
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Interesting Items of the West Indian Islands ence, Dr. Leo Pink Man Dead about us al floating along graceful ARROWROOT POOL POR ST.
For estates are looking forward to big ly with their silverish shrouds long VINCENT pickings right on to April and May.
Fifteen Minutes golden tresses, and the sunshine movement is on foot to erecta beaming from their faces.
The Administrator presided over a GOLDEN WALL well attended meeting of artowroof Co operattive Lime Factory in Sear Dental Chair Experience This group appeared to be all growers on January 29th and placed borough (see Circular 818, 54) to females, while my escorts seemed to before them proposal to establish deal with the whole output of the visit to paradise by way of the be males.
FROM THE WEST INDIA COMMITTEE CIRCULAR an arrowroot pool to pack, grade and Inland, which is estimated at 8, 000 dentist chair came at last on what seemed PROSPEROUS ANGUILLA returning to England an leave in market arrowroot on the lines of the barrels of limes; figure which will Such is the astonishing claim of to be the very gate of Heaven. It The Rev. Fraser, writing on June Canadian Wheat Pool. It was point soon be exceeded the factory is erected The Government have Mr. Frederick Edwards, the hard, was a wall of deep golden colour, January 28th, records the pleasure ed out that lack of co operation and matter of fact proprietor a sign shop through which a crevasse ran like a with which the community had learnt MEMBERS SEEK ELECTION policy in the past had led to depressed agreed to subscribe half the capital free of interest for a number of years, in San Diego prices.
of the honours conferred on Dr. HOLIDAY IN BRITISH GUIANA the remainder to be found by the His remarkable publisbed story, Another pair of guides approached Macfadyen and Dr. James (Inspector In accordance with Sir Gordon The Hon. Cores, the largest growers.
coupled with the fact that for fifteen after a brief interval and we began of Schools) on New Year Day.
Guggisberg land settlement scheme, producer, supported the scheme and minutes he was actually pronounced to descend. The atmosphere was far The Governor and the Adminis. eighty five East Indian families are the meeting unanimously agreed and DRASTIC WITCHBROOM dead by a heart specialist, has less cheering now.
trator were expected to visit the isto be settled on Bush Lot in Esse appointed, on the spot. Committee MEASURES IN TRINIDAD provoked considerable discussion all The angels that saw now were land in February and a hearty wel. quibo. Sir Gordon continued illness to draw up, without delay, a finan Mr. de Verteuil, writing from over the Pacific Coast. The patient not jewels, but more mundane looking me awaited them.
is the subject of widespread regret.
cially sound scheme to be submitted Trinidad on February 7th, reported who had no leaning towards spiritual rreatures, with bodies like jelly fish The Sea Island eotton crop pro Mr. Jacob informs us of the to the Sorretary of State to bring light rain showers during the preism visited a local dentist to have ard with a white line extending comrises to be a large one and Mr.
into operation a pool having for it vious fortnight, not heavy enough to an aching tooth extracted under gas. pletely round them.
sale of the modern mill and plant Carter Rey its godfather in Anobjeets organised production, grad hamper crop operations on the sugar He was instructed to raise and look at one who had started of the Marionville sugar factory in Frulle is busy enlarging his gin Wakenaam. He opines that if early marketing of the entire arrowroot ing. packing, warehousing and lower his thumb as the dentist count.
towards me.
estates. Grinding was then general.
ry. Sisal is also being cultivated, assistance is not afforded several and the work of reaping and manu.
ed One, two, three, and so on, Mr. We are going to bump. reach and if this industry develops it will other small sugar estates must go out erop of St. Vincent, Edwards declares that as the dentist out my hand to brush him aside, but add greatly to the island resources.
fueturing progressing. The cane of cultivation.
