p. 8


ESTABLISHED, The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 Horse Races Governor of Virgin New President for Haiti White Slave Traffic English Newspaper sent as our 116 pay?
HORSE RACING Race Fans to Juan Franco track (Continued from page 1)
Says the Jamaica Mail of the 26th Mr. Radoul Gactjems, Chancellor. Continued from Page Continued from page 1)
tomorrow, are destined to be con conduct their performances in naCharge Afaires of Italy, Signor The girls, aged 17 and 18, be In its issue of the 8th the same fronted with the brilliancy of two tional parks, and cheers rose when Oficial information received in de Matteis; the cuban and Dominicame acquainted with a well known paper sid:stars the like of which has never American Bands, at the ordering of ungaon from Port au Prince states can Charge Afaires, His Britannic crook from Kingston, Jamaica. At been witnessed at the track before his baton, rendered Mr. Adams own Chat Mons Eugene Roy has been elec. wiajesty Charge d, Afaires and his Spur Tree, Manchester, he induced Pelion on Ossa in the West Indies, Mr. Calthorpe seems to be piling My Star and Silver Star are two compositions. His pieces are oftered President of the Republic of Haiti Chancellor Mr. Watt, also members of them to leave home and go to King without, so far as one can judge at horses of independent owners. Both on the programme of famous Bands for six years, as from May 15th next. the foreign Consular Service in Haiti, ston by holding out the promise of this distance, sufficient exeuse.
these horses are entered in the same like Sousa and Pryor They are The election was carried out on manangers of banking institution, edi work as waitresses at his restaurevent and it is expected that some being played in all parts of Europe Monday 21st inst, in the Council of tors of newspapers, and other notMr. Champman was criticised when ant.
thrills will be witnessed during this where he has influention admirers in Slate, which was opened by the Preubles.
at Brisbane, in the stern business On arrival at Kingston the girls of a Test Match against Australia, race. Then there is the feature musical realms.
sident of that Council according to The voting being over, the Assemwere kept for some time at a tem he chose to mak siecar by batevent of furlongs in which some of The story is told that when the the Constitution of the Republic, Lily two delegations one to the track fastest horses will comperance bar, where, as a consequence ting again although he had a lead Americans took over St. Thomas from Twenty one members were present, Mons. Roy to inform him of his elecof certain happenings, the man was of 399. Mr. Calthorpe lead was the pete. All things considered, the pro the Danes and found the Band there and it is worthy of note that Mons. tion to the highest post in the re arrested, and at a preliminary ex trifling matter of 563 runs, and gram is well got up and there should under Alton Adams they marpul and the other President amination in Mandeville WAS now, with six wickets still to fall in be some hair breaking finishes. velled at its high standard and readily Roy received the vote of every member of the Council. Therefore, his Borno to apprise him of the decision committed to the circuit court on a his second innings, he is 684 runs Following are the entries: appreciated its rich possibilities.
cf the National Assembly.
charge of procuring.
They marvelled more at the ridi election was unanimouns.
Ist RACE FURLONGS NO EVIDENCE culous salaries paid to the excellent The other candidates were: Mons.
The election of Mans. Roy has been This seems to me to be rather like Torito 100 artistes, but members of the Band Then just prior to the sitting of training a cannon on a fly. More Emanuel Thezan, Joseph Justin and received with satisfaction by inhabi2 Half Rate 100 marvelled most at the increases of tants of the country. The President the court the Attorney GeneralisAndre Chevalier. The first named over, if one can go by the time ex3 Tonosi 126 pay offered by the Americans.
at also Mons. Chevalier are welltiesignate is well and favourably sued a nolle prosequi in the case.
pended, the batting has not been of Bright Night Another attempt to show up the the most exhilarating quality.
100 Little fellow, playing the cornetknown in Kingston.
known in Haiti. He is spoken of Hot Water 116 how much pay do you get?
daylight, had failed Sebarita II in an individual of intelligence and problemin 104 Sir dollars, sir.
Among those who witnessed the probity.
through lack of evidence and wit7 Pereque 118 nesses. Why all that per minute. election were the Secretary of State Senate Committee No, sir, per month!
Mon. Sansarica, Paret and Lescot, GenImmediately on receiving the deciThe Spur Tree Manchester, is 2nd RACE FURLONGS sion of the National Council, Presi Gee! Well, starf off with us at eral Russell, High Commissioner, Jamaica and not England (Continued from page 1) El Major 105 50. And that was the standard Gen. Williams, Chief of the Guard dent Borno delegated the Chief of The English contemporary says, the Ceremonial Department, and some posed by Senator Wagner (Dem. of May 106 set.
