
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE ETIQUETTE was person. 20. 60. 20 carry lunch Dr. Fairweather Built by Dunlop Panama Wesleyan SELLING OUT JAILS TVORKMAN Society LONDON. The population of the By ROBERTA LEE prisons in Great Britain is dwindling One of the most interesting items By ROBERTA LEE so rapidly that the Government has bited on Saturda Ly. WALROND, at the office No 72 14. Birthday and Christmas, and if o the Syllabus arranged for the decided to transfer convicts from CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, When should one return for he is ill she may send him a book or anana Wesleyan Christian Enmal call. some of the jails and sell the unwant0. Box 74. Panama Box 1102, Ancon deavour Society convened on flowers. 15. He takes charge of the ed buildings as a measure of economy. Should answers to formal invi afternoon tea duties, answers the This will bring the number of RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Wednesday night last in Geddes Hall when the Rev. Wade presidtations be made in the first or third doorbell, takes all messages, and an British prisons to the lowest figure in ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
ed and explained How we got our SIX MOTUS Bible. Is it permissible at an informal nounces all guests. 16. China, glass British history. More and more of these places are THREE.
There were several other contridinner to put the vegetable dishes and silver. 17. No; though a smile ONE MONTH butors, as will be seen in the proon the table and let the guests help is always preferable to a frown. 18. becoming unnecessary, said themselves. Clyness, Home Secretary, recently.
gramme appended below.
At a formal dinner fruit is served in The sale of unwanted prisons is a The Libey of the Press is the alladium of our rights JUNIUS Hymn 257 How should a woman dress individual dessert plates. At an inSankey very desirable economy and have Scripture Reading Rev.
when at a hotel?
formal dinner it is permissible to been going into the matter with the THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 Wade Is it permissible for people to place a large bowl of fruit on the prison Commissioners. The result Prayer Mr. Harris when traveling on a table, from which the guests may will be that a number of them will be BETWEEN TWO FIRES Song Mrs. Maud Bishop first class train help themselves.
sold off.
Rentation Miss Hilda Forthe Should a child ever address his teacher as Teacher. This is the position occupied by West Indians in Song Mrs. Martha Haynes Duet Misses Forthe When a bride proceeds up the and Panama. Whether it is the fire that ignites and burns Vocal Scarlett aisle with her father, which of his to kill, or whether it is that which is liable to kill outarms does she hold?
right as from a firearm, it makes no difference. The Recitation Miss Anita Harewood When one is making a weekone is as bad as the other, and the West Indian is actually Song. Mrs. Ada Stevems Stevens and end visit should she come loaded in imminent danger of being destroyed by one, or he is Piano Duet Misses PHYSICIAN Odle down with luggage?
in perpetual danger of destruction by the other. Figura How we got our Bible Rev.
Where is the napkin placed on tively, therefore he is between two fires.
Wade the table. HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Those who reside in that portion of Panama called 10. Is it necessary to leave sepathe Canal Zone are held to be so resident on sufferance Prners by the Misses Mc Millan, No. K STREET Morgan and Villiers rate cards from all the members of only, according to the dictum of other residents who are the invited family to all the memPANAMA CITY citizens of the United States, owners of the Canal Zone. Song Miss Alma Nugent bers of the family of the hostes?
This, notwithstanding an unbroken residence of a quar Reading Miss Alice King 11. What does decollete mean?
ter of a century. Aliens of Silver is the beautiful Vocal Duet Mesdames Chandler and 12. When does each guest begin to appellation by which they are designated, while natives Swaby eat at an elaborate dinner?
of the United States are Citizens of Gold. Hence, The Ten Commandments in Scotch Rev. Wade 13. When one is leaving a hotel. silver employees, and gold employees. As gold is should he ever attempt to carry his more precious than silver as a mineral, so are the gold Closing Remarks and Mizpah own baggage?
employees in comparison with silver employees as per14. When is it considered all right sons. The gold employees receive compensation for PLEASANT SUNDAY AT their services which are commensurate, and a little bit GAMBOA for a girl to send gifts to a man?
more, with such services, while the silver employees re15. Besides serving at meals, what FROM the very inception of the Fort ceive the widow mite, that being insufficient and not The Pleasant Sunday Afternoon at are some of the butler important Founlop motor cover motorists through nearly commensurate with the services which they per Gambon on Sunday 16th, was a sucduties?
out the World have been loud in their acclamation of this new Dunlop especially form. The gold employees assume the role of over lords cess, The choir and all who took 16. What are some appropriate designed to meet present day motoring con in all matters and things in relation to silver employ part acquitted themselves in a credit. gifts for a bride?
ditions. tyre strong and robust in nature, ees this in addition to their rightful place of official able manner.
