
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 Porters Open Quiz Into Lynch Mystery Hire Noted Lawyer to Lead Probe Barbados Will Never Forget Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID WARNING! Inferior Electric Lamp Bulbs are being offered for Sale in Panama and Colon.
If the other fellow uses his or Yet there is justice in Mississippi. black man fought. If the Race leadganized power not only through his Judge Brien of the circuit court at ers fight equally a hard and as inlabor organizations but through his Vicksburg. Miss. during the first telligently for the principle of equal social, fraternal, business and other week in March, ruled in favor of vocational opportunity for men of the mediums to disjoint the true eco Colored trainman whose pay had Race the Foundation stone of Race nomie balance and throw black men been arbitrarily reduced by the Yazoo progress will be assured. Certainly out of work simply because they are Mississippi Valley (I. railroad with us the cause of the laborer is the the Birmingham Unionist Association Speaking at the annual meeting of NEW YORK, May Frank The determination of your organWalsh, noted labor attorney of a ization to make such an inquiry and black, o reduce their wages dispro and ordered back pay of 7, 500. One cause of the leader. Give us a Ghandi. on April 11th, Mr. Neville Chamtional and international reputation, to engage counsel to bring a civil portionately simply because they are berlain, made special reference not white, then every organized who served as chairman of the indus action for Mrs. Wilkins, if such a to the West Indian sugar crisis.
trial relations commission in 1916, course is indicated as the result of agency within the Race should go Last year, he said, the Chancellor which investigated the Pullman com your investigations, as well as to into action to protect and retain FOR of the Exchequer announced he was pany and other American corpore bring the perpetrator of this ghastly these jobs to black men for the upgoing to sweep away the sugar bountions, has been retained by the Bro crime, is, in my opinion, most appro keep of black American homes. The banker, insurance, fraternal and comty, and later the Secretary for the therhood of Sleeping Car Porters to priate and commendable.
mercial leadership among us have a Dominions, Lord Passfield, became prosecute the case of the lynching of According to latest information re salt program of American derivaand aware that there was a crisis in the Wilkins, Pullman porter, who ceived at the headquarters of the tion.
sugar industry partly owing to world was found tied to tree in Locust Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Give us a composite Ghandi. Help competition and partly owing to Grove, Ga. April the widow of Wilkins, Kansas the threats of his colleagues. ThereThe first move in the prosecution City Pullman porter, whose body was those of us who are trying to help fore he sent out Lord Olivier to insee is to develop an investigation of the found tied to a tree at Locust Grove, ourselves. Black men jobs are at the bottom of all Race progress. There vestigate and report what was necescircumstances surrounding the lynch Pa. April 6, destitute by reason of is no other foundation stone. We do sary to help the planters. Lord ing, with a view of unearthing facts the fact that the company is holding Olivier reported that the situation upon which criminal and civil action payment on the insurance of the de not need parades or resolutions or mass meetings. Money really talks was highly critical and recommended may be based ceased porter.
here. Let the men we have elevated that the preference on Empire sugar Says Mr. Walsh in response to Brotherhood officials who are into positions of power and influence No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. should be increased from 8s. 9d. to letter addressed to him by Philip direct communication with Mrs. Wil: speak for the Colored working man.
4s. 8d. per ewt. The Government Randolph, president and general or kins, state that it would appear that Congress can not do it. Say it with Panama, said they felt every sympathy for ganizer of the Brotherhood of Sleep. the company fears it would be liable money, the planters, but flatly declined to ing Car Porters: fully tree for damages in the event the insuradopt the recommendation of Lord with the conclusion contained in your ance is paid as accidental death inletter namely, that the security and stead of natural death.
PALLET 519 Olivier, their own representative; but safety of the lives of members of Pullman porters and maids are rethey said if the planters would go on making a loss they would pay half, your organization while engaged in quired to carry sick and death provinding it was not their duties, sometimes performed benefit poliey known as a group inmore than 150, 000 under hazardous conditions far from surance plan, with the Prudential The result was that in the West their homes and families and without Life Insurance company and also protection except that afforded by membership in the Pullman Porters F! Indies the name of the present Govthe companies which they serve, de. Benefit association, with assessments ernment would go down to posterity associated with bitter memories, mand that a searching investigation of 87 month out of their meager be made as to the manner by which wages of 77. 60 a month, in order to Only a week or two ago, Mr, Chamthe death of your fellow member was work for the Pullman company, acberlain went on, he received a letter accomplished.
cording to leaders of the brotherhood.
