
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS ANTIGUA Jamaica British Guiana ST. LUCIA Legislative Copra Factory May Unemployment Relief Unemployment Relief Interesting Notes Be Established Members In Island Pays High Tribute to Acting Capitalist From Abroad Governor on Close of Term a Antigua To Be Legislative Council regarding the number of person Meets for First Time Economic Investigation (FROM THE VOICE) As against a debit of 16. d. at Committee On Monday there was a meeting of the end of 1928. There was a sum some citizens of Castries held in the of 2s, 6d owing to the College by PROBE FOR AVENUES office of the Castries Town Board parents. There were 70 pupils on the OF WORK with the object of applying for a roll as against 80 in 1928.
Making Investigations Government loan to rebuild the parts First Meeting on of Castries destroyed by the Fire of The report of the December, 1929, The Port of Spain Gazette of tend to the welfare and progress of ARE IMPRESSED WITH the 15th Inst. May 1927 and still remaining unbuilt. examination of the Lower Forms of March 22nd mys. An administra this Colony (Applause. POSSIBILITIES OF The decision arrived at was: those St. Mary College by Canon tion brimful of success was the com Your Excellency arrived here at a PROSPECTS (From Argosy March 27. His in need of loans should be asked to Laurie, is published in last pliment paid the Acting Governor by time of agricultural crisis and Excelleney the Officer Administer submit their requirements before Saturday St. Lucia Gazette. The the Unofficial Members of the Legis it is the general feeling that you have The Mail of the 1st inst. states ing the Government has appointed anything further be done in the mat opinion of the examiner is that with lative Council at the close of yester not spared yourself in doing everythat it is more than likely that a Committee to investigate and ter.
few exceptions, the work was uniday meeting.
thing to further the amelioration of factory in which large quantities of report upon the extent o! unemployformly sound, and gave evidence of coconuts would be handled each year, ment, and to advise as to any measHis Excellency, who has been ad the rather severe conditions that atThe Audit Report on St. Mary thorough teaching. In Form III ten will be established in this island ministering the Government of Tri tend this famous industry of the Colures by which it might be possible College for 1929 is published in the of 17 pupils obtained over 50 per nidad and Tobago, during the past ony. wish to say it gives me great Investigations are proceeding by to find employment for those seek last issue of the St. Lucia Gazette. cent, of the maximum marks and in one of the prospective investors in con ing it.
The accounts showed a credit balance Form II one out of four. Form I, seven months, will relinquish his act pleasure to voice these generally acing appointment today on the arrival cepted sentiments. Applause. nection with a proposal to erect a The Committee consists of the of 15 5a, 9d, at the end of the year the report states, has been abolished.
of the new Governor, Sir Claud Hollis, The acting Governor in the course factory into which millions of nuts Hons Major Bain Gray (chairK.
of his reply referred to the spirit of could be converted into copra and man. Webber and Eleazar, Bain Gray (chairman. and meeting of the Entertainment Sir Henry Alcazar, Senior Unoffi co operation unofficial members of other products for the oversen trade. Messrs Walker, Ginder and Webber, Mr. Ginder, and Mr. Committee was held on Thursday cial Member said: Your Excellency, the Couneil had manifested on all It would not be surprising if it were Norton, with Mr. Bur. 1. Norton.
afternoon at Government Office, the my colleagues on this side of the occasions, and the constructive pro decided to erect the factory at the rowes of the Lands and Mines DeHouse have asked me to convey to posals that came from then.
The Hon. Bayley, Managing Hon. the Colonial Secretary presideastern section of the parish of King partment as secretary.
Director, Colonial Transport Depart ing. It was decided to open the Drill you their thanks for the courtesy ston, in the vicinity of Rockfort.
Any persons desiring to bring any ment, and Mr. Sandiford, Surgeon Hall as a Recreation and Refreshwhich you have invariably extended It is certain that the factory would proposals before the Committee General Office gave evidence.
ment Room for the use of the men to them in the discharge of your require at least 20, 000, 000 dried coco shout communicate with the secreThe Committee decided to call at during their stay in port and to responsible duties of Chairman and nuts each year for copra making, etc. tary, Economic Investigation Com tention to the recent pronouncement arrange a Football Match for Friday, to express the hope that at no very Once it is finally decided that the mittee, Education Department, Main by His Excellency the Officer Ad March 28th, and Cricket Matches for distant date the seat which you now Winter Resort factory is to be located in Jamaica street.
ministering the Government asking Saturday 28th and Monday 30th. occupy temporarily will be filled by and that this will be decided by the The Committee held its first meet all firms, societies, clubs, and private subscription list was opened and the you permanently. Applause. Governor Submits Plans of parties appears to be a certainty ing at 10 a. on the 15th inst. when persons to provide employment by Rev. Cole, Secretary to the ComThe Hon. Henry Pierre said: Canadian Engineer to steady supply of coconuts at a price all the members were present with setting in hand as much work as mittee, will be glad to receive As Senior Elected Member of the Legislature to be decided upon between the own the exception of Mr. Walter who is possible especially in connection with subscriptions towards the expendiCouncil, desire to associate myself ers will be forthcoming. This col out of the colony on business.