The Sentry that the weather during rice was poor in sugar content an!
counted seven his own body gave instead of moving him my arm and The great needs of the island are a violent lurch, his feet flew into hand pass completely through the The Legislative Council have passJanuary was seasonable with moder the weight of canes per acre unsatis an improved water supply, a larger the air, and his astonishing journey body aa if it were smoke.
ed a resolution asking the Secretary ale showers. The canes throughout factory, but this was likely to chang grant for roads, the equipment of a into another world began.
the island are looking well, and if of State for the Colonies to cause an as the crop progressed and the The hosts of bluish grey souls, landing place at The Road, and re then suddenly became conscious, clad in solemn robes, reached for presentation on the Executive and investigation to be made into the oil the weather continues favourable, the weather improved.
he continues, of two slender figures miles after countless miles in all Irgislative Councils. It is underrerurces of the colony.
prospects for a good sugar and fancy The gathering of the cacao erop one on either side of the dentist directions. suddenly saw molasses crop are likely to be realisThe suspension of the electric tram two vas in full swing and good deliveries stood that the Government have aled.
chair, who began gently to raise me spirits, approach from overhead.
services in Georgetown is causing a of the produce were being made ready under consideration the estabcut of my body They lifted me up from the rest of lishment of wireless communication good deal of inconvenience as the representative Committee has into the city. There was an improve They were of grey blue colour, the spirits, and as they did a terrible and a proper mail service.
roads are at present unsuited for been appointed to consider and make ment in the local market rates, and with a white outline, very graceful monn went up from all the others.
motor buses.
recommendations under the Colonial the tone was much firmer which gave Meanwhile St.
in appearance, their light blue robes That was the only sound heard Church has been provided with elecMary Parish The sugar crop estimates have been Development Aet for submission to hope that better prices would follow.
falling away from them as we started during the entire trip. We began tre light a distinct advance.
exceeded by about 10 per cent.
the Secretary of State with the Ad The staff of Government Inspectors our upward journey. We entered Another journey, short trip upAt a conference held in Georgeministrator as Chairman.
has been increased and drastic measat first, a slate coloured atmosphere wards, and then the two spirits let THE GENERAL ELECTION IN town on February 1st between the ures are being taken to control witchwhich gradually grew lighter until it me slip back into my body.
broom infection which is slowly gainLIME FACTORY FOR TOBAGO BARBADOS Electives and representatives of varhad taken on the colour of light He awoke on a table in the dentMr. Kenneth Reid, writing on ing ground. So far no harm has The General Election passed off ious local associations and societies blue, and on throngh this blue haze ist s, quietly on February 3rd. There were at the invitation of the former, a February 5th, states that he under been done to the bearing capacity of we went until we passed over what Many clergymen and others are contests in six constituenries, and it is resolution was unanimously passed stands that the plans of the proposed the cacao trees and the yield is mainappeared to be a cloud bank of deep greatly impressed by Mr. Edwards noteworthy that the four new mem that the Acting Governor be informed new steamers for the Tobago service tained. An intensive method of deal.
story and his account of his experi bers returned are all lawyers. The chat the people of the Colony desire have been received from the Crowning with the disease is being adopted NO SIGN OF LIFE results of the Election are given on that the General Elections be post Agents, and that the cost of the on abandoned and forfeited estates.
The heart specialist, who had been Sceptics dismiss it as a drean due another page)
poned for one year in order to allow steamers is more than was estimated.
Saccharin has been banned by the hurriedly summoned by the dentist, to the anaesthetic. Daily Express.
The weather has been very satis Central Board of Health and its use Parliament was opened on the fol the present members of the Legislawas about this time working desperlowing day by Sir William Robertson, tive Council in collaboration with factory for the cacao crop, and most prohibited.
ately over his inert body in the den BRITISH AVIATORS AT who in his Speech outlined schemes colonial organisations, and supported tists chair, assisted by a nurse. 001 for the extension of the water sup by the masses of the people, to com 8510 TODO LAST Every sign of life left the patient ply, the improvement of the transport mence development work at once to for full fifteen minutes. The Under the above caption the West system and for housing. Sir Fred give relief to the starving masses.
stethoscope could detect, not the erick Clarke was elected Speaker faintest movement of the heart, the India Committee Circular for March for the thirty third year in succesEXPORT DUTY CHANGES IN 8th says: eyes rolled back the patient became DOMINICA sion. Among the visitors present Surgeon Dentist pale and cold.
Major Nathan as already was the Canadian Manufacturers Amendments bave been made to He was, in short, for the space of stated in the CIRCULAR, took a Moth seaplane with him on a voyage delegation which is touring the West the rates of export duty on green fifteen minutes, clinically dead. 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P.
