
ETIQUETTE Holy Trinity Wesley Sublime Degree man Magistrate Shot By ROBERTA LEE AT COURT PACIFIC 9761. Contiued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Celebrates First exhibition of human savagery tem church in which the Son of Man What are some of the things blankets, bath towels, face towels, Anniversary pered with feminine hate and rewhich should be included in a bride dish towels, wash cloths, tablecloths hath no where to lay his head. wm On Saturday night, March 8th, to be hope chest?
venge, as they tugged and yelled, and you pray for me and for your mi.
with napkins to match, centerpieces 1980, Foresters from all over the The first annual anniversary of pecassionaly exploded volumes of nisters, as we pray for ourselves, Does the out of town house for the table with doilies and lunch the black adjectives. The climax was that when the Chief Shepherd Isthmus met at Court Pacifle No.
guest or the hostess pay carfare, napkins to mateh, karts and doilies the Prospective Division of luncheon checks and other incidental for the dresser and some good cook was convened at their reached when both of these panting manifested we may not be ashamed 9761, Grove Hall, La Boca, 2, for the purpose of conferring the Subexpenses?
books. The guest. Hall on Sunday last at No. 28th women, exhausted from the terrible or confounded! Will you pray for lime Degree on Four retired Chlot Street Guacha pali, beginning at struggle, fell to the concrete pave yourselves for everyone of you hus Rangers (Bros. Haynes Before entering the dining room should always have his hat and overa responsibility in the Service of the of restaurant for dinner, should cont checked, but a lady sometimes The programme was opened ment, and thus displayed the symone have his wraps checked? prefers to retain hers. It is cusby Mr. Jeffers, who is metry of their thighs for up to the Good Shepherd! There are so many Mitebell. Cyril Atherley and McCarthy. troduced the Chairman of the eve waist line. The fraternity that is weak souls among us to protect, and When should hats be worn by tomary to wear a hat with an in ning, Miss Anderson of Division almost an inborn quality in women, out in the wilderness so many foolish The Courtroom was beautifully the bride at her wedding?
decorated by Bro. Eastmond, formal wedding dress.
The hat 877 of Colon.
was immediately brought in play, and Ismbs are traving. When is chicken eaten with the should either match ox contrast with Treas, which had the fingers. The principal speakers of the eve with one harmonious action the wo It will always be joy to hear of appearance of the Forest of Sherthe rest of the costume. It may ning were Messes Cyril Thomas, men, swept down upon the tightly you and your work. am happy to wood in the days of Robin Hood. May a card with message be eaten with the fingers at a pienie, president of the Colon Division, and embraced rivals, abruptly obscure know something of the worth of my After the written on it be ured instead of a or at a very informal gathering, but Mr. Walrond, Editor proprietor the view of the well shaped and Opening ceremonies steresser the Rev. Wright were gone through, the Chief Ranger formal note?
otherwise it is very incorrect. No; of the Workman.
fleshy things, and separated them. As you took me to your hearts, 80 Bro. Gittena, turned the Court What are some attractive it suggests haste and an attitude of Mr. Walrond gave a very encourag. Both women were hurried away from will you take him. He deserves all over to the Past Chiet Rangers, to colors for blondes to choose when indifference that are contrary to the ing address, and in the course of his the scene, by two groups, probably your love and loyalty. know of no proceed with the purpose of the eve.
buying clothes. best breeding, Yellow, light blue, remarks, he said that the program friends, while the police arrived on liner minister in our church. have ning. Bro. Jno. Butcher, Sr. Is it still fashionable to use a pink, or any pastel color. No; this me of the is one which if the scene just few minutes too assured him that he comes to a bell or buzzer at the table? took the chair when he appointcustom is obsolete. Bloodstone or lived up to will help Negroes on late.
loyal methodist people. There is a What is the birthstone Por aquamarine. 10. When the ceremony ed his associates as follows: March the whole, and what is needed, is the Ed. Note: big future for our Church here and Alexander Asst. Edis completed the clergyman steps spirit of self determination. The It will do us no good to mention with Mr. Wright and your own dear wards Robt. Atherley, 10. After the ceremony at home aside and the bride and groom take speaker was applauded. the names of the two women. There Pastor as your ministers, am utterly Secty. White, Treas.
