
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS JAMAICA British Guiana The Value of West THE PROPOSED Libel Action Against Indian Unity EXHIBITION Argosy Newspaper Governor of Barbados says Steps will be taken to Weld Small Growers of Sister Colonies into Co operators TRINIDAD New Harbour Scheme To Cost Over Five Million Dollars ANTIGUA Committee Appointed By An exchange states that the libel The Governor action for 5, 000 damages brought before a London Court some time ago TO PROBE SCHEME by the British enginering firm of In the Trinidad Legislative Coun with the scheme. One of the thing Messrs. Howard Humphreys and cil on February 20, the Acting Colon which had been thrown at them was Includes Elected Members Sons against the Daily Argosy ial Secretary moved the adoption of that the scheme was passed by the The Weekly Herald of recent date panied by Dr. Mcintosh, Assistant And Prominent Men in Company of British Guiana, has Harbour Scheme (b) for a quay wall Council without talking very much says: Geneticist.
Business reached an interesting stage. 100 feet long with a depth along about it. That was not really are At the opening of the Legislative te second to which The Mail of the 11th inst says: The hearing of the action had side of 32 feet at a cost of 1, 012. flection on the Government.
Session in Barbados recently, the wait to speak was that expressing His Excelleney the Governor has been postponed to January 11, 1930 000 The scheme had been under conGovernor, Sir Wm. Robertson, said in the belief that the serious position appointed a Committee consisting of and the termination on continua The Government had been attack sideration for over months and the course of his address: of the Sugar Industry could obtain the following gentlemen to make en tion of the proceedings, it is under ed in many directions in connection had been dealt with by the Colonial On the 24th of January of last year immediate relief, only by increase quiries as to the feasibility of hold stood, hinged on the question of the Development Fund Committee, the we had the pleasure of welcoming to the Preference granted to Empire ing an exhibition in Jamaica.
dismissal of the editor of the newExecutive Council, the Finance ComBarbados representatives of all the sugar by Great Briain, and calling The Hon. Sir William Morrison Kt, paper, Mr. Samuel Lupton, at mittee and the Legislative Council.
British West Indian Governments and the Conierence Governments to Chairman, Hon. Major Simms Di the time of the illegal libel.
So that nobody could excuse the Govthat of British Guiana to a meeting wake any representations on the rector of Public Works, Mr. The defendant company, it is un ernment of undue haste and of a of the West Indian Standing Comfer subject to His Majesty Govern Batttershill, Assistant Colonial Secre derstood, was allowed until January ence, the first since its establishment ment.
tary, Hon. Wint, Hon. 11 to The Lord Commissioners of His hush hush policy as had been sugoffer evidence proving the as a permanent institution. resolution was adople. Without Nash, Hon. Seymour Seymour, Mr. editor dismissal.
Majesty Treasury have, under the rested Colonial Development Act, sanctioned All the essential correspondence Lagesia. e chursing Ed Levy, Hom. Leonard de Cordova. The evidence, it is understood, was At the invitation of the Speaker way the the inaugural meeting was held in chat put forward by the Conference. and Mr. Terville taken on commission in British a grant to Antigua of 12. 000. 0f this had been made publie and members the Chamber of the House of As This was comunica. ed to the Secre The terms of reference to the Com Guiana and submitted to the Court, sum 2, 000 is for the removal of the of the Couneil had been fully aware sembly and was attended by Mem tary of State, together with full mittee are as follows to enquire into who, however, refused to accept the Leper Asylum to a more suitable site, of what they were committing thembers of the Legislature as well as by statemen. and rigures explanatory the feasibility or otherwise of hold evidence. It is further understood and 10, 000 is for the inauguration of selves to in passing this vote.
of the sugar industry in Barbados ing an exhibition in Jamaica in which that the ruling of the Court was that sanitary campaign. 4, 600 of the myself. DEBT OF GRATITUDE The Resolution and recommends and similar action was taken by other the various West Indian Colonies and the most satisfactory proof of distotal sum is to be expended in Great Mr. Reilly (Nominated) said he tions adopted by the Conference have West Indian Governments. As the Dominion of Canada would be missal would be oral evidence in Britain. An additional grant of 98, was perfectly sure that the House been laid before the Legislature with out of the representat ons asked to participate.
England of one of the directors of 000 has been likewise approved for and the colony owed a personal debt the report of the proceedings, and on Commission of Enquiry was appoint To consider ways and means in the defendant company.
laying down concrete drains in the of gratitude to His Excelleney for principal villages.
the more important of the resolutions, which visited Barbados in October wanneetion therewith and to estimate the case has been further posthaving pushed the scheme forward.
action has already been taken. The last and has since pursued investiga the probable cost of the construction poned.
