
PAGE SIX THE WORRMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1990 British Government to Assist West Indian Sugar Industry 150, 000 POUNDS TO AID COLONIES IN PLIGHT Action Taken by. Imperial Government Only a fow nights ago. white proposition.
in View of Conditions Prevailing Owing to Decline in Sugar Prices St. Kitts Frames Estimates With Eye into a surly follow. In the West has moved much since then. The made with three islands together of honour. Do everything quietly and Indies it is not so. move among West Indies should now support the Windward or Leadward Islands business like and these colonies won coloured people. find them charm themselves. Instead of having the would do nicely and would take it cost the Colonial Office one penny to ing and cultured. do not tell you people in England taxed so to give on if they give me a chance. Put run.
that some foolish Britishers are not us Imperial bounties and so on, these these islands under young, enter WEST INDIAN RUN WEST predicted islands should support themselves, prising Administrator. Tell him that INDIES AN INCIDENT and they can if run as a business It he doesn make good you ll kick There seems to be no doubt, Mr.
him out. Give him a staff of men Anerun said, that West Indians lady passenger rot into temper But, Mr. Davidson going for like Mr. Austin, men who know the should be able to look after their own because a coloured West Indian Indy the Colonial Office again, they are West Indies, having been born here affairs under the eye and guidance of had been put into the same berth made the dumping ground of second and ll be that after a while you ll They have the brains and ability. But an Administrator from England.
raters and incompetents. have stu: have the other islands calling for the LONDON, March 19. The Daily cently visited the West Indies. must change my cabin! she told died the position and sized it up on the people in England do not undersame administration. Give them a Herald predicts that the preference In view of the unprecedented conme. Why. asked.
stand the West Indies thoroughly ditions prevailing in the West Indies this trip. Now and then there is an legislature that is like Recorded to Empire sugar will not be a board of Because they have put a coloured enough yet. It is something like Administrator who makes good but directors and let them run the place when went to Canada in 1888. discontinued in the coming budget. owing to the fall of sugar values, woman in my berth, she replied.
This would be in line with represen the Government last waak decided to that kind it in the minority. would as a business concern. Cut out the was told you were liable to be shot Well, then, you must change not like to suggest that an experiment be gold lace the brass band and guards in the streets and landed with a tations made by the recent Royal the Government last week decided to your cabin but your character, was Commission on the sugar industry 160, 000 to the West Indies and revolver in my hip pocket. felt a the parting shot gave and left her.
which headed by Lord Olivier re British Guiana.
fool when saw how my leg had been The idea is that do not want pulled. That, guess, is the official to have you think that am telling attitude towards the West Indiesyou that there are not prejudiced just ignorance.
Britishers but they are rather the on Help They regard the West Indies as exception than the rule. By Cable Coy. Government in the United Kingdom good pickings, Mr. Austin interThe talk veered once fore to the posed It is up to the West Indians St. KITTS, March 18. At a meet they might well rest satisfied with West Indies. The West Indian colthe assurance that the interest of to get together and make their ing of the Legislative Council held onies, said Mr. Austin, really exto day, the Administrator in presentthe West Indies like those of the pressing an opinion for the first time, weight felt. That the only way to get any thing. West Indians should ing the estimates for the Presidency rest of the Empire are safe in the were colonised primarily as an aid NO. CALIDONIA PHONE 569 make Colonial Office see that they of St. Kitts Nevis and Anguilla, for hands of the present Government.
and protection to Britain. The world mean to get their full share of the the financial year beginning the first The Council passed the estimates Empire benefit and are deserving of amendof April next, stated that the esti subjects only to a it. The West Indies have reached mates had been prepared on the asthe bottom now owing to official insumption that the Presidency will it difference, or, rather, incompetence.
necessary receive a sufficient measLOCAL ACTION They can go much further down.
ure of help to enable the AdminisAt the meeting of the Chamber of So they have to rise, then! Mr.
tration to be carried on with due ro Commerce which was called yesterDavidson joined in and to this we all gard to the interests of the whole day afternoon to deal with the quea agreed.
tion of Empire Free Trade, the The gong then went notifying all He drew attention of the statequestion of the British Government those who were not passengers to ment in the House of Commons by suggested Loan in aid of the West leave for the shore, and as rose to Dr. Shiels, Under Secretary of State Indian Sugar Industry was brought say good bye, we lifted our glasses for the Colonies on the 12th. March up, and referred to a committee conto The Greater West Indies of the and informed the Council that insisting of the Chairman, Mr. Adolph near Future.
his opinion pending the announce Levy, Mr. Stiven and Mr.
ment of the Policy of His Majesty Robertson for action. FLYNCH Custom Tailor English and American Styles ments.
