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ESTABLISHED IS 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930 UNEMPLOYMENT WAS Canadians Demand Printery Horse Racing at Juan Franco Hymn 805 Sankey Panama Wesleyan Cabinet Members Called On Arraijan Road To Become While a decrease in employment is Seripture Reading By Minister Reality Say Zone usual from October, says Miss Per Endeavour Prayer, Mrs. Gittens WORSE IN JANUARY kins, the decline this year has been Engineers Hymn 820 Mrs. Maud Bishop The newly appointed United greater than usual.
Recitation, Miss Lucille Forbes An evening with Whittier States Minister to Panama, Roy The engineers connected with the ALBANY, Feb. 27. Con In October, 1929, the factories of Hymn 118 Miss Maud Bethune Davis, made formal calls on Tuesday construction of the road to Arraijan, trary to the reports of President New York were employing more The programme of the Panama Recitation, Miss McIntosh last, on the members of President have predicted that in the near fu. Hoover, the data just issued by the workers than any time since the end Wesleyan Christian Endeavour So Hymn 119 FH. Arosemena Cabinet.
ture, the project will be a reality. Commissioner of Labor, Francis of 1926. In January, 1930, they were ciety which took place on Geddes Pianoforte Selection, Miss Gill He also made calls on Don Adriano Within a short time, the Thatcher Perkins, of the state of New York, employing fewer workers than at Hall on Wednesday night last, con Subject, Whittier Life and Works, Robles, Secretary of Government and Bill (which has in its scheme, the which contains many key industries, an other time since July of 1928.
sisted of an evening with Whittier Miss Myers Justice, at 30 o clock in the evening construction of a military road) will conclusively shows that unemploy. This is a very low figure for January, paper of his life and works was Hymn 410 and on Secretary of Treasury, come up for consideration.
ment grew still worse during Janu probably, the lowest January ever read by Miss Ivy Myers, while hymns Reading, Miss Alice King Gabriel Duque and Secretary of The measure depends chiefly uponary. The most significant feature recorded.
and poems were sung and recited by Pianoforte Doris Agriculture and public works, the decision of Congress which, if Selection, Miss of the report just released by Francis Eight of the 11 main industry other members of the Society, includ Rodney Clement.
favorably considered, appropriations Perkins is that the decline, which groups showed net decreases in eming the Rev. Wade, president Rev. Wade, Recitation After a lengthy conversation with will be made for the work.
heretofore hit all basic industries, is ployment from December to Januof the organisation.
Mizpah the Cabinet members, he left the now rapidly spreading to industries ary, probably, the lowest January The programme was augmented National Palace Building to call on highway at La Boca, another about There will be an entrance to the producing food, and other commodi industries reduced forces more than with two pianoforte selections by the the Secretary of Public Instruction, half mile beyond Chorrera, and a ties for mass consumption. per cent while several registered Misses Doris Rodney and Louise GM losses in excess of 10 per cent.
Jeptha Duncan on Cathedral Plaza, cement surface is also being contem January marked the third succesand is appended as follows.
The report goes on to show that ORDER BOOKS Secretaries Duque and Clement returned the minister calls on Wed. George Green, Municipal engineer.
plated. The survey is in charge of sive month that representative New the losses particularly hit the food York state factories reported redueSECRETARY and other industries producing comnesday at the Legation. The road will be one of the most tion in employment, says the reAND modities for mass consumption.
beautiful routes in this section of the port.
At the most conservative estimate, TREASURER country, and will lessen the time of The same statement, issued by the number of unemployed now in (1 aded woy panujuog)
ON SALE is mid to have secured all of them, PALAIS ROYAL interior journeys.
Francis Perkins, estimates that more New York alone, reaches over 500, for which amount to about 100, through At the Workman Within the next few days, the sur than 100, 000 workers have been laid 000 workers.
ARROW SHIRTS AND recret agents.
vey is expected to be completed and off by the factories in New York INTERWOVEN HOSE Ernest Taylor, a pastor, who also be ready for submission.
state since the middle of October.
acts as police interpreter in local courts, admitted that he was one of the four summoned. In Toronto the Klan exerted desтоног IODO perate efforts to hush up the affair List of Entries for Sunday before severe measures were taken to March 23rd, 1930 prosecute its members. One of these attempts to muzzle those outspoken 1st RACEY MILE in their condemnation of Klanism Damp Wing 110 was a mysterious telephone call re2 Pereque 100 ceived by Rev. Laurence, Race Colombia 100 pastor of the University Ave. Baptist El Major 112 church. Bubbling Water 120 At 11 o clock in the night Rev. Phyllia 116 Laurence phone jingled. When he Dancing Girl 116 answered it a voice told him that he had better cease his activities against 2nd RACE FURLONGS the Klan or he would be gotten rid Darien 122 of. Annie Laurie 110 You have been talking too much, Tribunite 114 the mysterious caller mid. Be pre4 Ramona 126 pared to receive a call from us. We Huertano 114 will leave our calling card soon. Palo Loco 124 Although unafraid himself, the minister wife became highly nerv3rd RACE FURLONGS ous, and he summoned police aid. Pauline 112 Officers patrolled the street on which F! Marcella 126 his house is for the remainder of the Resoluto 122 night but Klansmen appeared. Socia 118 It is thought that because Rev. Don Florentino 105 Laurence was chairman at the mass Miss Gin 110 meeting, and because he headed the deputation which went to the parlia4th RACE FURLONGS ment buildings to lay formal com1. La Grimita 180 plaint with the attorney general de2 Trigo 112 partment, he was especially ferred by Intimo 112 the Klan. Mayara 106 Proud of their rights as Canadian Cococha 108 citizens and British subjects, and Rippling Water 106 quick to take action to defend their lawful status, Toronto residents ral5th RACE PURLONGS lied in a monster mass meeting to Tapagra 182 stage a protest against the Klan Honey Dew 112 outrage this week. La Loma 116 Ministers, barristers and a doctor Tunney 100 were among the speakers who ad5. Excuse Me 126 dressed the audience, which came to Jackie 106 voice its sympathy with the protest.
The action of the Klansmen, who DE 6th RACE FURLONGS burned a fiery cross after separating La Chiquilla 110 the girl from Ira Johnston, who in2 Kitty Gin 114 tended to marry her, was denounced. Copi 182 as an outrage that defied British Cartagena 112 liberty and marked a critical point in Royal Eagle 100 the history of the Race in Canada. Dad 107 Before the meeting ended it had unanimously adopted resolution 72 7th RACE FURLONGS calling on the attorney general to 126 make an immediate investigation of Trigo 124 the occurrence and prosecute those May 107 who took part in the Klan demon4. Diez y Seis ODOS 100 stration. Infimo 122 (To be continued. STARTSEITSTALLALALALALALALALTA Laughing Water 110 CERVEZA Balboa The product of a Master Brewer IT IS THE est eer rewed si Zapo


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