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126 MONDAY NIGHT AT COLON GYMN want to hear the song bird. By Dan Whyte)
Singing in a tree. Continued from Page 6)
Colon, April 21. Sunday last the a special indulgence from His Holi His little lilting happy song, good bat. We wish him the best of Ramos and Herrera in Main EXCELLENT PROGRAM 20 inst. Easter Sunday) will long ness Pope Pius XI.
That was so dear to me.
lock. The Jamaica Contingent is Events FOR TOMORROW be a day of remembrance to the of still hanging in the balance, and just Aftter the Mass, the Sacrament of ficers and members of the Lily of Confirmation was administered by know he must be singing, here, would like to say if the ex One of the best boxing exhibitions, Last Sunday horse races at Juan the Atlantic No. 493, British Order the Prelate.
By the swelling of his throat, cerpt quoted in a Trinidad, paper as since the establishment of the Colon Franco horae track was voated one of Ancient Free Gardeners. The But, oh! my heart is breaking emanating from Constantine with re Gymnasium, will take place on Monhundred per cent success over prev occasion being the dedication of their The New Superintendent of the For cannot hear a note. gard to Barrow wicket keeping is day afternoon next, 28th inst. when ious meetings, from every view point. new banner. At o clock the officers Panama Colon Wesley Circuit, Rev.
true, then Constantine is certainly Luis Ramos, featherweight champion The starts were all to be desired, and members formed a procession Wright, will preach in Trinity want to hear the water splash, not a George Washington, and we and Kid Herrera, will feature in the considering the unruly behaviour of headed by the Colonial Musical Asso Church at 11 a. and 15 on When a trout jumps for a fly, the horses at the tape and the ciation, marched to Trinity Wesley Sunday the 27th inst.
never wish to see him again in Ja main event. want to hear the aeroplanes anxiety of each jockey to beat the Church where the Rev. Cousins maica. It is this kind of watemptible Kid Alfonso of Colon and Ernesto barrier. And it is the concensus of It is expected that there will be a Soaring towards the sky.
littleness that is the cause of dis Aviles, Ecuadorean boxer, will fenconduetted a special service. Dur large turnout, morning and evening opinion that the new startering the service the banner was unruption when side tours, and until ture in six rowds, and in this event, to give a hearty welcome to Mr. want to hear the rain drops, much of the delay formerly ex furled by Bros Aikens and enthusiasm is running high as to insularity can be eliminated and a Wright.
Splashing all around, which will be the winner, perienced at the post will be eliminat William Phillips.
They used to put me fast asleep, united West Indian side found, suced. So much for good starts last The Garden Party in aid of funds Len Leonard and Battling Muñoz cess will never attend their efforta Following the service the proces for the Knight of St. John Society loved the soothing sound.
Sunday. Now look at the following sion again formed and paraded the was held at the play ground on Tueswill feature in the preliminary and There will be plenty of time later program for tomorrow and try to principal streets of the city before day and Wednesday evening last, and in rounds Kid Cate of Cuba will heard them all a while ago, to write about the tournament gendope out the winners if you can.
meet Clifford Smith, while Dinamita retturning to the lodge room. The was a complete success. Welch Now must long in vain, erally, but cannot close without Yañez of Colombia will match Kid It looks like the management in hall was tastefully decorated and Orchestra entertained the folks with For all the little homely sounds complimenting Nunes on his batting Ambroso of Silver City. The last tends to keep the public guessing all there was a large attendance of re suitable music, may not hear again.
in both innings. While is true he two events will be of four rounds the time, for with the present entries presentatives of various organizamet some luck, it should not be lost each also.
and their handicap, any horse can be tions, friends and well wishers who Maybe am too curious, Anyone who visited the Cristobal winner. So here we go boya, best enjoyed a well executed program.
As One who knows would say, sight of that he was a sick man until The public is invited to enjoy this Commissary within the past few days luck to the winners. Meet you at about ten days before the team arBro Smith gave an appropriate must have noticed the artistic work Still sadly miss the music interesting fistic programme.
Juan Franco tomorrow.
rival; and his luck in calling the coin welcome to the gathering and asked that have been done by the pupils of Of the woods on a summer day.
The program follows:having deserted him on this occasion, Bro. Young to preside. The ittems the Silver City school.
he had to do some strenuous days in Ist RACE FURLONGS on the program were well rendered, The drawings of Abraham Lincoln JANE DRISCOLL.
Sebarita II 106but the following deserves special and George Washington by Master the field; in spite of which, he played The sunshine of calamity.