wedding, what should the bride and his place, face the guests and reMr. Thomas confident that all my hopes for the Green, Sr. Pate, Jr.
also gave very fore the reason for their absence.
groom do?
ceive their congraulations. 11. No; work here will materialise.
inspiring address, emphasizing the 11. When giving a dinner, should this is a Merritt, Bynoe, breach of etiquette. 12.
cne ever invite either the wife or The woman.
need for cooperation. Phillips Herald; 13. He should always God bless you everyone!
the husband without the other? sit on the outside next to the aisle. In view of the present economic Walters, Chaplain; and SimYours affectionately, 12. When a man is introduced to never between the two ladies, 14.
situation of Negroes on the Isthmus, mons, Organist Robert Wade.
After the close of the ceremony, a woman, who should offer to shake Because they are setting an example, it is necessary that members of the Continued from Page 1)
hands. and their actions, whether good or the brethren were seated around the organization and similar societies, inerenping badfeelings, when Police It was indeed very impressive 13. When two ladies and a man bad, are usually copied by the child.
pool their resources together for the Magistrate Griffiths strongly object service, closing with Hymn no 848 banquet table where a womptious repast was served, catered by Bro.
attend the theater together, where 16. With the fork. 16. tailored betterment of their future he said. Saviour bless usere we go.
should the man sit?
Repreentatives from the La Boca ed, which resulted in blows, more Reid, Secty.
suit is preferable, but one piece Muual Benefit Society, the Mont. blows, scuffle and the discharge of a 14. Why should the parents of a Among the visiting brethren were: dresses and wraps also are suitable.
PALAIS ROYAL Bros. Foulk, Bachelor; Williams, and child be very careful of their actions. When traveling one should dress with serratian Society, and other kindred revolver from the hands of the Police Societies were present, and all spoke Magistrate.
for 16. How should asparagus be conGoodrich, Rs. of Court Brock: the greatest simplicity, for flashy, encouragingly on the merits of the After the dust and excitement had CLOTHING Cherry, Lionel and veyed to the mouth?
overtrimmed dresses are in poor Chapter passed over, both men were taken Sister Duncan, Sister Williams of 16. What is the most suitable taste. 17. semi public dance to The St. Anthony Choir and the to the Colon Hospital, Vassell sufCourt Atlantic; Rs. Alexdress when traveling?
which each subscriber may invite Chapter Choir, with other artists fering from a bullet wound, and PANAMA SCOUTS AT ander MePhun, James; of Minerva 17. What is a subscription dance? certain number of friends. 18. Yes. contributed to the musical section of Griffiths from a badly battered head PANAMA WESLEY Cummings, Pollack, 18. Is it ever proper to give a din. Dinners where there is no maid are the programme, while Miss Elvina and body.
CHURCH TOMOROW Thorne of Land, Fletcher Humphrey, ner when one has no servant. often more enjoyable than elaborate Lansiquot rendeved a masterly elocu12 After an extensive investigation of Wallace; Merritt, Small, ANSWERS affairs.
tionary item.
under the command of Senor Rudolfo All arrangements for the holding Payne of Mizpah, St. Hillare, Sheets, pillow cases, quilts and for the various The President, Secretary, and other Ayarza, Judge of the 2nd. Circuit of divine service Jones; Jarvis of Paradise and officers of the Chapter, are to be of Colon, the was turned troops of the Panama Baden Powell many others.
the Panama WesMUSICAL JOTTINGS congratulated for putting over thin over to the Srd. Municipal Boy Scouts, at unique programme.
Court, with Judge Do la Grl leyan Church tomorrow, have been a Boca Wesleyan Choir By At the conclusion of the function, maldo presiding, who has ordered completed. The various troops will Render Unique Musical Programme In one of the first readers for the man and his work. Those who refreshments were served to all who Griffiths arrest and the revocation of assemble at 80 in the De children, many took the opportunity of taking in the his commission as Police Magistrate. Lesseps Park and march to the us will re have already had the opportunity of of The entertainment held on Sunday member reading that the cow jump hearing him, may do so again perhaps programme, and the National An. No date for the actual trial is fixed Church (under the direction of comthem of the A. Was then as yet, but the case in all probability missioners Harris, Bolt last at the La Boca Wesleyan Church ed over the moon, and that is about to better advantage.
will be called up next month.
and Belle, Butcher and under the auspices of the Choir, was sung the highest point where beef was It is well at this point, to emphaRedvers Markham. The service will noted success. The programme ever known to have been; but in the size the necessity of anyone making be conducted by the Rev.
was a specially prepared one, and case of Mr. Archie Harrod. a mem much of their opportunities, for by PALAIS ROYAL osch item received the plan its of the ber of the Jubilee singers, who is so doing, they are quite liable to purpose!
