
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1980 PAGE THREE INTERESTINO JOTTINGS Presentation to The Expression of a Whole Race Integrity at Cricketers at Demerara Gatug Worker Stake in Cal. Law Suit Wife Sues City for Mates Drunkenness (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
Our little ones who need the light Mr. Brown Retires From WHEN GOD CALLS SAN FRANCISCO, March 1, fornia rate the American Negro of court here has been requested to fix today as infamous, but was a human To guide the right ahead!
Representative Cricket MAN the legal status of a black man as being entitled to respect, then no libel It has been said by one good friend, equal to that of a white man. This has been committed; if he is (intaThat have raised tencbThe Daily Chronicle of recent date (Samuel Panton)
issue, for the first time since the is mous. Gomez has been libeled, deFrom which he had his head to bend, it is to foul conception, says As if nail to wrench.
suance of the Emancipation Procla clared the defense.
Of what wished to say At the close of the Test Match When God want to drill a man, and mation, was raised by the San Fran The defense stated that 19 courts in He says bothered Angels, That this friend takes exception, West Indies vs the English Teamthrill a man, cisco News, a white daily publication, southern states have rendered decis.
To make him a skilful man; By all the things wrote And belly ached that way.
in British Guiana few weeks ago, introduced the minstrels; in defense of libel suit filed by Levi ions in which the question of libel in But have heard a saying a pleasant function, When God want to mould a man to took place That made him foam and froth.
Gomer, who seeks 50, 000 damages the use of the word Negro was That is a true as truth; in the pavilion of the Demerara play noble part from the paper for a story in which raised. Seven of the cases were be If one decries the Jobin Crow Cricket Club at Queenstown, presen In the Game of life, Gomez was described as Portu fore the emancipation and 11 follow.
The Guinea hen gets vex. tations being made to several mem. How He ruthlessly perfects, whom fuese Negro.
ed. The first was in South Carolina bers of the West Indies team. There He royaly electa, Gomes contends that the word Ne. in 1791 and the last in Oklahoma in Now, how can any mortal, was a fairly large gathering of memAs His instrument to do His gro is talse and defamatory and has 1919. All of the decisions held the Succeed to raise a stench bers and friends, including a number bidding caused him to suffer contempt, word libelous if applied to a white When every life is vital Its sh ficticious suavity, of ladies.
shame, obloquy and mortification person, And there is naught that stinks?
It fills one with diamay: The Hon. Gonsalves, President How He hammer away at his pride, Counsel for the defense did not ques case tried in Ohio in 1818 was How can one bother Angels, It libels our society, of the said he had been asked and with mighty blows tion the fact of Gomez alleged white. the only one held otherwise. If the By ridiculing things And keeps us just that way. by Mr. D Aguiar, managing diConvert him as he is moulded ness. They based their defense on California court ruled favorably to That kind of thing has lived so long. rector of Messrs, Santos and into trial shapes of environment the question: Is it libelous in the Gomez it would be the first such rul That poison and kill mortals That it has wrought a hellish wrong! Company, Ltd. to present two bats Which only God understands, while United States, 67 years after eman ing of its kind in 112 years. The And desolation brings?
Its time dig out that which stinks, that had been won by members of his tortured heart appeals to cipation to refer to a white man as a point at issue has never been heard Before the whole boat sinks! the West Indies team. Mr. Aguiar The Very God that is making Negro?
hefore the United States supreme had received the bats from Mr. George him a refined being.
The issues raised Attorney Vancourt.
Se, Senore! wonder what has Huggins of port of Spain. Trinidad, Wyck, leader of the defense, thinks The case thus raises the whole It is not elevating.
To call a spade spade; happened to Mr. Annoyance that he who had secured them from Messrs. How He bends him, but never break are as important for our people as question of the advance and accomhim, as He uses those he Rut its quite reasuring does not appreciate that recognize Wm. Sykes, Ltd. of Norbury. Yorkany since the Dred Scott decision. plishment of the Negro in America.
Chooses, for the purpose be re To hold the word Negro libelous in Now, for the first time since AbraTo call it razor blade.
the difference between Mrs. An shire, for presentation. One bat was presented to any Island player who fuses and by every itself it applied to a white man is to him Lincoln gave freedom to the This is the kind of teaching noyance and the Goodianas, and made the highest score in the Test He induces those that he have choplace a brand upon the Negro race, aves, the courts of a state outside Some people chose to give that it hurts like hell to see both of March and it had been won by Mr.
sen, to help his fallen cousin said Attorney Wyek.
the South are to pass upon the wis.
And so we find them preaching, them occupying the same social CA. Roach, with the excellent score Who slumbers by the way. The standing of the American dom of Lincoln gift of freedom an!
That things quite dead doth live! status in the place? wonder too, of 200, and the other the British Negro on the date of publication of say whether the American Negro ha why in the devil has he called out, Guiana baitsman making the highest When God wants to take a man, and this article, Oct. 19, 1929, is here up instified, after these many vears, the Wolf! Wolf. when and where score which had been won by Mr shake a man; for judicial appraisal. Will the high hopes and beliefs of the Creat Eman there was no wolt, and surrounded Browne with 70 not out, which When God wants to make a man est branch of government in Calienator, Mr. Wyck declared.
Yes! It is quite uplifting, by wolves, he openeth not his mouth?
had been of very great help to the and guide a man; To tolerate bad things.
team. Hericongratulated the batomen With what cunning He prepares him It is quite elevating, Oh! mister pettisth pedagogue, on their fine performances for the task ahead.
To destroy human beinga!
