
Used to prevent Dandruff and tu assist in the growth and culture of the Hair Friends and countrymen: 10 you doesn t, it is because you are one are interested, am giving you to yourself, as said before, plain eng.
PRICE 50 CENTS day some Jottings about the fool. lish and bad manners. Be that as it Maybe, you are not interested in this may, something can be gained from animal. If so, take it from me (and this story by those he Cellows, at KEEPS THE HAIR SOFT AND GLOSSY By IVAN BROWNING you know whom me is. you are mis least, who have foolish she males as FOR SALE AT taken, because the tool is menace their wives. It will suggest to them LONDON, England, May There Such continues to be tha unenviala to everyone. And if you are un that in every case, they must buy a No. 2, 28th. November Street is little can add to this article which position of Len Johnson, one of the willing to see him (or her) as such, ham, and pay for it before they take SAN MIGUEL has just appeared in the Sunday boxers best fitted to represent this after tell you of very convincing it home!
Chronicle and number of other country in the assault on America incident, will have to conclude that SAMPLE BOX WILL BE GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER Eglish papers with reference to Len honors chests. Like certain views on OF THE FIRST 500. BOX FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY you are one yourself, plain english Jolason, the boxer.
professionalism, the attitude of boxand bad manners.
Speaking about a fool those who OPOL 100 can read have seen its definition. went as often as possibly coulding big wigs on the color problem am told that at one time, there The fellows who make dictionaries to fights in England until found borders on intolerance, and Johnson, was a finger smith who used to prac. my. a fool is a person lacking in (8) a fool is a married man who serum. It was the time when there cut that there was a color bar, then though British born and As clean tiee his profession with a great deal understanding, judgment, or conhmon believes everything his wife were indications that all were in danI lost all interest and bave often said tighter as ever stepped into ring, of aggressiveness. He had a wife tells him ger of going hence, no more to be such a thing is indeed a disgrace to in debarred by the accident of birth sense; simpleton; an idiot; an imwho was a fool. He worked in a (9) fool is a woman who be seen, and this was being done, they boxing in this or any country. cer from over achieving the ambition of becile. heard this definition disdepartment store as delivery man. cussed the other day. One fellow exlieves that her husband is her said, as a preventative. The gentleAs such, he had acees to all the de pressed his disapproval of definitions only admirer man arrived in great haste at house, tainly glory Johnson in his latest every pugilist, to fight at the Nationpartments, having to visit them to that are given in words which make (10) fool is a fellow who anxious to administer to the needs protest, when he says that unless heal Sporting club for British chamget the goods for delivery to the it necessary for one to turn to other doesn know when his girl is of humanity whose lives he thought is given chance at the champion pionship. It ever there was tase customers on his route. From one pages of the dictionary to find out in love with another follow. were in jeopardy. In this category ship in England he doesn care of the unwritten ban to be lifted it whether he ever fights again, and is Len Johnson and that he has of these departments, he swiped what the words used in the defini One fellow was silent during the of persons, be strangely included a the sympathy of those who know him ham, boneless one, took it to his maid, a domestie servant, who was hope he will stick to it.
tion meant. He further declared recital of all these definitions, at at the time scrubbing for all she was From the London Sunday Chron and his record, best Manchester home, and delivered it safely to his that such words are only nice sound conclusion of which he gave his verwife. It was Christmas time when ing, but did not tell a fellow the real worth over the wash tub. Hold icle: Color Ban Obstacle, British boxing enthusiasts, was apparent diet, version, or whatever else you hams were in great demand. Gen meaning. In the course of the conforth thine hand, he said, and be born Boxer Ultimatum Just during the past week when he fleng call it as follows: erally, all women welcome hams at versation, the pool was vigorously None of you fellows have defined vacinated. No, said the paternal Claim. Conqueror of champions, but down challenge which should not lady of the house, my maid uses her denied the right to fight for a title. go anheeded. It you will give me this time, bone or no bone; but this and variously defined. Among them, the fool all you have done is to ands washing, scrubbing, nursing the chance to fight for championship in one, fool as she was, examined the the following definitions were men point out ten fools. In my day and baby, cooking the food, cleaning the the country in which was born, he ham in the absence of her husband, tioned.
time, have come across more than house, washing the dishes and all matic and social circles at the prime announced through Jack Smith, and found it to be a boneless one. 1) a fool is a man who works these daily, so, all of you are damn minister home to hear the singers the Manchester boxing promoter, Violently supposing that her hus when he is hungry fools. Wow!
that. If you apply the prick to those were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Snowden, am ready to meet any man. Otherwise band had purchased it from the place hands, she will be ruined, and unable (2) a fool is a woman who cuts Mr. Snowden being the chancellor of to use them to my benefit! well, said don care whether fight again or he worked, she straightway took it the hair from her head and But say! let me give you this one, the visitor, how about the leg. the exchequer for Great Britain; Dr. hot.