17. Is it good form for one to built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 years supervisors. The gold employee is designated by of experience and combining all the essen Special mention must be made of wear a perpetual smile?
tial features one can only find in a tyre whatever is the name of the craft in which he works, Miss Cragwell whose recitation 18. How is fruit served at a din built by DUNLOP.
and receives standard compensation accordingly. This was excellent, as also the Misses Vi.
is always sufficient to enable him to live like a human Butcher, Byril Francis and Evlyn Answers being, and lay some aside for the rainy day witthout Chase, whose organ solos were well It should be within two or If your car is any strain whatever. The silver employee, of whatever received. Miss Hilda Wilkinson, the three weeks at most. If it is not, it craft, qualification, or what not, has the general design organist, is showing much ability at not already is an indication that the friendship ation of helper fastened to his body and soul, for the organ; her organ solo was also is not desired.
equipped with The third person.
doing always the roughest, hardest, heaviest, and great Fort Dunlop very good. Yes; this saves much extra work est portion of the work. He receives a hand to mouth Messrs Mapp and Bingham cornet for the hostess. Her dress should covers call on wage for all this. Insufficient to permit him to take your dealer be very modest, and conspicuous only and clarionet solos were the hand to the mouth as often as is necessary to keep dered in an also renby its elegance of detail. Yes.
forthwith, and efficient manner. Mr.
him in physical fitness, and when it does go, it goes Mapp deserves much praise for the No; he should always address her make the with things hardly worth while to go there, and he can by using her full name. The change over.
find nothing to lay aside for his rainy day. For him, training of the choir.
all days are rainy, and he is awarded a pension after who has helped to make the occasion We beg to thank all our friends right arm. No; she should take few clothes as possible. It he is dead, dead, dead!
should be folded at the left of the The gold employees are facilitated to live in houses plate. 10. No; all required is the decently constructed and arranged, as it should be, so single card for the host and hostess.
that every family can attend to domestic affairs privateCRISTOBAL SILVER 11. It is the French for low cut evely and with common decency. They are provided with CLUBHOUSE ning wear. 12. As soon as he is sanitary conveniences for each family, as it should be In view of the fact that the date of served. 19. No; call an attendant.
also, and there is a difference between their occupancy opening of the Atlantic Basket Ball of these houses and that of the base ball stadium at Lingue is almost at hand, all clubs Balboa, Mount Hope, or elsewhere. The gold employ ees are classified, and if they have standards, they are are requested to send representatives allowed to exemplify the same, and no condition is in to a meeting to beheld at the Cristobal GET YOUR flicted upon them to demoralize them.
Silver Clubhouse, Monday March 31, With the silver employee, it is the other way about. ments will be made for the managing 30 at which time all arrangeJob Printing DONE AT THE They have no standards, therefore they must not be, of said league, registering of teams, and are not classified. The houses provided for their personnel of teams discussion of rules Workman occupancy are built on the barrack room plan. In them, they must do everything in the open, even private things, Printery and they must hear each other breathing when they take their sleep in the night season. It is not possible sooner they be answered, the better. Pointers to the for one family to discuss anything whatever, except in effective answering of these questions are not lacking a rigidly subjugated whisper, and even so, they are in now, and they never were. Plainly speaking, the West imminent danger of having their private discussions Indian is positioned exactly between hell and the powbecome the table talk of the whole community with adder house. How long he intends to stay there is anditions, subtractions, and multiplications. Under these cther question he has to answer, the answering of which and like conditions, the whole of the silver employees is obvious common sense. While the attitude of those are compelled to become the sons and daughters of one who make up the fires for West Indians is not justified man and woman. figuratively, of course. Miserable on any grounds, neither is the attitude of the West Ininfliction, Lord!
dians justified under these circumstances, to refuse to For Sale at all Leading Garages On this side of the line, there is the other fire, made cool his body with water, a plenty of which is available up like in the Zone of several furnaces. The famous to his use, and so save himself from being burnt to ashes. E. ESCOFFERY inmigration denunciation Undesirables the slum re for life is real, and life is earnest, and everyone is sidence cancer the racial antipathy the factional dead, that slumbers. Wholesale Distributor hatred the exorbitant rentals for fire box rooms, subjected always to ridiculous increases, and the various and sundry other furnaces which go to make up a fire Phone 453 that burns fiercely and unceasingly.
The Store of Quality DRY CLEANING But now comes a question. on which side of the PANAMA STEAM PRESSING line is the fire hottest? Where, oh where, is it a little DAVE CARDOZE 15 STREET cooler? Let the West Indian answer. These questions DYEING We Dye To Live are never going to be answered by anyone else, and the PANAMA JAKB PEREIRA KKK KK as a success.


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