
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 PAGE SEVEN The Value of West An Island of Strange Women New Harbour Schene New York Boys Pass Annapolis Tests was Continued from page Continued from Page 2)
tion will also be given by officers of The South Pacific is dotted with the Horace Plunkett Foundation, an The debt of the Colony was 13, No man lives in the little colonies NEW YORK, March Two negro The board which selected the eight institution which operates in close islands, large and small where life that have sprung up in the jungles 000, 000. Within the next ten years youths, one principal and one en boys was composed of Representative conjonction with the Empire Market. is unbelievably raw and where curious of Ferasiboa, and few men have at that would be reduced by 1, 500, 000, alternate candidate, are among the Gavagan, Paul McCauley, professor ing Board customs prevail.
tempted to land on its shores, for so that they would be doing nothing eight boys selected by Representa of law at John College Law There are islands where tribes of the place is inhabited only by women between now and then, and the future tive Joseph Gayagan, Democrat, school, and Joseph Kahn, former leeSix years ago, as Honourable Mem head hunting cannibals wage conbers are aware, the Legislature enwho carry man hating to the point of generation would find itself with a for the four vacancies at his disposal turer at New York university and the deavoured to encourage co operative momentoes of their cunning and skill stant war on each other for the grisly sudden and vicious murder.
capital debt of 1, 500, 000. The only in the United States Naval academy College of the City of New York. The possible loan left to be floated was methods by the enactment of the Recently, three intrepid head hunt Annapolis.
candidates are all graduates of the as killers, and other islands whereers paid a visit to Ferasibon against the loan to carry out the new water Agricultural Credit Societies Act, No. humans are sacrificed in orgies the advice of their wiser tribesmen, William Chisholm, 2368 Seventh schools of this city and in the opinion scheme. of 1924. No advantage has hitherto staged to appease the wrath of Pagan and had no sooner set foot on the Ave, to third among the principal of the examining board have high The Colony was now in the happy candidates, and Daniel Piper, 307 scholastie ratings.
been taken of the facilities provided gods.
in that Act, possibly because its proisland than they were ambushed by position of having a surplus balance 153d St. ranks second among the alof over 900, 000. Subtracting the ternates.
The other white principals are visions have not been generally apBut nowhere among all the count ebony Amazons, bombarded with Leonard Flynn, 454 146th St. reserve they were bound to keep, preciated and possibly also because less islands of the Pacific is there spears and arrows and dragged into The eight youths they had 650, 000 available.
were selected Timothy Mulcahy Jr. of 4500 one of the island colonies.
it may not, in some particulars, be another place like Ferasiboa a little Mr. Kelshall. Elected, Victoria. from Congressman Gavagan Har. Broadway, and Gerald Hans, 64 adapted to local conditions. Sugges. island near Malaita in the Solomon Runners were despatched to the lem district after number of Hamilton Pl. The list of white altertions for its amendment are under group.
other colonies, and to the beating of wanted to be assured so that he prospective candidates had takennates contains the names of Albeus tom toms and the shrieks of grotescould assure others that this vote consideration. propose to ask your written and oral examinations. Welden, 462 1420 St. Edward consideration of a measure to remedy quely painted dancers the bodies of would not be keeping back the new water scheme These boys took the examination King, 21 Bennett Ave. and Conthis defect.
the marauders were roasted.
stand established the fact that while stantine Mathas, 471 Audubon Ave.
The Governor message in a regular open competitive examiThe growth in the number of small there is a considerable number of the Then the women celebrated with a farms many of them too small to be larger holdings production in which great feast that lasted for two days master speech. There was no doubt nation and they finished exactly in the place to which have designated of economic value, has been rapid can be classed as equal in merit to and when the feast was over three that in not many years to come the Small during the past few years and the that of the average estate, in a large skeletons were dragged down on the people of Trinidad would thank His them, declared Congressman Gavafact that there is an increasing area proportion cultivation and produc beach and left to bleach in the sun Excellency for his advocacy of the kan in commenting on the selection DENTIST of land which is not always cultivat tion is poor, and in some cases vir and to serve as a warning to other scheme and would consider those who of Chisholm and Piper. had four thought of it as men of long vision.
places to fill. named four boys for MASONIC TEMPLE ed to the best advantage is of serious tually non existent. The information that is for women only.
In backing this scheme His Excel appointment and four for alternates.
Office Hours:8. am to 12 pm moment to the prosperity of the Is. sc far available goes to show that the Several times in the past few years out in the. 30 pm to 30 PM Sundays, by Specia Appointment land. The resources of the Agricul. principal cause of failure is the diffi males who would invade the island leney had done something which William Chisholm came would ever be remembered.
examination in fourth place and got Masonic Temple ifth St, tural Department are, naturally, de culty in ob aining credit at the time warriors from adjoining islands have WATER NOT JEOPARDISED one of the places. Piper came sixth. O, Box 787 CRISTOBAL signe to give assistance to all cul when the need for this is most ur made raids on Ferasiboa in the hope The Director of Public Works said There has never been a youth of TUONE OFFICE 1664 tivators. In practice, however, the gent. An Island populated as is Bar of seeing how the female inhabitants there was no doubt whatever that our group to complete courses at the large estates absorb most of its at bados can not allow any portion of of the place live, and, perhaps, kidthe Colony would be able to embark naval academy and receive a post as tention. It is, think, essential that its arable land to remain unprodue rapping some of the women to take on the water scheme without taking a commissioned officer in the United some meang should be found whereby tive or even less productive than it away as brides.
its reserves to any dangerous ex States navy. The last appointments instruction and guidance should be ought to or could be. Any reasonable But the fate of intruders has altent. He did not think that the ques of youth to Annapolis were made by BOX 649 ANCON, made more easily available for these project, therefore, of preventing this, ways been swift and sure. The tion of the scheme Riing through Congressman Oscar DePriest of Illismall farmers and their interest whether it be by extending instruc Ferasiboans keep a strict watch on Cirilo. Sandford was in any way doubtful. There was tion or by improved facilities for crenois. The principal candidate failed, executed in the results of modern exthe shore of their strange habit at, every certainty of its going on as however, to pass the physical enAttorney at law periment and research. For such dit, withI am confident, receive your and never fail to ambush unwelcome there was when it was brought forservices we must now rely alone on sympathetie consideration.
trance examination and his alternate ward more than two years ago.
