the basis are industrial workers members of heard the Communist speakers, and really cannot stand any more the new Negro proletaria and a read their leaflets, joined the Young horrors and hardly see what good COLON CLEANED UP. of the liquidation of the war debts.
With its arms stretching up to number of them have written let Communist League, because want The good Government of Colon More than one person, not American, ward the sky, am going to do here; so am ters to the party press telling of to understand how to fight to make going to make my exit.
outside the zone, obviously is a mat but with long experience of West Io. And its branches quite knowingly their conditions in the factories and onr candidates better, to make us ter of concern to the American in an conditions, thought that such an swayed in the breeze of their reasons for joining the Com workers rule.
He had been recovering from an habitants of Cristobal. Whatever exchange was not bad idea. As the death party grimly drew operation, but a nurse testified at may be the police difficulties of Chi simply give this for what it is worth; nigh.
2100 TODO 100 OPO the inquest to day that he had been cago, those of the zone area have have no possible qualification for Wierdly the screech of lone owl brooding chiefly over his son death. been difficult. The zone police co judging its accuracy.
was heard coroner jury returned a verdiet operating with the Panama police The only criticism ventured to And its mate answered back of suicide committed while of un last month, cleaned up Colon. They make in this connection was that eros the plain, sound mind.
efficiently rounded up the undesira. thought such an exchange would not While the elm tree was bowed by the Since Mr. Carter opened Tut bles and deported many of them. be an advantage for the coloured pop.
strength of the men, ankh Amen tomb his associates Whether they were undesirables from ulation of the West Indies, who conThen noose, and it straightenwho have died include the Earl of criminal or political causes it is not sider themselves as British, with poed again Carnarvon, who financed the investi easy to say.
litical and religious rights which are Black was the night and the scret it gations and died a few weeks after Not unnaturally there are infi not so generously assured to colourbeld, the tomb was opened; Sir Archi nite international difficulties result ed folk in the United States of AmeFor Pate had collected her toll; bald Douglass Reid, who rayed ing. Panama, Colombia, and Costa rica.
But the low moaning wind seemed to MRABU MAARRELISTERED the mummy; Colonel Aubrey her.
Rica regard themselves as nations, am quite conscious that my imwhisper the cry BOMO 6, 1916 bert, Lord Carnarvon half brother, just as truly as Mexico and pressions are very sketehy, but they Oh, won someone pray for his who was present at the opening of The military and naval efficiency is are clear in my mind. Although soul!
the tomb; Jay Gould, Americas mil very much in evidence in Cristobal. am a sincere advocate of peace, am lionatre, who died of pneumonia The atmosphere reminded me of war inclined to feel no less strongly than graphed patting the lion head with after visiting the tomb; Mrs. Evelyn times in Europe. Whatever the did two months ago, that peace will no other consequences than playful Breely, American who kiped her selfopinions of the American friends of be best assured by making haste nip and thereafter claimed his bet.
in Chicago after visiting the tomb; peace may be the practical steps taken slowly, even in Daval matters. The Prince paid up, and his note Professor Lafflour of McGill Univerwas forwarded by the winner to St.
Bity, Montreal, who died after inDunstan specting the Pharaoh sarcophagus; Evelyn White, who killed himUPPER CUT TO JAW Drink self because he thought. curae was CAPETOWN, Feb. An eyeon him; Prince Al Fahmy Bey, Egypwitness says that Senator Boydell tian, who was mysteriously shot on and Mr. Marwick were seen before after a visit to the Valley of Kings, the affair walking down the lobby and Dr. Jonathan Carver, who in close conversation. Suddenly they in bottles was killed in an automobile crash began scuffling together, but, as it after helping Mr. Carter to open the was thought they were indulging in tomb.
a little horse play, no one attempted CAPETOWN, South Africa, Feb. bcasts, assured bim that there was The Panama Coca Cola to interfere.
Bettling Co. remarkable incident occurred a certain cireus lion near by which Senator Boydell then, however, here to day in the corridor of the he had been accustomed to fondle directed right upper cut to the jaw House of Parliament. Senator Thos. 12 months previously as a cub. The of Mr. Marwick, wbo collapsed on the SODOBOSO Boydell, a leading member of the Prince offered to wager he would floor bleeding from the mouth.
Labour Party, knocked unconscious not repeat the caress on the grownSenator Boydell says that Mr.
TO RIVAL GERMAN Mr. Marwick, the South African up animal challenge he at once Marwick refused to apologise and BREMEN Party member of the Legislative As sccepted.
pushed him away, and be stoutly sembly for Ilovo, Natal, necessitat Senator Boydell had bimself photo denies that he struck the first blow.
Will be Launched in May ing his removal to a nursing home.
Senator Boydell, who was Minis QUOI TODO LONDON, March 00 May 28th ter of Labour in General Hertzog Britain new gaint liner Empress last Nationalist Labour Paet Cabinof Britain, built for the Canadian et, is stated to have demanded an Pacific Company, will be launched apology from Mr. Marwick for imthe Clyde. It is stated she will pagning his honour and for strik CATHEDRAL PLAZA. prove a formidable rival of the Ger ing him at an Dentist election meeting in man liner Bremen. In any case Durban.
she will set up new Atlantie speed Bfr. Marwick refused to apologise, 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P.
record, for the journey from whereupon Senator Boydell knockand see the finest Assortment of Southampton to Quebec will be made ed him out with a blow to the jaw.
Phore 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, in five days or less. When she ia put When the Legislative Assembly into service early next year, Canada met later, Mr. Krige (who is Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works will be brought a day and a half leading the South African Party in nearer this country. With a tonnage General Smut absence)announced Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment of 46, 000, the liner will be twenty that Mr. Marwick was seriously inthousand tons larger than any ship jured and asked what steps should Selection of now making the journey on the Saint LOBOSCOPO TODO be taken. The Speaker suggested an inquiry by a select committee.
and on Monday Mr. Krige will propose the appointment of such a body, Senator Boydell, who graduated to JUST RECEIVED Labour polities from the railway BOX 649 ARCON, Custom Tailor workshops, wona bet with the Prince of Wales during his Royal Cirilo Sandford Highness visit to the Union in 1925.
Attorney at Law The Ex Minister, who had been OFFICE: 150 CENTRAL AYE. PHONE 109 NO CALIDONIA arguing with the Prince that lions PHONE 569 were friendly, pleasant tempered 113 Scuffle in South Africa House of Parliament Coca Cola Knocked Out with Upper Cut to Jaw New British Giant CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Dr. Leo Pink Surgeon LOCKS of every description also the finest Lawrence.
ARTIZAN TOOLS FLYNCH Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere English and American Styles

    CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandIndustrial Workers of the World

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