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WOL VES AMONG SHEEP STABLISHED 19 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUSC PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 35 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 PRICE CENTS Registration Period Further Extended MAGISTRATE SHOT ALIENS GIVEN TILL JUNE 31st MAPOUTICAL ENEMY SAVAGE, SQUABBLE JEALOUS WOMAN IN GARVEY AND, AIKMAN WIN TO COMPLY WITH LAW IN APPEAL CASE Unemployed in Big Demonstration at British Guiana Holy Trinity Wesley Church Lost Position Now Held For Dragged Apart in SemiTrial nude Condition Information obtained from the of unable to raise the registration cable communication reaching It was around mid day on February tices of the Secretary of Govern fee by the 31s: March, and also for 23rd, that the Health Officers of completely vacated the sacred edifice ed the information that the case of The Vespertine crowd had not the Isthmus on Tuesday last convey THE SENSATIONAL ment and Justice yesterday stated the convenience of persons residing che province ordered that all livers that the time limit for the registra in the outlying districts who hadn in the town of New Province should full hundred yards away, one of the St. Joseph Church when not a Marcus Garvey which was appealed HOLD UP CASE tion of aliens had been extended for the time to visit the mayors of those report to the Corridor office for devotee, a young woman, perhaps, a from the lower court had been three months more, giving till the districts before the 31st March. But examination, when the venom of two girl under the care of a mother and freeing Garvey from the sentence of reversed by the Appellate Court thus THE SENSATIONAL HOLD UP.
end of June next.
it is specifically stated that all permen, which for a long time was nur Colon, March 17th. Further develsons who do not register before June ed under their spleen found an out phere of innocence, and still carrying father, good looking with an atmossix months imprisonment.
opmments have taken place with reThe reason given for this further 30th will after that date be subjected let, which resulted in the startling in her hands the revered roury was extension was said to be for the to a fine of from 25 to 50 in addiIt will be remembered that Garvey gard to the hold up of German benefit of the poorer classes of aliens tion to paying the regular registra Joseph Griffiths so the story goes woman who began without the Kingston Magistrarte on charge of firm of this city, on Monday the 10th news of Uprising in New Providence rudely interrupted by an older girl and Aikman were tried before the Gorsira, employee of Bazan who had complained that they were tion fee of in his official capacity of Police usual feminine ceremony, to de seditious libel arising out of a pub inst. The amount notted the robbers Magistrate was not liked by the nounce her bitterly for attempting Newspaper which it was claimed is lication appearing in the Blackman 1181. 60.
townspeople, which found expression to rob the affections of her man.
Maurice Martin, Frenchman, was in several petitions to the Alcalde French, or rather, corruption of edited and controlled by Garvey. picked up today and identified by and Governor for his removal, which the French language was used in The case lasted over a period of six Walker the taxi driver and Goreira days and at the conclusion the presid as one of the robbers. The leader of was, however, never instrumental in the bitter oral combat, as their gesthe removal of the Corridor. Grit tures and accelerative voices quick ing magistrate. Mr. k. Agar on the gang Jose Laudis is still at large.
fiths, some how or other, learnt of ened their paces, until the jealous tenced Garvey to six months and it in expected that Lieut Alfredo Aikman to three months imprison Mendez, head of the Investigation DAILY BURIALS a few of the signatures that were savagery of the accuser found exAtg. Governor Issues Warn The people, cried Rev. Smith, attached to the petitions for his re pression in what the Judical Bench ment. They both appealed against Bureau and his assistants will soon ing About Unrest; Timely are being taken to the cemetery moval, and as a consequence took would term Assault and Battery the sentence with the above resulta bring him to bay.
Resolution daily on account of their falling down violent dislike to certain of the more as they approached a darkened allyfrom starvation. The people are prominent petitioners.
way between 11th. 12th. Streets on FOR PUBLIC WORKS willing to do anything, even to pick Among the petitioners, so it is Central Avenue.
Important Discussion in the up the pebbles on the streets, it Your alleged Lewis Vawell was first Here at this juncture, all the seem.
Packed Excellency so orders. We are loyal and foremost, because both these ing innocence and childlike characLegislature on Hon. Mr.
and we are only asking Your Excel men, Griffiths and Vassell could teristic of the very good looking Crane Motion TO HEAR FAREWELL SERMON BY REV.
leney to get them a morsel to save never take tea: So as the small accused immediately vanished, and as them from the cemetery.
room in which the Health Examina quick as thought, the delicate and WADE The Daily Chronicle, of GeorgeNOT INTERFERING WITH tion was carried out, and known as soft looking hands, that a moment Colon, March 17th. monster a few days from one Christmas to town, British Guiana, of Feby. 6th, CONSTITUTION the Corridor office, became con before, held with such tender care gathering was at the Trinity Wesley another. But feel it to have been says: Rev. Smith disclaimed any desire gested that sicken feeling the re fulness prayer book and glass ro Church last Sunday night to hear Two enthusiasts one religious the on the part of the Church Army to sult of lack of oxygen was gradual sary, was now brutishly tearing away the last message of the Rev. you and to have worked among you a very great privilege to have known other political were in the limelight interfere with the Constitution of the ly, more or less, taking hold of the at the hair, eyes, ears, and body of Wade Superintendent of the Panamayesterday, the scene of the de Colony.
for what seems to me to have been crowd. It was at this moment that her opponent.