OFFICE: 153 ENTRAL AVE. JICH 113 the officers of the Agricultural De failed to pass the mental require It is satisfactory to note that proStrangely enough, the women of Nothing has occurred that would ments.
partment whose other duties are minence is given in the Department Ferasiboa have welcomed white wocause the undertakers of the scheme exacting men missionaries into their exclusive programme to experimental work not to have it postponed or abandoned.
The Director has in view more 200 DO ODO merely in connection with economie midst, and havé adopted many civilis.
The Council approved of Scheme organised effort in this direction. As product, whether familiar or new to ed ways.
without division.
a preliminary step the Department the island, but also with established They have abandoned the custom GOVERNOR CHALLENGED has undertaken a general survey of food crops, the object being to secure of going about naked, and now wear Mr. Kelshall. Elected Vie.
small holdings throughout the Island varieties most resistent to disease, clothes at all their taska Many of them are Christian contoria. gave notice of the following This survey which is, am informed most suited to the varying soil condiquestion: nearing completion should prove of tions and most remunerative to the verts, and have given up the strange NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM Is the Government ware that Sir the utmost value. It has, underrites by which they worshipped naproducer The Weekly Herald.
tive gods. They have learned to sew Frederic Setton James the Govern IS TOURINC THE WEST INDIES IODO 2000 00 TODO and, to decorate the interiors of their or of the Leeward Islands, at a meetartistic houses, which are superioring of the Grenada Legislative Counto any built by men in that part of cil held on December 20, 1929, made the world.
the following statement which was But they refuse, in spite of all the subsequently reported in the newsSurgeon Dentist pleadings of the missionaries, to paper press: give up the idea of keeping their Trinidad is the only Colony in the and read the records of past island entirely for themselves, and British Empire having Finance Cricket Veterans 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P. seem to enjoy turning cannibal on Committee of the whole of the Legisthe rare occasions when males pre lature, and assure you the AND Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, sume to visit Ferasibon.
Trinidad Government are going to do The missionaries, even though all in their power to get rid of it.
Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works they have learned how to carry on Will the Government state whether Fersiboans in their own curious there is any truth in the stateA Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment conversation with the man hating ment referred to and, If there is, will dialect, have been unable to find the Government lay on the table any Summary of Contents: out just how the strange colony star papers in connection with the effort History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years 100 ODOS DO ed and why it is that these women that has been or is being made to Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, have a deadly aversion to get rid of the Finance Committee of But they do know there is little this House?
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, hope of inducing the black women If the Governor of Grenada to change their attitude totward the statement is false, will the GovernPhotographs of the Teams and 16 Individua so called stronger sex, without whose ment take steps to bring it to the noPlayers attentions they seem well able to live. tice of the Right Honourable the SeeValuable, instructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Some day an invading party of men retary of State for the Colonies, with Interesting may capture Ferasibon and subdue the object of preventing garrulous its inhabitants, but until the day officials from making irresponsible Price 50cts.
comes the island is a place for men to statements which are calculated to shun.
work mischief.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA. SUNDAY EXPRESS The President suggested that the Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN word garrulous before officials Panama be deleted.
OPO Mr. Kelshall: If it is true.
and see the finest Assortment of The President: think it is rather CRICKET! CRICKET. Get a copy of the Dr. Leo Pink West Indies Cricket History can Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 TODO en.
CALL AT THE Panama Hardware An Immigration Hoax offensive. FLYNCH Custom Tailor at LOCKS of every description also the Finest Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS English and American Styles Mr. Kelshall: ask that steps be Yesterday the Public Building taken to prevent garrulous officials.
Yard Bridgetown, Barbados do not say the particular official is wes thronged with hundreds of work garrulous. Very well Sir, withdraw ing class men. They had heard a it.
rumour that Barbados labourers were wanted for the oilfields of Venezuela.
Some who were able to raise the Smith in person, and an attempt by NO. CALIDONIA PHONE 569 money bought passports, others sim the Colonial Secretary Office to get ply wanted to know what the Govern information about him also proved ment was doing fruitless. In the end a posse of offered. There never was any ground representative of this journal police had to be obtained to clear the is hardly likely there can be any tried to find out something definite corridor of the Public Buildings.
truth in the rumour of employment for the statement made to Lord about the matter, and had to arrive Some weeks ago a Government The incident however throws up in Olivier that the: Barbadian was slow at the conclusion that the men had notice was published to the effect bold relief both the extent of unem tornemigrate. If anything he is too been hoaxed. man named Smith it that the Venezuelan authorities had ployment in the Colony and the willing. We hope for the good of was said was collecting labourers for stated they wanted no more coloured eagerness of the working class Bar the Colony that something will turn Maracaibo, but nobody had seen West Indians in their territory, so it badian to week work wherever it is JUST RECEIVED Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere up.

    Working Class

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