p. 8


ESTABLISHED 1912 AtbW The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 Horse Racing at Juan Franco British Government Atlantic Side Pars Supposed Insanity Destructive Fire serve some of our men a real practical Barbarous and HORSE RACING (By Dan Whyte. Continued from Page Continued from Page Contiued from Page 1)
ernment are prepared to make similar Colon, April 15. There was a resttended on each occasion.
Investigations revealed that the Alleyne was employed by the Army Importing Company was heavily inAttractivo Raoo Program offer to Mauritius maximum loss ord crowd at the Municipal Gymna The Mission was conducted by the a couple weeks prior to his admittance sured in the Hartford Fire Insurance for Tomorrow which they will share being limited jum on Monday night last and the Rev. Father Dougherty of the to the Hospital, and lived just over Company.
to 200, 000, which beara similar rela fans witnessed a fine 10 round bout Balloa Missionary District who de the Chinese Garden opposite Battery Race fans who may have been dis tion to the production of Mauritius between Al Ortega, Cuban Welter livered very helpful and eloquent of the Gatun Company of Soldiers. fires seen in Colon for a long time It was one of the most dangerous appointed and possibly sore from the as 300, 000 does to the production of weight and Joe Walcott prominent sermons. On the closing evening He first began to show peculiar and much credit is due to the Fire few upsets which disturbed very the West Indies. Offer in case of boxer of this city. Sunday) the subject Go thou and symptoms when he and his 15 years Chief and his men for the manner attractive race program last Sunday, Lauritius is subject to such modificaThe Cuban had the best of th sin no more, the blessing of relig. old sweet heart had some misunder in which they worked to save the will, it is felt sure, be somewhat long as may be necessary to meet jous articles, the Renewal of Baptis standing. It is said, that Alleyne burning building and prevented the tickled with a second effort by the local conditions and as soon as you first round. In the second the Colon mal Vows, and the Papal blessing told friends that he was given some flames from spreading to adjoining managemnet to surprise the public have bee able to consult those con boy outpointed him. The third and imparted on the faithful, brought the peculiar food tomorrow with a card that is far cerned shall be glad to have your fourth went to the Walter. Roun his youthful sweet structures. It can be stated that the more attractive and interesting than views as to how the scheme could be five shared evenly. The sixth and mission to a close.
heart, and that was the cause of his fire caused a great deal of excitelast Sunday adapted for Mauritius.
seventh Walcott showed his ability peculiar actions, whieh in the most ment and comment and Mr. Samuel Colon, April 14. The heavy and Here it g06 the Insurance The exact meaning of this despatch and had the Cuban wondering. The continuous showers of rain which fell body, hiding most of the time in the Company here is assisting in the inpart was to run away from every Chevalloy, agent for is too indefinite to enable us to form Eigth went to Ortega. The remainon Sunday morning last prevented jungles with the explanation that the vestigation and search for Plerett lat RACE FURLONGS a reasoned judgment as to its prob ing two to Walcott. The decision in the Cricket games that were to be Blanco 118 able effect, without further elucida favor of Waleott did not meet the played at the Gatun and Camp Bierd police was after him. We are truly Martinez. Half Rate 110 tion. At first glance, however, it approval of many of the fans, their sorry that Alleyne has lost his life Oval.
in that fashion, but we trust it will Sebarita II 110 seems to us that there is little in the disapproval being that the fight Colon, April 16. The Reunion meetPereque 126 proposals to ameliorate the disastrous should be a draw.
ing of the Light of the Valley Lodge lesson. 5 Torito 110 position in which the Colonial sugar man should look for There were three preliminaries and No. 2, took place on Marcial 110 industry is placed. Steps are, how one semi final. Kid Wallace lost to Tuesday night last at the Gabriel his mate whenever he feels that he (Continued from Page 5) Moute Mahall 110 ever, being taken to obtain enlighten Kid Ramon; Kid Layne to Kid Mc Union Lodge Hall, Hudson Lane.
wants a lover. Fifteen years and 50 that night. Why do you deny it? Bright Night 110 ment from the Government. Mean Carthy; Battling Muñoz and Pedro There was a large turn out of the years are too far apart.
he asked. answered him by telling while, some grain of comfort may be Lemos, fought to a draw. The semi members and visiting brethren from him that now Coleman and himself derived from the fact that it is in final, Fruto took the count in the first New Hope Lodge No.
ness for a 100 per cent support.
must be 000 richer as no doubt they 2nd RACE FURLONGS were conceivable that Several important matters the Government round from Jack Brown, had received the reward offered by May 112 would take any steps towards securBro. Christian presided and satisfactorily dealt with and the Presi.
the Company. Darien 120 ing the cultivation of the ensuing extended words of welcome to the dent in his closing remarks expressed Colon, April 14. The English Mis He then ordered me to go to the Laughing Water 126 brethren.
the wish and hoped that the Lodge telephone and tell Cottone wife that sugar crop if there were the slightest sion held at the Immaculate ConcepRamona 116 chance of the Chancellor of the tion Cathedral at 5th and Cash we were being treated nicely and Palo Loco On the matter of the resuscitation would take a new lease of life.
