
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 PAGE SEVEN ETHEL MANNIN An Unpleasant Incident No Jim Crow for VIEWS OF THE ONE THING Gold Star Mothers, THAT MATTERS Says Congressman CRICKET! CRICKET. ers.
Trinidad Paper Says Get a copy of the West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Thousands of Londoners owning nonthousand pounds was paid to the selective receiving radio sets recently (Continued from Page 2)
had an irritating experience receiving of the Public Service discipline will two simultaneous programs discordbe undermined antly. This was resultant upon the The Junior Officers will not unBroadcasting Corporation new and reasonably begin to ask themselves whether they can perform their duties expensive scheme to create a country(In the Daily Mail)
side network of dual stations to supreme thing which real disaster to the public without discrimination SPRINGFIED, Ohio, April listeners a choice of at least two proA few weeks ago someone who was in one life teaches one never to do necording to class or complexion, and the United States government plans grams.
lo me the meaning of all things that again.
whether the withholding by them of to segregate our Gold Star mothers BRITAIN POSTAL are, my very life, committed suicide.
Services of radio dealers in general, DEPARTMENT To make plans is to lay up future extraordinary concessions to parties, on ships carrying them to the graves told myself then that for me life pain and disappointments for oneself; who when in tropical countries, ima of their dead heroes in France, at least however, have rectified the shortcomwas finished. drowned in a dark sea life invariably cheats the maker of gine themselves to be the Salt of the one congressman Earth, may not ineur the displeasure about it.
knows nothing Great Britain post office accounts ings of defective receiving apparatus from which am only just beginning plans, and Fate laughs last.
for the past year record a profit of and it is now claimed the London ex.
to emerge but emerging find my It is high time the fallacy of the of their immediate Chiefs?
Mrs. Ada Jones, 884 Fair St. one nine million pounds sterling.
periments have been sufficiently sueself questioning most of the things value of optimism was exploded.
We cannot conceive that any British of the most prominent advocates of cessful to justify the opening of a accepted before as matter of Blessed are they who expect nothing, Government will allow the victimiza complete equality of races in Ohio, The fact that nearly nine hundred sew station in the Pennines to serve course. am astounded at the things for only they can appreciate the intion of an officer for doing what he has received a letter from Congress. British Broadcasting Corporation the industrial north. Later attention which used to interest and amuse me. finite kindness of life small mercies. rightly conceived to be his duty; but man Chas. Brand of Ohio in which draws attention to one industry in will be directed to Wales, the West know now that a great many of It probably sounds hopelessly senti you never can tell what injustices he declares that he is not aware of Britain that is really flourishing. of England and Scotland Star.
may take place when a Cockroach has the intention of the government to the things meant to do shall never mental and old fashioned and not at do they simply are not worth while; all elever, but when you get down to aroused the hostility of a Cock; and segregate our mothers. The letter, 2000 ODO DO the public is therefore anxiously and that not from any listless disin rock bottom there is only one thing in in reply to one Mrs. Jones wrote terest in life, but simply because life fundamentally worthwhile be waiting the next move. The need Congressman Brand, follows: for a West Indies Civil Service when one has been crucified, dead, cause there is only one thing worth have your letter of March 15 Union to protect small fry in the relative to a pilgrimage to France and buried one is resurrected with having, only one thing which can afdifferent sight. It is though ford profound lasting satisfaction, Public Service has never been better to be made by the Gold Star mothillustrated.
blinds that had been kept drawn on whether you happen to be a peer or Last year congress passed NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM one soul are now drawn up and the a plumber, duchess or daily help, and legislation authorizing the war de IS TOURING THE WEST INDIES light floods in that is love.
partment to conduct such a pilI keep remembering what a very don know why we should all be grimage and it is to be made this summer.
dear woman friend said to me after so ashamed of admitting so simple a the death of her voungest child, thing, because at heart most people Jamaica Bucked the am informed by the war deparimakes one wonder what are worth know it to be true though most peoment that no discrimination or sewhile things?
ple are too self conscious and civilised Finance Fence rrezation will be made and that every mother will have exactly the same found myself echoing her question into artificiality to admit it.
and read the records of past privileges.
then, but still more since my own Striving to find for oneselt in life Was Cause For Not Getting slow emergence from the dark sea. love sufficient to each day most Constantine Nor Francis am further informed that before Cricket Veterans One had always assumed, for in quiet needs, by sun and candlelight you are entitled to make the trip you For Fourth Test Match stance, that it was worth while that is worthwhile because it is the must register your name with the AND working hard and improving one sacred heart of all humanity happi recent issue of the Sports war department and this should be done immediately.
social status, getting on as we call ness, its only hope of happiness or of Weekly of Trinidad saya:it. but is it? am beginning to peace.
