
Dr. Fairweather it was Marcus Garvey and another associated with Kingdom, which is tangibly seen SUNDAY, APRIL 6th wermastering the social and finanhim. It only mattered to them that every man must be cial world. Financially and material.
brought before a British Court according to law, GARVEY DAY Py strong, they are able to pracwhether it be Marcus Garvey or any other person tically, start war and end its disaswhatsoever.
Published on Saturday by it. WALROND, at the office No 72 Elaborate Functions at trous consequences. The Liberty CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, And while on the one hand Garvey has been vindi Division 877, Halls of the Universal Improvement Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Association for Negro welfare and cated in his statement in effect, that there are unrightSunday, April 6th, known as education, are the most potential and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION eous judges in all the world, not excluding Jamaica, GARVEY DAY, will be celebrated congenial, as well as the most logical ONE YEAR. 40 for one such judge had actually tried and imprisoned with unusual pageant and solemnity, and accessible centres and evidences SLX MONTES.
him a judge of the lower Court without any at the Liberty Hall of Division No. of Universal Forums where Negro THREE.
legal authority so to do, on the other hand, he 877, Universal Negro Improvement literature is taught; where the hisONE MONTH. 20 must realise the fallacy of his recent utterance to in Association of August, 1929. Mem. tory and glory of the Race is dis.
troduce a law in Jamaica to deal with unjust judges, bers and friends are heartily invited seminated, and thereby is propagated The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS and admonished to attend and make the necessary impetus to enable them and should be highly satisfied with the judgement this occasin bumper success in to stand with irreproachable prestige THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 rendered by the higher tribunal which must demonall its various features, and merit among the other men of strate to the most ignorant that British justice is no the World The world to day is undergoing respector of persons whether the litigants be King or We are appealing to the Negroes WHOLESALE VINDICATION such momentous changes, as far as peasant.
Racial and Economic differences are of this City to visit our Liberty Halls on Sunday nights, and thereby benconcerned, that all Negroes are bent We wish to say a few words to day concerning the It would be ponderously preposterous if any one eflt by the instructive and inspiring on doing something to elevate themmuch discussed charge of seditious libel which was said that the Resident Magistrate for Kingston is an addresses which flow from our selves, emmeliorate their depressed brought against Messrs Garvey and Aikman beconditions, and advance their social, rostrum, for the lasting good of our fore a Resident Magistrate of Kingston, Jamaica, ignorant person. He is not ignorant. And the quesRace!
tion is. why has he acted so strangely in this case? political and educational interests. It and of which they were convicted and sentenced Why did he use authority not vested in him by law, may be said that all are bent on the to six and three months imprisonment respectively.
same quest, although all are not As will be remembered, this case aroused almost equity, or anything else? Maybe, it will be said that we too are contemptuous when we say that it is be going in the same direction; yet all universal comment, and was watched with much cause even a British Judge is quite liable to be un are bound to end at the same point, Some persons believed, more than ordinary interest.
where the respective, integral efforts, and so expressed themselves, that the defendants righteous in his judgement because all judges are human, and are therefore not immune from error. aspirations and enterprises construc(Continued from Page 1)
were guilty, especially Mr. Garvey, and were jubNevertheless we so say, and we are justified in our tively operate for one Racial cause.
ilant at the promulgation of the news that he had been statement by the judgement of the Supreme Court, The Universal Negro Improvement Included in this program is a 6, convicted. Others, ourselves among them, were of the which judgement has completely vindicated both Gar Association is undoubtedly, Uni 500, 000 postoffice for Pittsburg, Pa.
opinion that even if seditious libel was committed, a vey and Aikman, and which is a very pronounced afversal Movement that is bound to Resident Magistrate was without jurisdiction to try the The building projects which have firmation of that which British Jurisprudence stands have far reaching beneficial effects been planned will give work to huncase. This opinion however, was not popular; but now, for. fiat justicia, ruat caelum. on the future of the Negro. It has we are pleased to discover that we were in the right, as dreds of thousands of men, and thus well as those others who were of the same opinion as assumed international significance, aid materially President Hoover efand is naturally destined to re adjust fort to relieve unemployment.
countless of the World affairs rePrevious to this, Mr. Garvey had been imprisoned 20099900000000000 Practically all of the work planned lative to Negroes.
as a first class misdemeanant for having said what was is outside of the District of Coloumregarded as scurrilous and contemptuous against judges large number of Negroes, espe bia and covers wide area. Ac.
of the courts of Jamaica. It was held that he had comcially those of the Antillian Islands, cording to the secretary announcemitted an unpardonable offence by having said that he PHYSICIAN are not fully awakened to this fact. ment, the contracts that have been would endeavour to have legislation put through to im Many are still laboring under the or are to be awarded this year cover peach or imprison any judge who did not perform his delusion that Absorption of Race every section of the country, with duties as prescribed by law. Mr. Garvey created a HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO will be, and is, solution of the the structures ranging in size from sensation by this statement, and he was speedily tried No. K STREET problem, but this is wrong. The village postoffices to the enormous and imprisoned.
