
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 6706 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS can be established. What is more, own ways RCBritish Guiana we do not need for ita explottation BARBADOS Jamaica DEMERARA PAPER PLEAS FOR An Incredible Story LAND SETTLEMENT SCHEME IN INDUSTRIES IN COLONY THE PARISH OF ST. ELIZAB. TH Urges Settlers to Follow Example of care something of the spirit of the Local Producers and Co operate Jamaica To Be Xezresented was to be found in the old question Two Held on fraud tourist gave him a pound note. At Charge can ad any grant from the Colonial Develop ment Fund. But, of course, before any such industry is established, there must be co operation, and unfortunately our people know nothing of the type of co operation that has Tourists have their imrought into being the Jamaica Pro of enjoying themselves when lucers Association. We must on a visit to this island. During the week, one of them board. The Citizens Association people of our most progressive Wested a donkey eart in order to have Are Arranging to Approach Indian neighbours before we ride. The poor condition of the anThe Government question from the It is one of the extraordinary eir tion that must be taken by a small hope to make good in the direction imal elicited a indicated.
visitor. On being informed by the Cristarces of life in the tropica that man, it was evident that the princiTO HELP THE owner that he was poor and someit never rains but that it pours, and ful drawback in his case, as well as times unable to feed his animal, the PEASANTRY this truism relates not only to the it has been in that of most others, At Tourist Trophy physical aspect of things, but also to It is learnt that the St. Elizabeth the same time he remarked that the Citizens Association intend to apInternational Races the non physical. We find it abundof that is to say, there was Purser would pay for the animal if proach the Government on the ques.
The Jamaica Motor Cycle Associa.
antly evident in British Guiana in not sufficient capital at the disposal he could get it aboard and place it tion of a Land Settlement Scheme in mary aspects of life, and not least so of the enterprising industrialist to tion, has been honoured by being in his (the tourist s) cabin.
in regard to minor industries. One that parish.
invited to send two members to reCound an industry on satisfactory Accused of Fleecing Natives of the principal defects and a circum lines. He could only, by utilising all Immediately the stupid man drove Negotiations, we understand, are present Jamaica in the Tourist Troof Hundreds of Dollars stance on which we have laboured the cart to the wharf, unharnessed already proceeding between executive phy Race, which will be held in the his available capital, indicate the difor some considerable time without the animal and hired a man to take members of the Association and Mr. Isle of Man in June this year. This rection in which certain industrial FOR WORK IN PANAMA it out to the tourist ship. On being Binns, a large landed proprietor event is an international one.
any apparent effect, has been the fail. efforts could be made with success, informed that he would have to pay of the parish, with a view to the Asure of our people to take advantage but he was prevented from capital GEORGETOWN, Demerara, Feby.
As the acceptance of this offer will of the many opportunities offering ising his ideas through the absence of 25. Two young men export duty on the donkey he got sociation acquiring certain lands from necessitate the raising of money to giving their aboard the row boat and was taken Mr. Binns should the Government aptheir way, in so far as these minor funds.
names as Claude Herbert and Wilpay the expenses of the representaout to make as he said further in prove of a scheme which will be sub tives, the Association has opened industries are concerned, and we have We have a specific case in that of liam Samuels, reported to be natives emphasised the fact that such com Mr. Francis DeCaires of 36 Robb of Jamaica and Haiti, respectively, quires. never thought that in this mitted to them.
fund to which all loyal Jamaicans modities as preserved fruits, jellies, Street. Mr. DeCaires conducts what enlightened year of grace such an sere arrested on warrants by Mr. Binns has two properties New are asked to contribute; donations to etc. have never been exploited to the is presently known as the Universal Hughes to day, and charged by the example of stupidity could be found Forest and Malvern Chase which he be sent to Mr. Walter Jervis, Honin Barbados. Truth after all is might be induced to sell for the pur arary Secretary, No. 71 Harbour St.
full extent they should have been Jellies Factory, a concern which Police on certain allegations relattrumpets, and that, had there been manufactures jellies, jams and guava, stranger than fiction. Weekly pose of the scheme. The former proping to the recruiting of labourer In connection with this fund, the Herald)
brought to our notice that this has cheese on a pretty large scale for erty is on the borderline of Manches Association is hoping to stage a race for Panama under fraudulent cir.
not altogether been the fault of the local consumption, and has also made eumstances. The arrests created no ter and St. Elizabeth, consisting of meeting at Mona on the 19th of next people, and that many minor efforts several small shipments to Canada little public interest, since there had 2, 000 acres of arable land abounding month starting at 1:30 There have been made in this direction, par and the We know for a fact been quiet rumours during the past PALAIS ROYAL for the most part in guinea grass will be races for each class of ma ticularly in so far as canning is con that several hundreds of pounds of few weeks of the activities of these for There are two springs on the prop chines. These events will be about cerned, without the usual flourish of jellies have been shipped by this cenCLOTHING erty.
