
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 The West Indies Negro Mothers 20 60 must cleavę to him while he lives, ameliorating every THE WORKMAN good, and diminishing every evil of his existence. solemnly declare, that, but for the love of know. Continued from Page ledge, should consider the life of the meanest hedger munication with the probable Vice to (Continued from Page 1)
and ditcher as preferable to that of the greatest and ascertain if he will be able to assume where these deadlie is hallowed Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 richest man in existence; for the fire of our minds is like the position. It is learnt that this ground, sacred to those whose sons CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, the fire which the Persians burn on the mountains gentleman who has been offered and husbands are buried there, in Bux 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon it flames night and day, and is immortal, and not to be big job in Africa has arranged to let the face of their overwhelming grief RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION quenched! Upon something, it must act and feed upon it slide in order that he can go to at the thought the country for which Australia with the team.
these men died and for which these ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
the pure spirit of knowledge, or upon the foul dregs of brave women have given so much, polluting passions.
MANAGER AND ASST, MANAGER SIX MONTHS designate separate ships, instituMr. Mallett dubbed the THREE.
Therefore, when say, in conducting your undertions of barbarism, segregation, upon God father of West Indies cricket standing, love knowledge with a great love, with a vehewhich black mothers must travel it ONE MONTH. 20 ment love, with a love coeval with life, what do say has been named and specially rethey care to see the spot where their The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS Lut love innocence; love virtue; love purity of conduct; quested by the Board to go with the heroes lie.
love that which, if you are rich and great, will sanctify team to Australia as their Manager Well, they shall not do it! If a THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 the providence which has made you so, and make men and it is certain that he will acwhite woman arrested for selling call it justice; love that which, if you are poor, will quiesce.
liquor in Detroit for violating one render Mr. Scheult representing Tri of the basie laws of the land can PLEASURES OF KNOWLEDGE feel it unjust to laugh at the meanness of your fortunes; nidad on the West Indies Board now sail in June without thought of seglove that which will comfort you, adorn you, and never meeting in this city has been selected regation, every black woman in Knowledge is defined as being, Familiarity from quit you which will open to you the kingdom of as Assistant Manager and both America ought to be able to forget actual experience practical skill sexual intercourse thought, and all the boundless regions of conception, as selected as Assistant Manager and this dread disease of prejudice for a an asylum against the cruelty, the injustice, and the pain both these appointments are felt to acquaintance with lact scope of inforınauon the acc few weeks But, says our governor state of knowing that which is gained and preserved that may be your lot in the outer world that which will be popular.
ment, they may not. Even France by knowing enliguvenment learning. All this is what make your motives habitually great, and honourable, must see their shame the shame of knowledge is, and it is said that in this there is pleasure. and light up in an instant a thousand noble disdains at SAMARITANS CONCERT America! Even the world at large When one finds pleasure in anything, it means that such the very thought of meanness and of fraud! SUCCESS is to be treated to the operation of a one is in a state of gratification. He is designed and Therefore, if any young man have embarked his American prejudice abroad! That Joyous, satisfied and comfortable because ox his pos life in the pursuit of knowledge, let him go on without The entertainment held on Sunday is, if black mothers accept the trip.
session of something which makes him formadable and doubting or fearing the event; let him not be intimidatlast under the auspices of the But the thought of their dead in fortified, useful and valuable.
ed by the cheerless beginnings of knowledge, by the Samaritans at the Panama Capital France is too much for mothers and darkness from which she springs, by the difficulties Hall was a noted success. The ever widows to besmirch it by carrying Concerning the second meaning of knowledge which hover around her, by the wretched habitations in ready Choir, directed by Messrs segregation with them even to the (sexual intercourse) we do not propose to say very mucu which she dwells, by the want and sorrow which some Maloney and Cadogan, excelled itself graves of the dead!
to day, except merely to remark that we observe that times journey in her train; but let him ever follow her in all the musical numbers rendered. The government, through the war this kind of knowledge seems to have too great an appeal as the Angels that guard him, and as the Genius of his Much credit is due to the promoters department, saws that it has been to our present day youngsters particularly, and unior life. She will bring him out at last into the light of day, of the concert and those who assisted settled that white mothers will be tunately this them with a desire greatly frivolous and and exhibit him to the world comprehensive in acquirein carrying through the program. It gin miling in May and that black dissipating, and which only amounts to sensual grati ments, fertile in resources, rich in imagination, strong in is expected that another opportunity women will go in August. It says fication, the desire for which comes to them many years reasoning, prudent and powerful above his fellows in all too early. But the real pleasures that are to be founu the relations and in all the offices of life.
will be given the public to hear the that white mothers and widows will Choir in more difficult compositions sail on the America and that our in knowledge are those of satisfaction, comfort, hapYoung man and young woman of the West Indies in at an early date.
widows and mothers will sail on anpiness, felicity, and delight. The serene composure that Panama, take counsel and be wise, for knowledge is other ship of the United States line comes to one because of his fitness to penetrate into the power. Let Sydney Smith oration on the pleasures of tongue, and it will gather strength as and that they will receive virtually intricasies of the problems of this world, and to see knowledge inspire you to a desire to seek knowledge, and the same treatment it proceeds until it undermines or as the whites.
things as they are, and not through a glass darkly. to find it.
destroys the fairest fabric of human The word virtually covers too many In order to properly treat our subject, and in that character.
sins to be trusted, since it begins by way to offer our humble contribution as an appeal to GOSSIPING gentler sex, but it is unjust to imincluding wegregation.
