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bruary ep PLEASURES OF KNOWLEDGE VAGA ESTABLISHED, 1912 The Workman Jew THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY VOL. 18. No. 40 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 PRICE CENTS Negro Mothers and Widows of Dead Soldiers Urged to Stay Lived for Twenty Nine Out of France Years as a Voman THE WEST INDIES CRICKET TEAM FORMER POSTMASTER GENERAL HARTSHORN Selected to Tour Australia New Secretary of State for Late This Year British Colonies If Forced to Humilation by Sailing Kingston, Jamaica, April 12. At a LONDON, April 16. Newspapers Now Claims to be a Man and on Jim Crow Ships meeting of the West Indies Cricket state Mr. Vernon Hartshorn, who Seeks Marriage Board of Control, held yesterday, Mr. was Postmaster General in the preThe United States DOES plan to mothers cannot go with others from Grant of Trinidad was selected vious Labour Government and who LISBURY (Wiltshire. England, the people of the district for some send its Gold Star mothers to the their sections of the country, but a: Captain of the West Indies team is a member of the Commission on March 23. One of the most amaz years.
graves of their dead heroes in France must go on separate ships set aside to tour Australia during the coming the Indian Constitutional Reforming cases in the history of medical spoke to friends and to a numaboard JIM CROW ships. This is for them.
Autumn and Winter.
will at the conclusion in a few weeks science has come to light in this ber of prominent residents in the no longer a rumor, but a definite But they will not do it! Black The Selection Committee of the of the work on this Commission join sleepy town.
town, and was told that Burt was statement made to The Chicago De women have too much pride too Board of Control will within the next the Cabinet as Secretary of State for It is that of Eva Mary Burt, a registered at birth as a female child.
tender by Dairson, who, during much respect for those brave men, few days make their final pick of the the Colonies. At present Lord Pass domestic servant, aged twenty nine, PLAYED WTIH DOLLS the illness of Secretary of War Pa now lying beneath the sod of noble team, but it is understood that Headfield is Secertary for the Dominions who has lived all her life as a girl, He was brought up with other trick Hurley of Oklahoma, is acting France, to dishonor them by accept ley, Barrow, Scott and Martin (it and Colonies but it is understood the and now claims to be a man.
little girls, played with dolls, and at in his stead. The letter to the Do ing this latest evidence of America the last named can secure leave)
office will be divided.
Miss (or Mr. Burtis, in fact, the age of about fourteen went into fenders reads in part: inhumanity and ingratitude as will are certainties from this island and engaged to be married, and a no service. Later he became a nurse at The large number of mothers and be evidenced through these Jim Crow it was expected that the fifth place tice has been posted at the Poor Law the Tisbury Union, where he met Miss widows who will make the pilgrim ships. They would not, could not. if any) would be decided on yester. MRS. DE MENA institution at Mount Pleasant, just Edwards, age, together with the necessity of stoop low enough to accept this in day had play been possible.
IN PANAMA CITY outside the town, in the name of Burt voice has gradually deepenproviding suitable accommodations sult.
Messrs. Griffith and Roach are also Evan Montagu Burt.
ed during recent years, and he has for all, make impracticable the sendMadame De Mena, International Black mothers and widows certain choices for their respective The marriage is to take place at acquired masculine characteristics.
ing of the pilgrims in one body and their sons sent to Jim Crow mili colonies. They are at present in Organizer of the and Easter, and the bride will be Miss Little is known of the beginning make the organization of groups tary camps and into Jim Crow units Kingston, arrived in Panama City on Sarah Matilda Edwards, a nurse in of this strange alteration of sex, but necessary. Groups of Colored mo during the hectic days of 1917 and The Board of Control, apart from Wednesday last, 28rd inst. and will the institution where Burt formerly the first that was heard of it here thers and widows will be formed. 1918. They saw them go away will. selecting the Captain is not concerned visit the chapters at this end before worked.
was last week, when the notice of This decision was arrived at after ingly, secure in the belief that their with the naming of the team. This be her return to Colon.
The two, while they worked to marriage was posted.
the most careful consideration of the gether, were devoted companions. understand that Burt made apinterests of the pilgrims themselves. sacrifices would mean something to ing the prerogative of their Selection She is expected to make an address The announcement of their mar plication to the registrar to be offiNo discrimination whatever will be those who remained at home. Then, Committee to whom will also be left these mothers saw. Jim Crow units the authority of naming the Vice at the No. 14 Chapter tomorrow riage has staggered the district.
cially changed from female to male.
made as between the various groups.
return to this country one after an Captain and they have been in com night. All members and friends are My enquiries to night has revealed Medical evidence was given in supEach group will receive equal accomother, and finally awoke to the reali. Continued on Page 1) requested to turn out and hear her. an astonishing story.
port of this application, and partieumodations, care and consideration.
zation that their sons would return knocked at the door where Burtlars was sent to the Registrar GenThat is the answer of the United no more.
lives with his parents, and a tall, eral.