For the benefit of the pessimists outstanding features of the Confer Lachs in other West Indian Islands of building and laying out of grounds Mr. Samuel Lapton left British The Government of Antigua has who said that the island was going ence were the unanimity with which and in British Guiana and the working and ranning expenses Guiana some months ago ostensibly erected Tourist Information Bureau to lose, that within a short time the its decisions were reached the appre the view maintained with such of such an exhibition on leave.
at the Market Whart, and is now ask sugar industry would be ruined, and ciation evinced of the advantages to ananimity at the West Indian ConAlso an estimate of the receipts Messrs. Howard Humphreys and ing for tenders from any persons the cocon industry now on verge of the British West Indies of unity in ference be correct, namely that mo which would likely be obtained, and Sons is the firm responsible for the willing to operate the Bureau on extinction would be practically wiped policy and action and the determina dern trade conditions can be what contribution should be required laying down of Sewerage in British days on which passenger ships visit out, he pointed out facts about the tion expressed to secure this conthis port. The daties of the person colony FACED ONLY BY CONCERT from the Dominion of Canada and the Guiana, and the one with whom ne financial position This cert between British West Indian Colon various colonies; to advise on sit gotiations are under way for a simi running the Burens would consist in position abundantly justified the step Sir Edward Dayson presided, and ies, it would seem to be a necessary able site; to ascertain as far as pos lar contract in Grenada supplying tourists with full informe this House would very shortly unanito his wise and preliminary for this concert that each sible what pecuniary support can be tion as to the sights of Antiguamously take.
facilities for lunching or other meals For the first ten years neither inSTATESMAN LIKE LEADERSHIP Colony should adopt such co ordina anticipated from the publie either by and for motoring, etc. Anyone terest noresinking fund would be paid way of direct subscription or of Puerthe success of the Conference is tion for commercial purposes of its contracting to run the Information by the Colony The Colony expected largely due.
production and industry as will make antee; and generally to make such BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Bureau would be at liberty to sell suggestions and recommendations in to get 1, 000, 000 withont interest for It was our privilege to welcome it possible or it to be considered as ADVERTISERS AND GET herein Photography Post Cards ten years. That would bring them to at the same time delegates to the single unit, and it may be assumed connection with the whole matter as Paney work, Seed work or other ar 1941 42 Council of the Amalgamated West that stress will be laid by the Com may be thought fit.
YALUE POR YOUR MONEY tieles of local Interest.
Indian Chambers of Commerce, and mission, on the need for a greater de(Continued. Page 7)
to Conference of the West Indian gree of cooperation in the Island Press, the opportunity having been principal industry if that industry is taken of arranging sessions of both to be successfully maintained. bebodies in Barbados. The occasion was, lieve that the leading producers therefore one of no small historie in realise this and that energy and enterest and importance.
terprise will overcome the difficulties The Gleaner of recent date states of the resolutions adopted by the which stand in the way of the acthat the Directors of the Milk River Conference, will refer here to two complishment of this object in BarMineral Bathhouse, it is understood, INCORPORATED 1869 only. The first, that each of the Con bados.
decided to carry out certain improveference colonies should send the Head Among small land holders there is ments at the institution.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada of its Agricultural Department to a increasing recognition of the advanmeeting to be convened by the Princi tage and even the necessity of coAt present there are three baths at Milk River, but it is proposed to pal of the Imperial College with the operation in cultivation disposal an ohject of securing co ordination of marketing of produce whether it be increase the number to six. Then PANAMA COLON local programmes of Agricultural and cane and other catch crops or food again it is on the tapis to erect three Santa Ann Ple Veterinary research work, so as to stufts, and already, steps have been additional bedrooms which will enable Corner Ilth and Bolivar Streets avoid overlapping and maintain close taken for the formation of credit sothe management to sccommodate touch between the individual depart cieties with this object. The Principal larger number of guests.
ments and the Imperial College.
There is also a scheme on foot to of the Imperial College has promised The first of these meetings was ar to arrange for a visit of an officer add a swimming pool and this will ranged to be held in January at the with experience in the working of prove great attraction to the baths.
College. Mr. Miller, the newly ap such societies and entertain the The popularity of the Wilk River pointed Director of Agriculture, re hope that assistance in their forma. Bath has increased considerably presented Barbados and was accomWith 900 Branches throughout the world, including (Continued on Page 7)
Quite a number of distinguished visitors have been guests at the inthe following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank stitution during the past few weeks and the management are taking steps is in a position to render the best possible service.
FOR to attract a large number of visitors both locally and from abroad.
Antigo Motrat PALAIS ROYAL Grande St. Kitts The Store of Quality Barbados and DAVE CARDOZE Brit Boden JAKE PEREIRA Martial Guadeloupe (2)
Beit Gul (2)
see GET YOUR Improvements to Milk River Baths The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Bahamas Jemnica (2)
Tided (2)
St. Lucia Cleaning Clothes Good Job Printing HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST REID No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, DONE AT THE PAID ON DEPOSITS Workman Printery General Banking Business Transacted.


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