
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Barbados British Guiana Miss Knollys Dead LA MASCOTA The American Fleet Land Settlement Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA St. Lucian Papers September when it is only on Tues: Reconstruction of LONDON, April 25. The Hon.
Charlotte Knollys, for many years (Continued from Page Continued from Page 2) the friend and confidential secretary This doctrine on the whole is foreign cost of the journey here. This cost of the late Queen Alexandra, died toto the English mind in dealing with would not most probably be borne day at her home in Lonżon. Alcoloured communities, and therefore by this colony. The procedure is to though she was ninety five years the West Indian is bound to contrast build houses and to prepare the land old, her death was unexpected, as the superior economie advantages of ready to receive crops. Families are contact with Americans. On the selected to occupy the houses and only a few days ago she appeared to be in good health.
other hand, the American is far too to take up the land which has been Miss Knoliys was a daughter of the crude and primitive an exponent of prepared.
late Sir William Knollys, but years racial antagonism to make a success would warn you that if there is of his dealings with coloured people. any negleet in the cultivation of your sgo she was raiged to the rank of a baron daughter in recognition of Whatever else the faults may be in plots or failure to carry out the terms devoted services. She first joined the ALSO the West Indies, people of varying of the lease, that you will not be shades of colour have got the oppor allowed to stay here. If on the other royal household at the age of eighteen as an extra woman of her bedtunity to rise to positions of ru hand you make every effort to carry chamber to Queen Alexandru a thority. they dont make use of out those conditions eventually you that time the Princess of Wales their chances, it is their own fault will be able to purchase the house who was only a year older than her.
So on the whole we think West In and allotments.
dians are better off under the British You have your houses and gardens flag you have your three acres of rich The post was created to give the land and you have pasturage for your young princess a companion of her That is not to say that conditions cattle. It is hoped in the course of own age. Thereafter the two were will always be what they are now time to start a co operative credit inseparable, Charlotte Knollys soon America is bound to grow up and to society in your midst and also a co beginning to serve her royal mistress shed her primitive prejudices and operative rice milling plant for your a secretary.
It is said that Charlotte Knollys antipathies. She will acquire real 18 UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL refused marriage in order to conculture as time goes by, and that tinue to understanding of alien people which libelling of the judges. He was again serve Queen Alexandra, who showed her gratitude in many she lacks now. When that day comes, convicted, but on appeal point of and it may come sooner than some law was decided in his favour and he ways. Most of Miss Knollys life people expect, one obstacle in the way was free to walk out of court. No was passed in various royal palaces, MULLER Prop of America annexation will be re matter that Mr. Garvey had had hard but after the death of Queen Alexmoved. What will be the position things to say about nearly all of the andra, in 1926, she retired to the 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 of the Mother Country then? Will authorities in Jamaica, he was ensmall flat in Mayfair, where the last she still continue her policy of neg titled to a full measure of justice like years of her life were passed very lect, her ready assumption that col any other man.
oured human if they did not tell the In court circles, Charlotte Knollys British people as the elected members EX SOLICITOR enjoyed a reputation as a brilliant St. Luola and Fridays throughout the year ex Jamaica of the Legislature have done recently GENERAL conversationalist, and this was the cept in the months of August and that they are about fed up with reason for the nickname of Chatty, British neglect.
which was given to her by King days. Thus it will be seen that a Makes Surprising State. Edward VII.