States government to the pleas of slender young person with shining Even this greatest of all sacrifices It was some time before an offithousands of Americans that citiblack hair, Eton cropped and brush cial decision was made, and then Eva zens be spared this humiliation. That black mothers have borne willingly ed back over the ears, opened the Mary Burt, the woman, was erased is what the United States thinks of and unflinchingly. They felt that door. It was the man woman, from the official records, and Evan they were doing their bit for the the great sacrifices black men and He was dressed in woman cloth Montagu Burt, the man took her women have made its behall! country. Now they have the opez, and wore a long apron.
That, then, is what black women, portunity to see how ungrateful, how British Government Forecasts Big He had a pale, oval face, and was informed to night that the bowed in grief, will have to bear it utterly heartless a great nation can spoke in a voice that seem obviously police have received no official notice they accept the invitation of the. nasculine. of the change, and they consider United States government, which has in France during the holocaust of The feminine clothes look strange themselves in a very awkward situsbecome an insult.
1917 and 1918 than in any previous ly incongruous to me, and this has tion, Because there are so many Gold war in the history of the world, in The Gleaner of the 19th inst. states for a few minutes and will be trans appearently been the impression of (Continued on page 5)
Star mothers, they must go over in the face of the fact that the soil that the Governor of Jamaica has mitted on short waves.
Jim Crow ships. That is, the black (Continued on page 4)
received the following telegram from This experiment will commence on the Secretary of State for the British 22nd April.
Colonies: It should be realized that trans The British Broadcasting Corpor mission will be purely experimental ation have submitted an Empire and not a fair representation of what Broadcasting Scheme which is now is actually possible with a new staRICHMOND, Va. April 10. Alunder my consideration and which tion specially designed for such a though he is only a Negro, and SPECIAL TRAIN FOR DOG Be hope will be ready for discussion at service.
lives in a community where he is AND HORSE RACES looked down upon because of the Discussed at Annual Conference the forthcoming Colonial Office and The Government would be glad color of his skin, Carroll Chapman Imperial or Economic Conferencen.
to receive any reports from the ownhad enough honor and virtue Thurs Arrangements with the Panama campaign against the exclusion little has been accomplished, Diseri The essence of the scheme is to ers of wireless sets as to the recep day to return 40, 000 worth of jewels Railroad have been completed for the of the Negro from labor unions will mination against the Negro at work construet a medium powered station tion of these news bulletins.
be inaugurated at the twenty first and seeking work has been found in in this country to carry out an exwhich had been lost by Mrs. Clarence running of an excursion train from Dillon, white, of New York, when Colon to Panama on Sunday, May 4th National Association for the advance American Federation, the statement eies overseas on short waves for a AT DIVISION 17 ment of Colored People held at adds, which has moved the Federation period of some five years.
indicated that the gems which Chap selves of the opportutnity, will have man had found belonged to her. the facili of free entrance, both to Springfield, Mass. June 25 to July to plan a unionization campaign in In order that representatives at Tomorrow Sunday AfterThe Negro and his relationship the states in which the Negroes are above Conferences may before they Mrs Dillon had come to Richmond the Juan Franco and the Kennelworth noon at O clock with union laboris now the most numerous.
race tracks, provided they are able sail have some preliminary ideas of from South Carolina and had taken (Continued on page 5)
vital problem in advancing the race, a taxicab to the home of friends with In its campaign against lynchings what the Services would be Reuter Madame Demena, Internaaccording to a statement issued by the statement says the association re have generously agreed to experi tional Organizer of the whom she was to stop. When she In the lot were a large emeratiu the association. Emancipation and duced them from more than 100 a mental of the world, who is at present on left the taxicab, she forgot her ring which the insurance company citizenship have been granted the year to 12 in 1929. The association BROADCASTING NEWS a visit to the various Divisions and jewels.
valued at 10, 000, and two link diaNegro, the report reads, but what use feels, the statement concludes, that in bulletins for a month without charge. Chapters, in Panama and Colon, will Young Chapman caught the cab mond bracelets worth 7, 000 in a nest are they to him if he is barred from its efforts to prevent colour discrim understand bulletins will be of be at Division 17, Street in this shortly afterwards and found the of handsome rings, bracelets, broochthe work he can do competently? ination in the United States it is for about a quarter of an hour duration city, tomorrow, Sunday afternoon, at gema. There was no way for him to es, watches, and pins.
The report states that the associa nishing the approach to an interna and will be broadcast by British p. There will be a special mass tell to whom they belonged until the Chapman was paid a reward of tion has placed the question of union tional campaign which will help to Broadcasting Corporation from meeting for the occasion and a cor newspapers published a story of the 2, 000 by a representative of the inization of the Negro before the establish permanent world peace. Chelmsford daily at 56 dial invitation is extended to every loss. He promptly returned them surance company for the return of the American Federation of Labor but The Christian Monitor. It will be preceded by a tuning note body.
valuables die BROADCASTING STATION MAY Student BE ERECTED AT JAMAICA in be. In the face of the greatest trang Scheme for Broadcasting Throughout Overseas Dependencies Returns 40. 000 In Jewels Gets 2, 000 Reward Negro to Seek Entrance to Labour Union Discrimination Against Him To de dependen: MADAME Demena in


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