
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1980 UNITY OF APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT PURPOSE NOTES 20. 60 20 possess the same instincts with our own species. The CANAL ZONE THE WORKMAN ring aloud with the proclamation of her wrongs: or the bird whose little househould has been stolen fills and GATUN saddens all the grove with melodies of deepest pathos.
Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 All this is palpable even the general and unlearned CORNER STONE LAYING derstand the colored people so well, CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, eye; and when the phisiologist lays open the recesses of OF CATHOLIC CHURCH and also, seem to have such a large Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon their system, by means of that scalpel under whose heart for the human family.
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION operation they just shrink and are convulsed as any livOne of the largest crowd ever ing subject of our own species, there stands forth to ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
asembled in Gatun was seen on Sun RESIGNATION view the same sentient apparatus, and furnished with day last. When the Laying of the SIX MONTHS.
the same conductors for the transmission of feeling from Corner Stone of the New Roman The Lady President of Division 16 THREE.
every minutest pore upon the surface.
Catholic Church was performed by of Gatun LA. has tendered her ONE MONTA.
Theirs is the unmixed and unmitigated pain, the the Right Rev. Maiztegui, resignation to be effective Thursday, agonies of martyrdom without the alleviation of the Bishop of Darien.
April 17th. Although we have not The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS hopes and the sentiments whereof men are capable.
It was about o clock when the seen the resignation yet, it is rumorWhen they lay them down to die, their only fellowship is THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 ceremony was commenced, assisted ed that the Lady in question is diswith suffering; for in the prison house of their beset by the Reverend Father Burns, an atisfied with the progress the division and bounded faculties, no relief can be afforded by comeloberate ritualistic ceremony was has made under the present adminisCRUELTY TO ANIMALS munion with other interests or other things, The atperformed by these two Church dig tration. More resignations would do tention does not lighten their distress, as it does that of nitaries, which added much color to the Division much good. man, by carrying off his spirit from that existing punthe occassion. Several hundred perOne hundred fifty years ago, the world and humangency and pressure which might else be overwhelming. sons gathered to witness the first DEATH OF LITTLE ity were biessed by tne coming into being of a boy who There is but room in their mysterious economy for one ceremony of the kind to be performed PASCUAL developed into a brilliant manhood and became an eloinmate; and that is, the absorbing sense of their own in Gatun by the Roman Catholies.
quent preacher, a distinguished philantropnist, and a single and concentrated anguish. And so, on that bed The village is indeed very sorry to student of mathematics. His name was Thomas Chalof torment whereon the wounded animal lingers and learn of the leath of little pasqual two mers. He was a writer whose writings were remarkexpires, there is an unexplored depth and intensity of SEVENTH DAY years son of Mr. Mrs. Pasqual.
able for their combination of religious fervour with ADVENTIST The little fel was only sick three scientific enthusiasm, and he was the author of such suffering which the poor dumb animal itself cannot tell, and against which it can offer no remonstrance an weeks.
works as, Astronomical Discourses and Bridgewater untold and unknown amount of wretchedness of which The well arranged programme of Treatise on the Adaptation of External Nature To The no articulate voice gives utterance!
the Seventh Day Adventist came oft ORGANIZED CRICKET Moral And Intellectual Constitution Of Man. He died Jast sunday evening and was a very How long, oh Lord! How long. in the year 1847; but before that he wrote his famous pleasing success. The affair wa CLUB Masterpiece. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS which we well attended, and the items master At a ly done. Very many pleasing commeeting recently held in are using to day as a Metaphor. In his day he spoke of Heard Under the Almond Tree the cruelty of men to the lower animals. To day we are ments were heard on the outside.
Gatun, among the young men of the village, a new Cricket Club came into speaking of the cruelty of men to other men whom the former regard as lower animals. Specifically, we speak DeMena is now in this country. We tion.
The Honorable Madame LT. the ranks and files of the Organiza HERMON GOES ON existence, the name although not general known, is said to be a catchy of the Metal Trades Council as men, as they very proper have been awaiting the arrival of a The Panama field has been a regVACATION one, and we wish the officers all ly regard themselves, and of the West Indian Canai the luck that one can spare. The Workers as lower animals, as the Metal Trades Council representative of the Parent Bodyular battle ground for rival factions, for some time now, and we sincerely selfish leaders, and easy and thoughtThe very popular Sgt. Hermon ot following are the names of the of very improperly regard them.