Judge in St. Lucia has no more than To come back to the benefits of ment In House of (Continued from Page 2)
about 182 days office work on the (Continued from Page 2) British rule, one outstanding advanAssembly FOR 13 tion there can be to having one Chief outside. Leaving out the Chamber tion of the pier. The two other lines tage is the general fairness of the Justice and Puisme Judge for the work which could be attended to by will traverse the western and eastern administration of justice. Nothing BRIDGETOWN, Mr. Walter SUITS Windward Islands in pride. Pride of the Registrar in the absence of the portions of the structure.
human is perfect, but in a British Reece, ex Solicitor General of PALAIS ROYAL country, pride of status, or, call it Judge and the time taken in study. The pier is being reconstructed by Court a man stands perhaps a better Barbados, is said to have made the by any other name, it remains the ing evidence only 36 would be ac Messrs Henriques Bros. Mr. Henchance of a fair trial than in any flesh of members of the House of matter, the House was not to consame. There is not a sufficiency of tually occupied on the Bench in the riques is directing the work, with Mr. Other country. Especially is this so Assembly creep when he recently sider whether their decision would work to keep a judge engaged the year. We venture to say that there Streadwick, in Colonial dependencies where dis suggested that it was impolitie, if be acceptable to the Governor. The whole tim any one of the three is not much more work for the judge Struct. Assistant Chief Engineer from the heart of the Empire not impertinent, for the House to ultimate authority in legislative matislands forming the Windward Isin St. Vincent and Grenada than in the Permanent Way Department of might easily lead to perversions of repeal or amend any regulation which tors rests with the Legislature belands Government. former Chief there is in St. Lucia. In St. Vincent the Jamaica Railway, as the Super. justice. No one who studied the last had been made or sanctioned by the cause they alone derive their naJustice of St. Lucia said there was an additional Magistrate, would have vising Engineer. It must be stated Garvey case could fail to be imprese. Government in Executive Committee. thority from the people and are no Only Five Months Work ed with the essential fairness of a The piece of political falth was sponsible to the people for its right to be employed. Having one Judge that the work is proceeding with deshere and he spent many months in for the three islands better remuner. patch. It is confidently anticipated British Court. Here was man evidently not shared by the Speaker exereise. Any other theory of the seditious utterance, of the House who took the view constitution is not only mistaken, Court sits in its Criminal Jurisdiction given a higher status. Two visits to England on holiday. The Royal ation could be given and the position that the pier will be completed with charged with a in the time specified in the contract, who had already been imprisoned for that in coming to a decision on any but highly dangerous and pernicious.
three times a year in St. Lucia and each colony long enough to hold nine months.
scarcely ever occuples more time sittings pellate and Civil, would meet than a week; usually it lasts three or four days. Certainly for the past Criminal, Ap. Of course the Regisdemands of the three jurisdictions, PALAIS ROYAL 900 TRUST THE five or even ten years the average FOR length of a sitting has not been more traships of the three islands would SUITS than three or four days. There are have to be held by experienced Bar10 sittings of the Court in its Ap. risters of which there is no lack.
one Inspector General and three pellate furisdiction and 10 in its Civil Another department that could be Inspectors and made interchange109 jurisdietfon the average length of easily merged to mutual advantage able. The advantages in such each sitting to never more than a is the Polico. The police of the three union would be to the benefit of the day. Chamber days are Tuesdays islands could be pooled under the men as well as to the Governments.
Promotion would come more quickly and there would not be the danger of the men getting too localized.
These recommendations it carried out would prove to be the beginning of closer union between the three Islands forming the Government of the Windward Islands. Nearly similar arrangements exist in the Leeward Islands Government and they work satisfactorily.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA In these days when there is so much talk of a West Indian Dominion or a United West Indies we should be prepared to draw closer on every and see the finest Assortment of possible occasion as it is often by small beginnings that great problems are solved.
The elected Members of the Legis a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous lative Councils of the three Islands of every description also the Finest get into correspondence with to mention each other with the view of putting av Selection of those ideas into effect St. Lucia being most concerned, should set the ball rolling THB CHORILLO TRADING SYNDICATE No. 59, 24th Street Chorrillo OFFER BARGAINS IN Photo Albums Scrap Albums OBE CALL AT THE Panama Hardware ALSO LOCKS ARTIZAN TOOLS Crockery, of every description JUST RECEIVED BOX 140 ARCON, Sovernirs, etc. etc. DRIS Cirilo Sandford Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere Attorney at Law Give a call and be convinced TTTT OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE.


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