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COLON, ICOACH PRIVERGarvey Speaks Obstructed and Assaulted By Soldier Guard at Fort de on Way from Church Lesseps Docks CLARENCE MARKLAND 400, 000 Negroes AND LADY FRIEND SERIOUSLY INJURED Reported on State of Vithout Jobs Labouring Classes Unemployment Due to Causes Indy friend Miss was on their Private Price a guard at the Fort de At Jamaica in Big Mass Meeting.
other than Inability to Appoints Deputation to Wait on Find Work Governor of island It was about two hours after the Barratt, a cab driver of 54 years sun had sunken below the Horizon, standing was reported seriously in and Mr. Clarence Markland and his jured on Monday night last by. Garvey One to non Thursday way from the Baptist Church at 14th. Lesseps Docks. As far as can be Street and Bolivar highway, that gathered, fou soldiers engaged they happend to run into a group of Barrett coach at 6th and Front about eight persons standing at the Street, to take hem to the aboveNEW YORK, Mar. 20. The numcorner of 12th, and 13th. Street on mentioned dock. On reaching the The Mail of the 25th ulto, says: to the Government by certain ber of unemployed Negroes is not Rev. Wade to Preach the same Bolivar highway, Universal Barat 6th Street they mass meeting convened by Mr. privileged wealthy classes large less than 330, 000, according to the Farewell Sermon at The gentlemen were Panamanian stopped and sipped, contining their Marcus Garvey, was held in front of amounts have been voted out of the National Urban League of New York Panama Wesley Government Officials, while the wo gourney they were charged 50 cents the Ward Theatre on Sunday after general revenue by the Governmen: City whose Departments of Industrial Tomorrow men were merry ladies. The party ko which they objected. The guard noon commencing at o clock. to help these classes to the promotion Relations and Research have reached There was a large gathering. The of their private business enterprises, had blocked the walking space on or duty was called by the cabman, this estimate after carefully analyzTomorrow, at 30 m, the Rev. the side walk, and therefore made it whereupon, it is reported, without a meeting was opened with the hymn such as, the Jamaica Producers Asing figures gathered from all secsociation, the Sugar Planters and tions of the country and surveys of well sermon at the Panama Wesley walk through them or Wade will preach his fare compulsory for other pedestrians to any argument he used his club freely From Greenland ley Mountains to take the son Barratt head, inflicting a wound after which Mr. Garvey addrested the Citrus Fruit Association, and unemployed people in several of the Church. During the 11 a. service, street.
which ehreensitated three stitches. rathering.
Whereas the said labouring and principal cities. Arnold Hill, who The following resolution was mov. working classes will be further tax the sacrament of the Lord Supper heads the Industrial Department of On the approach of Mr. Markland cry for help from Barratt, brought out other members of the post. Bared and seconded by the Rev. for loans and grants to the privil will be administered.
and his lady friend, they saw an the League states that unemploy.
ed classes by their reprosentato to ment among Negroes due to causes All members and friends are in opening, asking for an exeuse, horait was taken up in a semi conscious Jones and Mr. Johnson, respecthe Government from time to timo attempted to pass through with his state and attended to by the Lively and was adopted.
other than inability to find work vited to hear the Rev last message of the Post. Further developments Whereas the labournig and work for aid, and whereas to effort hat charge, when without an english obEngland on will certainly total 380, 000, exclusive before he leaves for are expacted.
ing classes of this island of Jamaica, been made to find employment for of those employed in agriculture. Wednesday next.
jection he was rudely pushed aside and the young lady struck with THE BLACKMAN TO BE Mejesty most loyal pos the thousands of unemployed of 119 This figure is more apt to be underThe Rev. Wright. the newly cro, Imve been most grossly Ilajesty loyal subjects in this is.
black Jack by of the Spanish stated than exaggerated considering PUBLISHED WEEKLY naman in the consideration of the land nor for the increasing of the the changes that have occurred since appointed minister to the Panama gentlemen. This, to Mr. Markland peneral improvement of the country, wages of the employed labourer) and arrive from was something that he could not the last census and unemployment of Colon) is expected to notice to its advertisers, sub und whereas it has been widely workers to enable them to meet the various kinds due causes other England on Wednesday also, and permit to go by, so he rushed the seribers, readers and general patrons heralded that there is prosperity in ordinary demands of society, and, there will be a welcome meeting bold spanish gentleman who had struck appearing in a recent issue of the the it and at the present time, and whereas the National Debt of the to.
than failure to find employment.
