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ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS One Half Negro Women in REPORTS JOB BILL COMMENT ON SCORE Report Gainfully Employed in Domestic and Personal on and poison gas. The conduct of dt lands becoming Amerlean territory. To Attend Church World Conference For the Establishment of Of Fourth Cricket Test Employment System Match Played at Jamaica When Governor of Virgin WASHINGTON, The Senate English newspapers featured the Island, Toured West Indies Commerce Committee April 10 great score made in the fourth test With Band reported favorably a bill for the match played at Jamaica, by the establishment of a national employ. team under the Hon.
Service Will the United States take over can administration in St. Croix by ment system and for cooperation with Calthorpe, which included Sandham the British West Indies. Under the announcement that be intended the States in the promotion of such a record breaking 325.
More than one half of the Negro their ranks swelled to 39, 127 in 1920, The Evening Standard. London) women in the United States who are an increase of 33 per cent. Those dothe above caption, the Magnet of to appoint three natives of St. Croix system.
Antigua, in a recent issue, says:gainfully employed, are in domestic ing elerical work in 1910 wwere 3, 132, to high public offices which carry The bill just reported would create in its issue of April 5th said: HEAVY SCORING What does the future hold in store salaries commensurate with the posi under the Department of Labor a naand personal service, analysis of or per cent of the total working for these islands from the political tion. Dr. Canegate is to be tional system of employment offices. These offices would be the clearing of charts compiled by the Wo women population. In 1920 there point of view. Echo may well Police Judge in Christiansted; Mr. The Department would assist in esmen Bureau of the Department of were 8, 301 in the clerical field, This crown on what must be easily the Labor shows.
answer what? Will the destinies Coulter, Police Judge in Frederickste tablishing and maintaining employ. heaviest scoring season West Indian was per cent of the women ppopuof the people in these Caribbean coun and Mr. Douglas Armstrong, to be ment offices in the several States. cricketers have ever known.
According to these charts, in 1910 lation, and represents an increase of tries be controlled by Canada or by Director of Police for the whole These offices would be the clearing of So far the tour has produced 25 these were 2, 013, 98 Negro women em 150 per cent in the ten year period.
Uncle Sam? It looks to us as if the island. This looks as if American labor between the several States. centuries in 11 first class matches, ployed in money carning in the UnitWorking Hours five year authorization of 4, 000. 15 from our men (six by Hendren) ed States. Ten years later, in 1920, Stars and Stripes will float from the colonial policy is undergoing a change Working hours range from about fiag staff at Government House some for the better. It is the fear that 000 a year is carried in the bill, 75 and 10 from their opponents. Hen this number had decreased to 1, 671, eight to twelve hours, with the largest day. We regard it as more than Uncle Sam might subject the coloured per cent of which is to be apportioned dren record is 1685 runs for 11 289. It may thus be implied that in number working ten hours per day.
the ten year interval, the earning The charts also reveal that the largcoincidence that the ex British Am folk in these parts to certain indigni. among the States according to popu times out, or an average of 153. 18.
Besides him both Sandham and power of the male heads of families est per cent of women workers had bassador to the Sir Esme ties that suppress the desire on the lation, if matched by equal sums Howard should have toured these is part of many intelligent people from appropriated by the States. States, Ames have covered themselves with had so increased as to release 442. been at their jobs from five to ten lands at about the same time as the openly advocating a transfer. If to enjoy the benefits under the bill glory, and think Duckworth will 692 of the female members of their years, while only 16. per cent haid families from work outside of homes. been at their jobs less than year.
Governor General of Canada. Now American Colonial policy undergoes are required to accept the provisions find the latter a very strong rival we have the Governor of the a transformation and equality of of the act.
From Farms for a place against Australia this Median Earnings Virgin Islands visiting us with a opportunity is given to coloured men This measure is the third of the year.
Another interesting ppoint brought New Jersey has the highest average band. This method of peaceful pene and discriminatory tacticts are aban. three unemployment relief bills proPILING ON RUNS out by these charts is the ever de weekly wage for women, in a review tration is better than the policy of doned, certainly, there should be no (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
creasing number of women working of eleven states in which 5, 890 women cn farms or in agricultural pursuits were surveyed. In that state the avtaking charge with bayonets, bullets objection to all these Caribbean igFrom 1910 to 1920 the number de erage wage with 121 women surveyed, creased from 1, 051, 137 to 612, 261.
plomacy is so contradictory that one Details of the conversations between was 11. 80 per week. Ohio, in which should not be surprised it in spite President Hoover and Premier McDomestics Grow 652 women were investigated, averagof the vehement protestations that Donald have been withheld from pubWere these women supplanted by ed a wage of 65, with Kentucky the West Indies are not for sale lication, but we have the impression mechanical devices, or did they mi third, at 35 covering a survey of transfer is still being negotiated. that one of the subjects discussed was grate to cities? If they did migrate 1, 126 women.
