
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA BARBADOS GRENADA DOMINICA West Indian The Eloquence Capt of Vessel An Unpleasant Co Operation of Bishop Pulls Revolver on Incident Bentley Coloured Waiter the Caribbean colonies as a whole ing definite shape in this portion of. Synod have been reproduced in the day when Captain Forde sat at break reported to have occurred recently in wrongfully invaded his wounded Lord Methuen at Barbados COin The Dominica Tribune, writing Cashier, a Junior Officer, who was Writing editorialiy under the above, dies that resulted in an Imperial caption, the Jamaica Mail of the 10th Commission being sent to these coleditorially under the above caption, responsible not only for the safety of inst, says: onies to investigate the position and The Agricultural Reporter for GRENADA, March 30. This is observes thus:puplic moneys, but also for the mainIt is co operation that will assist suggest measures which His Maj March 18th saysthe 20th century, and if ad cap. The Tribune is essentially convertenance of the dignity of his office, the British West Indies to surmount esty Government should adopt to The session of the Diocesan Synod tain is allowed to cock an automatic sative in outlook in all matters re and the rules of his Department, their difficulties. These difficulties revive the fortunes of cane sugar.
this week, says the Agricultural at a man for nothing at all, some lating to Social Order. We believe which do not permit the entry of unare more or less economic. Solu The Labour Government is not in Reporter, of Barbados, of March thing ought to be done. This was in Discipline and in Respect for duly authorized persons in the Cashier tion of some of the problems with clined to offer protection to the the principle on which waiter Buckley constituted Authority. We also be quarters, ordered the intruder out.
18th, afforded the public another opwhich many of these British com industry, as suggested by Lord portunity of dwelling on the mature (coloured) left the Western lieve in Fairplay for the Underdog. He left.
munities are concerned ia contin Olivier, and that while Lord Passfield wisdom and itening to the eloquence Bullen, another waiter and stew however brief, inovitably forfeit pub would, under such circumstances, Ocean yesterday morning with Me Those who are clothed in authority, In the ordinary course, a gentleman gent upon communal endeavours is thinking of handing out doles to of Bishop Bentley. This community and, in the broader sense, adoption these ancient colonies, the future of ards Walker and McKenzie to take up lie esteem by unfairness towards have left with an apology for his is indeed favoured with a spiritual of policies that conform to the commistake. But not so, this particular cane sugar is still in the balance; but a matter with the local port authori subordinates.
leader of such attainments and per ties.
mon aims of the entire British West signs are not wanting to show that These observations are prompted individual. Instead of apologizing to sonal charm. His addresses at the Indies. The economie salvation colonial is It appears that at 40 a. yester. by an unpleasant incident which is the officer, whose territory he had demands intimate intercourse on the the Empire.
be carefully perusfast he instructed his waiter, William certain Government Department, vanity caused him to assume an air part of accredited leaders of comed by all who have the interests of Robinson, not to bring him any which coming as it does after a num of injured innocence, and trading on munities that comprise the West In Council and House of Assembly of At the opening of the Legislative our litle island at heart. The church peaches. Robinson obeyed this order ber of other peculiar actions on the the fact that he had friends at dian Family. In the past each comand returned with a substitute fruit part of persone authority loe Court be demanded an apology from Barbados recently, His Excellency Sir has a noble mission in this community was more or less pro oc Robertson, Governor of the munity, and its appeal on behalf of service. The Captain then seemed to has caused public misgivings, and is the Cashier for what he was pleased cupied with its own atfairs, which colony, referred in gratifying terms purity and devotion to the higher have changed his mind and quarelled leading our people openly to express to term a discourtesy to himself.
precluded its political and other of the first meeting of the Central ideals is bearing fruit. Led by a with the waiter for not bringing him doubts as to whether this Presidency The disquieting feature of this inleaders adoptng the long view in or Conference of the West Indies in deep thinker and saintly character peaches. The waiter was puzzled and is being administered in the general cident is that thereupon the friends der to bring the needs of the British that island; and he struck the note like Bishop Bentley its future should an altercation ensued. The Captain, interest of the community as a whole, of the intruder, who happen to be in West Indies within the circle of what that co operative efforts are destined be gloriously successful and our it is said, sprang up, and ended the or merely for the special benefit of positions of authority are said to have is practical in politics and industrial to exercise a wholesome influence masses should show marked improve passage of words by coeking a re privileged class or caste.
pressed the young Cashier, who really welfare. very fortunate circumupon the agricultural life of Westment in morals and conduct.
volver at Robinson and ordering his If reports that have reached us. deserves the compliments of his Head stance occurred several years ago Indian communities. Coincidental imprisonment in irons, to be credited it would appear that of Department for having done his when the Jamaica Legislature rea with the creation of a Central West Several persons saw this and the an intruder recently found himself duty, to apologize to the culprit in the lised that the time had arrived when Indian Advisory Council, Jamaica has other waiter grew annoyed. They inside the Cashier Cage at the case, and are alleged to have gone so West Indian collaboration should be turned to co operative endeavours in talked the mattter up among them Treasury. He was there as a tress far as to threaten the Cashier with attemptted, to induce each commun production, with splendid results in selves and the above mentioned party passer, having disregarded the or divers pains and penalties if he do ity to turn from that tradition which one direction and wide prospects in eame ashore to get advice from the dinary courtesies whereby he might not eat humble pie.
