
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1980 PAGE ITVI Garvey Speaks L, Campaign is Is Being Planned to Send Samuel Collymore to 100000 00 GREAT NESTLE CONTEST In Cash From recent information, plans are underway for the raising of funds to send Samuel Collymore. noted West Indian baritone) to the United States of America where he will have the opportunity of improving himselt in the field of fame.
This decision was arrived at on account of the service this local baritone has rendered from time to time both on the Canal Zone and in the two terminal cities, in the interest of the community.
Mr. Collymore has for the last five years sung with complete satisfaction in places of entertainment, and has always given a good account of himself; the decision over Leslie Hunte in the contest at the La Boca Clubhouse sometime ago, and also that at the Excelsior Theatre (Panama) with Beckles is a proof of his capability Messrs Headley, Decares, Roach and Griffith notetd West Indian cricketers, also had the pleasure of being entertained by him on their recent visit to the Isthmus.
The last favorable impression that this songbird made upon the public, Tras at Liberty Hall (Colon) on Sunday night last, and this seems to be the culmination of this generous move which is being sponsored by Mr.
Louis Deveaux, well known real estate owner who has volunteered to head the list with one hundred dollars.
WE WILL PAY: Panama Wesleyan freshments. The following persons with a few other items.
Christian Endeavour made contributions to the programme. The games and refreshments of Activities.
Mrs. Stephens Vocal Solo which the latter portion of the proThe regular mas meeting of (Continued from Page Mrs. King Vocal Solo gramme was made up, completed the living.
The weekly meeting of the Panama Miss Rodney Piano Selection evening entertainment. In view of Chapter 14 of the A will be That the Government undertake to Wesleyan Christian Endeavour AcMiss Hilda Forthe Vocal Solo the Rev departure for England dur conducted tomorrow p. et secure from the Imperial Govern tivities came off on Wednesday last, Mr. Dottis Piano Selection ing the coming week, the Auld Lang their hall, 21st Street Guachapall; ment or any other source, loan of 2nd inst. in Geddes Hall with the Miss Isabelle Brownie Vocal Solo the Mizpah.
Syne was sung immediately before the Choir and other members of the five million or more pounds to be Rev. Wade presiding as Miss Odle Piano Selection rganization are preparing the proused for the development of agrleul chairman of the evening.
Miss Alma Nugent Vocal Solo BUY FROM THE WORKMAN gramme for the occasion tural and general industries in this The entertainment took the form Miss Qwendolyn Lowe Vocal Solo ADVERTISERS AND GET island, with the object of finding of a musicale, plus games and reThe public is cordially invited.
Miss Forbes Vocal Solo VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY employment, through such enterprises, for the thousands of unemployed; and at the same time to CI OOOOOO ZOO make such enterprises so productive and profitable as to be a source of OBODO revenue to the island.
100 That the Government undertake to create by legislation a minimum wage for the Inbouring and working classes of the island so as to insure for them the earning of enough to be able to meet the necessary requirements of life and live up to the standard demand of society, thereby saving hun.
On the first of February 1930 we deposited in a sealed envelope with the Manager of the National City Bank of New York in Panama a ONE DOLLAR BILL whose serial number is not That the Government undertake to known by anyone.
institute an eight hour working day Everybody knows that each bill of United States Currency bears a serial number of figures: throughout the island, in that the tentherefore, what is required is that you guess the four ending figures of the serial number of the Gency of orking our labourers for ONE DOLLAR BILL which we deposited with the National City Bank. It is not necessary more than eight hours under the mention the letters which precede and follow the serial number.
scorching tropical sun tend to destroy On the 30th of June 1930 at 11 in the presence of the Manager of the National City Bank their vitality and cause early death, and several witnesses the envelope will be opened and the correct serial number of the said ONE especially when the said abourers are DOLLAR BILL will be published.
forced by circumstances to eat the poorest food by lack of sufficient wages to provide them with the or.
dinary, not to say the substantial necessaries of life.
First Prize. 500. 00 to the person who will have guessed correctly or most approxi: mately the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE That a deputation be appointed IN CASH DOLLAR BILL deposits with the National City Bank.
from this meeting to wait upon His Excellency the Governor of this island 200. 00 to the person who guesses the second most approximate number to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE to discuss the subject matter of these IN CASH DOLLAR BILL deposited.
rsolutions and to the person who guesses the third most approximate number to That a copy of the resolutions be the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR filed with His Excellency the Gov.
IN CASH BILL deposited.
ernor, the Colonial Secretary and to the ten persons whose guesses, after we have paid the 1st, 2nd.
each member of the Legislative Ten Prizes. 10. 00 and 3rd. prizes and eliminated the corresponding numbers, are Council of Jamaica and with the the numbers most approximate to the four ending figures of the EACH IN CASH Secretary of State for the Colonies serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited.
and each and every member of the to the twenty persons whose guesses, after we have paid the first, Twenty Prizes. 00 second, third and the ten prizes of 10 each and eliminated the British Imperial Parliament and each every member of the House of EACH IN CASH corresponding numbers, are the twenty numbers most approxiLords, and be it resolved: mate to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited.