124 Exchequer so modifying the sugar Streets during Passion week April of the Light of the Valley Lodge, The doxology brought an interest handled with silk gloves. To get me Bubbling Water 116 duties as to affect adversely the 6th to 18th inclusively, were largely the brethren all pledged their willing ing and profitable meeting to a close to do this he had to put revolver preference on Empire sugar which to my side while talked. When the 3rd RACE FURLONGS would inevitably result in the collapse lady asked of her husband told her El Medico 114 of the industry.
LLLL LLLLL LLS PALALALALTILFELLETTE that he was alright. This answer. Honey Dew 114 ed, because had to. She understood Tunney 105 and told me that was surely being Excuse Me 182 tormented and to assure her that she Grenadian Society 5Pora 182 was right hung up the receiver. Be6 Lagrimita 103 fore he left he gave orders to tie Continued from Page 1)
me up like the rest. When the sol very many prizes offered by that. AT: dier started to tie me offered a 4th RACE FURLONGS Society and shall be delighted to bribe of 00 to spare me the tor1 Diez y Sies 126 meet him, especially if he is accomture. To this he agreed on condition Huerfano 116 panied by one of the members of the that hollered and shoted as if was Colombia 112 Goosiana Club.
being punished. Gitana ex Annie Laurie 105 My Dear Elijah, forgot to tell you Meanwhile the piercing howling Dancing Girl 115 this one. went on a vacation about cf Lefevre and Guerrero who were in Tonosi 100 years ago with Cyril Mc. Leane to cells opposite mine were most heart Don Simon 126 Jamaica, and while was strolling rending. Silver Star 105 the streets of Kingston, a Hindoo Blen also told the interviewers that man driving a cart came up and stopParras had Beuchot as his Secretary 5th RACB FURLONGS ped his cart in the middle of the and compelled him to write all that Goodness Agnes 108 Street and jumped into the Shop and he dictated. In other they Resolute 106 called for a pint of grog, a9 soon as had him as a prisoner. It all looked Copi 182 he stepped in, up comes a policelike a madhouse concluded Mr. Blen 4Kitty Gin 112 man and manhandled the cart, and While we were howling with the Lloyd Brown 118 when the Hindoo man came out, he Including the fastest Horses on the Local pains they were dancing with the re8 Cartagena 110 was promptly escorted to the police volvers in their hands around a vicStation and from there to the Resitrola.
dent Magistrate to explain why he Owing to lack of time they were 6th RACE FURLONGS left the cart uncared for in the centre Don Florentino unable to interview Guerrero and Cot 100 of the publie Highway, tone who got the worst of it. Boustori Or 128 Pauline 116 He could give no explanations Tapagra 114 to the questions asked but when Corazon 126 the Magistrate fined him ten shillings, Marcella 126 he cooly asked him What matter?
Me Public man, You Public man. Continued from Page 6)
7th RACE FURLONGS Cart Public, Road Public, Me leave cording to the latest news from Publie Cart in Public Road you fine Trigo 108 Jamaica, Martin has improved out me, suppose me leave cart narrah Tribunito 110 of all recognition as a bowler, but man land you hang me?
Zapo 116 his batting form has suffered appreBubbling Water 105 ciably. The selectors will have to Intimo 128 Recitation. Miss Hilda Forthe PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE ascertain whether Martin batting Cococha 116 Song Miss Scarlet form or bowling form warrants his Rippling Water 117 Recitation Miss Niles inclusion always remembering that Address To Mrs. Wright by Tramcars direct to and from Track he is an indifferent field. On his Miss Ivy Myers and Presentation form in Demerars during the last of Flower by Mrs. Chandler intercolonial tournament there can Pianoforte Selection Miss Doris be no doubt that Birkett as an all(Continued from Page Rodney rounder has won his place in any Prayer Mr. Grant Song Miss Alma Nugent West Indies team. He is a brilliant Song Miss Maud Bethune Pianoforte Selection Miss Roberts sllip field a most necessary type of Recitation Miss Victoria Franklin Recitation Miss Nora Jeffers HART. Manager fieldsman with the West Indies relySong Mrs. Ada Stevens Reading Miss Alice King ing on pace bowlers a forcing batsRecitation Miss McIntosh Address Rev. Wright man and a useful medium paced Song Miss Doris Hamer FILLAS bowlet.
JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday April 20th EXCITING mis RACES Track and Featuring such good ones as Copi, Cartagena, Resolute, Kitty Gill, Lloyd Brown, Goodness Agnes POST TIME 15 Selecting the West General Admission. 50c.
Panama Wesleyan PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB Mixpah.


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