
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 PAGE SEVEN LA MASCOTA laquitous State Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs were comBlue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department Jamaica Public Service through the energy and foresight of Co. Improve Gold Street Plant LA MASCOTA now 7 bathroom to have his face washed from the West India Electric Com British Guiana 1: is believed that when the warder pany will have been discarded and was out of sight, Clarke got a piece relaoved from the power station in of rope, together with a piece of cloth Kingston. Since 1923 the station has which he boea practically rebuilt and equipped (Continued from Page 2)
TORE FROM HIS SHIRT with modern power generating machand made a knot. He tied one end ines, all of which, including boilers, der on the bitter inequity of the oil embargo all to no effect in securon the beam of the bathroom, and are of British manufacture.
left the other end free. He also got The abandonment of the use of coaling for the Colony even the freedom to exploit its own oil resources. The a box, stood on it, aand then made a by the Public Service Company will knot around his neck with the other result in the elimination of the coal Colony is thus selfishly prevented end of the rope. He kicked away dust nuisance which from helping itself. implore you was often a the box from under his feet, accord source of complaint when the ship to interrogate Mr. MacDonald on the ing to the allegations and put an end were discharging coal or the wind calling inequities of the present situation. Colonial opinion is exasperto his life.
was high.
The matter was brought to the at In a short conversation yesterday ated beyond endurance, being driven tention of the Medical Officers, in with a Jamaica Mail representative to seek justice and salvation elseALSO charge, and the Police Mr. Nichols said the improvements where. newspaper voicing publie municated with in progress were found necessary in sentiment to day said: Though no Detective Wollaston proceeded to order that the Company might be in responsible section of opinion is as the institution and collected state a position to yet advoeating annexation to the ments.
SUPPLY THE DEMAND United States, nearly all classes are Dr. Leigh, Evans, for for electric service in the area serv beginning to examine the British Kingston, performed the post mor ed, particularly for irrigation pumpconnection and ask whether loyalty tem.
ing on the lands along the Spanish may not be bought at too high a price.
Town Road which were hitherto barWEBBER ren. Mr. Nichols pointed out that Capt. List, Mr. Sharp, Dr. Morgan (Labour to the United Fruit Co. and Mr.
whom the telegram is sent, is by Rutherford a very large acreage birth and early training a West InIS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL dien (Grenadian) and has on vaof valuless land in the district namrious occasions since returned for ed was at the present time under cul.
tivation Paddington given evidence of his Battery of Boilers Being interest in the West Indies and things Concluding, Mr. Nichols said the Converted From Coal West Indian.
transmission lines of the Jamaica To Oil Burners Public Service Company are MULLER Prop.
the Conference as the guests of the CENTRAL AVENUE Empire Press Union.
37 NEW TURBINE COMING spread over an area undreamed of in days of the West India Electric He has nominated Mr. McGowSays the Jamaica Mail:Company. They reach from Rockfort an, the Editor of the Trinidad ship that is now discharging coal to Linstead and from Kingston to the Guardian; Mr. Louis Gale, Editor and Wireless Station above Stony Hill.
at the dock of the Jamaica Public Lion, who were assisting in combat Service Company Ltd. may be the The progress of the electrification of part proprietor of the Barbados Advocate, and Miss Mosely, Editor and ung the alleged rioters, also received last to bring coal to Jamaica for Kingston has been very marked durproprietor of the Nassau Guardian.
hooligans outside.
blows on their bodies.
power production purposes. This in ing the last five years, He also invited Mr. Lupton, of the CUT THE ROPES They were taken to the Public Hos formation came to hand last night.
Demerara Argosy, to go to England which kept the trapeze taut and conpital and admitted by Dr. Logan It is learnt that a new Babcock as one of the delegates from this Continued from page 2)
sequently, this display had to be aban. Levy. Acting Corporal Camp and Wilcox boiler designed for 250 Press Conference part of the world; but Mr. Lupton ganism was witnessed at the opening doned. Many of the succeeding acts bell of the Central Police Station also pounds of working pressure is being has severed his connection with the performance of the Shumann and were not carried through because of received slight injuries.
installed at the Gold Street Station Jamaica will be represented at the British Guiana Press.
Saenz Bros. Circus Company 868 this outrage.
