
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1980 TODOC 10 DO Religious Freedom For Liberia Pink Selecting the West Indies Dr. Leo Pink Cricket Team for Australia Surgeon Protestant Episcopal Leaders Rally to More Modern Christ like Teachings T, Church Triumphs Rev. Dr. Porter Work Is Progressing for Schools, churches, and industrial as stood and practiced whole heartedly well as agricultural institutions in by the colored peoples of the earth, the making. The Tranquility Inde if they are to possess the Kingdom of pendent Methodist Episcopal Church God on earth.
of New York and Delaware has plans The efforts of this church are bound for the setting up a college in Liberia to arouse better understanding among offering theological, language (Afri the people of this country, central can) and agricultural courses through and South America, Liberia and the residence and correspondence study. West Indies. Further, business men It is understood that some of the with vision shall find ready markets leading churchmen, educators, legis for their goods among the people of lators and business men are interest the new religious colony proposed.
ed. Hon. Dr. Morais, late registrar The Church is pushing to of Cuttington College (protestant the front in Cuba, Nicaragua, British episcopal. and now member of the Honduras and elsewhere. St. George Liberian Legislature from Cape Pal. Church, Rev. Bryan, in mas, and Ex Vice President of Ll Santo Domingo, has a drive on beria, Hon. Too Wesley, are among for 30, 000 for a new building and to those who may back the movement help finance an industrial program. Church Teachings Prac. Dr. Porter welcomes suggestions, tical.
phone Bradhurst 3145, address 310 It stands for Practical Christi West 141 Street, New York City, anity and True Brotherhood. Its Letters from Dr. Morais open for founder maintains that When igno inspection at all times. The rance and fear are removed prosper Church is incorporated in this state ity result. Jesus knew. this; and pursuant to Article No. of the Re.
the substance of his Gospel the lov ligious Corporations Law of the State ing of God and one neighbor as one of New York, and it is also incorself (the keynote of the porated and chartered in the state of Church teaching. should be under. Delaware. FLYNCH Custom Tailor Roach English and American Styles One Reason Why They Segregate Our Gold Star Mothers GAS STOVES Dentist Commenting on an article which sider him. It was a regrettable 123 Central Aver ue Panama City. appeared in the Barbados Advocate blunder on the part of the Selection recently, the selection of the West Committee, but it was not unxepected.
Phor e 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Indies Cricket Team which is to go for some unknown reason there ha)
to Australia, the Sporting Chronicle always been certaint amount of Professionel Services incli Brerches of Cental Works of Trinidad observes thus:jealousy, in this Island and in other Our contemporary the Barbados colonies, of Bartlett powers as a Office Peurs to to Sundays by Appointment Advocate in discussing the certain batsman and unfortunately Bartlett ties for the Australian Tour selects has seldom received a square deal.
Headley as the first choice in the That he is a batsman of the most ODO 10 DOPODOSSOS ODO Northern Zone of West Indies crie promising type there can be little ketera doubt. Such a good judge as Mr.
PALAIS ROYAL BUY FROM THE WORKMAN The first choice say in the South Warner suggested to Mr. Nunes is Constantine one of the greatest that in order to leave Bartlett out ADVERTISERS AND GET all rounders in the world and with of a Test Mateh, he would have to CLOTHING VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY him it is necessary to couple Francis possess as strong a batting side as and Griffith. Whatever may be said the Australians. Again in dealing it is on this trio of fast bowlers that with the West Indies Tour Wisden the success or failure of the team says. Bartlett, a right handed batswill rest.
man of small stature, quick footed, The next choice is Ronch and with and a hard hitter in front of the him Hoad, Bartlett and DeCaires wicket and possessed of neat cut must be coupled. And these eight. both square and late. had the misconstitute those who should be ab fortune to break finger and so solute certainties. No doubt, there prejudiced his chances of distinction.
are many who will attack the inclu Still his 109 made at Trent Bridge sion of Bartlett on the grounds that against the full strength of the Notts NO CALIDONIA PHONE 569 the Selection Committee for the first bowling, stamped him as a player of distinet clas. Further Mr. PenteTest Match in Barbados did not conlow referred to him as having distinet promise and both Mr. Mallett 1975 PRATITELLER and Hendren are very optimistie of his cricketing future. In both Colony Matches against the Bartlett played outstanding innings. In the first he went to the wicket at a ditficult period and it was entirely due to his good innings, when Challenor was making the bowling appear extremely difficult, that Barbados was able to raise a respectable total.