Jews who were without a country, 14, 000, 000 building to be erected in PANAMA CITY But what has been the up shot? Whereas it was have built a strong Socio Economic Chicago. This will be the largest both said and implied that there were no judges in postoffice building in the world. In Jamaica who came under the catetgory of those describaddition, a 6, 000, 000 structure in ed by Mr. Garvey in his statement, the Resident MagisBoston and a 3, 300, 000 building in trate for Kingston has actually tried and sentenced to Baltimore have been planned.
a term of imprisonment the same man (Garvey) withThe report further states that out authority of law, and therefore, without having had this program will afford employjurisdiction so to do. The three judges of the Supreme ment not only for many thousands Court have given it as their considered opinion, based of men in the actual building conupon all the laws in British jurisprudence upon the substruction but for many other thouject available to them, that the Resident Magistrate for sands in the quarties and factories.
Kingston had no authority in law to try such a case Just Received a Large Assortment of that the law prescribes that such a defendant is entittled to be tried by judge and jury, except he eleets of his own accord to be tried otherwise. which they did not do in Clarence Markland this case. In point of fact, the defendants, through their counsels, objected to be tried by the Resident Mag(Contlued from Page 1)
istrate, but he overruled their objection, and proceeded knuckles of the lady protector, and to try the case.
In the very Latest Designs taken before the night Judge, who Then again, the Magistrate was so anxious to send decided that Markland was all wrong, Garvey to prison, that on finding him guilty, he proceedand as a consequence found him ed to treat him like an habitual criminal, referring to his ALSO 10. 00 (ten dollars. The fine was previous conviction for contempt, and remarking that he paid, Markland went home, not at all (Mr. Garvey) had learnt no lesson by said conviction.
This. of course, was only making bad worse. More, he So the following day. Comandante sentenced him to six months with hard labor. He had no Walker, chief of the Fire Departauthority to try the case in the first instance, and secCream Flannels ment was approached by Mr. Markondly, he had no authority to attach hard labor to a senland, and his case was laid before tence for seditious libel. Of this, the Magistrate was the good Chief. The matter informed by the Crown prosecutor. Then he varied the WAS sentence by omitting the hard labor.
LEST YOU FORGET taken up with the Governor, Sr. Galindo Jr. a conference with the It was apparent from the very beginning that this Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire was nothing but a judicial fiasco enacted by this ResiDepartment, and the Governor, with dent Magistrate, who would have to say a great dea!
the Police Officer who had struck indeed to convince some persons that one of his judicial Markland girl friend, with their standing and experience was totally ignorant of the fact IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL witness were all sitting in the Govthat he had no authority in law to try a case of seditious ernor office discussing, explaining, libel, nor to imprison with hard labor if he did take and defending authority to try it.
The result was, that Markland was According to the argument, the Resident Magistrate told that he was not able to redeem took his authority from the fiat of the Attorney General a fiat which was defective in law, and consequenthis ten dollars that was paid as a MULLER Prop fine the previous night, but that the ly was no fiat at all. Here again, it is incredible that 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 Police officer had no right to strike the Attorney General for Jamaica should have given his his girl friend with a Black Jack.
fiat otherwise than is prescribed by law, and contrary His lady friend is not badly hurt, to precedents in British Jurisprudence. But the three learned Judges of the Supreme Court have so found, and have so stated, and have accordingly quashed the conPhone 453 viction for the very reasons pleaded by counsels for DRY CLEANING the defendants. In this connection, we are proud to PANAMA observe that the dignity and righteousness of British STEAM PRESSING DENTIST HOWELL justice has been completely vindicated. It mattered 16 STREET DYBING naught to the judges of the Supreme Court that the We Dye To Live PANAMA House No. 912 La Boca case was brought by the Crown nor did it matter that Canal Zona LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA TROTT The Cleaner


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