
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1990 Unemployed in Big Demonstration at British Guiana some WAS ment Pund. e) any other matter struction from the Colonial Develop and responsible people outside who avoided and the Government give at motion stressed the necessiy for im(Continued from Page related to the subject of such an in found in the present state of unrest were in a position to advise Governtention to projects when would have mediate action being taken.
Council on the question of unemploy quiry.
which they found not only in George. ment on this very important matter. the double effect of relieving unem The Hon. Seeram supported ment. He said. And further that His Excellency town, but througnout the whole He suggested that the very best ployment and at the same time com the motion. He said His Excelleney would be well if were to make the Officer Administering the Gov colony. It was well known that the means of achieving the combined par. mencing development which would pronouncement would go very far in a short pronouncement upon the ques. ernment be respectfully requested to sugar estates were not doing as well pose of relieving distress, want, substantially increase their prospects giving solace to the burning souls of tion of unemployment which is stated telegraph the Secretary of State for is they should and there had been misery and unemployment in the of surviving.
the people who were undergoing to be on the increase, not only in the Colonies requesting that consida very great Government retrench calony and also of effecting colonial The Hon. Frederick second great handships. There were thouGeorgetown, but in the colony generation of proposed works already ment by way of road and other pub development was by a hinterland railed the motion. He said Mr. Crane sands of people chiefly in the counerally, and also that large numbers submitted be delayed until the report lie works. The rice induktry was way. He was not saying that that had said there was no need for the try districts who were on the verge o: people are being reduced to the of the committee is considered by not very prosperous and there was was the only means of developing the Council if the Governmen had all the of starvation. He thought that the border line of starvation. Although Government.
complete parálysis of the gold and eclony, but the conditions under knowledge to govern. The Council construction of a railway to the in there is no doubt, a degree of truth He also gave notice that the pro diamond industries. In consequence which a railway would be built would existed to carry out the idea enunterior would be the best means of come of the statements which are posed to move the suspension of the the Customs revenue had shrunk conform with the requirements of the cinted by Mr. Crane and it was that providing work and would also meet being made, it would be most an Standing Rules and Orders in order considerably by the curtailment of Colonial Developmment Fund, name the Government should take counsel the object of the Colonial Developdesirable, and would only have the that the motion might be dealt with the industries. His Excelleney had ly. that it would go a long way to of the Elective members wherever ment Fund. If the oil embargo was effect of aggravating the present the same day.
said there was a degree of truth in relieve unemployment in England and that was possible for the public weal. raised, work would be provided for situation, if exaggerated statements The President added that he was the statement that starvation was in this colony and to develop British They were in most critical condi people in Berbice. He suggested are given currency. propose report klad Mr. Crane had given notice of rife in the colony. He thought there Goiana if not in the near future, at tion. There was good deal for the that the money could be utilised in ing the present position to the his motion which would enable the was more than a degree of truth in it. time to come.
Only that Government to learn. However com extending the East Bank road an!
Secretary of State and making some Government to receive suggestions He begged most respectfully to differ morning he was told by a Govern petent Government official might the Mahalcony road.
suggestions as to works which Gov.
from the elected members with re from His Excellency in the mild wayment official that not more than be, there still something he PROMPT ACTION URGENT ernment considers might be put in gard to a matter which was of con. in which he had put the situation. three days journey from the Rupon could learn from the country genThe Hon. Brassington said hand and whleb would have the ef. derable importance.
There was a very great degree of eni lay the city of Manaos and people erally and therefore he hoped the he agreed with the motion and confect of increasing employment.
TOO RIGID KETRENCHMENT need, stringency and want in the travelled between those places, and Government would consider this mosidered that prompt action should be In the meantime would appeal Mr. Webber said he was glad His community. Again, His Excellency that if they had a railway opening up tion from the point of view of what taken. There could be no doubt that to the members of this Council and, Excellency had appealed to the em had said further that he proposed to the interior they would have very he might call council of necessity.
there was a great deal of unemploy.
through the Press, to all those who ployers of labour, but could the Gov. submit to the Secretary of State for great development along that route At the present moment there was a ment. He thought the Government are in a position to give employment, ernment not turn that advice inwards the Colonies relief works which the and in the district, but that was a great deal of hardship in the counshould begin early with a vigorous such as largo firms, clubs, institu because some of the unemployment Government considered might be question on which different men had try that could not be relieved except road programme and he suggested tions and others, to do 30. However small the amount of employment rigid retrenchment on the part of the was undoubtedly due to perhaps too started in order to give some help to differest views. Under part of the there was concerted action to change that the money for the pure water the population. He craved leave to Public Loan Ordinance, 1920, they present conditions. He thought the supply scheme be diverted to the immay be, the money circulated in Government.
my that he considered that the Legis had a number of things for which motion was very opportune and he provement of the roads which were wages will in the aggregate amount The Order of the Day having been lature ought to play some part in the Government were entitled to raise had every reason to believe that the in a shocking condition. Water street to a considerable sum and go a long concluded shortly before p. the suggesting those works. It was no money.