two men who are recent arrivals in six miles in length, also a long distrumpetts, and that, had there been tre to Canada, where the demand the Colony. The Police, however, The property, Malvern Chase, of inst the nisl modicum of self adtant handicap race, a half slow race, SEEMS TO BE PARTICULARLY 400 acres, is considered to be very and an obstacle race. It is anticidecided to watch their movements, and Vointthere was no knowing to STRONG are now stated to be in the possession the Police of having on February fertile, and is situated in the South pated that far more interesting tin in the indist:y would have today but the principals have found of certain evidence against the de at Georgetown recruited members of field district.
ishes will be seen, than was the race na it was an unknown it impossible to cope with the demand fendants.
the labouring class for service outThe Land Settlement scheme is beonly be ause of the modesty that has been made upon their pro THE MODUS OPERANDI side the Colony of British Guiana, ing pushed for the main purpose of for the Cup last year. Speeds of those who engaged in it; whereas ductive capacity. Whereas they can assisting the peasantry of the Pedro of sixty and seventy miles per hour, Herbert and Samuels were guests contrary to law, had they blazoned forth their efforts supply and that, only at hard pres of the King George Hotel. They Plains who suffer dire hardships in possibly over, will be the order of Sub Inspector Carruthers if even it were only to indicate that sure hundred pound lots, requests times of drought, and it is hoped that the day. Further details will be pubare reported to have devised a syswho appeared to prosecute, applied the St. Elizabeth Citizens Associa lished. The two representatives seat long lost something was being done for supplies have been made in tons tem by which scores of men have for a postponement and His Worship tion will succeed in attaining this lected are Messrs, Imecs and in a direction in which it had always and as has happened in many another been deprived of their last sums of granted one until the 8th March, al praiseworthy object.
Allan Enneror.
buen asserted that people have been instance, they have had to be turned negligent, and, where not negligent, down simply because the producer did 50 dollara to dollars. Promises of with a surety money, ranging individually from lowing bail in the sum of 150 dollars speed and distance judging trial BUY FROM THE WORKMAN unable to make good, a considerable will be held this evening starting not have the capital to embark on a Hon. Fredericks represented very lucrative forms of employment amount of good might have been large scale, and local people do not ADVERTISERS AND GET from Wolmers at o clock (Mail. in Panama were held out to each the defendants.
take kindly to financing ventures of victim on the condition that the sum We have overwhelming evidence in that description. We have seen sevC 50 dollars was paid on the spot our possession today that many ef eral samples of the produets of the forts have been made by the so called factory in question, and have no hesifor the permit to enter Panama and also to entitle the applicants to emsmall men of the community to tation in stating that they are among ployment. number of men anxious ESTABLISH MINOR INDUSTRIES, the best in their class that have come in the directions usually indicated under our notice. The jelly is transto reach this land of milk and (this it would appear, has been the parent, it has no sling, and being put honey raised the required amount result of our recent criticism. but up in air tight bottles with attracby pledging and in some instances selling their sparse possessions and INCORPORATED 1869 they have proved abortive, for the tive labels, commands attention. If handed it over to these agents.
most part through the absence of there is a fruit crop in British Gui Others complained of not being able espital one of the chief twin diseases Head Office: na, the exploitation of which should Montreal, Canada that have been responsible for the benefit the small farmer, it is the to raise the entire amount but were failure of most Colonial enterprises. guava. At present it is permitted to induced to bring what they had with Quite recently we indicated the steps the understanding that they would run almost wild, there is little or no PANAMA COLON that had been taken by Mr. effort made to bring it under special pay the balance out of their earnings later.
Hawker to inaugurate a canning in ised cultivation, but in spite of that Santa Ana Plaza Corner Ilth and Bolivar Streets WHERE THE TROUBLE CAME dustry. In spite of the favourable we still have large quantities of gunThe trouble and subsequent rereports that were received on the vas there are two cropa every year quality of the articles that were onn tons of which are either not reaped, have come about by reason of the ports to the Police, are stated to ned, he did not proceed to venture or olao are permitted to go to waste forth in the manner in which the every year through lack of sales. It fact that nearly all the duped persuccessful entreprenour would have sons regarded their payments as is obvious, therefore, that with a litamounts covering their passage to been expected to do, and while he tle centralisation of effort, and the spoke very glibly on the question of necessary capital at the back of such Panama, which Herbert and SamWith 900 Branches throughout the world, including markets, etc. and the necessary Chu effort, a profitable minor industry uels would provide. After weeks of fruitless waiting to go however, the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank they were informed that the amounts is in a position to render the best possible service.
were only for permits which would FOR be given them after they had secured their pasages, Antigua Dominica Mowberrat Herbert and Samuels bellevBahamas Grenada St. Kitts ed to have collected sums totalling nearly two thousand dollars during Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia and their campaign British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique They were released on bail for which Mr. Griffith, proprietor of Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
the hotel, stood as surety, and they see are expected to appear before the City Magistrate this morning to answer the charges preferred against HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST them.
REMANDED ON BAIL PAID ON DEPOSITS Claude Herbert and WMiam SamNo. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
uels, respectable looking Islanders, appeared before Mr. Veerasawmy, Acting at the City Magistrate Court on a charge by The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID Panama, General Banking Business Transacted.


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