
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1980 PAGE FIVE Church Notices Atlantic Side Jottings West Indian Crtcketers on way to Jamaica us were Great Clearance Sale INDIAN AVIATORS FLY FROM INDIA TO ENGLAND Wesleyan Methodist Preschon For Colon, March 26. Boxing fans on friends at New Providence are justly Tomorrow.
the Atlanticond will, on Monday proud of their new bell and belfry. Contiued from Page 1)
LONDON, March 20. The first air night the sist inst, witness a fine The belfry is made of 6x6 hard flight by Indians from India to Eng. Panama 11 a. Supplied ly spurred you on to greater effort De Veaux, Gittens, Nes land was completed today. Two bout between Sparring Caballero, of wood, set on concrete pillars.
and whenever you were called upon bitt, Motley, Andrews 30 Rev. Wade Cuba, 200 lbs. and Peters, of On Sunday the 13th of April, a Locas del Toro in 10 round bout.
to fill the stellar role, you acquitted Laurence, Samuels, Fer young Indians named Chawia and Irani landed in Norfolk from France Colon 11 a. and 16 Rev.
unique ceremony will take place, yourself creditably and distinctively. reira, Blades, Walcott. TreCousins this afternoon. They left Karachi on The Cuban says he will clean up when the bell wll be named by a It is generally admitted that the his. mendous cheers. Peters, but with the prominent resident of the Colony.
March 3rd La Boca 17 a. Mr. Henry Harewood punch and speed the fight will be the letters of the name will be to tory of West Indian Cricket would Mr. Arthur then made the present.
be incomplete if your achievements ation saying Mr. Griffith on behalf p. Mr. Walters hot one New Providence 11 a. Rev.
presented each by a lady, and a very at home and abroad were not chronof the community have great plea The toast list followed.
Then there will be four more bouts interesting programme Wade has been icled therein.
sure in presenting you with this Toastmaster Mr. Samuels which are as follows.
In the final test which will be address and Souvenir (applause. Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Martin King George and the EmBattling Gorillo, of Africa Vs played in the Isle of Springs; in the The following address was also pire Mr. Ferreira p. Mr. Kinnimouth Dinamita Yañez of Panama 138 lbs Colon, March 24. Edmund Stewabaence of Constantine and Francis, read and presented to Mr. Roach by Pres. Arosemena and the Rerounds.
art, an old timer on the Isthmos died the brunt of the attack will be en Mr. Smith.
public Mr. Hector Connor Denny Palmer, of Colon, Vs Young at the Santo Tomas Hospital on trusted to you; in that position, we MEDIUM OF THANKS Colon, Republic of Panama Our Guests Representatives Terry of Panama, 120 lbs. rounds. Friday last after three days illness.
feel confident that you will live up Pedro Lema of Folks River Vs Kid Mr. Gittens Stewart was a native of Kingston, 26 March, 1930.
to expectations, that your resolute Mr. Clifford Roach.
Miss Malvina Niles through this Juanito Success to Tteam in Final Test Cooli Town, 114 lbs greater portion of which he was medium begs to resourcefulness experienced thank her many rounds.
and. Mr. Cambridge for the past twenty two years, the Colon, friends who visited and enquired for qualities will be brought into play, The Press Mr. Motley Id Camaguey, of Cuba Vs Kid greater portion of which the was and so help to secure that success Dear Sir. It is with feelings of her during her illness at her reVivies of Colon, 118 lbs. rounds.
employed by the United Fruit Comgreat pleasure, that we cricket ensidence 24th St. Guachapali, which is our hearts desire.
It was indeed a pleasant day and Urual prices and hour.
rany luggage Department.
thusiasts gather here to day, to welNo doubt you are aware that this will long he remembered by one and Burial took place on Saturday evecome you among at one of the game which we still regard as our all Colon, March 25. The Cup Matchning at the Mount Hope Cemetery crossroads of the world, viz. The national pastime has been played on Luncheon being over the visitors PALAIS ROYAL played at Gatun grounds on Sunday nd was well attended.
Isthmus of Panama. where every the Isthmus with varying success.
and members of the committee moIsst between Wanderers and type of civilized peoples can be seen.