there, and demanded with a great walks about looking like a and am going to give it as get Thats worse, replied the lady, she Johann Schober, Austrian chancellor, have beaten every British and deal of gusto, that it be changed for man in a skirt it. You know, like to give, esand Lady Mary Agnes Hamilton, European Champion have met, exa ham with bones. When asked (8) a fool is a man who wouldn pecially to the girls. The more has to use them to come to work, go to the Commissary, to the market, the noted patroness of the arts.
cept Jack Hood, and feel am enwhat was her objection to a boneless know how to act at a railroad give, the more expect to get it Following their appearanca at 10 titled to demand a chance to fight for ham, she answered. when it don crossing things work normally. It would be Chinese store, carry my husband the title in this country. The statehave bones, it done one time. When (4) fool is like those tive wo unnatural for the girls to be always lunch, bring back the dirty waren, Downing St. the singers went on it have bones, it serve two times, beand all that. Surely, you wouldn sightseeing tour of London. In the ment was made in reply to chalmen who wouldn put oil in saying thanks to me, and for me wish to deprive her the use of her Tower of London they give an im lenge by Mileke Libert, the Belgian Cause you can take the bones and cook their lamps the night when to feel that will never get a chance promptu concert for a group of tour middleweight, who had just gotten they heard that the bride to say thanks to them. thought legs when they re so busy. The doctor became impatient.
ists who met them at the entrance. am second surprise verdiet over Pred The upshot was that her husband like that would be disquieting to me.
groom was coming doing this aceording to law, he said.
Westminster Abbey, the final rent Shaw, the Yorkshire boxer, who had was given away, and by his wife, the (5) a fool is a Canal employee cannot be so. The old folks way last person in the world, who should who sells his Commissary bowl go, packy come, and it is so Will you please indicate to me the ing place of England kings and failed to concede something like six give away a husband. Upon investi Book So here you are:part of your anatomy not so busy great men, Sunday was visited by the pounde. It is the first time in his gation, it was established that the (6) a fool is a woman who takes One of those professionals who are as your hand or leg, so that can choir, which held song memorial career that Johnson has refused to husband had stolen this ham, and for fulfil my mission and be on my before the erpyt of David Living take on anyone. It is not likely that a dish towel and makes a fond of using the prick went about which he received eighteen months table cloth the village some time ago, pricking way. Well doctor, said the maid, stone, celebrated missionary and Af his bombshell will move the powers don sit down much sir. in Carahu!
rican explorer. Led by Dr. Dett the that be from the course they have set (7) a fool is a fellow who mar everybody, in various and sundry Now, this ought to convince you singers stood in silent prayer and themselves, but one is tempted to ask, ries girl that everybody parts of their bodies, and injecting that the fool is a menace, and if it then sang the hymn, Rest, Ye Weary if Colored man is allowed to play loves into them what they describe as Traveler. Spirituale were also ren for England in test match cricket, and another represent this country in PALLELSEA Large crowds waited for an hour international athleties without arousтоно Great Ovation in outside the Abbey doors for a chance ing indjgnation, why cannot a way be to hear the singing of the students. found for a third, born in this counThe congregation at the Abbey even try and as white as they make them, song service remained in the pows to be given the opportunity to win LONDON, May One of the to hear the informal memorial con laurels of the boxing ring to which he greatest ovations ever given a group cert in the west transept.
is so eminently entitled.
of singers by an English audience was accorded the Hampton Institute choir of 40 boys and girls here Saturday evening in Queen hall.
This conrert was the first formal European appearance of the choir.
The enthusiasm of the audience was MA of such extent that the large crowd CHICA forgot the tradition of dignity which the hall carries and with stamping of feet and loud shouts demanded more and more songs SOM The singers, under the direction of GIVE US CALL AND Dr. Nathaniel Dett, sang for 45 minutes after the conclusion of their regBE CONVINCED THAI ular program. The spirituals, baptismal chants and plaintive melodies held the audience almost in a trance.
From the moment the singers landed in England they have been in constant demand. Their policy of singing whenever requested, made aboard the DeGrasse, has been carried out since disembarking. TRIAL ONCE WILL The choir and Dr. Dett were reneslo ceived at 10 Downing St. famous BRING YOU ALWAYS home of Great Britain prime ministers, by Prime Minister, Ramsay 00 McDonald and his dauther, Isabel.
The choir rendered seven selections ch Dela besides its spirituals including hymns, a Russian song and an old English air. Honorable MeDonald requested 102 Dr. Dett to have the youths sing FUNT Were You There When They Cruel 72 Carlos Mendoza Streot 72 fied My Lord! which they did. NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
When the prime minister left for parliament, the choir was requested to remain and sing more selections Telephonei 454 Box 1102 by Miss MeDonald, after which they were shown over the historic home.
ANCON. PANAMA yo Among the leaders in London diploHampton Singers Get dered.
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