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om MAY 80 1990 a No.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 PRICE CENTS Four Drown at Easter Baptism Service Minister, Two Deacons and Girl Convert Go to Watery Grave NOTED WHITE FLEET HOUSES FOR WORKERS DESPERADOS CAPTURED BEING CONSTRUCTED Garvey Preparing Largely Signed Petition many robberies in this city, and of houses which had been authorised To be Forwarded to King George Of England on Behalf Labouring Class at Jamaica Eleven Fingers Was Once Will be Ready For Delivery Captain of this Band of in Next Five or Six Vagabonds Months The famous White Fleet which According to information released it is alleged was the perpetrator of during the week, the first batch of noon.
What Price Prejudice?
in which it is said the noted convict constructed for the native working Of Eleven Fingers was once captain, classes, will be handed over within was rounded up last Thursday, acthe next five or six months. This ST. LOUIS, April 26. An Easter fright as the chilly brown water crept cording to information received from news it is stated was announced by The Gleaner of the 12th instreason to believe that they would baptizing ceremony which began hap up around her.
police headquarters yesterday afterthe chief Executive of the nation His Excellency President says:be able to lift their economic status pily and with the chanting of joyous As the trio reached a point in the Arosemena, who it is stated will per On Thursday night last a mass as other people, Easter hymns ended in a tragedy surging waters where The noble feat of capturing this the baptism sonally hand over the building to the meeting of workers and labourers He explained to them the value of when a minister, his assistant and was to take place the congregation on band of desperados is attributed to workers.
was held at Edelweis Park, Cross petitioning His Majesty the King of the 13 year old girl who was being the shore began to chant On Jor Captain Benitez, chief of the Invesbaptized were carried to their deaths dan Stormy Banks Stand.
tigation Bureau and a few of his It will be remembed that by special Roads, under the auspices of the England about their condition. He by a strong Mississippi river curdecree of the chief executive board Jamaica Workers and Labourers said that the English people were Rev. Williams spoke the few words faithful lieutenants, who on getting a of which Councillorable to throw off the unkindly inrent, while another man lost his life of the ceremony and he and his aid threadbare clue started out on the it was authorised that a number of Association, of their masters only in attempting to rescue them.
tilted the girl backwards into the trail of the desperados and a little houses should be constructed at the Marcus Garvey is Chairman, and Mr. fluences through petitions. That the Magna THE DEAD chill waters. As she went under she while after had the entire band of expense of the local government for Delson is Secretary.
Charter was the result of proper The Rev. Robert Williams, 30 began to struggle vigorously so that some five or more safe in the confines housing workers, owing to the high There was tremendous outpour petitioning as also the Bill of Rights.
rents existing and the scarcity of of the working classes. The Chair. That the constitution of England years old, pastor of the Hopewell the pastor and the deacon lost their of the jail.
Missionary Baptist church.
footing and apparently in the grasp The clue that gave the police houses. The erecting of these chouses man, who presided, outlined in a Viola Lewis, 13, 1430 15th St. of a strong undercurrent. the three the information was the disposal of constructing companies, and the first organisation of labour. He stated ther distress and satisfy were tendered for by bids from local well punctuated speech the effect of allowed them the privilege of petition to His Majesty, in order to alleviate Deacon Joseph McGee, 85, 1528 were swept down the river.
merchandise of the last robbery batch has been awarded the National that the workers of England and of any Chestnut St.
The hymn changed into shouts of alleged to be committed at the Bazaar Trading Co. of this city and as above Continental Europe were treated, not grievances they may have.
to the Deacon Henry Turner, 41, 1101 startled horror. Henry Turner and Gordito when merchandise stated, this batch will be ready for In the course of his speech, he also High St.
Rev. Robert White, assistant pastor value of 600 was said to be carried delivery in the next five six many centuries ago, even worse than pointed out that under our constituthe Jamaica labourers are treated to At 16 o clock on Easter Sunday of the church, were standing with away. The Botica California was months.
tion in Jamaica, the labourers and day, under the Feudal and other workers were entitled to as much about 150 member of the Hopewell Rev. Williams wife and three chil also claimed to be raided by these Baptists Memorial church had gath dren. Immediately both plunged into same bandits.
tions of such notorious characters systems of serfdom, but through or rights as any other class, but the ered at the levee at the foot of the water in an attempt at rescue. It is the determination of the gov and the capture of this first band is ganisation they were able to lift only way to secure these rights was Franklin Ave. to watch the im Turner, who seemed to have more ernment to put a stop to the opera a start in this direction.
their status in society to the extent by the medium of proper organisamersion of the Lewis girl, who was courage than swimming ability, sank that to day, labour is in control of tion.
the only candidate for baptism at the almost at once. White, chilled and the British Imperial Government.
