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Han THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES Thing DVITAŠTIT 1912 Anand STABLISHED IDE НАШИЯТ The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS dovod PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY si Jersin VOL. 18. No. 46 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 PRICE CENTS Jamaicans Repatriated from Cuba tell Tales of Woe BRITISH LABOUR IMMIGRATION LAW ALSO Thirty Four Horde GOVERNMENT AFFECTS CHỈNESE of Distressed Men African Natives Return to Island Attack Police Say very little Demand for Labour sirded its If today for what was hail this country makes no exemption in Latter Compelled to Withdraw and what there is goes to Natives Leaving Several Dead of even ARRESTER Gets Vote Of Confidence In Is Reply Given To Unemployment Program.
Consul By Panama Foreign Office.
LONDON, May 22. The Ministry he present. Immigration law of Hon.
excluding those persons affected ed as a battle for its existence.
thereby irrespective of origin. This It was expected that a meetwas the reply given by the local in its issue of the 24th inst the parts of the Republic. Jamaicans in Party this evening the Premier will Consul in Panama who desired a de May The culminating point of DEATH OF HUBERT ing of the Parliamentary Labour Foreign office to the United States WORCESTER. Cape Province. Jamaican Gleaner Says:Cuba are walking about the streeta ask for a vote of confidence in the Since the beginning of the year, clothed in a manner that is not confinite ruling on the conditions to be the trouble which has been brewing Ministry unemployment programme.
each week a large number of Jamai ducive to decency, and a clean up The situation is the outcome of the complied with by United States in Worcester a small Cape township, PARKER cans just able to eke out a miserable campaign has started in this direction Chinese arriving in Panama. during the past year was reached this resignation of Sir Oswald Mosley as existence in the Republic of Cuba, by the Cuban police. Several arrests Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster the existing immigration regulations tween fourteen armed policemen and cities of Panams and Colon, passed to The Foreign office pointed out that alternoon during a terrible fight be Hubert Parker well known in the has been repatriated by the Protector have been made, and fines inflicted. after the Ministry had failed to endid not exclude any individuals u horde of natives.
of West Indian Immigrants in that But there is no other alternative for dorse plans put forward by Sir Oswald the great beyond on Thursday mornRepublic, and yesterday, the United the people. No work is available and for handling of unemployment.
the chinese race consequently any of Captain Barter, Commandant of ing last, in the Panama Hospital.
them arriving here must steamer Maya brought they have to go about in endeavour to deposit police, was felled to the ground, his Parker had been ailing for many Fruit Co The resignation has brought to a thirty four repatriates from Santiaget something. They are not head the longfelt dissatisfaction with gulations as required by the law. 250. 00 and comply with all other re head cut open with an axe. His con months and while his may friends able to purchase clothes.
dition is critical Two constables realized that his sickness was rather go.
the government failure to decrease were wounded.
precarious it was not expected that Tales of horror and oppression as WANT TO COME HOME. the number of men without employThe immediatae cause of today thte end was so near.
far as Jamaicans in Cuba are con There are but a few Jamaicans ment and materially to better condi QUADRILLE PARTY out break was the action of Major He was a native of Jamaics and cerned, were told representative in Cuba who do not want to return tions among them. As strong as is of the Gleaner yesterday morning to their native land, for it is general the dissatisfaction among the ranks of Sucessfully Carried Out On Thursday who arrived in Worcester during construction days of the Panama Thomas, chief of the Capetown came to Panama during the early when he boarded the Maya shortly opinion that opportunities are here for the opposition it has reached someLast.
after she was moored to the Princess themselves. Each day the offices of thing like mutiny among the left wing the week end to investigate the native Canal. Of a very genial disposition The Quadrille party planned by trouble here.
Street Whart.
Parker made a number of friends, by the Immigration Authorities members of the Labour Party itself in the Grenadian Society came off on CLEVER ARREST NO WORK FOR ALIENS Cuba are filled with Jamaicans who it was believed in Government circles Thursday night last, at the Edith He arrest of He was a member of the Bartenders It is not wise for Jamaicans to are desirous of being repatriated. The that the meeting tonight would give Cavell Hall when members aŭd in a native whom he noticed loading and Waiters Association an organizago to Cuba at present was the un number is much larger than was an.
Mr. MacDonald the vote of confidence vited guests, heartily enjoyed them native whom he noticed lolading a tion established in this city, and also he desired.
animous opinion of those returned. ticipated by the Government here in selves as was evidenced by the great rifle at the African National Con a member of the Elks of the World One of the men said: There is ab80 much that the amount that was VOTE OF CONFIDENCE number of couples who occupied the gress meting. Two detectives whisk Parker leaves wife and four solutely no work in Cuba for for voted in this direction has long been LONDON, May 22 Premier Mac floor of the spacious hall at the ed the native oft in a motor car while children to mourn their lose; and to eigners such as we are. There is no exhausted, and we are told in Cuba Donald tonight was given a vote of striking up of every dance piece. Thomas and another detective ro whom much sympathy extended.
work to be done by the natives of that the Jamaica Government have (Continued on Page 81 (Continued on page 8)
mained behind.