That the deuptation to wait on His Excellency the Governor and to preShould several solutions show the number of determined prizes, the respective amount of the prize will be pare the petition to His Majesty the distributed equally between them.
King setting out the conditions herein TO TAKE PART IN THIS CONTEST IT IS NECESSARY to include with each solution the quantity of complained of and asking for his labels or wrappers of either one of the brands indicated and illustrated below: sympathy and ald in having somePORATED MILK or 10 la.
thing done to relieve the unfortunate labels of the large size or conditions of his most loyal sobjects NESTLE in this colony and be it further reMILES tin of the well known NESlabels of the or tla of the solved.
That the deputation to wait on His TLE CONDENSED MILK EVAPORAT கர பம NESTLE EVAPORAT Excellency the Governor and to proor ST. CHARLES EVAED MILK pare the petition to His Majesty the King, draw to their respective attenHon the fact the poor condition of the people of the island cannot be Or 10 wrappers of the famous NESTLE judged accurately by the sentiment expressed by newspaper editors or CHOCOLATE BARS. cents sellers.
writers in this island, as such persons Each solution must bear ONLY one number of figures but each person can send as many are not in sympathy with the condisolutions as possible, provided each solution is accompanied by the required number of labels or tions of the poor but are paid agents wrappers.
of special privilege who use their of the number which you think is on the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited and do not omit to indifriends and their class to the detricate your name and address clearly.
ment of the island and the poorer inhabitants thereof.
Bring your solutions starting to day to either of the following NESTLE MILK The following names were submitOFFICES: ted to the meeting to form a deputaPABLO AROSEMENA AVENUE, JAVILLO FILL, PANAMA or 057, BALBOA tion to meet His Excellency the Governor to discuss the Resolution: Mr.
AVENUE, COLON Marcus Garvey, the Revs.
or send them by mail to NESTLE MILK CO. Box 803, PANAMA CITY.
Jones, Belamy, Messrs The solutions will be accepted up to the 28th of June 1930 at P. and the correct serial number and names Johnson, Aikman, Denof the winners will be published in the weekly paper the Tribune on the 5th, of july 1930. Also we shall write nison, de Leon and Miss Lee.
separately to all the winners.
The meeting closed with the singN. Our decision will be final in all matters relative to this contest.
HEN ing of the National Anthem.
The rules of this contest have been approved by the Mayors of Panama Colon.
Second Prize.
Third Prize. 100. 00 Meeting of Amalgamated Friendly Societies very interesting meeting in connection with the Friendly Societies Amalgamation took place on Monday evening last the 81st ulto, at the St.
Charles lodge room at 10th and Streets. The attendance WAD exceptionally large one and the many business items put through was to the entire satisfaction of all present.
Notably among which were the nomination and election of officers resulting as follows: John Raid, President, Stephens, Vice President, Oldfield Secretary, McLean, Treg.
surer, Small, Christian and Franklin, Trustees ST. CHARLES 10 labels of the small size Thebels of the 16 oz. tin op 20 CELEBRATES EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY LLESTLED penyelide clearly on a piece of paper or on the form printed hereunder, the four ending figures positions as editors to serve their Colon, April 1st. The Light of Colon Lodge, No. 11, and of held their sixteenth Anniversary at the Flower of the Isthmus Lodge hall on Sunday evening last at o clock. There was a good attendance and the opening address was delivered by Elder Rodgers of the Salem Mission Church. His discourse was based on the teaching of the Good Samaritan showing the benefits to be derived therefrom.
In the absence of the Secretary Bro. Taylor, Sister Mitchell read the report. It was a brilliant affair.
The hall was tastefully decorated with flowers and bunting.
The various representatives from kindred and other societies acquitted themselves creditably and with the 8th Street Liberty choir in attendance nothting was left to be desired.
Special mention must be made of the following solos He Leadeth Me by Miss Whyte; Rock of Ages by Miss Watso; Tenor Solo, Father be Near me by Mr. Holder and a recitation by Miss Livingston.
Closing address by Mr. Reid.
chairman, brought a well spent eve.
ning to its close shortly after o clock.
ter Felative to this content PROSPECTIVE DIVISION OF THE FORM OF ENTRY OF NESTLE CONTEST To the NESTLE ANGLO SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. Box 808, Panama City, Enclosed please find. labels of NESTLE PRODUCTS to entitle me to enter the NESTLE contest.
wrappers The four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL are: NAME ADDRESS CITY The usual weekly meeting of the Prospective Division of the will be convened tomorrow at their Hall at pm. The religious section of the evening will be presided over by Mr. Jeffers, Secretary Greely will read the President General weekly message, while the Choir will contribute to the musical part of the programme.
All members and friends are invited Kindly write clearly. figures)

    EnglandWorking Class

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