p. 8


ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 Atlantic Side Jottings Horse Racing at Juan Franco TO RUN HORSE AND MEMORIAL SERVICE CRICKET AT CAMP DOG SPECIAL BEIRD In honor of the late Howard By Dan Whyte Mr. Harry Hart, Manager of the Miller. a member of No. 14 Chapter very interesting game of cricket Colon, April 2nd. The mortal re the grave. To the sorrowing rela Juan Franco and Kennelworth race Choir, and also of several lodges and mains of the late Alexander Julian, tives the deepest sympathy is exwas played on Sunday March 30th benevolent Societies. who departed tracks, having reached an agreement at the Camp Beird Ball Park, beList of entries for were interred at the Mount Hope tended.
with a Colon Impresario on sporting this life on April 10, 1929, a memorial tween two teams from Cristobal Sunday April 6th Cemetery on Wednesday evening service will be held at the Chapter natters, arrangements have been Shops (Mechanical Division) Malast. Julian passed away on TuesAmong the passengers sailing on made for the running of a special Hall on Sunday, April 13, 1980 comchinist Helpens vs. Carpenter Shop 1st RACE FURLONGS day afternoon at the Santo Tomas the Dutch steamer Simon Bolivar train from Colon to Panama on Sun. mencing at p.
Helpers. Wood Shop. The game Pereque 102 Hospital in his 28th year, following this aftetrnoon for Barbados is Mr. day, April 13th when the folks from Other choirs of the community have started at twelve noon. Machinist Colombia 100 a few day illness. Much sympathy George Austin, Treasurer of the the windy city will have the oportu been asked to participate, while won the toss and sent the Carpenters Bubbling Water 126 hay been expressed on all sides at Chauffeurs Association. Mr. Austin nity of attending both the horse and lodges and other societies have kindly to the bat. The latter after complet Dancing Girl 105 his almost sudden death. He was is making the trip following the news dog races.
promised their assistance. selecting their turn at bat summed up a Dampwing 110 well regarded in the community and of his mother illness and takes with The train is scheduled to leave musical programme is being arranged total of 81 runs. The Machinists Annie Laurie 112 all with whom he came in contact him the best wishes for her com Colon at 12. 00 noon and stops will for the occasion.
then took their turn at bat and fell greatly appreciated his demenour. plete recovery.
be made at Gatun and Balboa Heights Friends are cordially invited.
for the meagre score of 25 runs under 2nd RACE FURLONGS Funeral services were held at the to facilitate those who may be dethe able trundling of White and Huerfano 112 Eureka Lorge hall and PALAIS ROYAL Barrows. Carpenter Helpers thus Ramona 117 was largely attended. The cortege The Isthmian League of sirous of embracing the opportunity of attending these events. On the British West Indians for won the match by 58 runs. El Major 110 then left the lodge room for the return trip which will be made at ARROW SHIRTS AND At the finish of the game the Cold Darien 122 to Meet cemetery where several brethren con1. 00 a. on Monday a stop will be INTERWOVEN HOSE Storage Plant challenged the winners, Tribunito 126 ducted the final services. The floral made at Gatun only. The round trip Carpenter Shop Helpers. Game Palo Loco 112 tributes were many.
The Isthmian League of British will be placed at the small costs of scheduled to play on April 13th inst.
West Indians will hold their next 25 first class and 00 worthh tracks. Those who intend to 3rd RACE FURLONGS Colon. Beginning on Sunday the meeting on Saturday, 19th inst. at second class.
take advantage of this special offer, Tapagta 120 6th inst, at. 30 English mission p. in Geddes Hall. All mem The holder of a return ticket to are asked to make their reservations 100 services will be held at the Immacu bers are hereby asked to bear this Colon, will be entitled to free passes early as tickets will be sold at the BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Tunney La Grimita 100 late Conception Cathedral, for one information in mind and be guided both to the Juan Franco and KennelColon Station five days ahead of ADVERTISERS AND GET Excuse Me 126 week, when several Priests from according.
VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Socia 126 Balbos will conduct the services. B Honey Dew 108 special welcome is extended to all to attend.
FF:6559774 4th RACE FURLONGS DOI Paulino 126 Methodists and friends are re2 La Loma 100 minded of the public send off for the Miss Gm 124 Rev. Wade on Tuesday eveDon Florentino 110 ning the 8th inst. at the Trinity Marcella 126 Church, at 80 o clock. specially prepared program has been arranged 5th RACE FURLONGB and an enjoyable time is anticipated. Don Simon 106 Palo Loco 104 May 112 Colon, April 2nd. It one is to be Bubbling Water 100 guided by the talk about the coming Ramona 100 fights at the Municipal Gym, on fo Latching Water 126 Monday night the 7th inst. then it is a foregone conelusion that the 6th RACE FURLONGS occasion will be record oone. There are five events on the program and Kitty Gin 136 Cartagena 118 the particularly interesting one will Lady Eva 116 be the main bout between Kld Herre4. La Chiquilla 122 ra of Colon and Lais Ramos of Resolute 108 Chile 10 rounds. Hook Dawson vs. Bolsheviki 110 Benny Palmer rounds. Maz lenne vs. Jack Brown rounds. Clifford 7th RACE FURLONGS Smith vs, Kid Cafe. rounds. Hour Tunney 128 precisely. Intimo 114 34 Cococha 104 Colon, April 2nd. The chairman of Zapo 105 the Jamaica District of the Wesley Trigo 100 denomination, the Rey. John Currey Mayara 100 and the Rev. Harvey, chair7 Rippling Water 105 man of the Honduras District spent a few hours on the Isthmus on Wed.
nesday last. They were on their way to Jamaica from Barbados where the meeting of Chairmen was held. This is Rev. Harvey first Continued from Page 1)
visit to the Isthmus. The clericals cial Capital, and one and a half hours visited the Gatun Locks and other from Conception, the railroad terpoints of interest, and from tthere to minal. It is also in the centre of Panama by rail where they spent a one of the most extensive coffee few hours, returning to Colon in the regions of Central America where grening by airplane in time to get there are about 500. 000 trees being the bort reared.
Land value is steadily increasing Colon, April 1st The St. Lucian in these parts, and coffee, potatoes, Welfare Friendly Society No. lost corn, and beans, figs and grapefruit one of its members on Saturday last can be planted and reaped to good by the death of Alberths Lewis, aged advantage. Cattle, sheep, pigs, 31 years, which sad event took place chickens and horses can be raised at her late, residence, 7th And abundantly.
Street on Saturday morning last.
The region is known, as El Volcan Funeral services were held on Sunand is destined to become the greatday at the lodge on Broadway, after est tourist centre of the isthmus, which the members marched in proInvitations are now extended to incession to the Mount Hope Cemetery tending purchasers to secure their where the last rites were performed Tots early, by Br. Charles Underwood President DO 10 DO The town is destined to become one and Madurze Vice President, after of the most imposing beauty spots of which the body was committed to this fast growing Republie.
CERVEZA Balboa The product of a Master Brewer IT IS THE Province of est eer rewed


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