Colon Circuit monstration being no less than the a very short time. can recall no These poor people have come to Vassell requested that he be attended For more than ten minutes, a Guiana Public Buildings.
me, he said, and always do what to in order to escape the rapidly curious and increasing crowd saw an Five years and five months ago incident that has marred the harAt 10 a. an hour before the mem can to help them financially. Continued on page Continued on page 6)
Rev. Wade preached in this church, mony of our friendship. It has been bers of the Legislative Council were ROAD TO THE INTERIOR in October of 1924 for the first time. real joy to me to have been asdue to resume session after the weekMr. Griffith said that it was the He has won for himself the con sociated with you in this work of end, Rev. claude Newton Smith, people desire that the Government fidence and esteem of the residents God. have nothing but happy me.
who is styled Chaplain of the British should find work for them such, as of the Isthmus. It was therefore mories of the days have spent Guiana section of the Church Army the developing of a road to the innot surprising but rather gratifying with you in Colon. Your appreciaof America (accompanied by Mr. terior. All the people wanted twas to to see the large crowd representative tion, your unfailing kindness, shall Lucie Griffith, member of the of all sections of the community on never forget. What has been my be able to earn a livelihood and that Labour Union, Secretary of the Votas early as possible.
OAKVILLE, Ont. Canada, March of Ira Johnston and his white fiancee, in a tangible manner their apprecia me to say. know something of the Sunday night who assembled to show impression! It is almost too soon for ers Association, led a large folHis Excellency suggested to the 14. Members of the Ku Klux Klan Alice Jones, at Ooakville, a week tion of the Rev. gentleman for his difficulties of the lives of many of lowing of his wayside crusaders two gentlemen that they and four found out Tuesday that British ago. be several hundred strong in the space worth and work.
you. The atmosphere of the Isthmus others should interview him this jurisprudence will not allow it to This action was taken on direct before the Public Buildings facade, to take the law into its own hands, orders from the crown and relayed to is so different from anything you During the Service the choir reninterview His Excellency Hon. morning at 80 and they concurred.
experienced in your Island. Alas!
SITUATION DISCUSSED IN when Phillips, leader of a Chief of Police Kerr of Oakville by dered an Anthem By the Rivers of Douglas Jones, Acting Governor.
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL The Rev. gentleman, who with his band of robed and masked Klans Crown Attorney Dick and is taken Babylon by Herbert, most that so many has succumbed to the The Argosy of the 7th, publishes men, who invaded this town recently mean that Canada does not intend beautifully. It was appropriate and secularizing influences of this counflowing black coat has now become the following:quite a familiar City figure, was told and took a white girl from the home that any such organization as the segurs well for the Rev gentleman try and have bartered away their by Hon. Owen, Acting Colonial Before the business of the Legisla of her Race fiancee, was fined 60 Klan shall nullify its powers, or dis, that a pleasant and memorable time spiritual inheritance! But am hap tive Council was proceeded with yes and given 30 days in jail.
obey its laws and escape unscathed.
awaits him on his arrival at his py to know that no many of you Secretary to wait in the yard.
have maintained your interest in terday morning, His Excellency the The charge against the four men home, Bristol, England in May.
NATIONAL ANTHEM The government has the names of entails a maximum of five years in Choosing as his theme, the 20th spiritual things. But am concerned Officer Administering the GovernAt 10. 66 His Excellency arrived in ment addressed the members of the over 100 others who took part in the for the growing generation in our affair, and it is expected that they prison if they are convicted. Al Charter of the Acts of the Apostleshis car accompanied by Mr. Continued on page 6)
though the too will feel the heavy hand of Cana issued the names of the men have kept the large congregation spell nothing of the religious enthusiasm summonses have been Verses 22, 32 and part of the 35th, he midst, the oung people who know Laing, Private Secretary, and the dian justice.
National Anthem was sung.
Earthquake Shock Rocks not been made public, and will not bound. In addition to the Sermon of the lands we come from. It Holding the standard of his church, City of Kingston, Jamaica HAMILTON, Ontario, Canada, until they appear in court Saturday. the following message appeared in for every Methodist among us to true to the church we love, and which the Rev. Smith approached His ExThe government officials indicated the Church Messenger.
Telegraphic March 14. Following a mass communication meetcellency as he stood at the foot of our fathers and mothers loved. It is that if convictions are secured many the main steps and having introduced ceived on the Isthmus yesterday ing in the First Baptist church in others will be summoned.
possible for any one of us to fail of My Very Dear Friends, the grace of God, to miss or high himselt held forth.
afternoon stated that a severe earth Toron o last week, which was atGet Klansmen Names It seems an incredible thing to me He said that he would not go into quake shock rocked the city of tended by representatives of various Although no attempt was made at that Five and Half years have vocation, to belong to a church where the work of the Church Army on that Kingston, Jamaica about 10. 80 religions and organizations opposed the time of the outrage to get the passed away since you welcomed me is a rattle of high machinery but there occasion. He was only seeking em o clock yesterday morning. Tel to the Ku Klux Klan, four sumis no life giving spirit; a church from names of those who comprised the in your midst. How time fliea!
ployment for the people. They had ephone communications were inter monses have been issued against mob which took Miss Jones away After youth has gone one becomes which the Spirit of God has fled at he fled from the town of Mansoul; already laid over a petition to Gov rupted but it was stated that no alleged members of the hooded order from her sweetheart, the government more and more impressed with the ernment to the effects damage had so far been reported. as a sequel to the forcible separation (Continued on Page brevity of the years. It seems but (Continued on page 5)
Canadians Demand.
Riddance of Klan reat


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