At San Francisco, California Governor Evans has just sent up the transfer of these Caribbean counto the cities, would they not be more several degrees, respect for Ameri tries to the suited to domestic service than other Numbers Hurting Pstor Grizzle of the Seventh lines of work? At any rate the per Employment Efficiency Day Adventist Church in Panama centage of domestic and personal em The numbers game has had a bad loave the Isthmus on the 9th ployees jumped from 42. per cent in moral and financial effect on colInst, to attend a world Conference 1910 to 50. per cent in 1920. So that ored domestie employees. The affect of the Seventh Days Adventist now, the group of women employed in numerous instances, has resulted Church at San Francisco, California, in this line of work more than out in the replacement of colored help numbers all of the women employed with white help in many homes acPortor Grizzle has been an ardent in other fields.
cording to Wm. Day, employment by Negro Bandmaster and senious worker of the Professionals agent, fr the many years that he has been Women in the professional world In too many cases, the employees The Grenada West Indian says: up an unbroken and intimate corre connected with that church, and it is who numbered 29, 645 in 1910, had (Continued on page 5)
Governor Waldo Evans, the Chief spondence. inther pleasing to all who know him, United States Executive of the Virgin The Virgin Islands of the United that, there has been such recognition Islands, is on a southbound trip on States have a great draw on Ameri of his ability and services, by his the Nerissa and hopes to go as can tourists who are wild about the superiors in authority.
far as Trinidad. He has with him St. Thomas Band. These islands, Pastor Grizzle goes to represent his the Band which Alton Adams, bought over from Denmark, are un work among the Church, on black man, has made famous. der Naval administration. The the Isthmus, and is expected to be The Governor of the Leeward Is Governor and all high officials are of away for about six weeks during Drawn Into Underworld lands, that many sided Official. he is naval rank. The Band is listed as a which time the work will be carried a military man, a doctor, we think, Naval Band, and Bandmaster en by local elders and officers of the The Manchester (England) Eve It is now comparatively rare, a barrister too, an author and a Col Alton Adams is an Naval Church, and it is hardly necessary to PASTOR GRIZZLE ning Chronicle of April 3rd published however, but it remains an acute onial Administrator all rolled up in Bandmaster, and as such is the only here express the wish that members the following under the caption Girls and difficult problem.
one Lieut. Col. St. coloured man of that rank in the of the Church and visitors will conJohnston invited the band ashore American naval list. Th police are constantly faced tinue to rally around them and supLONDON, Thursday. To day disin Antigua for a performance for the with the difficulty of securing suttiAdams is a composer and condue port the work during the absence of TO CHAPTER 14 cussed with an official of the League ent evidence to secure conviction, benefit of the people. The tor who has received highest recogni their Pastor.
of Nations Union in London the Governor kindly accepted the invita tion in American and European Pastor Grizzle will preach his fareChapter 14 announces a alleged procuration of English girls and this is made the more laborious tion, and then there was music in musical circles. As a musical critic well sermon tomorrow, Sunday novel attraction for Saturday night for the Continent and other places because of the fact that the girls Antigua as perhaps. never heard be he contributes occasionally to the night at his church in the Calidonia May 17, 1930.
themselves will not come forward and abroad. Specific instances were fore anywhere in the British West best music magazines in the United District and will also perform the Indies, with the possible exception of States. He has toured the United vites of baptism.
Hold on to your pocket books and described yesterday at a meeting of tell the truth.
be sure there are no rabbits up your Jamaica with its experience of the States on two occasions and was the League of Nations Committee on JAMAICA LURE West India Regiment Band.
The community in general, and this sleeves for Professor Sam Waithe, Traffic in Women and Children, held sordid and pitiful story of how lionized in every city where he ap paper in particular, wish the genial the famous Magic man is coming.
at Geneva.
two young Manchester girls were Our Managing Editor has the peared. The honour was conferred Pastor bon voyage, a happy and He will present his ever popular There is no doubt that girls are drawn into this underworld was one pleasure of calling Bandmaster on him by several leading Band pleasant reunion with his fellow program under the auspices of the still occasionally brougth from counof the instances referred to at yesAdams friend. They have never authorities in the United States to workers at the conference, and a safe at Chapter 14 Guachapali try parishes for immoral purposes terday meeting.
met, but for several years have kept (Continued on page 8) return to his flock in Pandma. Continued on page 8) was informed. Continued on Page 8)
Governor of Virgin Islands Tour West Indies Accompanied by Band Made Famous The White Slave Traffic Looms Up Again English GirlLured to Jamaica and Noted Magician Coming Lured to Ruin.


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