
a Printery Mattresses made and renovated (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
to order Furnitures also repaired To day, friends and Countrymen, appeared to be in her presentment!
a: moderate prices There was a meeting of the above work for the remainder of the year.
Association on the 30th inst. This Xany spoke on the good and welfare am in my salts. feel as felt when was in my teens. That doesn The first race was announced by House No. 10, 21 Street was held at the St. Bernard Lodge and hope for a better understanding Hall, and the house was packed with and more cooperation.
mean that was naughty boy, bugle, and everybody commenced to Cuachapali make their way to the windows to the lovers of the good movement.
jumping and prancing around with SOS ODIODE 1000 At 16 Chester. Headley. NEW ARRIVAL FOR THE intent to give everyone notice that purchase their dogs. This girl gave me a broader smile this time as she Chairman, called his gathering to PANTONS was there. mean that feel very order and declared the meeting opensaid to me, Mister, am going to much younger than really am, and buy my dog. Please take care of ed. The regular business having The verdant vegetables of the Stop and analyze it. there I attribute that to my having been my seat till return. With plea Small been gone through, the Chairman Chinese garden raised their drooping nothing in life that gives more then turned the Chair company with the girls at Kennel over, to Mr.
sure, ma am, said, as slapped my Ice to kiss the first sunbeams that pure happiness than making worth two saturday nights ago.
DENTIST the seat beside me. Hunter, Vice President of the straw hat on Fitted over and to shake from the someone else happy.
Association for the purpose of Tell the truth, was not willing to MASONIC TEMPLE juicy leaves the acumulated dew, Is there?
Its like this. was in Panama let that girl get away from near me Office Hours:s. LO 12 pm Installing the Officers.
when a rustle and busy people went When we present a gift, we and met my old friend Alfred if could help it, because was not. 30 to 30 It)
in and out of the home of Mr.
Sunday, by special fopointinent want it to be packed with all the Rouget, Esqr. mare of La Boca, sure if the other that would occupy NoSonic Temple ilth St, The following were duly Installed: Panton comanding a good view of entiment, affection and good who suggested that it would be a that seat would be nice, sweet Box 757. CRISTOBAL the Chinese gardens to proclaim the There a multitude of things good thing if went to see the dogs boking, and Chester. Headey. Chair spood news of the male landing of the that will serve, but they lack in interesting persona UONE: OPPICE 1004 run at Kennelworth providing was new Panton. He weighed pounds the first some respect. They wear out able to prevent them from biting me Clarke. Vice Chairman and is a good eryer, mother is well cuickly; ou live their usefulness; na they had done him sometime ago.
Jas, Webster. Secretary and Mr. Panton is happy.
The second bugle went, and the agreed. thought it would be a No. tell. At any late, when she or have no usefulness at all, is Treasurer.
dogs came out. The girl hurried there ANY THING that will shame were to have lived in Panama back, grabbed up my hat and placed at the name and the address very was gone to buy the ticket, looked United lost to Sussex 110 to quicken the recipient heart for so many years, and not to have The installation was performed in 74. Mr. Lane made 24 runs for it in her lap after she had placed carefully. She had carried my hat, brilliant manner, and all expressed the Nelson Roberts, beat. that will tell her more availed myself of the unique exand herself in the seat. She said to me, perience of seeing grey hounds chase and in case she did not return with willingness to carry eloquently than you could that on the good Richard starred for the team.
you wish her well. that speaks rabbits, so boarded a Hindoo chiva, hank you, mister, you are a ladies it (as hoped not) maybe, would the first one that came by, and rode gentic man. replied with a bow its quality every time it is seen.
be able to find her for the purpose you. Then she Heard Under the Almond Tree that never wears out. that reto Kennelworth, paying 15 cents for saying. thank of regaining my hat. Thank goodtains its value. that arouse showed me her tickets, twenty dolthe ride ness, she came back with my hat, HELP YOUR FELLOW in dispatching an order to the Minis the admiration of all who see it?
lars on, no. looked on with and sat down fanning. She looked MAN ter of Panama in Cuba, to send home Yes it fine jewelry such as mazement. The race started, No.
Arriving at Kennelworth, was at me with a killing smile and asked the athletes will have far reaching we will be glad to show you if in the surprised to behold the vast multilead. Everybody com me if felt the heat. Little did she You are not put here on earth results, not only with Cubans, the you will pay us a visit oon.
tude of persons assembled there. menced, No. in the lead! No. know that was suffering from many for your own sole benefit. There Olympic committee, our athletes, but FULLER conservative estimate of the number in the lead! and this went on wildly heats, or pernaps she did know, and are others with the same rights and with future delegations.
of human beings and others, place till suddenly, felt a heavy bounce 122 Central Avenue.
was merely trying to elicit from me privileges to enjoy the things of life The Cubans are so bitter against at twenty thousand, all who had or my person, and the girl said, the condition of my temperature, as well as yourself. This is imcome to look at dogs, to buy dogs, Me mother Rosa, me belly No. the Negro, that even when they are these girls being so smart. At any portant to remember. Now, if you and to go to the dogs. was among fall down. Of course, did not see taking part in ORDER BOOKS wholesome and rate, replied in the affirmative, and help your fellow man to maintain his the first lot, merely to look at dogs. When No. fell, because, tell the she straightway commenced to fan rights, do you not see that you are peace tying affair, a matter that will SECRETARY But another feature of the place was truth, could not really pay attenAND stunningly interesting to me, that tion to dogs when a girl like that was me. The race started, and she lost laying the foundation for help to and must show the true spirit of any again She looked at me with a maintain your own?