Government were much concerned in was a disgrace, it was little better way to alleviate the present situa Standing. Rules and Orders were sus use the Government themselves sug. WASTE AND LUXURY the condition of the colony. He than a sugar estate backdam. He ton.
pended in order to permit the Coun gesting to the Secrtary of State Should he position become worse He thought the expenditure of 86. thought the Government should call had heard a visitor to the colony, eil to sit until 80 o clock so that what was to be done. The Govern. 000 on a new prison was a waste of competent people together and give who was an influential and wealthy it may be necessary to appoint a the Hon. Crane might move his ment, well equipped as they were, money and 50, 000 or surveys was the Electives an opportunity to share man, say that the roads were in a special Committee to investigate and shocking condition. Unemployment motion of which he had given notice did not possess a monopoly of know a luxury. They did want, perhaps, in the Government desire to push deal with the matter. do not wish, earlier in the day.
was rampant and prompt action ledge of conditions of the colony to better surveys, but they could get the colony forward.
however, to proceed at once with the should be taken. The work of a comHe said that the justification for enable them to govern. These meas them with the exising staff. They The Hon. Eleazar said that at appointment of this Committee as to considerures which the Government intended wanted immediate relief and all the the commencement of the session. he thought the Government should as mittee would extend over weeks and asking the Government do not think that matters have yet as an emergency measure what steps to submit to the Secretary of State unnecessary projects set under the motion by him was accepted by the reached a stage which makes it neshould be taken to give relief to un ought to be discussed not only by Public Loan Ordinance should be Government for a committee of this an emergency measure vote a sum of cessary or desirable to do so. In employment in the colony might be members of the Council but capable sort and be could only say that this money and a start be made on the the meantime, however, would ask roads in the city and those adjoining all those connected with organised the city next week.
bodies and institutions, Ministers of The Hon. Webber wid he Religion and others to investigate supported the motion and welcomed ORO the matter and to offer suggestions His Excellency advanced statement as to how the present situation can that morning which indicated that best be met, the motion would have the Govern also take this opportunity of ment sympathetic attention. The warning any persons who, by their motion was only in another form of public utterances or actions are likely wbat he had driven into the Govern either deliberately or inadvertently ment, but the Government did noto excite people to any form of disFOR BETTER RESULTS thing but sneer, laugh and decline turbance that they will be severely to co operate since 1923 when he askdealt with, as the Government, who ed the Government to appoint a is charged with the maintenance of with a HOTPOINT Electric Iron on the standing Colonisation and Developpeace and order, cannot allow a law.
ment Board. Had that Board receiv abiding and peaceful community to be ed the sympathetic attention of the led into committing acts which they Government they would have had a would regret and which would only would have been no emergency that make matters worse and hamper any programme cut and dried for the you can iron all day for attempts which might be made at present emergency. In fact, there alleviating the present position.
day. He had endeavoured to show would again emphasise the fact them that a grave crisis was apthat the Government is seriously in proaching. The Government apointvestigating the matter and would ask ed the Board after a couple of years all those concerned to assist rather PRICES OF IRONS struggle on his part, but it never than to hamper ment in its TIME PAYMENTS functioned in its entirety on account efforts.
of its composition. The Government MOTION BY MR. CRANE 750 took pains to see that the Board was Mr. Crane gave notice of the folALLOWED TO a frost from the beginning. It was lowing motion: 4, 00 simply a political dodge on the part Whereas there is severe economic CUSTOMERS USING of Government.
depression throughout the colony, The President said that with rewhich has led to unemployment and 00 gard to the last paragraph of the OUR CURRENT want amongst the masses of the resolution that had already been olony: 80 dealt with in another form and he And Whereas it is expedient that did not propose to ask Mr. Crane stops should be taken immediately to vary it. He thought the action for the construction of works for the there suggested was already being combined purpose of unemployment, taken up on another motion by the relief and colonial development; Council few days ago. Be it resolved that this Council The motion was agreed to.
respectfully requests His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government to appoint forthwith and as a matter of emergency a committee consisting of members of this CounJOSEPH MASON dl and of other persons in the colony to consider and report to Govern Mattresses made andi renovated ment upon (a) what steps rought to to order Fumitures also repaired be taken to relieve unemployment FOR DEMONSTRATION at moderate prices generally in the colony as early as possible. b) what financial assistHouse No. 10, 21 Street ance would be necessary for that pur.
Guachapali pose and what sources are available for obtaining it. c) what provision for maintenance charges on any necessary loans the colony would be Panama AT YOUR SERVICE PALATS ROYAL capable of bearing; and (d) what defor velopment works should be submitted ODO ODOOO GO10 OPO to the Imperial authorities for conSUITS IRON ELECTRICALLY COMBINATION RATE SIXTEEN CENTS THERE IS NO BETTER IRON IN THE WORLD THAN THE Hotpoint SUPER. IRON WITH THE HEAT CONTROL ASK Cia Panameña de Fuerza y Luz nameña Colon


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