EXTRA POLICE SUMMONED and entire battery of boilers there fourth Imperial Press Conference, to The Conference will begin on June son at the Kingston Race Course last The acts are worth going miles During the occurrence Inspector will be converted to the old burning be held in England from June 1st to 1st by a Reception to the delegates night.
to see, and the company is to be Owen Wright and Sub Inspector type.
the 30th, of this year, by Mr. Herbert at Buckingham Palace by His MajesA few minutes before commence commended on their determined ef. Ross were present. Orders large construction gang is at GdeLisser, the Chairman ty the King. They will also be rement, the tent was beseiged from forts to carry on the show in such were sent to the Central Police Sta work installing the necessary oil of the West Indian section of the ceived by the Prime Minister, the without with a trying time.
tion, and about fifty sub officers and burning apparatus and preparing for Empire Press Union.
Lord Mayor of London and numerous BRICKS AND STONES It is, however, hoped that the po men under Sergeant Campbell, the installation of the new turbine Mr. de Lisser was authorised some other functionaries. Any number of much to the detriment of those with lice will do all in their power to were dispatched to the scene of the which is on order from the Brush time ago by the Council of the Em functions have been arranged for the in.
safeguard patrons at future shows, disturbance in the Police Patrol Wag Electrical Enginnering Works of pire Press Union to nominate. Empire Press delegates, as well as Many had to protect their heads as, one of the managers explained, gon.
Loughborough, England and when number of West Indian journalists tours through England and Scotland.
with chairs that were available. It that this was the first British colony Victor Wright of No. 13 Hanover this is in place to represent the West Indian Press, Questions of public importance, as was a disgrace. The perturbation of they have ever visited and met with Street; Cleveland Brown of the same READY FOR OPERATION and was also authorised to extend they especially concern the News such disgraceful treatment.
the entire audience can better be address and Victor Wisdom of No. the last piece of steam generating to their wives an invitation to at paper Press, will be discussed at the imagined than described, for the onThe company has asked us to as 17 Beechwood Avenue, St. Andrew, apparatus owned by and taken over tend the functions in connection with Conference.
slaught of bricks and stones, which are the public that extra police were arrested on a charge of loitercame in through the awning, made protection has been promised them at ing by Waterpoliceman Hewitt and everyone feel in jeopardy of their future shows, so that there may not Constable Grant in conection lives and limbs.
he a repetition of what was exper with the matter. Lester Billings, of The company did everything pos leneed last night, No. Gurling Street, Smith Village, sible to carry on the performance but THOSE INJURED and Gersham Sutherland, of Princesa no special attention could be given It was learnt that two Chinamen St. were arrested by Constable Meto this, because everyone was anti who were in the box seats received Grath, and Sergeant Blake of the efpating another onslaught of bricks. wounds on their faces and heads. Act. Central Station, on a charge of stone At the commencement of one of the ing Corporals James and throwing. They will appear before numbers, a trapeze act, some of the Gordon, of the Central Police Sta His Honour Mr. Agar, at the No. 59, 24th Street Chorrillo Parade Court on Monday.
CAUSE OF THE FRACAS It is said that the origin of the occurrence was the fact that several of the men who worked with the Circus Company, in erecting the tent, demanded their pay. Others who did no work, also wanted pay, it is alleged. It is further stated that the Company informed the workmen that they would be paid the following day.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA It appears that the men were not satisfied hence the disturbance.
JAMAICA NEWS Hooliganism at THE CHORILLO TRADING SYNDICATE OFFER BARGAINS IN CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Photo Albums Scrap Albums and see the finest Assortment of TRAGEDY AT THE ASSYLUM ALSO LOCKS of every description also the Finest Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS Isaiah Clark Said to Have Hanged Himself in a Bathroom a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous to mention POST MORTEM HELD Crockery of every description JUST RECEIVED Sovernirs, etc.
etc. Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere The Mail of the 26th ulto, says: tragedy took place at the Lunatie Asylum yesterday morning, when it is alleged that Isaiah Clarke, 45 years of age, of Brainered in St.
Mary who had been an inmate in the Asylum since 1917, hanged himself.
From the facts gathered, it is said that Warder Maitland released Clarke from his cell yesterday morning, with a view of taking him to the Give a call and be convinced


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