In the the return match Bartlett gave a sparkling display and no doubt if he had been content to play This statement, coming from such as for a not out after he had passed AND INSTALLATIONS ON fifty he would have been assured of selection. It is batsmen of Bartlett calibre, who are also good in the field whom the West Indies will have to rely on in 1988 and he should be a certainty. Of Hoad, Headley and Roach there can be no quibbe. Hoad did not cover himself with glory in the 1st Test match, but there is little doubt that if he had played in all the tests he would have ended up near the top, if not at the top of the batting averages. His patient type of batting will be needed in Australia where time is no object. DeCaires has done well enough to be considered a certainty but before going to WITH Australia, he will have to get some practice to fast bowling and will have to tighten up his fielding and catching. He is one of the few West Indies batsmen who is not at home to fast bowling.
And pay for your STOVE THE CLAIMS OF MARTIN AND while you enjoy using BIRKBTT It.
In the ordinary course of events You will appreciate the Martin of Jamaica and Birkett of speed oleanliness and Trinidad would have been added to economy of gas for the certainties, but owing to the fact that Birkett has not been seen against cooking lot us Instal a the and Martin is said to have stove for you today.
GAS STOVES ARE PRICED FROM 50 improved in bowling at the expense TO 125. 00 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOUSE of his batting, the selectors will have OWNERS BUILDERS.
to consider the former on his form last October and will have to watch Martin in the present matches before coming to a decision.
It was generally conceded on all sides that Martin was the most difficult batsman to dislodge in the 1928 West Indies team, but he was not successful as a change bowler, and his slownens in the field gave away many rors to the opponents. But with his indifferent flelding Martin must be considered if he can reproduce his 1928 batting form. Ae(Continued on Page 8)
Time Payments COOK GAS ing.
Writing editorially under the above they oppose intermingling of the caption, the Chicago Defender of the races white people, not only in New 5th inst, says: York, but in Chicago and other places, The United States government has were urging the government to redecided to send all black women to frain from carrying out its disgracethe graves of their dead sons and ful program of sending our war brothers in France on segregated mothers to France on Jim Crow ships.
ships. The decision was made by the They, at least, have a perfect right war department and, to date, has re to feel that they have been betrayed.
mained in spite of the protesta of Just a few week ago an Illinois thousands of Americans, black and judge declared that the best element white. Those officials of the gov of Negroes does not want intermixing ernment who have taken any cog. of the races. We immediately nizance of the protests have fallen denied this and inforomed him that back on the old remark that the best he doesn know what we want. How element of Negroes prefer segrega can we reconcile this with the attition.
tude of ministers in New York who And just when all elements were purport to represent the best element, about to combine to prove that they Still our ministers wonder why do not want segregation in any form they are losing influence with the and under any circumstances, here people. They wonder why the numcome some ministers in New York ber of people who take them seriously declaring that racial mixing at social is dwindling as the days go by. Here functions is against the policy of an organization they represent. The is the answer. The day of the Uncle Harlem league, declared Dr. John Tom in the pulpit has passed. We no longer need him to lead us out of Robinson, leader of the group. does not approve of interracial danc bondage he has outlived his useful.
ness. His doctrine and preachment no longer interest us, for we are Not only did the Harlem league make this startling announcement, moving forward in spite of him. With but it insulted a white minister who his statement Dr. Robinson classified had sponsored the affair which himself with those others who have brought together members of the been found wanting in the vision two races in a social function.
necessary to leadership of the Race.
As insignificant as this attitude His organization, unless it reverses seems, it is one of the most direct itself, need not expect any further reasons why we are being faced with support from the people, it by its segregation on a large scale in this recent declaration, injured. It would country today than ever before. In do all of us a great service by disspite of all the press and other banding!
agencies can do to make America safe for all Americans, the work to nullified by the handkerchief head TO 10 OC ministers who feel that they are pleasing white supremiats by opposing progress of their people. The Mattresses made and renovated secretary of war, himselt. southerto order Furnitures also repaired ner, need not feel disposed to rewind at moderate prices his order which segregates our Gold Star mothers, as long as he can House No. 10. 21 Street refer to statements issued by leadCuachapali ing Negroes upholding his stand.
He need not feel that we object to OR separate military units, separate training quarters, separate (and inferior) accommodations either in this PALAIS ROYAL country or abroad as long as he has for the support of our ministers, ARROW SHIRTS AND It is interesting to note that while these ministers were shouting that INTERWOVEN HOSE If it is done with heat, JOSEPH MASON You can do it better with GAS even Cia. Pan. de Fuerza y Luz Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours18, am to 12 30 to 30 PM Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Terrple lith St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONI: Om 1664 11


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