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Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 ENEMIES They are sparks which, if you do Horse Races at Prospective Division West Indies Cricket Have you enemies? Go straight Let this be your feeling while en Juan Franco Continued from page 1) and mind them not. If they block deavouring to live down the sandal Continued trum Page 1)
FULLY BOOKED UP your path walk around them, and do of those who are embittered against he receives them, the gift will not The reason why the organization and the necessary accommodation will your duty regardless of their spife. you. If you stop to dispute, you do and cannot, bestow positive happines LAST SUNDAYS has not been more progressive in the not be available for the entire team. man who has no enemies is seldom but as they desire and open the way upon him, while the withholding of Republic of Panama, was the key Hence the team has been booked good for anything; he is made of for more abuse. Let the poor fellows them will clothe him with perpetual PROGRAMME note of a mass meeting held by the sail from Panama on the Rangitane that kind of material which is so talk, there will be a reaction if you misery.
enthusiastic members and friends of instead, and is expected to arrive at easily worked that everyone has perform but your duty and hundreds Praise has its use it encourages, MARRED BY RAIN the Prospective Division on Sunday the port of Sydney on the 18th Nov hand in it. sterling character who were once alienated from you sometimes; blame has its use it last, when speakers came forward ember, shortly after which date, the one who thinks for himself and will flock to you and acknowledge clears our mental binoculars, and TOMORROW CARD and denounced the many barriers that cricket tournament will commence. speaks what he thinks is always their error.
gives us the proper focus on things GOOD OFFERING are being placed in the way of the It is not preciselyy known when the sure to have enemies. They are as that we might not have seen, had we organization, by blemish leaders. tour will come to an end, but it was much necessary to him as fresh air, not received them; but blessed is the The Panama Jockey Club is cer The meeting began with the singing originally arranged that the West Inthey keep him alive and active, PALAIS ROYAL man who is not lifted up by praise, tainly leaving nothing undone to of the opening ode, From Green dies team should arrive at Panama on nor depressed by blame.
FOR ARROW SHIRTS place horse racing at Juan Franco land ley Mountain, followed with the return trip on or about the 23rd celebrated character, who was If you want to be miserable, think AND track back to the standard from the religious part of the service, per March; so that a fortnight delay in surrounded with enemies used to reabout yourself; about what you which it had tumbled, and if possible formed by Secretary Greely, who setting out on the tour will probably mark.
INTERWOVEN HOSE want; you like; what respect people to raise this pastime of Kings to a acted as Chairman for the entire evemean that the team will not return ought to pay to you, and what people higher level than it had ever attined ning program.
to Panama until say, the 5th of April 2000 IODO 10POE ODC think of you.
in this Republic.
Among some of the many items on 1931. In any even it is expected that the literary part of the program, the date on which the tour will comLast Sunday race card was a dewere, the reading of the President mence, and other dates in respect of MYSELF cided improvement on past meetings General weekly message, singing of sailing on the return trip, will be and except for the rain which greatly the Hymn Father of all Creation, made public a good time in advance. have to live with myself, and so impaired the track and prevented God bless our President, which were want to be fit for myself to know; the horses from showing to the best very interesting. want to be able as the days go by, advantage, the afernoon sports was An address was then delivered by Small Always to look myself straight in the well attended and the beetting much Mr. Orendate, his subject was from eye.
brisker than previous meets since DENTIST can have them neatly bound at the 35th chapter of Ezekiel, followed don want to stand with the setting the new management took over.
with the Hymn Africa awaken; it MASONIC TEMPLE sun As on Sunday last, seven good was well received.
Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm And hate myself for the things ve races comprise tomorrow offering. 30 pm to 30 pm reading from a copy of the Ne Sundays, by Special Appointment done.
in which is ncluded several new gro World. last year) concerning Masonic Temple ilth St, Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET horses which it is expected may the training of children, was then O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL JAVILLO FILL don want to keep on a closet shelf spring surprises in their initial gallop contributed by Mrs. Walters, this was PHONE: OFFICE 1664 lot of secrets about myself, 0 TODO on the ODO local track. These new also well received, a Solo was then And fool myself as come and go hoofers will bear watching if you sung by Miss Richards and won the Into thinking that nobody else will please.
applause of the house. Among some F1514 know There will be no cup race featuring of the other speakers were WilThe kind of a man really am; tomorrow events, but the ameliams, Richardson, and FlemI don want to dress myself up in horses which competed in the feature ming.
event last Sunday meet again toThe closing remarks by the Acting morrow over the same distance, with want to go out with my head erect, Chairman brought the meeting to a Copi again shouldering the top want to deserve all men respect; close with the National Anthem and weight of 140 pounds. It will be reBut in the struggle for fame and pell, the Benediction. AT: membered last Sunday owing to the want to be able to like myself.
As usual the regular mass meeting muddy track Copi was at a great don want to think as come and go will take place tomorrow evening at disadvantage, and did not even run That m bluster and bluff and empty in the money, yet he was third fa p. the public is invited.
vorite in the betting. This, however never can hide myself from me.
Jupiter Pluvius will but stay his see what others may never see, wrath and allow King Sol to reign (Continued from Page 1) know what others may never know, in all the splendour of his glory, appreciate the opportunity which will never can fool myself, and so Then there will be no telling what be opened to them.
Whatever happens, want to be Copi will do even with his 140 pounds The Programme will asist Self respecting and conscience free.
up. The other events are all evenly select Anthems, Vocal Solos, Duets matched up and winners will be dif and Negro Sprituals. The occasion is Standard.
ficult to pick as will be seen from being looked forward to with much the appended programinterest.
PANAMA CAPITAL 1st RACE MILE Tonosi 122 FRIENDLY SOCIETY Blanco 116 Silver Star 130 FEATURING Mareial 110 Sibarita II 117 To Observe Fourteenth Tareco 110 Anniversary Black Water 120 5th RACE FURLONGS Bright Night 126 Marcela 108 The Panama Capital Friendly So6 Bull Run 110 Copi 140 ciety, a benevolent friendly organiza8 Alondra 117 tion which at one time held the lead 2nd RACE FURLONGS Resolute 108 for numbers in membership in this Darien 116 La Chiquilla 100 POST TIME 15P.
city, will observe its fourteenth an2 El Major 105 Lloyd Brown 105 niversary on (Friday) the 30th inst. Bubbling Water 120 in the hall at No. 22 Street Guacha4Dancing Girl 100 6th RACE FURLONGS pali. Laughing Water 112 La Dalia 105 Friends and representatives of Ramona 126 Dunreigh 110 kindred societies have been invited, Hindoo ex Relampago 126 and the society choir will render 3rd RACES FURLONGS Hotelo 116 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE an elaborate musical programme Zapo 104 Pora 112 which will include the famous Hal2 Infimo 110 Contest 116 lelujah Chorus by Handel, and Vocal Tramcars direct to and from Track 108 Solos and duets by well known vo4. Tunney 180 7th RACE FURLONGS Tribunito 116 Zapo The committee in charge of the arHuerfano 110 Tunney rangements for the occasion is doing Dococha 106 Infimo every thing to ensure success Trigo Messrs Callender and Maloney 4th RACE FURLONGS Tribunito are in charge of the choir. HART. Manager Pereque 110 Huerfano special invitation is extended to Half Rate 118 Cococha Editors and reporters of local news3 Monte Mahall 120 Weights declared after 3rd race.
HORSE RACING may be vastly different tomorrow it To Sing at Army JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday May 25th Attractive as Races Marcela, Copi, La Chiquilla, Alondra, Resolute, Lloyd Brown, General Admission. 50c. Trigo calista duelo PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB napers.


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