
he memorial Service which the members of No. 14 Chapter have Browne (By ELIJAH HUNTER. arranged in honor of the late Howard Friends and Countrymen. My clean. answered and said, 706 Miller will be convened tomorrow Seventh Day Adven ist workman, Panama Popular Demerara CricketA temperance to wis be held wr. Editor.
Jottings last week brought me many ma am, did, and tha why had evening at p. mm. in the hall.
Sir Permit me sufficient space to er Says He Has Played An unusually interesting musical the souve named church on Monthings, some good, some bad, that is besten it when she went the last His Last Test Match aur my protest against your corre programme will be rendered by sep. cay evening April 14th. All are wel.
according to how the givers were time to buy her ticket. earn my eral choirs of the community, while come; All are ava. ed; All are taked spondent of this village. We do like Inclined. But you know, am not living by the use of my wrists, and representatives of kindred societies pay su. 26 belore entering. read the Workman, we like the EXPLANATION NEEDED Interested as to how some persons as wrists are not sold in the Comwill be present to give their expresBlessing never auteng us single plain way in which the articles are The Trinidad Sporting Chronicle of missaries, nor in the Chinaman are inclined for the teason that the sion of sympathy to those connected handed. Aur. Pantou the owner of written, we like the editorals, and stores, it was up to me to protect with the deceased.
March says:man who spends his money to buy those had.
tae veteran bunting dog Flossie the paper in general, but do not It is becoming fashionable for powder should not waste it in shootThe usual mass meeting will take was Biven to its owner doz baby really like the scanty news that apWest Indies cricksters to announce Canal Zone Notes, ing at black birds, so, here you are.
place at p. In the ball. Friends hunters their retirement from big cricket dur.
One of the girls said to me, papa, are invited Sam is foced to divide his time De Gatun, if the correspondent is tired, you are a pain. If this wasn a ing the progress of tour of Eng One old Susey had her daughter public place, and if the people in the ween his two weeks son, and his dozen or too busy or what not, dump him lish cricketers in these parta Our puppies.
and get another, we have a lot of read the Jottings to her. After she readers will remember that it was village would mind their own busihad heard it, she wid. but you Miss Vida Skeete, and her sister news in this little village, that would ODO on the same Bourda grounds that ness, would give you kiss for Mrs. Greenidge were visitors in give credit to your paper, rouse up Major Austin after rain had deprive mean to say an old man like that, at this time of his life is still paying keep it in reserve till a more convethose jottings; but anyhow, will JOSEPH MASON Colon last Saturday evening. Shop your correspondent.
ed him of a well deserving and heavy Reader ping and calling on friends.
attention to girls. the girl very defeat which he would have inflicted nient season.
properly answered her. but Mam.
Mattresses made and renovated on the side of 1925 in the 3rd to order Furnitures also repaired my, that not bad. He is a big man, WEST INDIAN be seen that a very strong West In Test announced his retirement from The promise of this kiss, makes at moderate prices and think it is big men who should CRICKETERS TO dian second eleven of that period big cricket.
me remember a little joke had some pay attention to girls. If Willie was was playing in New York while the With the advent of the present time ago. It was like this. one House No. 10, Street VISIT first team was touring England. No a blg man like him, you wouldn side, George Challenor, at the close night, was walking along a certain have to chop him in his forehead the Cuachapati game was lost by the side touring highway, and caught up on two lads Arrangements To Be The of the tour in Barbados, gave it out New York other day when Eltie mother came 201 OSOROLO Same As That Of The that he was finished with representato complain to you that he would who were having a conversation about The 1930 side will include cricket tive cricket. And now comes the angirls. One of them said. boy, a 1928 Tour not leave her daughter alone ers from British Guiana. They must nouncement that Browne has new piece is in town. hear that Wow!
PALAIS ROYAL The Daily Chronicle of British arrive in America by June for final played his last Test match against she is from Caracas, and everybody The Store of Quality Guiana for March states that a team arrangements to be carried through. England.
tell me that Caracas babies are game.
But you see, it is true that, many DAVE CARDOZE of West Indies cricketers will tour Mr. Browne is by no means an men, many minds. And this includes the only thing about her don too JAKE PEREIRA New York, during this old man in cricket; and although he women also. Another woman told me fancy, is the size of her mouth, but year.
has had a long and meritorious inthat she laughed until she very nearly otherwise she seems to be hinky.
The arrangements for the tour will The Greatest Thrillnings, and his right hand may have Jost the little rice she had partaken dink. What in the devil that reserve for me. only hope she will be on similar lines to those for the somewhat lost its cunning so far as of that she was very glad she did means, don know. have enough sense not to attempt tour of 1928. On that occasion, it in the World getting out class batsmen for apprenot lose it altogether, as if she did, The other fellow replied, boy, to give it to when my wife is will be recalled, the team was manciably small scores is concerned, he she would have had to stay with an said the other, it didn occur to present, as every wife misunder aged by Clairmonte (Barbados. is, to day, a better bat than ever empty stomach, as she had spent me that way. After all, it is true, stands the significance of every kiss, Gilkes of Barbados was Captain he was through out his career, and the last few cents in the Sankey you too foolish, don you like nuff save those which she herself be and Edgar Phillips of this colony was is able to carry on for yet a little (two fifty Commissary Book. and something? the bigger the mouth, stows. At any rate, my wife knows vice captain.