Cuba themselves, for trade is com found it neccesary to increase by paratively slow. The little work that amount considerably to meet with the reported. natives, and had to take refuge in a is available there now is given to demand.
neighboring house, eventuallyesThe police were finaliseompelled Cubans, and Jamaicans and Haitians The Jamaicans who reside in the Le caping amid a shower of stones Lat to withdraw, leaving several dead and wounded in the street, which at er in the afternoon fourteen armed the Cuban authorties for this action, walk miles upon miles to get to Sanconstables and five detectives arrived present in sole conarol of the natives, because it is true that self preserva tiago and Havana to be put on the Police reinforcements are on their in the location, where the natives tion is the first law of Nature and list for repatriation, and my personal way from Capetown in motor Corries were fighting among themselves.
they must look first to protect the in. opinion to that this is very hard for States that Fear of Hubby causes While effecting an arrest Constable and the location et tonight terest of heir kind who will not the poor people. It something could Her to Kill Kiddiesel Waters was stabbed in the ribs. His The water running in the fourows leaving them.
be done to establish sub agencies in assailant was shot dead. Then Cap of the location has been turned red The times are very, very bad. the different parts of the Republie COLUMBUS, Ohio. Fearing that made. Then sending them out on tain Barter was struck down with an with the bloog latha Pain, and The Cubans are finding it extremely where the Jamaicans could go and her husband, who was scheduled to sparate errands she went about the axe. Major Thomas shot down the injured.
difficult, and there is no wonder that have their names registered for re be pa paroled, against whom she had task of killing them. man who wielded the axe, but a Remarkable escapes were reegeded, robbery is now prevalent in some (Continued on Page 8) testified before his imprisonment in First, she shot the babies, Alice, 3, native woman slashed Barter throat notable among them being that of the Ohio State penitentiary, stabbed would which belonged to her and Constable, yo was come home and do her harm, Mrs. Mildred child. Darby, Jr, over the heart, Clash The police then opened fine.
Ethel Velden, white, killed seven chil. Eleanor, and Elaine, 10, were then Luxed by the knife. His skin was reldren and turned the weapon upon shot in turn. Then came Bryon, 8, and herself, here last Tuesday They were attacked by nativesarm only scratched.
the oldest son, Eldon.
sabastot notika Darby Velden, the husband, whom After washing the four youngest In Enforcing Law to Collect Internal Mrs. Yolden said she thought an and dresing them sbe placed them Revenue Taxi Indian when they were married several, on a bed. Leaving the other lifeless years ago, was sent to prison on a bodies where they had been killed, she PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, May 14. the Island by the United States Ma charge oferiminal relations with turned the weapon upon herself. clash between a force of the rines is the cause of the depressed Mildred, daughter of Mrs. Yelden by At the Mt. Carmel Hospital, where na ATLANTA, Ga. May 22 Instead America Negro problem through the Garde de Haiti, commanded by Lieu economic situation. They advised the a former marriage.
she is being nursed by the older of dying out, as was at one time pre tigro extinction have been comtenant William Paul, of the Garde people not to pay.
and First Sergeant in the Maarine On May, 12, the American deputy Mrs. Yelden told friends that she Yelden, is suffering from a flesh steadily growing more healthy and of the last 60 years. In that potlod economic situation. They advised the collector one Haitian process server did not know that Yelden was colored wound from which physicians say she the life span of Negroes is increasing the Negro mortality rate has deerjasregion around Abricot twelve miles and ten Gardes proceeded to one of until after he had been sentenced to will soon recover. She has been ar according to a statement given out by ed 50 per cent on Borete preient west, of Jeremie, resulted in the death the houses near Abricott to serve a a term in prison. At time, she raigned on a charge of first degree the Commission on Inter racial Co death rate being about 17 per 1000 of two of the inhabitants one man and judgment for a delinquent tax test said, she had borne him six children, murder.
operation Basing ita statements upon as against 36 of 409 Pro 99 in reone woman and the wounding of six. case. settlement was about to and in addition her daughter, Mildred, Seven White Hearses figures furnished by the United States construction days.
Agitators in this district have for be made when, approximately 200 had borns him a child, which she had Seven white hearses bore the Public Health Service and the statical The present we span Nogtoes some tme been spreading propaganda angry peasants armed with mache adopted.
slaughtered children to the cemetery department of the Metropolitan Life is about 46 years, which representa telling the people that the tax laws tes and Clubs and well under the Describes Killings attended by three mourners, their Insurance Company, the commission again in the last decade of approxiand internal revenue regulation influence of liquor, appeared on the On Tuesday, it is said, Mrs. Yelden half sister and brothers, whose abami says: mately five years. Both in mortality were vold or had been amended, scene and would not permit pay took al lof the children to a photo sence from the home pprobably saved The gloomy prophecies of those rate and life expectancy the Negro toand that the continued occupation of (Continued on Page 8) grapher where she had their pictures them from a similar fate. sewho expected the solution of (Continued on page They were, however, wit dupana lang at with intves, knobkerries and it is.
Cruel Mother Tells of Slaying Children are Haitian Peasants With Guardsmen KNIVES AND KNOBKERRIES stout leathes, pocket book, which was Death Rate Steadity Declining, StiltHigh Found Colored daughter, who is employed there, Miral dicted, the Necro race in America is pletely disgrediven by the experience


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