
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930. INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA ST. LUCIA BRITISH GUIANA BARBADOS Incident in the Electric Light Iniquitous State The Motor Court ning Cold Cold of Affairs Over Omnibus a Fiasco Storage for Demerara TRINIDAD Castries Oil Trinidad GO Ahead Place a Hooliganism at the Circus Audible Talk Disturbs Pro ing in an audible tone about the The Motor Omnibus Regulations ceedings at The Parade discourtesy of the police, when Mr.
have passed from farce to fiasco and Court Colin MacGregor, the Clerk of back again, says a correspondent in the Courts ordered him to be quiet the Weekly Herald. They have been made by the House of Assembly, conJUSTICE OF THE PEACE and sit down, Mr. Lecesne would not take heed, curred in by the Legislative Council, assented to by the Governor and yet Judge Orders Constable to and His Honour ordered a constable The Voice of St. Lucia, of March The Demerara Daily Chronicle of Remove Mr. Ambrose to put him outside.
22nd, in the course of an editorial, recent date published the following: they dare not make them law. do Mr. Lecesne mentioned that he Lecesne From Room states: The arrival of Capt.
Publie feeling over not agree with many people who are the present as a and His Honour remarkWelman, engineer in charge of the economic condition of British inclined to blame the Governor. The Guifault lies with the House of AssemThe Mail of the 17th inst. Says: ed that that did not matter.
St Vincent and Grenada electric light ana is reflected in the following teleThere was a mild sensation at Constable Parkins quitly took Mr. installations, ostensibly to advise the Writing in the Barbados Weekly gram forwarded by Hon. bly and nobody else. The threat by the Parade Court House yesterday Lecesne handbag, stick and hat, St. Lucia Government in connection Webber, Junior Member the General Motor Bus Co. to take Herald, under the caption People morning, when as the result of the held him gently by the hand, and with the installation of electric lights for Berbice, and Editor of the New their buses off the streets yesterday and Things Clennell Wickham audible speaking of Mr. Ambrose took him outside.
ond cold storage in Castries, has Daily Chronicle, to Dr. Morwas however sufficient to bring the makes the following observations Lescene, Justice of the Peace for the Mr. Lecesne took a taxi and motorbrought out the fact that there were gan, for Paddington: matter to a head and Mr. Elder and about the land of the Homming parish of St. Catherine, which dis ed away.
moves underway for the establishing The entire Colony is amazed at Mr. Sarjeant worked heroically to Bird.
turbed the proceedings of the ResiThe business of the Court was conof a Limited Liability Company local the Labour Government callous reeffect some amelioration. Their chief Trinidad must be a most interestdent Magistrate Court, His Honour tinued.
ly for that purpose. We have gafusal to save the sugar industry in difficulty lay with Mr. Thorne who ing place. It certainly is prosperous, Mr. Agar, for Kingston, thered that the promoters of the com its fight for existence or protect lowas strongly in favour of the Regu and go ahead. At the last opening had to order a constable to remove pany which is in the course of formacal labour from unemployment while lations. But they took a bus down of the Legislature the Acting GovMr. Lecesne from his (the judge s)
tion, contemplate asking or have Treasury Court, asked for a loan through the local for the protection of English capital. Sandy Lane and Mr. Thorne after ernor could announce ists maintaining a beet bounty equal going into the matter from a prac. surplus of eight hundred thousand It appears that Mr. Lecesne who Government from the Colonial Develto our entire cost of sugar productical point of view behaved like a pounds. And there is a proposal on had some interest there wished to opment Fund for the purpose of buysensible man.
What was more he foot to assist the Sugar Industry out tion and granting that industry furenter the Courtroom by walking along ing the plant in England. This comvery handsomely admitted in ther customs protection in Home the of this surplus. On every hand there one of the passages and was stopped Loafers Throw Hail of pany we are further informed, is to House last Tuesday that some of the can be found evidences of prosperity by a constable who was on duty there.
have its capital subscribed for in ons markets while denying our industry Regulations were impossible, and Mr. and activity. But not the least in Bricks In Tent at OpenHe, however, gained entrance through round shares which will be open even equivalent, preference with EngElder introduced a lish beet. The Colont gives England them. But they had reckoned with people themselves.
