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Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 Meeting of Prospective The Revolutionary CALCUTTA, May 16. delayed report received here today declares that 90 natives were injured in a. Division Situation in India riot yesterday at Mymensing when (Contiued from Page 1)
the police fired in an effort to dis ly signed all over the country. That At Juan Franco Featured Strongly Manifest Spirit of Heavy Sentences Imposed bile to Untadi after the raid on her perse a congress of volunteers trying already tens of thousands of names Garveyism Many Events For The followers.
on Noted Leaders For to prevent the removal of liquor from had been secured. It was evident Long Shot Artists Violating Martial Nine volunteers were injured in the government depots.
that the petition would be signed by The spirit of Garveyism was Law scuffle with the police during the report from Bombay state that half of the population of the island.
The horæ races out at the pony strongly manifested by members and the The Chairman also pointed out that impromptu raid on the Dharasma salt manackchand, president of track at Juan Franco on Sunday last, well wishers of the Prospective Dicreated a deal of excitement among vision of the Universal Negro Imreceived yesterday state that heavy Cable despatches from Scholapur works alter the departure of Madam Sholapur municipality has been ar. the petition was in support of the rested.
sentiments expressed by the Deputarace lang in general. Form players provement Association at their Libertion that waited on His Excellency sentences were imposed on various Naidu and her assistants, were given a set back in many of ty Hall, Private Academy 25th leaders of the civil disobedience camthe Governor testifying to the truththe events, when the favorites, or Street, Calidonia, on Sunday last.
LONDON, May 16. Exchanges fulness of the conditions that existed paign tu connection with the recent sure to win failed to get under the The meeting began with the SingPALAIS ROYAL from Calcutta state that 28 police riot violating the martial law.
in the island affecting the labourers wire ahead of their field. But the ing of the opening ode from Greenand 53 rioters were injured in the and workers, and the people in genFOR long shot artists reaped a smailland ley Mountain, with Secretary Ja Ja, president of the Scholapur rioting at Mymensing on Friday eral.
harvest in three of the events which Greely in the Chair.
congress committee was given seven night.
SUITS Several labourers and workers also hetted them big odds on their tiny The religious part of the program years at hard labor and a fine of spoke on the condition existing in the investments and for which mirth and was conducted by Mr. Jefers, 2, 000 rupees imposed. The secretary country. The singing of the Nationjollity were greatly in evidence, and who acted as Chaplain for the oc of the Sholapur ongress war counal Anthem brought the meeting to a cil, Jadhav, was 21000 the retreshment stalls briskly pa casion.
given 10 years at 10 close at 10 o clock.
Among some of the many items that hard labor and a fine of 2, 000 rupees.
Another meeting will be held on There were a few upsets in the were on the evening program, was Manecchand Shah, President of the Thursday night, 15th instant.
meet, but these were not considered an address by Mr. Williams, fol Sholapur municipality was given six of sufficient importance to mar a lowed with the reading of the Presi months inprisonment and 10, 000 pleasant afternoon of good sport.
dent General weekly message in the rupees fine for refusing to lower the Four Drown at The attendance was a great imNegro World. It was very interest Congress flag over the municipal ing.
provement on previous meets and, as was pointed out in our last issue, The next item was the singing of (Continued from page 1)
BOMBAY, May 16. The police at comprised a good sprinkling of dog the Hymn Father of all Greation him toward Ead bridge.
Bulsar this morning bodily removed fans.
God bless our President.
Members of the congregation ran The management of the Jackey Another address was delivered by all members of the party led by the along the bank seeking a boat. As Club have undoubtedly visualised the Mr. Arendale, followed with the sing poetess Naidu, from the prohibitory the pastor sank many of his congreCARLOS MENDOZA STREET gation fell on their knees in prayer.
fact that while the racing game here ing of the Hymn God of the night limits of Dharasana after the volun our battle fight, which was well acteers had kept a 28 hours vigil.
has suffered many set backs in the Women became hysterical and it reMadam Naidu reterned by automoJAVILLO FILL quired the efforts of all their friends past, by glaring irregularities by cepted.