The devourers of character go our readers, we beg leave to trespass on the oration of pute the appetite for scandal and the about in the dark. They cannot look If the United States government is the famous Sydney Smith, Philosopher and Lecturer, There is no more exquisite enjoy. practice of it exclusively to the old couched as it is in beautiful language, and to suggest a ment to minds constituted in a certhe victim in the eye and perform afraid to send dark mothers to France ladies over a dish of tea or at bridge, their work openly. Almost all crimes aboard the same ships with other digest of this oration by all who might read it. tain way than that of gossiping. As their favourite game of cards. They admit of some palliation. They go Gold Star mothers, why can they be THE ORATION: epicureans prefer a taint in meat to a are not the only people who like to about in the dark and, amid the went over onships belonging to Not to know at large of thingą remote fresh and sound article, so the palate feed on moral garbage. Human na wheat of a good name, amid a field France and Germany. The governFrom use, obscure and subtle, but to know of the gossip craves only diseased and ture is the same in man and woman. bright with the promise of glorious ment could charter these ships and That which before us lies in daily life, decayed matter.
Beware of the retailer of scandal harvest, they silently sow tares of allow France and Germany to take Is the prime wisdom. MILTON.
It is generally supposed that the An evil report may be set in motion slander, which will never be removed the amounts out of what they owe this country. Even this even ships It is nobie to seek Truth, and it is beautiful to find taste for scandal is peculiar to the by the feeblest or vilest human till the last day. The Pilot.
owned by America one time enemy it. It is the ancient feeling of the human heart, that are preferable to American Jim knowledge is better than riches; and it is deeply and Crow ships!
sacredlyy true. To mark the course of human passions No, our widows and mothers will as they have flowed on in the ages that have passed; to be among the absent from the graves see why nations have risen, and why they have fallen; of their sons and husbands. No black to speak of heat, and light, and the winds; to know what woman with self respect will go if man has discovered in the heavens above and in the she has to go on that segregated earth beneath; to hear the chemist unfold the marvellous ships. It she can be accepted as one properties that the Creator has locked up in a speck Just Received a Large Assortment of sacrificing American patriot from the of earth; to be told that there are worlds so distant from district in which she lives, and can our own, that the quickness of light, travelling since be allowed to make the trip with the world creation, has never yet reached us; it is others of her community black worth while in the days of our youth to strive hard for women can be accepted to make the this great discipline.
trip in the order in which they apply, To wander in the creations of poetry, and grow just as white people do they will warm again with that eloquence which swayed the deIn the very Latest Designs remain at home. Their boys would mocracies of the Old World; to go up with great reasonwant them to do this. Mothers, don ers to the First Cause of all, and to perceive, in the midst ALSO shame those boys further by going of all this dissolution and decay and cruel separation, to visit their graves on Jim Crow that there is one thing unchangeable, indestructible, and ships! And, mothers, remember this everlasting; it is surely worth while to pass sleepless crowning disgrace of your country nights for this; to give up for it laborious days; to spurn when your country needs you again.
for it present pleasures; to endure for it afflicting pov1: shall need you again, never doubt erty; to wade for it through darkness, and sorrow, and Cream Flannels it!
contempt, as the great spirits of the world have done in all ages and in all times.
MILLIONAIRES ANNII appeal to the experience of every man who is in the LEST YOU FORGET VERSARY BALL habit of exercising his mind vigorously and well, whether there is not a satisfaction in it, which tells him The Millionaires Sporting Club of he has been acting up to one of the great objects of his Colon, which was organized in May existence? The end of nature has been answered: his last year, will hold their first annifaculties have done that which they were created to doIS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL versary Ball on Saturday, May 10th not languidly occupied upon trifles, not enervated by at their Club room. Elaborate prepsensual gratification, but exercised in that toil which arations are being made for the is so congenial to their nature, and so worthy of their occasion to facilitate all members and strength.
Following are the officers of the life of knowledge is not often a life of injury and crime. Whom does such a man oppress? With whose MULLER Prop Club: Lancaster Organizer and happiness does he interfere? Whom does his ambition 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 destroy? And whom does his fraud deceive? In the President pursuit of science he injures no man, and in the acquisiL. Peterag 11 Vice President James Roll Secretary tion he does good to all. Clarke Recording Secretary man who dedicates his life to knowledge, becomes Baker Treasurer habituated to pleasure which carries with it no reproach: Phone 453 DRY CLEANING Lynton, Austin and and there is one security that he will never love that PANAMA Griffith (Trustees)
pleasure which is paid for by anguish of heart his STEAM PRESSING pleasures are all cheap, all dignified, and all innocent; 16 STREET and, as far as any human being can expect permanence DYEING BUY FROM THE WORKMAN We Dye To Live PANAMA in this changing scene, he has secured a happiness which ADVERTISERS AND GET VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA TROTT The Cleaner


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