The Jamaica Imperial Association annual ceremony.
unable to reach any of the victims, He also pointed out that disor was an organisation that protected McGee waded into the cold water, managed to return to shore.
ganised labour America told the rights of the propietor class of making depth soundings with a long By this time MeGee and the girl (By HON. CHARLES JAMES in the Negro World)
heavily on the workers and labourers people in the country. In a similar pole. Then he and Rev. Williams, had disappeared beneath the torrent of the country for many decades, but manner the labourers and workers both attired in flowing black robes, surface. Rev. Williams was the last What is prejudice, may we ask? My answer is, the prejudiced man under the leadership of the wonderful can organize that when questions do led the girl into the water about 12 to sink. He was seen floating on his Prejudice is a mental malady, pays in warping his personality, and genius, Mr. Samuel Gompers, the arise that feet from the bank. The girl was back, making feeble efforts to keep which we shall call irreconcilability. by the arrested development of his status of the workers rose to the AFFECT THEIR INTERESTS, dressed in flimsy white garment afloat as the swift current carried its symptoms are fear, hatred, sup. intelect. The result of mental ma point where they are the best paid they could speak with as much auand she trembled both with cold and (Continued on page 8)
erstition and delusion, Irreconcil ladies is impressed upon his physi workers in the world to day.
thority as those of the Jamaica Imability to what, you may ask? It cal frame, and finally his bank roll He said that the workers should perial Association, or any other oris irreconcilable to set of facts, feels the pinch. Cherishing the idea derived from any source, and the of his superiority over your inferi not be discouraged because people ganized body in the country.
ority; finally he pays for it in the were not in sympathy with them to The Secretary, Mr. DeLeon, also spoke and explained that the ganized into a system of thought. stimulation of the instinct of his day, but if they ORGANISED THEMSELVES petition to the King was being largeLABOURING CONDITIONS IN NEIGHBOURING The prejudiced man differs very lit emotions. Therefore, prejudice is there was every (Continued on page 8)
tle from the insane man, whose men just as gostly to the man who is constitutionally REPUBLIC REPORTED VERY UNSATISFACTORY tal activities do not form a correlat prejudised as to the man who sufed integral.
fers from his cruel hand.
SILVER TREE QUEEN MARY OF Close upon two hundred JaAsk me what a prejudiced man As a race we should not be afraid maicang returned from Cuba on JOINT CASE BETWEEN SERVICE of prejudice. It was here when man ENGLAND will do, and will refer you to a Sunday says the Jamaica Mail lunatic asylum. The prejudiced man was in his primitive stage and will of the 6th inst. Some sixty of GARVEY AND MISS may be either ignorant, or a know. be here then we are gone. Living At Chapter 14 ATTRACTED BY SEA the number were persons who DAVIS WITHDRAWN ing villain. When he is ignorant as we are in the western world, deSuccessfully Carried Out ISLAND COTTON have been repatriated under the Je rightly belongs to the class of pending on the prejudiced white man HANDKERCHIEFS terms of the Emigrants ProtecThe Silver Tree Service at Chapter tion Law. Agricultural condi Charged for Alleged Breach misinformed. When he is a knowing for all we get, has made the white villain, he presents different man superiority seem natural when 14, on Sundayı last, was a decided Among St. Vincent Exhibits tions in the Cuban republic are of Entertainment study to which this discussion is dias a matter of fact superiority in success, it was well attended; the On West Indies Stand At reported to be very unsatisfacDuty Law rected. Where delusion sits upon a that respect could easily be overcome most important feature for the eve British Industrial tory.
ning was a Solo by Mrs. Edwards Fair Jamaica papers state that the case throne in the prejudiced man life, by the Negro himself.
The Hon. Marcus Garvey, suffer and the unveiling of the Silver Tree against Mr. Marcus Garvey, President the reaction is silliness, as for inThe Queen, who was much atSIR THOMAS General of the Universal Negro Imstance: Two students, one black and ing in Jamaica, and his continual by the Misses Clarke Blackman, and Miss the other white, were assigned to triumph over his enemies who, be while the Choir sang a very beautiful tracted by some Sea Island cotton ALEXANDER BEST Henrietta Vinton Davis, Secretary. adjacent seats. The white student cause of color and so called vague anthem. The tree was wrapped in hanc erchiefs shown among the St.
General of the same organization, who refuses such a proximity, because superiority, proves conclusively that the Red, Black and Green flag and Vincent exhibits on the West Indies NEW GOVERNOR FOR steel sharpeneth steel, and as he is was decorated with fairy candles. Stand at the British Industries Fair, were jointly charged with a breach he believes he is superior, while the WINDWARD ISLANDS of the Entertainment Tax Law, was idea of superiority is as vague as sues that proclamation to this race it is expected that this service will has been graciously pleased to order called up recently in the Magistrate the thinnest air; but such things are economie ille by building a lasting of ours to get together and cure our be repeated at an early date.
through the West India Committee four dozen.
Sir Thomas Alexander Best is the Court at Half Way Tree, when the required to make fools rush in Tomorrow (Sunday) the 18th inst. These beautiful Sea Island cotton new Governor appointed for the Crown Solicitor, Mr. Harvey Clarke where the angels fear to tread. The foundation in Africa, may, we real will be Installation of Officers, at handkerchiefs were woven by Windward Islands to succeed Sir informed the Court that he desired result is disorder and disconcerted ize that unity is strength, and that all obstacles placed in our way o clock sharp. good attendance is Leigh, Ltd. from yarns supplied by Frederick Seton James is at present to withdraw the charge against the ness.
by prejudice from a racial viewpoint Mr. Lomas Oliver at Bollington.
Lieutenant Governor of Malta. He defendants, Racial prejudice is costly in what or otherwise can be removed by They are the finest ever woven on a has been Governor of the Falkland His honour granted the request and ever sense one may look at it; for quickening our mental and physical 400, 000 000 of the strong, virile, able, power loom, the counts being 200 in Islands the Leeward Islands and the defendants were accordingly dis mental conflict consumes energy, and activities, for united power for brave and determined sons and the twist and 800 in the weft. Trinidad.
the question is, who pays. good, owned and controlled by the daughters of Ethiopia. West India Committee Circular. a Two Hunbred Jamaicans Return Home From Cuba principle by which knowledere in care a

    EnglandWorking Class

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