110 mention: Selections from the band, Lionel Walcott are masterly done and PALAIS ROYAL Blanco a meritorious game of 92 in the The essence of pure devotion.
for Pereque II 182 Historical Sketch of the Order by it is indeed a credit to parents and second innings and am only sorry The ripe fruit of acquaintanceship.
ARROW SHIRTS AND Tonosi Williams, that his effort did not bring him three 126 Ferguson, Solo by Miss teachers.
One who understands our own siINTERWOVEN HOSE figures.
Torito 110 History of the Lily of the Atlantic lence.
Bright Night 106 Lodge by Aikens.
Friendship, one soul in two bodies.
Hall Rate 116 The program being finished the SFALTF4F45L LAS FILIALALLALATI ALLSTALA SALAS FRESCATE star of hope in the cloud of adManta Mahall 116 gathering were served with refreshversity ments. The chairman gave the closA volume of sympathy bound in 2nd RACE FURLONGS ing address, in which he moved a cloth.
vote of thanks to all who had conA diamond in the ring of acquaintMay 106 tributed in making the evening Ramona 109 function a success. safe in which one can trust anyLaughing Water Darien 126 The singing of the Doxology thing. AT: Palo Loca 117 brought the function to a close.
Friendship is the personification of Huerfano love and help.
106 Mr. Amos Brown, headwaiter at The jewel which shines the brightest El Major 100 the Washington Hotel, who spent in the darkness.
several weeks on a trip to Kingston, One who considers my needs be3rd RACE FURLONGS Jamaica, returned on the United Fruit Company Steamer, Santa fore my deservings.
118 Marta Wednesday last. Mr.
The link in life long chain which Trigo 100 Brown resumed his duties on Thursbears the greatest strain.
Bubbling Water 107 The first person who comes in Cococha day morning.
106 when the whole world has gone out.
Rippling Water 106 One who loves the truth and you, Quite a representative gathering Intimo 126 and will tell the truth in spite of attended the Solemn High Mass which was sung by a choir of 20 voices at you.
4th RACE FURLONGS The triple alliance of the three the Immaculate Conception CatheSocia 106 dral, Colon, on Easter Sunday at 30 great powers love, sympathy and Glad Knight 106 a. The Very Rev. Vallue was Resoluto 126 the celebrant of the Mass, assisted by Track and Featuring such fleet ones as Content 126 Rev. Father Cerano, as deacon, CRICKET Tapagra 108 and the Rev. Father Garbio as SubBistouri Or 116 deacon. During the Mass, the Right The most popular game in the Pauline 108 Rev. Bishop Jopeph Maztequi British realm today is Cricket, and imparted the Pontifical blessing to Lloyd Brown, Goodness Agnes it is not surpresing to find that its 5th RACE FURLONGS all the faithful to which was attached popularity is fast becoming worldMarcella wide.
Cartagena 104 CHURCH SERVICES POST TIME 15P. nshore Quitte recently, It was reported Lloyd Brown 116 that a cricket team from Berlin, Kitty Gill 122 Wesleyan Methodist Gerngany will visit England for the Goodness Agnes 102 purpose of taking part in recognized Copi 182 Panama 11 a. Mr. Harris matches; a chinaman is also reported 30 Rev. Cousins Em sa o to have played against the 6th RACE FURLONGS Colon 11 a. and 15 in the West Indies.
Hot Water 100 The Rev. Wright Silver Employees of the Balboa and Dancing Girl 112 11 a. La Boca Mr. Perey Hinds La Boca Commissaries have been Diez y Seis 116 80 Mr. Henry Harewood granted the facility to practice the Silver Star 100 New Providence 11 a. Mr. Robert Huerfano 126 Peart Ball grounds until they can make Don Simon 124 Paraiso 11 a. Rev. Cousins arrangements to secure a ground of 30 Mr. Theo. Fuller VIE their own.
7th RACE 7FURLONGS It is interesting to note that West Honey Dew 128 Indians here are not tempted to try Bubbling Water 100 PALAIS ROYAL Je sds Baseball which is the most popular Trigo 90 HART. Manager game in these parts, but prefer to El Medico 120 for remain true to their colors and keep 117 to the leather and the stieks. Bravo Lagrimita 114 CLOTHING FERILAISTE Boyat Lapo on JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday April 27th ENTICING als RACES Including the Fastest Horses on the Local help.
Copi, Cartagena, Marcella, mentre che Kitty Gill, 90 General Admission. 50c.
PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track 100 came of cricket on the Balbon Base PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB Tunney


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