In the city of Panama, two major tored to the Pier and again cemented Bocas Resulted in a win for Colon, March 24. Pickwicks We regret very much that your for efforts were made to put the game friendship by wishing them bon voyWanderers by 79 runs Wanderer scored an easy victory over Victoria brief stay, will not permit us to on a stable basis in the erection of age and the best of luck. The Liner batted first and scored 125 runs for at Kent Oval, Gatun, on Sunshower upon you all that we are capa ground and a stand at the standard steamed out at 30 o clock.
CLOTHING wickets and declared, Peters 3c, day afternoon last in a cup fixture.
able of doing, but it is hoped, ere Oval and later at the Isthmian Park. Clarke 29, Reid 17, Me Donald Pickwicks Captain won the toss and your departure for Jamaica A good deal of money and energy Thorpe 11, Dewdney 4, Spencer elected to bat, and at the fall of the which will be but a few hours hence.
TOO 10508 expended in these ventures.
Bocas all went down for 46.
eighth wicket they ammassed 168 that you will feel as if you were at This forward movemennt aroused a runs and declared, the principal home once more.
great deal of enthusiasm among our Colon, March 26. On Saturday scores were Layne (Captain) 40, Incidentally, we may make men people, crowds attended the matches; evening last a quiet but fashionable Moore 42, Bowen 21, Jordon 19.
tion of your achievements in the teams representing the various Colwedding was solemnized at Christ Bown 14, Clarke 18.
Mother Country during the 1928 onies fought valiantly to uphold the Church by the sea by the Rev. Father Victoria in their turn fell for 88 all honor and best traditions of their tour, which placed you in the limeEdward Cooper. The contracting out. Warner played a good hand for light of West Indian Cricket From homelands, but just as we were feelparties were Mr. Harold Williams and his 32 not out. Greaves and Bel.
then, until now, we have learnt to ing sanguine that cricket was perMiss Gladys Mc Farlane.
grave also countributed 16 and 16 manently established in this country, appreciate you the more.
At the hour named the bride enterrespectively In and that the day was not far distant your performances, on the ed the church escorted by her father.
Bowling for Victoria Alleyne took when we would invite teams from grounds of Kensington, Queen 24. 24 She wore a beautiful dress of Crepe wickets for 15 runs, Knight for the Colonies of the West, the venture Park and Bourda, playing against de Chine and carried a lovely bou 82 and Blackman for 31, for Plektook a sudden and backward step, one of the strongest teams that ever quet.
wicks Downes had wickets for 23 resulting in years of efforts being visited these parts, there appeared The Chief bridesmaid was Miss runs, Goddard for 30 and Seales swept away in a minimum of time.
nothing to dim the lustre of your Vera Mc Farlane sister of the bride, for 16.
past renown. It was at this last In the twin cities of Colon and Crisand Mr. George Lewis filled the role mentioned field, that your high score Colon, March 24. very pleasant of groomsman.
tobal, spasmodic efforts have been of 209 runs earned for you, a West and memorable time was spent at made to stabilise the game. Dur.
Indian Record. With such sachieveBurmese After the ceremony the guests rethe St. Charles lodge room, 10th and ing a period of over two decades we paired to the home of the bride D Street, at the conferring of the have had the following competitions mente, allow us to state, that you are pronounced by competent judges parents, 6060 Silver city, where a Past Secretary and Deputy degrees in our midst. At first the Martinez s, of the game, as one of the foremost Crystal and Amber very enjoyable time was spent.
of the Jamaica District of the Loyal then the Sinclairs, next the De batsmen in West Indan Cireles.
Among the many guests were: Order of Ancient Shepherds, Ashton Veaux and at present the Godfrey Should we not feel proud of you, for Misses Parker, Mc Farlane, Unity.
Williams and in these competitions Haye, Dutton, Wosloy, we have had the pleasure of seeing having won such a coveted title. The lodges comprising the District Birmingham: Before the sun sets this day, you Mesdames Me.
are the price of Wales. Eusebius some of the stalwarts of West InFarlane, Olga King, Johnson, dian Cricket participating, Notably; will be plying your way through (Sister Lodge. and Loyal Victory.
