p. 8


Printery Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET 5. Trigo.
Father Smiles nations of the wowrld. Rather than The Pilgrimage Regulations Bul.
do this, it would be better to cancel letin states: Invitations to mothers When Toid the pilgrimages altogether. Continued from Page 6)
and widows of the Negro race shall (Continued from Page 1)
14th day of January, 1930. We Sail About August be extended for such time as will Mother Had Given Birth to must follow the decision in which will be regarded as backward According to the present plan the permit the organization of separate Their Fifth Pair of Children Allison 16 Cox 559 in which it was by all lovers of liberty and justice colored Gold Star mothers will sail groups for such mothers and among the civilized individuals and held that the fiat (granted under the for Europe about August 30. 225 widows.
List of Entries for cable despatch from Council English Statute to which Section eligible colored mothers have acceptSunday March 30th PALAIS ROYAL Bluffs in the state of Iowa, of our Law corresponds) ought to ed the invitation. Sixteen groups of for dated March 27, states that to most have mentioned the name of every ORDER BOOKS women will be sent to Europe during fathers the arrival of a pair of twins ARROW SHIRTS AND person against whom the prosecution 1st RACE MILE the next year, beginning May INTERWOVEN HOSE comes as a shock but Andrew Koger was intended to have been allowed SECRETARY Dampwing 105 has become inured and only smiled and that it is the duty of the Public AND Bubbling Water 120 when informed his wife had given Prosecutor to ascertain the persons 30 DOC IODO TREASURER DO El Major 118 birth to their fifth pair.
against whom it is intended to proceed Colombia 100 ON SALE Pride shone from his glance as he before granting his fiat. In accor5. Pereque 100 announced they told us before there dance with this decision we must At the Workman Annie Laurie 126 were several families with four sets of hold that this fiat is not such as re7. Dancing Girl 110 twins. Now its a cinch we ve got quired by the Law and that the obthem beat.
jection taken to it at the trial was 2nd RACE FURLONGS Married in 1905, Mr. and Mrs. valid and should have been upheld. BUY FROM THE WORKMAN May 126 ADVERTISERS AND GET Tribunito 124 Koger half expected twins when they The appeal must accordingly be learned their first baby was coming, allowed and these convictions squashVALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Huerfano 112 Palo Loco for there were twins in both branches 105 ed. Darien of the family.
114 At the hearing of the appeal, Mr. Ramona 112 They were disappointed the first Foster Sutton, instructed by Evans, appeared for Akman; and time, however when Orren, now 25.
Mr. Simpson, appeared for Mr. Radcliffe, Assistant 3rd RACE FURLONGS appeared. High hopes faded three the appellant Marcus Garvey: Mr. to the Attorney General, for the JAVILLO FILL AND CORNER La Grimita 100 years later when Ellery was born Campbell, instructed by Mr. crown.
OP01 ODOL OD 10 DO Pora.
126 and almost disappeared two years Honey Dew 110 later when Bessie made her appear. Tunney 100 ance.
SLELTET LGLEYFISKESTYLE FILT4 Excuse Me 126 Then hope flared again and was Tapagra.
118 rewarded with the appearance of GOODOOOOO 1000 DO Clyde and Claude in 1913. Abbie and (TH RACE FURLONGS Addie followed in 1915, and Floyd Intimo 126 and Lloyd came in 1920. Cocoha 110 Said Andrew to his wife as she fed Laughing Water 105 the latest arrivals. Don Simon 100 told you so. There twins and 118 twins on both sides. There be more. Zapo 118 You wait and see.
Two years passed before Jean and 5th RACE FURLONGS Jeannette showed up and the parents Socia 118 named them and sought more allitera2. Marcella 126 tive names for use in case Andrew 3. Loma 105 prediction was fulfilled in greater Don Florentino 105 portion. Pauline 120 Jack, now 5, interrupted their search and they began to believe the 6th RACE FURLONGS twins had ended, but last year hope Cartagena 108 was renewed. Kitty Gin 112 Came 1930 and with it Norma Jean Resolate.
100 and Donald Dean. Copi.
182 Now Koker, who is 48 ruminates La Chiqatlla 117 he works for the Union Pacific transfer in Council Bluffs and his 7th RACE FURLONGS wife 42 wonders as she works about 114 the house, for more alliterative names Trigo 106 Tunney.
may be needed.
126 Zapo 106 You never can tell, it may be the B: Cococha 100 will of God, if more come, they will Rippling Water 100 Le taken care of and they will be welcome, Koker explained.
And little Jack who, his father says, by right should have been a Rev. Wade Addressed twin, wonders and asks why people say he a single as though that (Continued from Page 1)
was something of which he should be Seouts, was well attended. In the ashamed.
absence of His Excellency, Major Braithwaite Wallis, British Minister PANAMA MAY HAVE at Panama the Rev NEW FORM OF Wade, in addition to conducting the GAMBLING service, made the address which was full of encouragement and inspiraAccording to reports circulated around town during the early part The Rev. said in part that the of this week, it would appear as if very first time he met a Panama Panama is to have another form of Scout was at Wembley, during the gambling amusement added to her exhibition, and that he had no idea already formidable array. This that he would have the opportunity latest innovation, if sanctioned by of meeting Panama Scouts in the the powers that be, will be known as Republic of Panama.
jai alai, a form of handball. The sponsors of this new kind of sport At the conclusion of the service, is said to be Carlos de la Cerda of the British National Anthem was local horse race fame and Angel sung and the boys under the direcMacua both residents of Panama.
tion of Commissioner C, Bolt, The scheme is capitalized at 200, 000 Scoutmasters Redvers Markham and of which 150, 000 will be subscribed Archibald Butcher, marched to the CORO ODO: ON by the public and the balance will be De Lesseps Park where the activities furnished by the promoters. URRE of the day terminated.
CERVEZA Balboa The product of a Master Brewer IT IS THE Infimo.
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