However, as person was the girls. They were TREASURER nation. That nicely sitting so near to me.
or group or countenance somewhat like If you trample on any person you bitterness could not be suppressed.
ON SALE dolled up, most of them had bobbed she said this, looked out on the that of the Hoople woman when must expect to be trampled upon in We consider the Cubans very unreas. At the Workman hair, and all skirts were agreeably track just in time to see No. get Mr. Hoople bothered her. There was your turn, and then away go your onable in drawing the color line for short, and beheld a greater variety up and started to sprint again. Both of legs than ever saw since beour athletes.
the girl and myself were excited.
the evidence of bitter disappointment rights, and trouble ensues. If you came interested in legs. said to She because No. had fallen, and in her otherwise beautiful eyes, help your friends and neighbors in myself, Oh boy, am in for a good me because she had gotten me ko.
cleverly smothered over by a deep their need you are opening the way time to night!
She made bad worse by grabbing my tinge of desperate smiling. Then to be a success in whatever you may undertake. K, hand and laid it on her breast say.
she paused for a few moments as climbed into the pavillion and ing. Mister, feel me heart. She she gazed in bewilderment into my sat me down beside a pain of a girl. having had my hand charge, and eyes, after which she snatched ker THE PROUD CUBANS As took my sent, this girl looked having placed it where she desired, key from my breast pocket where AND THE PANAMA at me, and at her. said in my had nothing to do but leave her she had placed it saying, Give me ATHLETES FROM heart, to night, to night. She alone with my hand. But friends my key, mister, you salt me up. It Dunlop motor cover motorists through looked at me again, and gave me a looks like you are minister. out the World have been loud in their and countrymen, although did feel (Cyril. Thomas)
acclamation of this new Dunlop especially sort of unwilling smile, but suffi her heart throbs, that was not as The action taken early in the week designed to meet present day motoring con cient to show a dimple she was car important to me as the place where But the next race came on, and by President Harmodio Arosemenaditions. tyre strong and robust in nature, rying on her left cheek, and a fur. the hand laid. Mercy! 80 soft, so she again left to bay more tickets.
built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 of experience and combining all the essen nace of pure gold in the fore part of tender, so bewitching, so lovely, Lockelly, this time, she left my tial features one can only find in a tyre the mouth. observed her very thin became helpless, and found myself hat on her seat which hastily Church Notices built by DUNLOP.
Ilps, that looked quite tender. The saying. good lord, deltrer me grabbed, and walled quickly out of look in her eyes were positive, and the pavillion before she came back.
St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca her knees were apparently very But here the climax now. The and wended my way through the Holy Comunion, 6, a. Cole If your ear to smooth, covered as they were with next race was duo, and the gtrl stack dense crowd, muttered to myself brant, Canon Miller.
not already beautiful pair of mauve stoekings a key benring her name and addresa fervent prayer, out of the depths Mattins, Holy Communion, Ser.
equipped with which matched both dress, shoes, and on a celluloid tag, into my breast have come, o lord. mon, 10. 30, Canon Miller Fort Dunlop hat. was particularly impressed pocket saying, mister, let my key Church School, 80, Mr.
with the fitness of things that she stay in your pocket whlle buy some boarded the first tram car covers call on Palmer, Lay Reader.
observed in dressing. Everything more tickets. Maybe, you will give found at the gate, and rode into Panyour dealer Choral Evenseng and Sormon, 80, matched, and wondered if this girl good luck this time. Then, ama City to the place of my temforthwith, and Preacher. The Bishop.
was as regular in her conduet, and felt a funy sensation in my belly, porary abode, and as lay me down Lenten Service, 7, a. Monday to a ke the beautiful in her possessions as she but did not say as she did when to sleep, was hunted like a phantom Friday change over.
by the exceeding great beauty of Confirmation Class Wednesday and this girl, and my experience with her Friday, at Kennelworth. reflected on the possibilities that were very present Mulcare, NEURALGINA Rector.
were a young man without the experience of the ways of girls that possess and how my friend Rouget St. Bartholomew Church, Las CasShould be in every office to immedjately soothe any would have caused me to fall for cadas.
neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
this strange girl in a way that might have been somewhat expensive to The Litany, Holy Eucharist and NEURALGINA myselt and others and how would Sermon, 10, 45, a. Rev. Mulhave actually gone to the doga in care. Church School and Confirmation the twinkling of an eye, if were not Class, 80, Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches so formidable in my capacity to fall Mulcare, and reduce the fever of children and rise again. And although the Priest in Charge.
rememberance of her eyes, and the NEURALGINA feeling that felt when she placed St. Simon Mission, Gamboa.
my hand upon her breast rested Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart upon my emotions with troculent Matins and address, 11, a. Mr.
ferocity, yet was able to sleep a McCarthy, Lay Reader sweet sleep, and in the morning Church School and Confirmation woke up with pleasant recollections Class, 80, For sale both Wholesale and Retail of how spent a night at KennelJ. Mulcare, worth!
Priest in Charge.
AT THE Bult by Dunlop years FORT FORI DUNLOP PALAIS ROYAL BOX 649 AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor ANCON, The Store of Qnality Cirilo Sandford Attorney at Law Panama.
DAVE CARDOZE For Sale at all Leading Garagis FE. ESCOFFERY Wholesale Distributor OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AYE.


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