while. she would not get another till Tues the nuffer the kis. Yes, yes, that love the girls, and the girls Other well known cricketers who Whether Mr. Browne intended to :9 day. But Mr. Elijah, she said, nuff mouth, nuff kiss. love me, and she believes in the old took part in the tour were: Hunte convey the idea that he is not avail how you managed to make such a saying. eyes don see, heart don H. St. Hill (Trinidad) and Jones, able for the Australian tour, we are clean getaway from that girl? well, Anyhow, am not too much stuck leap. Amen!
who are now internationals, not quite clear on the point, and so well, do you realise that that girl on kisses, although appreciate the Ward (Barbados. Sealey (Triniit might be well if he put the issue had come to break your wrist clean promise of that girl to keep one in Talking about size: When was dad. Parris (Grenada and Bar Stop and analyze it. there beyond doubt one way or the other.
seventeen, and still going to school, bados) intercolonials. So that it will nothing in life that gives more It is quite true that so far as Test there was a girl in my grade. pure happiness than making matches with England either abroad mean school grade) who was blessed The Kind of someone else happy.
or at home are concerned, Mr. Browne with an extremely bountiful supply Is there?
has had his day. We do agree that of mouth. And it was so all around Leaders We Need When we present a gift, we for the 1933 tour to England with her. It would be imposible to want it to be packed with all the Browne will then be a back number.
find another person them days, who God give us men. The time deentiment, affection and good But we fancy he should decide to of could talk as much as this girl, Dunlop motor cover motorists through manda There a multitude of things tour Australia with the West Indies out the world have been loud in their though she always talked intelligentStrong minds, great hearts, true that will serve, but they lack inside in the next few months, and acclamation of this new Dunlop especially ly. To describe her perfectly, her faith and willing hands; Some respect. They wear out then afterwards retire. That be will designed to meet present day motoring COD mouth was big inside and outside.
a great asset to this touring side tyre strong and rebuse in nature, Men whom the lust of office does not quickly; outlive their usefulness; Her saving features were her good.
or have no usefulness at all, is cveryone is aware; and, perhaps, Mr.
built by tyre craftsmen with over 40 years kill; of experience and combining all the essen Icoking face, her beautiful and cop Men whom the spoils of office can there ANYTHING that will Browne might be induced to reconsider his decision allowing he mount tial features one can only find ia tyre Tous locks, her dandy shape, and her quicken the recipient heartnot buy: built by DUNLOP.
when he made the statement that he intelligence. Her name was Letitia. Men who possess opinions and a will. that will tell her more and all of us called her Letty. She had played his last Test match Men who have honor; men who eloquently than you could that against England. Mr. Browno win liked to be so called, but resented will not lio; you wish her well. that speaks do well to make his decision, one way If your ear is the impertinence of those who were Mon who can stand before a demaits quality every time it is seen.
or the other known to the Rot akeady bold enough to call bor big mouth that never wears out. that re gogue Board of Control equipped with tains its value. that arousas Lutty. One day, there was an ar And dam his treacherous flatteries Fort Dunlop gument about Christopher Colombus, without winking; the admiration of all who see it?
covers call on and she did not agree with her op Tallmen, sun crowned, who live Yes it fine jewelry such as your dealer ponent in certain matters concern above the fog we will be glad to show you if UY FROM THE WORKMAN forthwith, and ing him (Columbus. She waxed In public duty and in private thinkyou will pay us a visitoon.
ADVERTISERS AND GET make warm, and called this fellow the ing.
FULLER duffer. waxed warni in return, change over.
and retorted. big mouth Letty.
122 Central Avenue.
Whatever Josiah Gilbert Holland VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY She became irate, but soon regained had in mind when he penned those herself. Then she threw her arms immortal words long years ago, he around me, saying to the boy who described the great need of the Race NEURALGINA how would you like to get my big them badly. We need men who have mouth like this, while she kissed me the capabilities to lead men who till wanted no more? The boy can command the respect of those was dumb. So was He because who must follow. We need men for Should be in every office to immedjately, soothe any Letty had completely beaten him, leaders who are not hungry men neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
and me because was kissed unex. who withstand the temptations that pectedly to my heart content with come to leaders. We need men who PASH NEURALGINA a big mouth. Then, knocked have established themselves as doers Caruso in the shade, as opened my and thinkers men who are not afraid Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches vocal, and sang:to tackle world problems.
and reduce the fever of children God give us men give us leaders Showers, showers of blessing, Jabeleditor of vision, of stamina, of intelligence.
Showers of blessing need; The intelligence need not have come NEURALGINA Merey! them kisses were wasting, Stroh through college contacts it need not But now, don need to plead! be a result of years of cramming and Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart studying, adopting the garb of those But say, am not going to tell who are surfeited with modern edubo which kind of mouth fancy. have cation. It need be only the intelliFor sale both Wholesale and Retail sundry and manifold girls. They gence of patience, of experience, of ht have a variety of mouths some big, courage, of will and of determinaYUR some small, and if should say which tion.
ban AT THB of them fancy, might lose some It is we who need leadershow AMERICAN PHARMACY or all of the girls that have the kind badly we need them everyone knows.
CF. indicate as not being my fancy. These are troubled times. There are alt 1997 e nisjen have never been fired by a girl. It times when every group must have JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor is my prerogative to fire them, so, its leaders must have its spokesStadt an mum is the word. After all, big men its representatives at the round o Yo HS 98 Motel Panama. Sit mouth or little mouth, they are all table of world affairs. We have no HOTTE bastavio to our Wholesale Distributor the same mouth; but still haye my representatives because we, as yet, cholical have no leaders. God give us men!
Built by Dunlop ditions. beat.
bno had called her big mouth look here, today. We need men and we need FORT FORT DUNLOP For Sale at all Leading Garages E. ESCOFFERY Voda


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