from a gentleman residing in Barbados recalling that in 1897 the then Secretary for the Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, went to the assistance of the sugar industry and saved the West Indies. His correspondent then informed him of a little ceremony that recently taken place when a portrait of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was presented to hang in the Barbados Council Chamber to commemorate the time when he came to (In the Chicago Defender)
their help in their day of need. Ap.
plause. At that ceremony one of the In far away India thousands of fications deals with retaining jobs speakers said of Mr. Joseph brown men are on the highways king hold by black Americans but Chamberlain help: England may marching at the behest of mighty now disappearing via the color line.
forget, Birmingham may forget, but Ghandi, the leader, against the over. Also, abuses of reduced wages, due to Barbados will never forget. To day, taxation of Britain on salt. tre nothing but the color of the worker however, there was degenerate niendous exhibition of adherence to skin Facts not mere complaints, Secretary of State for the Colonies principle, an unparalleled example of Causes and conditions we will cite as who proposed callously to let one of mcrifice by people for that thing found three weeks ago on a trip to the oldest and most loyal Colonies called rights. To reach the larger Louisiana and Mississippi to counmoney spent for current.
fall into ruin and then offered to pay objective in political and civil liber sel black men in America greatest 10s, in the pound to the creditors.
ties under the heading of home rule industry the railway business.
for India by Indians, the great GhanRalway Brotherhoods di, to arouse his people, emulates in Riding the same train with me into The Greatest Thrill a way the Boston tea party, porcun Chicago Tuesday, April 1, was a gension cap of the American revolu eral committee of the white firemen in the World tion, and focuses the minds of his and trainmen up from Louisiana and people on the abuses they suffer by Mississippi and possibly Tennessee.
being denied or viciously overtaxed Nervous tensions prevaded the black te for what he terms one of the three men of these crafts, as the rumor was. essentials of life, namely alr, water that these committeemen were en ว and salt.
route to Chicago to ask for 90 per Because he is fighting for an essen cent of the trainmen jobs and 75 tial need of the common people, one per cent of the locomotive firemen 123 which every Indian man and woman work on divisions where the allotStop and analyze it. there sees and understands because the ment is now 50 60 for the two mees.
nothing in life that gives more same affects them daily, he is making On top of this the Colored head end world history. Every Indian jailed or trainmen in passenger service on cerpure happiness than making someone else happy.
shot means home rule is that much tain divisions of Minois Central subIs there?
nearer for India. It not the India of sidiaries suffered the tremendous reBulb has the When we present gift, we Ghandi today, certainly for the India duction in pay from 173 month to of an early tomorrow.
want it to be packed with all the 90 a month just before last winter SIGN ENGRAVED ON THE END; entiment, affection and good set in. So with the white workers The lesson to his American couOF THE BULB There a multitude of things sions of somber, hue in this: Recog. seeking to eliminate black men from that will serve, but they lack in nize essentials and fight for them. employment and the railway company some respect. They wear out We have such an essential economie cutting wages almost in half the Race quickly; outlive their usefulness; condition confronting American non workers are really between the devil or have no usefulness at all, is Genuine EDISON MAZDA whites. We have no Ghandi, unsel and the deep blue son.
there ANY THING that will This is a general and not a local fish and sacreticing and compellingly Bulbs are sold by reliable quicken the recipient heartfarsighted. However we must fight condition in the industry employing Stores in Panama Colon beat. that will tell her more the largest number of the highest the good fight and develop our eloquently than you could that skilled, most regularly employed and OR PROM Ghandi.
you wish her well. that speaks decidedly the best paid workers of its quality every time it is seen.
In India, Salt; the Race in the world. It is an esthat never wears out. that re In America, a Job.
sential economic condition affecting tains its value. that arous speak with alarming specification the economic status and social wellthe admiration of all who see it?
of the prime American essential, a being of our whole racial group. The Yes it fine jewelry such as job for Americans who are not white. fight to retain these jojba is, therewe will be glad to show you if Reference is not here made to se fore, the fight of every man and you will pay us a visit Coon.
curing new jobe. This bill of speel human of the Race.
FULLER 122 Central Avenue We Need a Ghandi in America, Says Mays The Public is warned to Insist on Edison Mazda Lamps WHEN BUYING BULBS BECAUSEEdison Mazda Lamps give more light for the Edison Mazda Lamps last longer and are therefore cheapest to buy.
Edison Mazda Lamps are sold at the lowest prices possible consistent with the high quality.
Ask for Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs and Beware of Imitations.
NE Every Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Ciá Pan. de Fuerza y Luz Panama AT YOUR SERVICE. Colon


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