Many gallons of oxygen were ad to the West Indies in the Alcantara Indies. On the same day Mr. limes from Dominica, and threopence Yearwood, senior Member for St. on each additional five shillings per ministered, and to the relief of both at the end of January, was able to Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Joseph, behalf of number of lb. of the value of vanilla exported doctor and dentist, the patient heart make several demonstration flights Professionol Services in all Branches of Dental Works presently began to beat again. He over Trinidad, though his plano has subscribers, presented to the House over the value of 30s. has been added of Assemply an oil patating of the to the existing duty on that combeen damaged at Barbados was brought slowly back to me.
late Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, modity. Barclays Bank report for Mr. Edwarde was meanwhile under While he was proceeding to JaM. which was upuedled by the February states that the time wrop Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment going an experience of his own which maica his destination Captain Speaker.
just concluded has proved satisfac he declares he will remember vividly RC, Holland and Mr. Peter Major Nathan and his Month me tory.
ODO COOL were also making for that island with plane arrived in Barbados on January 020 until he dies again. know of no words that can a flying boat on board the Lady 29th. In an interview with a rep DEVELOPMENT GRANT FOR ST.
ODIO KOLO describe the beauty and brilliancy of Somers. On arrival at Naseu they resentative of the Advocate, Mejor KITTS NEVIS my new escorts, he states, for the flew from Port Antonio to Kingston. Nathan is reported to have stated Mr. Delisle, writing on Febcountless number of bodies should The object of their mission was to that his visit was unofficial, but that ruary 7th, states that the coming not call them bodies, but Jewels, they investigate the prospects of commerhe had been asked by the West Incane crop in St. Kitts looks promiswere too beautiful that were alleial aviation.
dia Committee before he left England ing. He stresses the serious sugar to interview persons interested in situation in the Island and points out NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM flying in Trinidad with view to that it is a vital need that some reforming a Light Seaplane Club in lief be forthcoming, for the West IS TOURINC THE WEST INDIES that Colony Indies and St. Kitts in particular, and Scouts and Girl Guides to the hopes that this relief will come as number of 700 greeted the Chief soon as possible. According to BarScont and Lady Baden Powell on elays Bank Report of February, the their arrival in the Island on January 1930 crop is estimated at 16, 000 to 29th. The gathering of Scouts, Ran17. 000 tons.
gers and Guides was the largest ever The Boy Scout movement appears and read the records of past seen in the Colony.
to have made a good start, and the CATHEDRAL PLAZA Trade conditions have been dull, Executtive Committee, with Mr.
Cricket Veterans and this situation is thought likely Macnaghten as Chairman, met on to continue until the sugar market AND January 16th, when five troops were opens up, which will probably not approved for registration at the and see the finest Assortment of be until Following the Heardquarters in London. It is unarrangement made last year to conderstood that other troops are being Wonderful Work of. 40 odd Pages trol the manufacture of faney moformed.
lasses, it was agreed at recent meeting of producers and buyers to sum of 6, 500 has been allotted Summary of Contents: follow a similar course this season.
to the Presidency from the Colonial History of West Indies Cricket for 60 vears Development Fund for the housing Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, THE ARCHIVES OF BRITISH scheme. further sum of 6, 500 Selection of Interesting Report of the 1906 Toue HONDURAS has been loaned for five years free of Magnificent Recor is of the 192; Tou, Committee has been actively eninterest for the same purpose.
Photographs of the Teams anii 16 Individual gaged for several months past in On hearing from Mr. Yearwood extracting all matter of historical that St. Kitts did not get the benefit. Players importance and human interest from of Canadian Preference on sugar, Váluable. nstructive, Historical, accurate. Complete and JUST RECEIVED the local archives which date back Mr. Walsh, one of the delegates from Interesting to 1765. Such matter will eventually the Canadian Manufacturers Asbe published in book form, and it ie sociation, who visited the Island on Price 50cts.
Come in and Inspect the Stock believed that the work when publish January 31st, said that this was a ed will prove of very real value to matter which should be looked into.
Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN the Colony and to students of colonial Mr. Ryan, representing the development.
Panama merchants of St. Kitts, pointed out Sir John Burdon will probably be that Canadian prices were too high.
CRICKET. CALL AT THE Panama Hardware (Get a copy of the West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 April.
LOCKS of every description also the Finest ARTIZAN TOOLS before Purchasing Elsewhere


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