hope that this visit will bring back less followers. This wanton waste Gatun is gone on a 30 days vaction, ficers: The Good Book says, By their fruits ye shall know to our Association that lost prestige of money has lowered the integrity Although the veteran police chief has earned his leave days, yet, we ll miss Messers: Nelson, President, them. We believe this to be substantially true in a and confidence of the Mass. of the Association in this country Blackman Captain, Redman general way, and it holds very good in the case of the There are several things that we considerably, and the confidence of him a great deal. He seems to unvice President Donavan, Secretary, honorable Council Of Metal Traders, for they have re are able to be thankful for, first the a large percentage of the people have Graham Treasurer.
lentlessly sought to make life perplexing and ignomin last International Convention of the been blasted. It is only the presence ious for the West Indian on the Canal in times past, at Organization held in Jamaica, has oi an acredited representative of the lowing of the Movement here, and SUDDEN DEATH OF MR.
that the brilliant efforts and support present, and to all intents and purposes, for the future. adopted very many beneficial resolu Parent Body that will be able to ARTURO DELVALLE Their attacks have been vehement and truculent, and tions, among them being, the stand restore the lost prestige. We trust that was thrown in the Association the periodical partial successes that have crowned their against contentious and revolution that the visitof the Honorable Madam seven years ago will be renewed with (Continued from Page 1)
efforts have filled them with satisfaction, and rejuven ary persons or group of persons in DeMena will be a blessing to the fol a strong vigor.
His mortal remains were taken ated their energies. Now, they have struck out to block from his home at Bella Vista to the the establishment of facilities for higher education for Herrera Cemetery for interment yesthe children of West Indian Aliens. of twenty five terday afternoon followed by one of years residence, and they shout with a fervour that is the largest cortege of relatives, resplendent. Carthage Must Be Destroyed! Carfriends and sympathisers, all in autothage Must Be Destroyed. And so today we are mobiles, ever witnessed in this city.
using Thomas Chalmers Masterpiece as a fitting metaphor to the situation:By the death of Mr. Delvalle, Panama has been robbed of one its most CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Just Received a Large Assortment of prominent business men as well as a good sportsman. Mr. Delvalle took Men are the direct agents of a wide and continual keen interest in horse racing here distress to the lower animals; and the question is, Can and was considered a leading figure any method be devised for its alleviation? On this sub in the new reorganization at Juan ject, the Scriptural image is strikingly realised: the whole (inferior) creation groaning and travailing toHis death has indeed struck a gether in pain, because of them. It signifies naught to In the very Latest Designs cruel blow to those activities with the substantive amount of the suffering, whether which he has been connected, and prompted by the hardness of their hearts, or only per mitted through the heedlessness of their minds. In ALSO the community mourn his loss Requiescat in Paco either way, it holds true, not only that the arch devourers, men, stand preeminent over the fiercest children of the wilderness as animals of prey; but that for their PROSPECTIVE DIVISION lordly and luxurious appetites, as well as for their serOF THE vice or merest curiosity and amusement. Nature must be ransacked throughout all her elements. Rather than The weekly meeting of the Prosforego the veriest gratifications of vanity, they will pective Division of the A.
wring them from the anguish of wretched and ill fated and will be convened tocreatures, and whether for the indulgence of their barLEST YOU FORGET morrow p. at their Hall when baric sensuality, or their barbaric splendour, they can many interesting items will be dealt stalk paramount over the sufferings of the prostrate with.
creation which has been placed beneath their feet.
The choir will contribute to the musical section of the programme, These sufferings are really felt. The beasts of the field are not so many automata without sensation, so IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL while the Secretary Mr. Greely constructed as to assume all the natural expressions of will read the President General it. Nature has not practiced this universal deception message and deliver an address. The upon our species. These poor animals just look, and meeting will be presided over by tremble, and give forth the very indications that we do.
Mr. Jeffers. the Aeting Theirs is the distinct cry of pain. Theirs is the unequipresident. vocal physiognomy of pain. They put on the same asC. MULLER Prop.
Friends are cordially invited.
pect of terror at the demonstrations of a menaced blow.
37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 They exhibit the same distortions of agony after the NO. 14 CHAPTER CON infliction of it. The bruise, or the burn, or the fracture, CERT POSTPONED or the deep incision, or the fierce encounter with one of equal or of superior strength, affects them similarly to RRRR The entertainment which ourselves. Their blood circulates as ours. They have Phone 453 scheduled to take place (under the pulsations in various parts of the body as we have. They DRY CLEANING Auspices of Chapter 14 of the sicken, and they grow feeble with age, and, finally, they PANAMA at the Hall 21st street GusSTEAM PRESSING die, just as we do.
chapali. tomorrow, is postponed un15 STREET They possess the same feelings; and, what exposes til the following Sunday, 27 inst.
We Dye To Live PANAMA them to like sufferings from another quarter, they Members and friends are asked to bear this information in mind.
Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream, Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA was TROTT The Cleaner DYBING


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