OP01 новог 1000 10POE POR to calm Rev. Williams wife and the jockeys and owners, there is still Among some of the other speakers Lewis girl sister.
hope of once more raising it to its for the evening were President Jefformer standard, and with this end fers, Messrs Ratie, Duncan TESTS Although police have made a search in view is adopting every means of and McClean, all spoke in glowing of the river for several miles with again attracting the public back to terms of the organization and of the grappling hooks, none of the bodies the breezy pony park of a Sunday Hon. Marcus Garvey.
have been recovered.
The meeting was then brought to Another very attractive program a close at 10 o clock with the singing ST. LOUIS, April 25. The 25th has been arranged for tomorrow af of the National Anthem followed by annual Easter baptizing of the ternoon among which will be a cup the Benediction. AT: Pleasant Green Baptist church took race, the trophy donated by the As usual the regular mass meeting place without onwonted incident here Panama Jockey Club, the first of its will take place on Wednesday the while a crowd of 1, 500 white people kind to be run for at Juan Franco 21st, the Public is cordially invited.
looked on. Twenty five converts had since the good old days of racing out their faith tested by immersion in there. In this event will be entered the chilly waters. Rev. Parker the pick of the seven best horses FOR assisted by Rev. Robertson of listed at Juan Franco. Copi the Memphis conducted the ceremony.
veteran of the track will shoulder SUITS the top weight of 140 lbs; competing PALAIS ROYAL JERK FOR JACK against a field of fleet ones.
Jack, aged six, was given a sixThen, there are six other races.
pence by his uncle for being a good The entries all so evenly matched by 4th RACE FURLONGS boy. He was told by his mother not.
the handicapper that it will be very Lloyd Brown 135 to spend it, but to put it in his difficult to pick winner, and is Don Florentino 105 money box, Jack, played out of doors sure to attract an greater crowd Relampago 126 till bedtime.
to the track than was present last Dunreigh 126 Sunday. Othello 126 Now, said his mother, put your The program follows: Pauline 115 sixpence in your money box. can t, said Jack. Satan temptLUSIK Ist RACE FURLONGS 5th RACE FURLONGS ed me, and spent it. said, Get 185 Monte Mahall 100 Alondra, Resolute, thee behind me, Satan, and he did, Pereque 118 Diez y Seis 118 and pushed me right into the shop. Marcial 100 Palo Loco 126 Marcela Tonosi 180 Dancing Girl 110 J. Small White Sox 110 El Major 120 6 Sibarita II 118 Don Simon 113 DENTIST POST TIME 15P. Monte Mahall 140 MASONIC TEMPLE 6th RACE FURLONGS Office Hours:8, a to 12 pm 2nd RACE FURLONGS JOCKEY CLUB CUP. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Palo Loco La Chiquilla 111 Masonic Temple nith St, Darien 140 Copi 121 O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL 107 Dancing Girl Cartagena 100 PHONE: OPICE 1664 4Diez y Seis 108 Kitty Gi 115 5Ramona Alondra 108 121 Bubbling Water Resolute 126 112 Marcela 107 JOSEPH MASON 3rd RACE FURLONGS 7th RACE6 FURLONGS Mattresses made and renovated Excuse Me 186 Huerfano 116 to order Furnitures also repaired Tunney 110 Zapo 114 at moderate prices La Dalia 182 Trigo 106 4Honey Dew 108 Infimo 116 House No. 10, 21 Street Lagrimita 118 Tribunito 110 WOT Cuachapali El Medico 100 Tunney 185 FLATEST HORSE RACING JUAN JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday May 18th GOOD RACES Including a Cup Race Colombia FEATURING Copi, Kitty Gill, La Chiquilla, Cartagena 109 General Admission. 50c.
PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager


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