p. 8


Horse Racing at Juan Franco Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Wealthy Trinidadian Dies in the Chinese Legation Reception Service 112 con106 By Dan Whyte ATLANTIC SIDE JOTTINGS Saturday night last, and at the close Colon, April garden basaar was voted a complete success. Combined Case Against List of Entries for Toin aid of funds for the Knights of St. The ceremonies were expeditiously Herself and Garvey John No. 253 will be held on Eastercarried though and long before midmorrow Sunday April 13th to be Heard Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd and Wed night. The brethren seated around nesday 23rd at p. each evening. the banquet table and did justice to Jamaica, April Henrietta VinIst RACE FURLONGS There will be many attractions, the specially preparred menu by Siston Davis, Secretary General of the fancy stalls, etc. popular orchester Frances Christian.
Universal Negro Improvement As1 Colombia 114 tra will be in attendance.
The officers installed were: sociation, appeared before His Hon2 Annie Laurie 114 Sister Gaynor, our Mr. Robinson, in the Half Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Dampwing 110 Colon, April Admirers of Joe Bro. Jones, Associate Ruler Way Tree Court on Thursday for the Silver Star 110 Walcott will again be privileged to Bro. Williams, Scribe continuation of the hearing of the JAVILLO FILL 6 Dancing Girl 126 see him in action on Monday night Sister Francis, Asist Scribe charge against her, under the Enter. ODO ODIO ово 201 10POL Pereque II 100 the 14th inst. when he and Al Ortega Sister Bridgeman, Treasurer tainment Duty Law 1919. Law 14 of Cube will battle in a 10 round Sister Fitta, Conductress of 1919. bout at the Municipal Gynasium, Sister Mariam Hunt, Adviser The case for the prosecution was End RACE FURLONGS Other bouts will be, Felix Fruto Vs Sister Noad, Messenger conducted by Mr. Harvey Clarke Jack Brown rounds, Battling Bro. Trotman, Crown Solicitor, while the defendant Bro. Huerfano Cecil Butcher, Installing Muñoz Vs Pedro Lemos rounds.
107 was represented by Mr.
in South America. Robinson met the Laughling Water 126 Master Kid Mc Carthy Vs Kid LaneSimpaon.
Leaves Fortune of More Honorable Mr. Pingree in Venezuela Bubbling Water 114 rounds. Kid Remon Vs Jimmy WalSister Gordon, Host.
The case for the Crown was startThan Forty Thousand and came to America with him. He Diez y Sels Before this month ends the Coloned on February 6, when several wit117 lace rounds. Ringside 00 GenDollars eral 00 children 50 cts.
112 police force will be augmented with nesses testified, and the hearing was stayed in the employment of Mr. Palo Loco ten or more policemen, this will fill adjourned until 20th of last month.
112 Pingree for a short time and then Darien DETROIT, April a long felt want. By this we see When the case was called that day Venzy Robinson, one of this city Joe Henry at 36 Third St. near Albert 105 went into the saloon business with El Mayor Colon, April The installation of that everybody is cooperating to Mr. Simpson moved for the acquit oldest and wealthiest citizens, died Jefferson Ave. The two friends reofficers of the Loyal Triumph Lodgo make the city of Colon a safe and tal of Miss Davis on the ground that at the Harper hospital Monday morn3rd RACE FURLONGS No. 62 came off on peaceful place in which to live. His Honour had no jurisdiction to ing at 11:45. He had been removed mained in the saloon business until try the case, the offence it any not to the hospital two weeks ago to un Michigan was voted dry in 1017.
having been committeed in St. An dergo an operation for a cancer of Marcela 122 While in the saloon business Robdrew. Pauline 126 the stomach. Robinson evidenced a inson was known far and wide as a Don Florentino 115 His Honour adjourned the case un strong vitality and the operation was man whose conduct was above retil last Thursday in order to con thought by his friends to have been proach. His integrity was Tapagra 120 never (Contiued from Page Continued from Page 1)
sider the points raised by Mr. Simp a success. He suffered relapse questioned La Loma 100 The patrons placed their son.
a note to the Chinese Lega gratitude in being able to say a Miss Gin Sunday morning.
confidence in the little man whom tion reminding them that word of welcome to the Rev. Wright.