So Jamaica bucked to the Finance The letter, dated March 27, shows Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages wonder whether Lawrence This is the one that either the war department has fundamentally Fence and the are without the wasn right after all when he sugworth while thing. And then there services of Constantine or Francis decided to change its former ruling Summary of Contents: gested that if we all had only 25s, a on this question or it has not given is trying to help other people to hap for the coming Test. It would seem History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years week we should be a good deal bap piness and to alleviate their pain, but that the authorities in the Isle of Congressman Brand the facts in the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, pier.
case. Less than two weeks ago, it doubt if one oan do this unless there Springs thought it would cost too Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, am now quite convinced that get is the peace of love within oneself. much to have both, so at first it was was reliably reported from Washting on for its own sake is absolutely One cannot give out love and peace only Leary who was asked for. Then ington that the government would Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, not worth while. Happiness is the when there was difficulty in getting adhere to its original plan of send Photographs jof the 3f Teams andj16 Individual it one has it not within oneself, not only thing worth striving and strug even with the best intentions in the leave for Leary, Francis was asked; ing all dark mothers to France on Players gling for real happiness, mean, not world, for it is true, think as then Leary people consented and Jim Crow ships and that they would Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and just being mused, that real happines Neill always insista, be happy and Francis was dropped and then Leary have to wait until all white mothers Interesting which is the essence of satisfaction in you will be good. The Daily Mail, fell ill and it was too late for Francis. had been carried over and returned.
Feb. 20 1930.
So we have got neither. Too bad!
Price 50cts.
Too bad! And Leary, his wife and With regard to professionals, ConThere is no real satisfaction in baby girl leave for England on Tues stantine and Francis are indispensaachieving one ambitions or making PALAIS ROYAL day and Francis and his wife follow ble, and they will have to be paid Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN money or improving one social for shortly afterwards.
on a far higher rate than any other Panama status or seeing the cities of SUITS professional world and the coloured countries OP0 IODO 100 ново DOCG these are the things which one turns when what Havejock Ellis call profund organic satisfaction is denied one. BOX 140 ARCON, Cricket Team Making money as an end in itselt Cirilo Sandford isn worth while nor wandering about the world unless it is with someone Attorney at LAW you love nor self denial, nor making The Daily Chronicle of Georgetown plans for the future that is the most 153 CENTRAL AVE. FHORE OFFICE:318 on March 25 published the following: unworth while thing of all, and the The West Indies Cricket Board of No. 59, 24th Street Chorrillo Control will meet in Jamaica during and at the conclusion of the fourth Test Match of the series between the West Indies and the The meetings are to make arrangements for the visit of the West Indian team to Australia at the end of this year and in the early months of next year.
It will be remembered that the Australian Board of Control extended CATHEDRAL PLAZA an invitation to the West Indies Board some time ago.
The West Indian team would have to sail from Jamaica in October and and see the finest Assortment of they would be away for about six months.
The Australian Board will guarantee up to 3, 000 in the event of a deficit. But it is not anticipated that there will be one, because, although 11, 000 is the probable cost of the Selection of to mention tour, the attractiveness of the West Indians ought to be worth at least. 11, 000. The Advocate cricket correspondent recalls that Chapman team received more than 40, 0000 as JUST RECEIVED their share of the last tour in Australia The success of the tour, therefore, depends on the team selected. AmaCome in and Inspect the Stock teurs, it is suggested, should receive 50 (to enable them to make arrange Give a call and be convinced ments and to buy gear) and per week while on tour, and, in the event of a successful tour, a further bonus.
The West Indies Australian Tour THE CHORILLO TRADING SYNDICATE OFFER BARGAINS IN CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Photo Albums Scrap Albums ALSO LOCKS of every description also the Finest a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous ARTIZAN TOOLS Perfect West Indian Commissary Cold Storage Butter, Milk, Eggs. Etc. Etc.
before Purchasing Elsewhere


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