
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1980 APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE THE OPEN FORUM DAKING THIEF SHOT Rev. Wade To. 60. 20 Dr. Fairweather Built by Dunlop Cricket THE WORKMAN Preach Farewell Sermon FEW QUESTIONS Colon, March 17. The Sussex Robbed Lumber Depository Tomorrow night at 30 the Rev. defeated Westmoreland in a Wade will preach his fare. Surprise Cup Match, played at Gatun Published on Saturday Ly II. WALROND, at the office No 72 Colon, March 21st, 1930 well sermon at the La Boca Wes. Grounds on Sunday afternoon last.
CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Pariama, To the Editor the Workman Disobeyed Orders of Police leyan Church. An members and Bus 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Batting first Westmoreland made Dear Sir Please grant me space in Officer friends are invited to hear him and 128 runs all out Davis made top your valuable columns to ask a few RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION bid him farewell before he leaves for questions relative to an article that score of 20. Sussex replied with 126 ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
It was about O clock monday England.
appeared in Thursday issue, the runs for wickets, thus winning SIX MONTIIS. 20 20th inst, of the Star Herald, rereevening, that Mr. John De. Freitas, Mr. Defreitas demonstrated a de the fixture by runs and wickets. Nurse made top Score 36 THREE.
ception for the West Indian cricket representative of the Louis DeVauex Real estitate business happened to termined spirit to capture the robber, ONE MONTH.
ers who are expected to arrive at have been passing the DeVeaux lum becaues Johnny and this rough had it Cristobal next Wednesday en route ber depository on 13th. street, when out rough and tough, they both jab GET YOU The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS to Kingston, Jamaica: he saw a man, not in his employ ap. bed each other in pugilistic style. Why should there be such stress proached the door of the depository while the police stood off with his Job Printing THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 that the cricketers will be met at the and wrenched the pad lock, and then gun.
DONE AT THE docks by the Committee only?
began loading the cart that stood Wilks is laid up in the police stat. Workman WOLVES AMONG SHEEP Is it the Committee omy that near by with the lumber. This pe tion with his wound awaiting the preare interested?
culiar authority of these men, baf liminary hearing of the case.
Printery The Wolf is described to be a wild, dog like, car Will the committee only be de fled Mr. De Freitas, for so he reasonthis niverous animal, noted for being fierce even in captivity. fraying the expenses of the reception ed. If am the Manager of It is rapacious and destructive in character, and has planned?
business, ought to know it lumber never been successfully tamed. Its inclination are Thanking you Mr. Editor was sold, and then again, why shoud am wholly and altogether of a ruinous design, and its dispothey break the lock, when have the sition is never anything else but counteracting and WEST INDIAN keys in my pocket. So without much murderous. Among other animals, its presence strikes more mental discussion the thoughtPHYSICIAN terror, and they flee for dear life. They know its apful John proceeded in his car in proach, and they look for it unceasingly. This beast is search of a police; finding one, he To Celebrate HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO properly regarded as a menace to the safety of other returned with him to the scene.
animals. and its friendship by them is never courted, for Garvey Acquittal No. K STREET As the awful truth of WE ARE in its company there is no safety. Its presence constiDISCOVERED broke upon the cons PANAMA CITY tutes a menace, and it is shunned with righteous preci DIVISION No. 877 WILL ciousness of the two thieves, whose sion.
NE BE CENTRE OF THANK. names are given as Gabriel Wilks and The wolf is not reared among choice, or other cattle.
Frederick Wilson, they imediately FUL CROWD It is not. pastured with the sheep, goat, or other species sprinted from the scene, with the acof domesticated animals. It is relegated to where it tive Johnny and the police in hot pur(By belongs to the wilds and the jungles, where its chances The very good news of the Hon. suit, even the discharge of a revolver of destruction are at least confined to animals of its Marcus Garvey acquittal of charges shot from the pursuing police had no kind, and where its presence is not menacing to the that recently brought him sentence effect on the fleeing men, but perchoice flocks.
of six months and his co worker haps, to accelerate their speed. Gabriel Mankind have always learned from his observations Mr. Aikman, three months in the low. Wilks out distanced the men, and of Dunlop motor. cover, motorists through dashed around the corner of a passage out the World have been loud in their of the lower animals. In a variety of ways, there is er court of Kingston, but which was acclamation of this new Dunlop especially striking similitude between these, and the animals of a revoked in the higher court, has made way, and with the air of a hunted rabbit entered the Colon Correctional designed to meet present day motoring COD higher order man, and if comparisons are made in this us glad, very glad. tyre strong and robust in nature, connection, such comparisons, cannot properly be said to This is not the medium through School and dived under a counter not built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 years more than eight inches from the be erroneous.
which we ll express our opinions on of experience and combining all the essen dal features one can only find la tyre If human society is therefore to enjoy the blessings the matter; but, so pressing in the ground; Just how this scared thiel built by DUNLOP.