the improvement, repair and main ture involved in the entertainment of with the expressions that have fallen ANTIGUA, April The following ony is a very large producer of coco The following gave evidence before tenance of houses and other build the ship crew.
from our respected Senior Unofficial is a summary of the article publish nuts. Just now the local coconut the Committee The Inspector Gen ings.
member. Although we on this side ed in the Antigua Magnet of today, market is depressed. It has been so eral of Police, the Deputy Inspector The Committee has issued to all of the (Horse shoe) art designated regarding plans to convert Antigun for some time. Large stocks of General of Police, Mr. James Winter firms known to employ six or more as Unofficial members, yet there can into a Winter resort. Mr. dried nuts are in the hands of grow and Mr. Forde.
persons a form asking information be no gainsaying that there is a marked distinction which underlies our apCowie Engineer of Canada, plans ers for want of purchasers. Growers were placed before the Legislative have decided to co operate for their APPEAL TO EMPLOYERS employed. Any firm which has not pointment here.
Council of Antigua on Friday by His benefit, to sell their products abroad received a form should apply to the in New Chamber FEELING OF ELECTED MEMBERS Excellency the Governor.
on the principle of co operative meeting of the Committees was secretary of the Committee o the We the Elected members derive our Mr. Cowie told us that he had been marketing. The parties who are in held at the Education Department, Education Department, Main Street.
privilege from different sources and The Legislative Council met yesconnected with several Corporations vestigating the possibilities of a huge Main street, at u. on Wednesday, Firms completing these are requested terday morning in the Royal Court in a mannerwe are very often compelled to view things in North America and other places. copra factory in Jamaica have come 19th instant. The following members to write or stamp the name of the House for the first time. The bright were present: The Hons. Major firm on the form.
from quite a different angle from After having visited the West Indies here at an opportune time, when it (Continued on Page 7)
the Nominated members and the Unof and British Guiana last year, he has will be possible for them to obtain ficials. And it may be interesting to decided to select Antigua for a Win their supplies from growers direct.
Your Excellency and to the Council to ter resort to provide not only hotel know what Elected members feel.
accommodation but am sure am voicing their opDIVERSIFIED AMUSEMENTS inions when say that Your Excelto keep the visitors here such as lency administration has been golf, tennis, fishing and bathing, and For Town Of brimful succes. Applause. also other recreations You have presided over the delibera Mr. Cowie has mentioned that he tions of this Council with courtesy, was invited here by the GovINCORPORATED 1869 tact and dignity such as left no al ernor, Lt Col. St. Johnston The Sav la mar Correspondent to ternative to the members of the and has obtained concession for a Head Office: Montreal, Canada Council but to reciprocate and to number of years. Since his arrival the Jamaica Mail states the Westcarry on the business of the Council he has obtained options on properties moreland Parochial Board at a meetin accordance with the best traditions comprising over 2, 000 acres of land. ing held some months ago decided to PANAMA COLON of the House (Applause. Mr. Cowie brought forward for in. instal an Electric Lighting Plant for LONG VIEW OF THINGS spection photographs of various spots lighting the Savannalamar Court Santa Ana Plata Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets In the wider field of your adminisof interest taken by Mr. Jose Anjo Room, Town Hall, and Board Offices tration it did not take us long to during their discussions on this sub at a cost of 350.
realise that Your Excellency is cap.
ject. Mr. Cowie leaves for Canada The contract was awarded to Mr. Sloly our local Electrician. The Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 able of taking a long view of things, today per Lady Drake, Plant which is of English Manufacand your efforts particularly in connection with a desire to bring about ture, being imported from Messrs.
Petters Limited, arrived here this a Deep Water Harbour Scheme, PALAIS ROYAL week and is in course of erection.
stands out as a monument of your enfor With 900 Branches throughout the world, including Within the next three or four weeks, deavour to do everything that might SUITS the work of erecting the plant will be the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank completed and he town of Savannais in a position to render the best possible service.
19 Mar will be graced with electricity FOR though it will be only certain sections participating in this long felt Antigua Dondinica Montserrat need.
Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts The feeling of the populace is that the entire town should be lighted, in Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia and view of the darkness created at nights British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique by the overhanging shade trees and the asphalted streets. It is hoped, Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
anyhow, that the time is not far dissee tant when there will be no cause of complaint for a dark town.
The Store of Quality Panama, General Banking Business Transacted.
DAVE CARDOZE JAKE PEREIRA Electric Lighting The Royal Bank of Canada of Sav La Mar Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID


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