Thou art a pain, so help me bob!
The bats of the Maurice Leyland It is quite sane to see effect, guess, your lantern got a clog.
Test match brand, are similar to that How He goads him, and pokes him, And say there is no cause, And you are short where clogs are used by Don Bradman when he made how He whets him and frets him, cleared!
Till all are branded with defect the record score of 452, not out in And in Poverty beget him, TOPEKA, Kan. March Mrs. it was shown many cases of drunk And all have naught but flawe.
Australis recently.
How He disapoints him and then saCornelia Carson, 72, has filed suit in enness were on the police blotter.
You flee when no one you pursue, the Shawnee County District Court The bats having been handed over, credly anoints him, Mrs. Carson states in her petitioa You whimper tho its well with you; Dr. Nichols presented souvenirs With the wisdom that will hide asking damages of 24, 680 from the By Gosh! you re too respectable, that she has been a resident of Tohim, minding not what city of Topeka, because she alleges It is not that one tries to smeer To see a darkened spectacle!
to Messrs. Roach, Constantine and Headley in appreciation of the great betide him liquor was easy to get that her peka for 50 years and that her hus. blackened horse with point; late husband and her band supported her faithfully until son became But rather to reduce the tear, 1920, when he began to secure bootBut heart mister Annoyance and valuable work they had done in the match.
Though his dignity sobs with disdain habitual drunkards and failed to suppleg liquor with ease. He became an That blackness makes us shed. Thy wrath, hold in abeyance; and his pride may not forget; port her.
Tis to protect the horse that white God know, we need compliance, The Souvenirs were subscribed for habitual drunkard and a few months Yet He bid him struggle harder, The suit is based upon a Kansas From blackness that kills dead, by admirers in the south stand at In place of your defiance!
a drunken stupor ago, while in rally more to his maker, statute which permits any citizen to the match, Messrs. and Through that course alone, can God week damages for any injury received the son also fell victim to the easy crawled behind an ice plant and died.
Cromwell making the arrangements.
great message reach to those from the sale of intoxicating liquors.
Dr. Boyce and Mebars Poor unfortunates who has not liquor supply and failed to support Franker, president of the NEURALGINA learnt to know the Maker.
Lawyers for Mrs. Carson, who is her, it is charged. Inasmuch as and Cromwell also spoke in an ex slave, contend that it will be Kensas, pioneer prohibition state, glowing terms of the fine work done easy to show the enforcement of pro has come into the spotlight of proSamuel Panton.
by individual members of the West hibition laws has not been very ef. hibition investigation lately, being Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any Indles team.
fective in Topeka. They will eite charged with wetness, this suit bas Messrs. Browne, Roach, Headley The Greatest Thrill the tiles of Senator Capper Daily aroused much comment and specula neuralgir pain caused by excessive mental work.
and Constantine replied suitably.
Capital here for two days in which tlon.
in the World NEURALGINA MR. BROWNE LAST APPEARANCE Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches Mr. Browne, in the course of bie reply, said he had made his lasteap and reduce the fever of children pearance that day in representative games or rather in Tests or repreNEURALGINA sentative matches against England.
He had had a long. innings and the Is completely Inoffensive and pourishes the heart victory, the West Indies had rained that afternoon would contribute to wapdst. pleasant memories of the Stop and analyze it. there game. The Test match just conclud.
od was thol. sath against England nothing in life that gives more than making and represented their first victory, pure happiness AT THB GIVE US CALL AND and those who took part in it would someone else happy.
Is there?
look to it with great venenation.
They also had to remember the rold want it to be packed with all the When we present gift, we BE CONVINCED THAT cricketers who had gone before them, sentiment, affection and road JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor among them the elden Constantine, Austin and. Perey Goodman that will serve, but they lack in There a multitude of things Panama.
He thanked Mr Hugrine fow his lind some respect. They wear out thoughts of them, and this was the quickly; outlive their usefulness; first oceasion on which one colony or have no usefulness at all, is had presented bats to be won by there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart TRIAL ONCE WILL beat. that will tell her more BUY FROM THE WORKMAN eloquently than you could that BRING YOU ALWAYS GATUN you wish her well. that speaks ADVERTISERS AND GET its quality every time it is seen.
The biggest crowd ever to witness to heighten the integrity of cricket.
that never wears out. that re a cricket game in Gatun, was seem The United Fell before them.
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY tains its value. that aroures last sunday, when the Kent the admiration of all who see it?
met the United. Con the famous Tents Playing for the past week Yes it fine jewelry such a Gatan Oval. The United being was, the centre of interest in the Division 16 of the IA. is gone we will be glad to show you if small and new team, and perhaps, because of its netivities in cricket village, the doubles and the singles to bed, sometimes we wonder it the you will pax newsivistoon.
FULLER 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 all were the mount of much specula members have left the village or, eireles attracted a amount of adhave taken the backward step. The 122 Centre Avenue (NEARIBALBOA BREWERY)
mirens The Kent players, slotion and guessing. The La Boda entire administration seem to be being such great sports, and known team in really strong team, but sleeping. There should be some for their good playing contributed to with a little more conching the honest efforts among PALAIS ROYAL Telephone 454 Box 1102 the members the attraction of the crowd. They tun will be ableto defend themselves or officers to revive the spirit of the for PANAMA ANCON played great game and aldmuebe ereditably movement in this village.
ARROW SHIRTS AND INTERWOVEN HOSE FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING For sale both Wholesale and Retail AMERICAN PHARMACY we do only the best at Reasonable Prices CANAL ZONE NOTES Players of another colony.
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