of the progress which civilization brings, mankind must demand by our members and friends, squeezed himself under that counter make up their minds to see when they look, as in this to hold a special meeting, celebrating is something not very easy to explain. couple of seconds after the enway only can they hope to enact that composure which the occasion, that we have set man trance of Wilks, a police came lockI your ear is they must enjoy when they place themselves outside the day night March 24th. apart for that ing and peeping. Cyril. Thomas company of the fools in paradise. special occasion.
not already Following this line of reasoning, it is competent to An Impromptu program has been director of the Institute, called in the equipped with Police and asked for whom was he liken some human beings to the wolf, as their disposi arranged, and every live Negro is aski Port Dunlop tions are precisely like those of this animal. Theired to visit that meeting, it will be searching and what was the cause.
covers call on When he was told that the man had presence among others establishes the same menace to worth their time.
robbed a lumber depository, he at once your dealer safety in a social sense. They are fierce in conduct, general review of all the trials of forthwith, and rapacious in manner, and destructive in influence. Yea, the organization and Marcus Garvey pointed out the man, and did much they demolish the social frame work they kill the will be related. The meeting will commake the to save him from being struck with change over.
seeds of propriety they counteract the influence of the mence at half past seven o clock the state of the police. But Wilks is saviours of mankind they corrupt and slay the in Monday evening, Liberty Hall, be among those fook, who will continue nocent!
to run into danger heedlessly. He tween 12th. 13th Streets, in CenThe wolf among the flock is dangerous. The wolf, tral Avenue, Colon.
wrestled and fought, and jábbed, and being pernicious, its presence is designed to destroy. General Mass Meeting will be enffánd jumped and did every thing The effects of its contact is baleful and fatal, therefore, held in the Liberty Hall on Sunday that a Pool would do, although, bë saw it is common sense to destroy the wolf before it enacts March 23rd. to morrow) we are askan officer of the law with a savage wholesale destruction of the flock, and in this connectioning all friends and members to be or looking gun in his hand, in fact Wilks kept saying, shoot me, dont we make reference to that despicable element among time, at 30 give a dam, lain me, kill me while our women, and we liken them to wolves social wolves.
Those who are mean, low, sordid, and base. This elesaying this he was edging towards the ment is not present among West Indian women alone, Personal open street, all this while the police but we are confining our remarks to these because they kept advising him to remain stil until the police patrol arrived; but are ours, and our social interests are bound up with them: the worse they become, the lower will our stan Cadogan real estate agent. to run away. As soon as the open Colon, March 17. Mr. and Mrs. Wilks had one thought, and that to dards be reduced. This element has done unspeakable harm to our good women they have installed and nesday evening last of this city, returned here on Wed street was in view, and quicker than on the it would take you to clap an intruding operated a system of almost wholesale corruption of our Sixaola after a four months visit in fler, Wines started another sprint lads and lassies they have demoralized too many of the Island of Jamaien.
our otherwise perfectly good men. they have been unthis time for the Gas Company. It was duly allowed too free a mixture with our society, until cited by the change and spenk highly tired his revolver pointblack at the The Cadogan are greatly bene on this occassion that the Palice man now, they have become ferocious, and they dream of a of the many improvement that are fleeing Wilks which resulted in his social equality that does not exist. In this mixture, being made throughout the Island.
they have been undisturbed. Now, they have inflicted injury a libel upon the name of our good West Indian Women, and have desecrated the dignity of womanhood. This, if you please, is no idle dream. It is a fact, and how will difference shown to this matter, hence the costly develkill pernicious growth. There has been too much init be on the morrow if a halt not called. The surgeon applies the knife and removes the opment into the present danger. If there is a society ET abcess in order to prevent further infection of the body.
it must protect itself. Self defence is the first law of For Sale at all Leading Garages which contained it. The farmer roots up the pernicious Nature. The status quo ante of West Indian Womanweeds in his farm lest they grow up and kill the wheat hood must be restored; but it will never be, until we E. ESCOFFERY corn, and flax. The surgeon does not try to convert manufacture silken brushes out of sows hair. discontinue the impossible experiment of trying to the abcess into a corpuscle, nor does the farmer the tare Wholesale. Distributor into the wheat. And neither should society try to convert despicable women women who are beyond posPALAIS ROYAL sibility of social redemption, by permitting them free and unrestrained mixture with the like of whom it was The Store of Quality DRY CLEANING Phone 453 justly said, the beauty of their womanhood was like STEAM PRESSING PANAMA unto that of Angels. DAVB CARDOZR Society must act sensibly as do the surgeon and the DYBING farmer. It must destroy the source of infection, and JAKE PERETRA We Dye To Live FORT FORI DUNLOP TROTT The Cleaner 16J STREET PANAMA


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