had conspired to keep important other directions, Jamaica example Port Authorities as to whether Robin have obtained special, albet un serious question of principle, colonies apart, instead of encouragis being followed by several of the son should not be released. Mr. usual, permission from the proper touching the interests of all West Ining all and sundry to consolidate sister colonies, including the WindThe same paper in its issue of the Richards, Barrister at Law, was authority to transact his business, it dians, is involved in this otherwise re31st March says: their interests for the welfare of the ward and Leeward Islands. In Barbriefed by the party and went off to any, inside the Cashier sanctum latively insignificant incident. It is a Field Marshall Lord whole.
Methuen, bados a committee is formulating a the ship accompanied by Mr. instead of at the counter as an or question of good faith. Public confi.
Very encouraging results have scheme to market plantation and and Lady DeCoteau, Harbour Master, and Mr. dinary member of the public. The dence in the finer qualities of British attended the effort to create a West peasants ground produce on Methuen arrived in this colony by Gibbs, acting Harbour Master.
Administration is at stake, if the the Camito on Saturday last, on Indian sentiment, the latter being operative lines. Peasants AssoOn board Counsel and Port Author otherwise.
Cashier be not upheld by his superiors essential to West Indian progress. ciation has been organized in the their way to England.
ities pointed out to the Captain that Captain Forde stated that he only ie this matter, West Indian Junior The corner stone, the foundtion upon colony. similar movement is conAbout 30 Lord Methuen and party the law of the colony while it was resorted to that method because Rob Government Officers will feel that which the structure of a United West templated British Honduras.
came ashore in a launch loaned by bound to respect a Captain supreme inson words had amounted to in Friendship and not Fairplay is the Indies will be reared within the next British Guiana, an undeveloped col. Messrs Gardiner Austin Co. and control of his ship could not permit solonce.
governing factor when disputes arise decade or so, was well and truly ony, has been provided with a prowere met at the Baggage Warehouse the pointing of a gun at a man under The Port Authorities could do no between themselves and local influenlaid at the First Central Conference ducers association. It is significant by a Guard of Honour under com such circumstances in territorial more and left the ship. When they tial personages; and to the detriment of the British West Indies which was that in the Leeward and Windward mand of Capt. Goddard. His waters. He was to discipline his men left Robinson was not released. Continued an Page 7)
held at Barbados during January Islands there is common ground be Excellency the Governor, Sir 1929. The common aims of these tween Colonial Governments and pro Robertson, Lieut.
colonies were given their proper ducers in the marketing of produce, Johns, to His Exellency, Lient.
perspective at the Conference over in the same manner as the Govern Cal. o. Heidenstam, Insylptor which Sir Edward Davson presided ments of Jamaica and the Bahamas General of Police, Major Erkwith the genius of a British States are partners with agriculturists in sine Lindop and Gaden, Adjuman. There is a genuine desire for the co operative movement. Viewed tant of Local Forces, were also West Indian Unity, and it cannot be in the light of what will bring a present to welcome Lord Methuen.
denied that the deliberations of the new era to the British West Indies, After inspecting the Guard, Lord INCORPORATED 1869 First Central Conference have de these movements are distinctly en Methuen congratulated the men on finitely placed the seal of collective couraging. They will assist to bring their physique and smart appearance Head Office: Montreal, Canada action upon some important aspects about that larger desire for a Weet expressed his delight with the island of British Caribbean affairs. It was Indian Commonwealth within the and regretted his inability to be in a resolution which the Conference Empire with a Parliament that will uniform. This was his first visit to PANAMA COLON adopted upon the decadent state of ensure to these colonies represents the West Indies and although he had the sugar industry in the West In tion in the Councils of Empire.
Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets thought that Jamaica could not be lative to the Legal Practitioners surpassed he was greatly impressed British Guiana Draft with Barbados. He was sorry he His Honour Mr. Justice Savary, could not remain sometime in this island. He then bade the Guard LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Puisne Judge, presided.
CONFER Several amendments were made, good bye and entered the car with important among them being the His Excellency. He was driven to The Daily Chronicle of March 31st question of extetnding the privilege Government House and later in the day he re embarked on the ship.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including not only to solicitors and barristers states that a meeting of legal pracof dealing with matters of probate.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank titioners was held at the Supreme It was decided, after considerable is in a position to render the best possible service.
Court recently for the purpose of discussion, that barristers should also considering certain amendments ro be allowed that right.
ΤΟμοι 2000 OPIC Antigua Dominica Montserrat Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts The Advocate of recent date states Barbados that at a meeting of the Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia House of Assembly recently, a comBritish Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique Surgeon Dentist mittee was appointed to enquire into Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
and report on the Representation of 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
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ΟΞΟΣ OPO matter at an early date.
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