Continuing, Mr. Hin says the dis for hifin by the members of the his gtel friend with a Black Jack, and Blackman, a daily paper, published whercas this prosperity is not being land is very small and the country shoot a straight fab, which, was un parlty between Negroes and white Church on Thursday next.
at Jamaica under the auspices of the shared in by the said labouring and naturally rich to afford better con. fortunato for the gentleman, con states that that paper will working classes who form the builk people unemployed in Buffalo is full attendance is requested: nected on he lower jaw. squabble hereafter appear as a weekly edition, tions for all classes, and Whereas shown from a recent report of the followed.
of the population, in that the said this can only be remedied and attend New York Department of Labor instead of dally as heretofore. This classes find themselves unable to ed to by the initiative of the Governwhich indicates 17. per cent unemMarkland and his lady friend was step, has been taken, the notice states, bear the strenuous economic burdensment and by legislation. Be it thereone of its largest cities. There will ployment among Negroesas combe a 50 per cent decrease in farm arrested by the gentleman who had to bring the Management under and demands of society, because of fore resolved: That the Government pared with 10. cent unemploy revenue this spring among Negro struck his lady friend, and who re proper control, and until improve the insufficiency of wages and the Jamaicn be respectfully requested ment among white males. In Phila farmers. The building industry shows ceived a severe hard blow from the ments can be made to produce a bet: general condition of unemployment ta appoint a Commission to investidelphia, unemployment is reflected stagnation. The large colored con(Continued on page 4)
ter paper to the satisfaction of all.
which have driven hundreds of thou gate the condition of poverty exist.
from a report made by attendance tractors are working about 75 per sands abroad into foreign and hostile ing throughout the island where hunofficers of the Bureau of Compulsory of their usual crews. White countries, and.
dreds of thousands of human beings Education in co operation with the contractors are showing a preference Whereas the said classes have are existing on the merest pittance Wharton School of Finance and for white workers. Common labor bourpe the burden by contributing to thaat deprives them of the ordinary Commerce. This report shows is in poor demand, 50 per cent being the revenue of this island from which necessaries of life, with the object of relatively heavier proportion of Ne either idle or only working for time.
this heralded prosperity is reflected, remedying such a condition by proper groes unemployed than white work Large numbers of Negroes are reand.
ers. The difference was pronounced ported in the unemployed ranks of legislation.
The following by a Special Repre his request, was Mr. Austin, Whereas the said classes constiThat the Government of Jamaica in one district in which 29. per cent Milwaukee Communists engaged insentative is taken from the Grenada coloured Antiguan head of the million tute the majority of the island concreate a Conmmission to investigate of Negroes and only per cent of street celebrations. Charitable insti West Indian of Feby. 28: the whites were unemployed because tutions are making special provisions dollar Antillian Holding Co. of Har suming and purchasing population, the health condition of the poor Five of us sat around a table in the lem, Mr. Austin was return thereby contributing more to the people all over the island, with the they could not find jobs.
for 900 married men with families in lounge of the Lady Nelson ing from British Guiana whither he general revenue than any other class, object of, through legislation, helpThe seriousness of unemployment Cincinnati, while 600 single men are discussing the future of the West In had been on a short speaking tour. and.
Wing the people to a better state of in South Carolina, is reflected in the being given nights lodgings and help dies. It was a fairly representative Next to Mr. Austin, smoking a long Whereas by representations made (Continued on page 1)
following statement of conditions in from relief agencies.
gathering in so far as outside opin eigar, weighing his words carefully, ion on matters affecting the West In was Mr. Ancrun Treasurer of the dies are concerned. and systems. He There was Mr. Randall Davidson, was an Englishman who has spent 40 ecusin of Archbishop Lord Davidson, years in Canada.
late Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr. Then there was Mr. Ross, Davidson, a strikingly handsome man, head of a prominent firm of building was smitten with the wanderlust long contractors of Montreal, who seemThe Site Said to be About Three ago and has not recovered yet. He is ed quite the opposite to what one 92, 000, 000 Program to Mean at present living in Canada but next would believe a hard headed business Hours Distant from David Many Good Jobs year might find him in South Africa, man to be. He spake rarely, but New Zealand, Australia England or when he did he made some remarks In the near future, the Province of for this future town.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 27. The an ing man. Ten million dollars will be as he humorously told me as he took that was worth discussing. Chiriqui will have a beautiful new The climate is said to be dry and nouncement of a 92, 000, 000 building spent within the next two months, a pull at his glass dead. He has Then there was myself.
town the name of which is to be cool throughout the year and its program by Secretary of the Treas according to the report, 35, 000, 000 travelled around the word, is a firm NO HOTELS YET 23 New California. According situation is 500 feet above seaury Andrew Mellon, in addition in projects between June and Oc. Imperialist evidently, grey haired, don think the will be to statements recently made, every level.
to the 40, 000, 000 in public buildings tober and the remaining 47, 000, 000 what left of it grey moustached and gin to build hotels in the West In thing which will tend to make a city The site is only three hours distant now under construction heralds a will be expended before the end o a fine ranconteur.
dies for some time at least not for beautiful, popular, attractive, com from the city of David, the Provinnote of hope for the American work. Continued on Page 4)
Next to Mr. Davidson, present at (Continued on page 6)
fortable and progressive, is predicted (Continued on Page 8)
cent Prominent Canadian Outspoken In Remarks on the Hope for Workingman in Building Plans Province of Chirique to Have New Town

    EnglandImperialismWorking Class

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