Haiti, Mon. Grumann, Charge AfNew York. The other two providing Darien 126 You, clarinet man, what your faires of the the Financial officers of the military establishment, facts as stated are correct.
for a long range public building pro4 Laughing Water Adviser, Mr. De la Rue; Papal Nun to the residence of Mons. Roy to gram and more accurate unemploy5 Ramona 115 Twelve dollars!
cio, Monseigner Cogliolio, the French present his felicitations to the incomsume his office on May 15th. Presiment statistics have previously been Palo Loco 110 Guess we make it 80. Minister Mons. Wilt, the German ing President, dent Borno has been President of reported. The employment Agency The pay was raised in that way Charge Afaires, Mr. Helnike, and As stated above Mons. Roy will as Haiti for eigh years.
bill was delayed on protests from the 3rd RACE FURLONGS right up to the head. Bandmaster National Manufacturers Association. Infimo 126 Alton Adams of the Navy is Zapo 120 getting a bigger salary than a British EL F414755741FFFFF14574 FELLELLISESTITILAT Fit Noted Magician Huerfano 110 Attorney General in these parts. Trigo 116 Mr. Adolph Sixto, well known by (Continued from page 1) Bubbling Water 114 many persons here, who is a native of Rippling Water 118 on Saturday May 17, 1930 at p.
St. Thomas and knows his countryman Alton Adams and his Band Sam Waithe is an unusually clever 4th RACE FURLONGS very well, once confessed in our hearperformer, and presents in his eve1 Dancing Girl 114 ing that our little Grenada Band is ning program odd mysteries which. AT: he secured from countries all over the Don Simon 118 just as wonderful in its way as the Monte Mahall world. The spirit Mathematician 106 St. Thomas institution. All that is 4Silver Star 109 needed is encouragement. Mr. Sixto Hindu Egg Mystery The Haunted Diez y Seis 126 told us years ago that, were he a Lemon of Ching Foo and The Mysterious Japanese Thumb Tie, are My Star 116 young man, given Bennett, Kell only a few of the bewildering exCox, and Arthur Coard of our Greperiments which he will perform.
5th RACE PURLONGS nada Band with whom to tour the Rifle ex Dunreigh Super mental feats will occupy the 118 world, he would clean up loads of second half of his program. Kitty Gill 120 money. Cartagena 112 Arthur Coard left for Trinidad soon One of his great effects in this La Chiquilla 116 after and started at a salary in the line is that in which member of Lloyd Brown 126 Constabulary Band there at some five the audience, asked any question on Resolute 112 times the pittance he received here.
a piece of paper which Sam Waithe He blows a liquid cornet.
does not see at all, but nevertheless, 6th RACE FURLONGS What is the standard of pay to our reproduces the answer. Sam Waithe Contest 116 Grenada Band artistes. is famed for his unusual ability in Corazon 112 We refuse to put it on record. The catching mental questions. This per3 Tapagra 110 disgrace will be on Grenada and on formance is open to the public. Pauline 115 British standards. People abroad high degree of interest has been Bistouri or 114 will laugh us to scorn.
manifested and a record attendance Marcella 126 Socia 106 CHURCH SERVICES America.
7th RACE FURLONGS The horses are being sent to Mr.
Wesleyan Methodist Honey Dow 114 Jack Barnard and Mr. Haithe, in the EI Medico 110 States, and it is expected, they will POST TIME 15P.
Panama 11 a. and 80 The Lagrimita 98 be exhibited at shows in the New Rev. Wright Tunney 102 England States, in the ladies hack Communion after both services. Excuse Me 186 classes. They are light thoroughColon 11 a. and 15 The Pora 185 breds a type which it is said is not Rev. Cousins produced in the States, and emiLa Boca 11 a. Mr. Walters nently suited for ladies and children.
JAMAICA THOROUGH It is hoped that the trial shipment 30 Mr. Moulton PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE New Providence 11 a. Mr.
BRED HORSES will result in the building up of a Turner large demand for this type of the To Be Shipped to United Jamaica horse.
Tramcars direct to and from Track Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Headley States Mr. Jack Barnard, the joint pur7 Mr. Frank Reed.
chaser of the horses, was, in the The promise, of what it is hoped island on a visit last month. He may be a profitable industry for the is a keen horseman, and will be rea six furlong race, in which they met pen keepers of this island is con membered by the older generation two and a half decades ago. That tained in the announcement, here of turfites in this island, as the race is an epic in the history of the Jamaica turt. Mr. Barnard was made, that within the next fortnight owner of Little Monarch, the Grey HART. Manager also the owner of De De and Be Mr. Burke, will ship four ja American sprinter which forced the Mine, which also raced in this island maica thoroughbreds three mares all conquering Candlewood to break in the nineties. Gleaner)
EASTELLERS LA JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday May 3rd ENTICING RACES Including the Fastest Horses on the Local Track and Featuring such fleet ones as Rifle ex Dunreigh, Kitty Gill, Cartagena, La Chiquilla, Lloyd Brown, Resolute, General Admission. 50c.
PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB and a horso to the United States of the old Kingston track record to win FLSTFELFELELALTESE


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