Bill to amend teresting feature of the place is the another section, and was given a seat ing Performance any and every one desiring to invest They do not by the Court Sergeant in the Courttheir small earnings in a local com50 per cent. customs preference on out Mr. Walter Reece who at once hide their lights. At a recent meetSEVERAL PERSONS HIT practically everything imported inroom, pany.
questioned whether Mr. Elder cluding foodstuffs.
ing of the City Council the Mayor Apparently, not satisfied with the The Show Almost Had to be has the idea of obtaining funds from We hear also that the Government adopting the right procedure. He Hon. Cipriani said that Moreover, the English Govern pointed out that the Law provided he had during the war visited hunmanner in which he was stopped by the constable, Mr. Lecese started Abandoned. Police Make ment to protect Home oil interests, that the Governor was to make dreds of cities without finding one the Colonial Development Committee to protest against the seeming disArrests to carry out this project. If the prohibits our exploitation of recent Regulations which when sanctioned oil discoveries with such capital as by the Legislature would become members had had time to catch their to surpass Trinidad. Before the courtesy shown to him.
amount is obtainable as a grant, His Honour enquired who was the DISGRACEFUL DISPLAY then by all means let the Government available, specifically demanding the law. If the House dared to amend breath he went on to say that Trini.
person talking and Sergeant Blake proceed and let the company that is exclusive right to English capital and Regulations without first finding out dad was the most progressive and told His Honour that he understood Under the above headlines, the in process of formation remain nonthe stoppage of exploration until such whether the Governor was going to sanitary city in the world. It cer.
one of the country parishes.
says:necessities of local labour in difficulties. The Speaker was all that such a boast could be uttered by Mr. Lescene started to walk across most disgraceful display of hooli projet, we certainly would be on the interests.
against Mr. Reece. The members of such a responsible person the Courtroom, and was still speakas the (Continued on Page 7) opposition until we were convinced telegraphed the Labour Party the House should not be deterred Mayor of the city.
that the Government would make the and the Colonial Office in repeated from expressing their will by considworking of this project a success.
protests and wrote last year to Col eration of what the Governor might This statement appeared in the Our reason for opposing any idea of onel Wedgewood, Mr. Lansbury, Mr, or might not do. Eventually, a select Trinidad Guardian in all the splenthe Government borrowing money to Ammon, Dr. Shiels and Mr. Alexan Committee was appointed to consider NEURALGINA dour of double column head lines.
light up Castries is simply because in (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 6)
St. Lucia and many of the neighbouring colonies, projects run by the Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any Government have not been financially neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. siccessful.
NEURALGINA was he was a Justice of the Peace from Jamaica Mail of the 26th ulto. existent. But if the Government is to capital is ready, regardless of the dire assent they might find themselves tainly speaks volunmes for the colony The Future of Sugar The Royal Bank of Canada Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children INCORPORATED 1869 Head Office: Montreal, Canada NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart PANAMA Santa Ana Plana COLON Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Viewed With Much Concern at St. Lucia The Voice of St. Lucia of March 29th, states that a hastily summoned meeting of the Agricultural and Commercial Society of that colony, when the terms of the cablegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies on proposals for helping the West Indian sugar industry was considered, Mr. Gordon moved. Be it resolved that the Agricultural and Commercial Society of St.
Lucia view with concern the future of the sugar and fancy molasses industry in this colony, in spite of the assistance offered by Imperial Government, as several of the factories are already mortgaged to the banks for unpaid balances of advances made last crop: and consider that the assistance offered is inadequate and will not prevent the factories from becoming more involved in debt, resulting in increasingly heavier interest charges, and that, furthermore, the scheme proposed does not appear to be easy of operation. And be it further resolved that the Imperial Government be appealed to, through the Associated Chamber of Commerce for the West Indies, in the hope that it may find it possible to reconsider the form and extent of the assistance which it is proposed to give to the sugar industry.
The resolution was carried.
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