Lewis, Smith, Laurence, Mr.
Richard Olivierre, the briny waters of the Caribbean St. Hill, There was a record gathering of Sea bound for the Island of Jamaica, George, Owens, Roberts, Snow, Gin, Allan Simpson, the everthe brethren and the various rites Fuller, Dailey, Lewis, Geddes green Tom Burton. who is happily at which place your achievements and ceremonies in connection with will be watched with the same deand Dizon.
still with us. Tomny Scott, Porter, the degrees were masterly carried Merritt, Etc.
gree of interest. May you go, after out by the degree team.
40 Colon, March 26. Methodist and On account of the expansion of being refreshed with some of the Following the ceremony the breththis city and the rapid growth in balmy zephyrs of the Isthmus of ren in a happy mood settled down at the banquet table to the good things building operations we are at present Panama, rejuvenated to continue your without a ground, the nearest being exhibition of orthodox cricket, that provided for them.
will only cease with your departure six or seven miles away, you will After several toasts were given the from the Grand Old Game!
therefore see that although far way function which was a huge success homelands and buffeted We beg of you, to accept this ended with the National Anthems.
by recurring setbacks we have not token as a tangible proof of our addiscarded the game so unwittingly miration and esteem; these feelings Colon, March 25. Members of immortalized by Rudyard Kipling having prompted the action.
Eyric Temple, No. 460 of when he refered to the players as In conclusion, we wish you every representatives of kindred Socie the flanneled fools.
success, not only in the cricket world, ties and friends, who have been inIn asking you to accept the Souve but in your professional sphere of vited to attend the Unveiling of Dispensation and to celebrate the third nir and purse which will be present activities. Au Revoir and Bon Voy.
anniversary of the Temple, on Suned to you by Mrs. Arthur (a lady age.
Believe us to be, highly respected in this community day evening the 30 inst. at o clock, Your Cricket Admirers.
and who is actively engaged in are asked to be on time.
moulding in the right direction the Mr. Roach suitably replied. specially prepared program has thought of our younger generation)
After the usual votes of thanks been arranged and a pleasant evening ALSO we want to make clear that the Sou were passed the proceedings came to can be looked forward to.
venir has been procured by general an end. good turn out is expected.
From the theatre the visitors were subscription, the purse is donated by the Barbados Society, of this city, entertained at Luncheon at the Hotel Colon, March 26. Members of the an organization of your fellow counFlorence. In addition to the visitors Light of the Valley Lodge No. 2, tryman.
His Britanic Majesty Vice Consul are asked to atwas guest of honor.
This Souvenir and purse, has been tend a masy meeting on Saturday Menu.
evening April 15th at the Gabriel tendered to you as a memento of Cocktail a la Roach Union Lodge Hall, sixth and Hudson your visit and also as a mark of our LEST YOU FORGET Queen Olives Salad Almonds Tane to pass matters of vital imappreciation of your ability as a Celery Tritance alative to a reunion of the bowler and as a worthy representaConsomme a la Griffith at tlve of West Indian Cricket. Hot Vienna Rolls Man starts at o clock and In wishing you goodbye and bon filet of Corbina up and punctual attendance is voyage, be assured that our best IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL Tartar Sauce Sauterne eksed.
wishes go with your efforts to reach Bruised Yorkshire Ham Spiced Sauce the highest round in the ladder of Petit Pois Breast of Chicken We are your admirers, John NeSaratoga Chips verson, President, Hector Connor Strawberry Ice Cream MULLER Prop DENTIST HOWELL Vice President, Burton Treasurer, Demi Tasso Graham Lewis Secretary, Rev.
Champagne Cliquot 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 House No. 912 La Boca Nightengale, Dr. Ford, De Jamaica Cigars Freitas, Cambridge, Cyrus (anri Zone COLON GREATEST ORIENTAL BAZAAR. Front Street: FOR 15 DAYS We carry in stock Indian, Chinese Spanish Shawls and Panama Hars, Silk Shirts COME TRY YOUR LUCK Dont miss this Golden opportunity ODOCX LA MASCOTA from our Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department fame.


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