Iis excellency, Major Braithwaite audience.
now on a tour, and is at present on roach the acme of their ambition in Thus we ll be monkey men after a for Wallis Chief Commissioner, is exThe mixed Choir excelled itsilf in the Isthmus, where he is giving a any undertaking while, if we really want to keep pected to be present, and will address the rendition of the various anthem number of recitals. it is doubtful as It will be a long time if ever, be young.
SUITS the boys. Parents, guardians and and also the salvation Army Bazid to whether his highest point will not fore the world forgets Enrique friends are cordially invited.
which con ributed many classical be in or around the same vicinity. Caruso, the famous world tenor items for the occasion. Miss Louise Mr. Harrod has had extensive Jaen Austin and Al Jolson who havo, Simmons, the organist of the Church academic musical training in many and are still singing their way to is making wonderful improvement of the big cities of Europe and fame, prove that the singing art it and much of the success of the eveAmerica, and he has undoubtedly well studied is liable to cause anyone ning is due to her accompanying.
made the best use of his opportuni to reap world wide fame.
Other items were contributed by ties. His appearance at the Paraiso Doubtless, it is so in anything one Messrs. Davis and Dottiu.
Clubhouse nday night last undertakes to do engineering, law, organist of the Panama Wesleyan where a packed audience listened to medicine, nursing or any other vochChurch and the misses Johns. Mr.
his well arranged programme, is an tion, but as far as music is concerned, Walters, presided as Chairman indication of the reputation of the an art which gives pleasure to so of the evening in the absence of the singer.
many, and one which is so much Rev. Cousins who was scheduled The Isthmian public will have an. cared for by all creeds and classes, to fill that position, but failed to other opportunity of hearing this it is not to be wondered at, even when turn up through accepting another famous artist tomorrow evening at the beasts are enchanted by its inappointment.
the Excelsior Theatre in some of his fluence.
The Chairman brought the funobest numbers, then and there, they Muse when soft voices die tion to a close with the singing of the will be able to form their opinion of Vibrates in the memory.
Doxology ALSO case Wade.
LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs Heard Under the Almond Tree Church Notices Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department SHALL WE FIND AN ELIXIR OF death of the body.
Professor Voronoff, of Paris, has An elixir of life was one of the succeeded in restoring youth and things sought by the mediaeval al vigor to several patients by grafting chemists, throughout the apos, man portions of these glande onto the has sought a means of prolonging inactive glands in the patients body.
Hte and he is still searching!
The portions which have thus been One of the latest discoveries of modern biological science holde out grafted seem to restore the whole to us the hope that life may at least and the health and youth of the subgland to a renewed life and vigor, be prolonged for a considerable period, and rejuvenated, by a process ject is thereby largely restored.
of grafting portions of certain These glands have been taken from glands, which serve to stimulate the the higher apes, which are blood activities of the body and, to some relations of man. The demand for extent, at least, renew its youth. apes has consequently increased so It has been shown that the rapidity enormously that an attempt is now of growth of the body, and its aging, to be made to corner the market depend largely upon the vitality of in apes, and company has been certain duetlens glands within it. formed to proceed to Africa, captare The secretions of these glande, to a large number of these creatures great extent control the Me and and breed them especially for this Wesleyan Methodist Preachers of tomorrow.
Panama 11 a. Mr. Harris 80p. Rev. Wade Colon 11 Mr. Alrall 30 Rev. Cousins La Boca a. Rev. Wade 80 Mr. Payne New Providence 11 a. Rev.
Cousins Paraiso 11 a. Rev. Wade p. Mr. Wm Mc Farquhar.


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