In giving his decision on Thursday, they called Venzy, because he had when the case Mr. Robinson no fee must be charged He made a few brief explanations of was called on, His was born in the come from Venzuela.
those applying for identiti conditions with regard to religious Honour pointed out that there was Trinidad Island, British West Indies, 4th RACE FURLONGS cation cards.
work on the Isthmus, and assured the no evidence before him to show that in 1878. At the age of 20 he left Following the voting of Michigan 100 Rumors were rife in Pan minister that he would get all the the return was posted from St. An home, going to Venezuela, where he dry, Robinson launchrd out into the Bubbling Water 106 ama Friday to the effect cooperation possible from the church. drew, but there was evidence that it found employment with the Spanish real estates field. There was a boon Zapo in Detroit and the little West Indian Infimo that 126 members of Mr. Walters brought greet was received in Kingston. He had consul. He remained at the the ings from the Paraiso congregation, no jarisdiction and the charge must sulate 18 months.
purchased property that was easily Trigo Chinese colony had purchas and emphasized the importance of the therefore be dismissed.
sold at a large profi. At his death. Tribunito 108 ed revolvers from some of circuit, which he said is due to its In 1898 former Governor Hazen 110 the hardware stores in pre geographical position.
Miss Davis was accordingly dishe retained several pieces of valua Rippling Water 111 Pingree of Michigan was traveling ble land, his wealth being estimated Cococha charged.
paration for the alleged Mr. Walters (cireuit steward)
tong war they will wage.
The charge against Mr. Marcus It was stated that over fifty ably represented La Boca Church for Garvey, and Miss Vinton Davis, who 5th RACE FURLONOS revolvers had been purchas which he is responsible, and in addiare jointly charged under the same ed.
tion, brought the best wishes of the law, will be called on for hearing on Dunroigh 126 The opposition group con eongregation to the newly appointed Wednesday the 8th of this month, Copi 186 tinued Friday to strongly minister.
at 10 a. at the Half Way Tree Resolute 100 attack the Chinese Lega Mrs. Olga King then contributed Court.
Lloyd Brown 126 tion, accusing them of Im Vocal Solo for which she was ap La Chiquills 110 perialism and high handed plauded.
EVADES JUSTICE FOR Royal Eagle 110 action. They also condem Adjutant Norberg of the Salvation MORE THAN YEAR ned the action of the Lega Army, was the next speaker, and he tion in trying to secure too was glad to welcome the Rev. Captured on Monday Night 6th RACE PURLONGS funds from the Chinese here Wright to Panama and hoped that he Last By Police GIVE US CALL AND when they are piad 10, 000. would have a successful time.
00 by the home government In answer to the words of welcome Colon, April After evading the Honey Dew BE CONVINCED THAI for their services. Tunney 116 by the various speakers, the Rev. police authorities from January 1929, Trigo 90 The group in favor of the Wright assured the representatives Julio Torres well known character Infimo Legation which includes and congregation that with his long was arrested on Monday night last Lagrimto 110 many of the most influential years of experience in Christian work on a charge of a criminal attack on Mayara 100 Chinese in Panama strongly in Jamaica, British Guiana and other Mr. Hector Connor, President of the Colon Bakeries and groceries cooperdenied these charges and places, he has come to the Panamaation.
accused the opposition of Colon Circuit, regardless of every 7th RACE FURLONGS trying to incite strife. thing, to preach the Gospel, as that On the night of January 18th 1929, and nothing else, is his mission.
while Mr. Conor was attending to his Resolute 116 The evening was TRIAL ONCE WILL brought to a business he was suddenly attacked Cartagena 120 Wayward and close with the Hymn, Sun of my by Torres who inflicted several BRING YOU ALWAYS 126 wounds and made good his escape. Kitty Gill Soul Thou Saviour Dear.
Goodness Agnes 126 Mr. Connor was taken to the Colon 100 (Continued from Page 1) Pauline Hospital and treated and was in6 Bolsheviki 112 erowd attracted the attention of the capacitated for 30 days. But the PALAIS ROYAL police, who led away Dolores to the limb of the law was always on the station, where she was taken before The Store of Quality lookout for Torres and on Monday at more than 40, 000. He left no the judge, tried and condemmed to DAVE CARDOZE night last while Sub. Lieutenant will.
serve a 80 days sentence. The moJAKE PEREIRA Rodriguez was on his usual stroll he According to Theodore Jones, close ther was taken to the Hospital de ran up against Torres in 8th Street 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 friend of the deceased, Robinson has Caridad, and given treatment for her and Hudson Lane, and immediately relatives in Trinidad. Jones eyes.
younger sister 18 years old, carried placed him under arrest, Torres lis (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
informed the British consul of RobDolores paramour on hearing of the food to the police station for her, she at present in custody and when inson death, and members of the incident, went to the police station to also was caught an thrown in jail. brought before the criminal Judge vindicate the cause of his wayward Thus reposing in the close confine he will have to give the full explanaTalephone 454 Box 1102 consulate are making efforts to locate a sister. Robinson never told sweetheart, but was surprised, when ment of the city jail are Dolores, her tion of his motive for the dastardly PANAMA ANCON any one about his family. Chicago he also was thown in jail. Dolores spouse and sister, attack.
FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING 128 100 we do only the best at Reasonable Prices The Workman Printery for the some


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