Free LAMP SHADES Garrulous Officials Prominent Canadian in Outspoken Remarks of the if you use the Coupon NOW (Continued from Page 1) name of the party Mr. Davidson referred to.
three years yet. Mr. Ancrun told me in answer to a question. You can There was an Administrator sce, these steamers have not begun could tell me about his island was met, he said, and the only thing he To every purchaser of a new Electric Installation (at regular prices)
to really pay us yet. The expenditure that it offered jolly fine sea bathing.
who brings the coupon to our office we will give a beautiful Lamp Shade cf such a great amount of money as the building of hotels would entail is! am sure that I, aided by a West free! but you must bring the Coupon. This offer onds April 12th at p.
therefore not warranted at present.
Indian who knows conditions hereMr. Anerun then remarked on like Mr. Austin could make these hotel accommodation in the West Inislands pay, but these men are only dies as a whole and singled out Trini.
sent out here to qualify for pensions Rates for Installations First Payment Monthly Payments Total dad as the only place that could cope and s never thought things with real tourist traffic among the were so bad!
southern colonies. think the system should be Room 60 of 00 60 The talk drifted to politics. hear something like how we appoint our It is all quite a lot of suggestions of Canada ministers, said Mr. Ross. Rooms 60 of 00 11 60 taking over the West Indien, Mr.
ways the deputy who does all the Ancrun said, but want to say that work, so think that the should 4. 60 of 25 13. 60 don think that this is practicable always be a West Indian deputy no for the time being. You see Canada matter who is appointed Governor has so many problems of her own de and be ought to be the man who 5. 40 of 50 15. 40 spite the fact that she is doing well. should be at the Governor elbow There is still an immense war debt always. don think the Colonial 60 of 50 16. 60 wo paid our million and a quarter office takes West Indians sufficiently soldiers ourselves, you know, and we into its confidence. You are passing lost men heavily in the war, and until through the same waters that Canada mo or we get steady immigration we can do passed through 60 years ago bad little.
administration and men at the head NOT IMPRESSED BY ADMINISof atfairs whose policy is to grab as TRATORS much as they could, quality for a fat But we may take you under our pension and spend the rest of their Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon days in case. The Colonial Office is wings commercially, Mr. Davidson broke in. England can do very lit selling you just as the Privy Council tle for the West Indies for she too is sold us years ago.
OUR RESIDENCE CIA PAN. DE FUERZA LUZ having a trying time. But think AMERICAN ANNEXATION she should, at least let the West In lot of West Indians tell me they dies do something for themselves. would prefer American annexation COMBINATION RATE PANAMA. COLON They have passed the toddling stage. said Mr. Davidson after a spell of must say that we were not at all desultory chat. But wish had an Is the cheapest electric service understand that you will give impressed by the average run of Ad opportunity to tell them that while rate in Panama, you can get current me FREE a lamp shade to use with ministrators sent out to these islands. American annexation might mean met three of them, and felt like economic betterment to the West Inas cheap as cents per kilowatt hour my new Installation if this coupon is going to England, walleing straight dies, as islands, it would mean the by using this rate, ask any of our 600 presented together with my application into the Colonial Office and telling ruin of the people as people. Now them: want you to send me out to in America, the only coloured men t employees for details for electric service, this offer. ends the West Indies as Governor. There meet is the Pullman conductor April 12th.
are a lot of West Indians out there don say there aren othere but they who could help me make a success of are faced with the problem of lack WORKMAN those islands and am going to let of expansion. In the North the them help me. Why, some of the men average coloured man is kept down, you send out there have no more trampled upon, the spirit either brains than wouldn write the boaten out of him or is made FETY The Port of Spain Gazette of February 22nd states that at the meeting of the Trinidad Legislature the previous day, Hon. Kelshall asked: Is the Government aware that Sir Frederick Seton James, the Governor of the Windward Islands, at a meeting of the Grenada Legislative Couneil held on the 20th December, 1929, made the following statement which was subsequently reported in the press. Trinidad is the only Colony in the British Empire having a Finance Committee of the whole of the Legis lature and can assure you the Trinidad Government are going to do all in their power to get rid of it?
Will the Government state whether there is any truth in the statement referred to and, if there is, will the Government lay on the table any papers in connection with the effort that has been or is being made to get rid of the Finance Committee of this House?
If the Governor of Grenada statement is false, will the Government take steps to bring it to notice of the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, with the object of preventing garrulous of ficials from making irresponsible statements which are calculated to work mischief. His Excellency: think you should withdraw the word garrulous, Mr. Kelshall: But it is true, Sir.
His Excellency: think it is offensive.
Mr. Kelshall: If so, shall withdraw it. said with the object of preventing garrulous officials.
His Excellency: think it is reflection.
Mr. Kelshall: Well, then withdraw it CIA PAN. DE FUERZA LUZ GET YOUR Job Printing Workman Printery DONE AT THE


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