
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA The Public Service Company TRINIDAD ST. LUCIA BARBADOS Child Welfare New Anglican Rectory Editorial Comment in the Colony Is Blessed On Staggering Damages Awarded BY BISHOP VIBERT by Jury Governor and Wife Show JACKSON Interest in Work Port of Spain, Trinidad, May 14 probable that they should have to Building Designed by Captain is do reinTo Extend Power Writing editorially in its issue of wow, most disastrous conditioun the 10th inst the Weekly Herald uits would be the result. Abu Line to Clarendon says: Luv utmost advantage that every sec.
The Jury awarded the staggering of the community should be able Will Discontinue issue of Free His Excellency the Governor, whd. wait for whole generation. They Mallet Paret verdict of fourteen hundred and fifty tu make ius voice heard. What guaranTickets to Employees was accompanied by Lady Hollis and should have to wait until the infants pounds yesterday in the libel action Low of freedom is there otherwise. attended by Lieut. de Bolosiere, for whose welfare the League was The new Anglican Rectory situat brought by Mr. Bayley against What chance of the orderly develop The Mail of the 22nd, inst says:A. presided over the annual moot created had grown up before these ed near the Holy Trinity Church, was mr. Wickham Editor of the mult of the community. Let all those It is on the cards that the Jamaica note when he stated that the League results could be realized and appro blessed yesterday morning by the Bt. Herald We will not pretend that we upuo whose activities the Herald has Public Service Company, Ltd. intenus which was held yesterday afternoon ciated.
Rev. Vibert Jackson, Archdeacon ol consider the verdict to be satisfactory ven a check these ten years re to extend its activities in power at the clinic bulldings.
They were told in the report that Grenada, who, with Mrs. Jackson Juries are fallible, if omnipotent, and member that there are worse things tributon to several districts in lowes The 12th Annual Report of the the principal objeet of the League and son, was a passenger in transit in our opinion there is every reason in a community than to have a papex Clarendon.
League which was already published was to educate the mothers to better on the Harrison liner Inanda for for differing from the conclusions of which will stand up and fight. An in The proposal is to continue the Bug in previous inne of the Port of knowledge of child welfare and that England.
this particular twelve men. But all articulate majority brooding over un Walk transmission line from Spanisha Spain Gazette was adopted.
was to obtain a letter standard of The Rectory which was designed the differing in the world will not redressed wrongs and unventilated Town along the Old Harbour roa His Excellency struck an Inspiring health for children in their charge.
by Capt. Mallet Paret was desalter matter. What is done is grievances is a serious menace. inio banan and sugar plantations in note when he stted that the League done. What doos Lady Hollis was better able to bear cribed by Bishop Jackson as the most matter this what Barbados wants. lower Clarendon to serve districts had the whole hearted sympathy and witness to the necessity of this work palatial residence for the clergy in the result of their decision. We One word more We have no which wells have been sunk by Mr.
the Windward Islands.
support of his wife and himself and than he was as she had been actively not intend to mince matters. Any suegret Whatt is to be will be. But Antonsanti for irrigation purposes.
His Honour the Acting Adminissincerely hoped that the work on engaged in child welfare work in Cess which this Journal has attained we are entitled to our opinion, and The Public Service Company will supwhich he congratulated them would England and the following was an trator and Mrs. Pink, were present has been due to the fact that no exextend in the future. His Excellency illustration of what were the difficul. Hon. Salmon) and a large merely because it was uppopular or as also the Acting Chief Justice (His pression of opinion has been shirked the Jury yesterday was wholly we will express it that the verdict of puly current for pumping operations and also lighting. The transmission also intimated the Interest that the ties she had to contend with and justifiable. We know there is a sub wires will pass through a good many Secretary of State for the Colonies which possibly was typical of the number of the Anglican community.
even because it would give offence. stantial body of opinion with us. And districts.
had in the work of the League to the difficulties which the organization in The Ceremony.
We are content to be judged upon that is enough.
extent that he received a letter from Trinidad also had to contend with:The ceremony began in the Church this We shall stick to our guns now Steps will be taken by the Company management to obtain the him by last mail asking for a report as always. mother appeared with sickly from which the Bishop assisted by of the activities of the League.
consent of the Parochial Boards of child at the Clinle at which his wife Canon Laurie, Rector of Holy the parishes concerned to the stretchTHE GOVERNOR SPEECH was working. The question was ask Trinity and the Rev. Johnson is enforced the result will be that His Excellency sald it had been ed what was the child being brought of Grace Church, Riviere Doree, and a vehicle of expression of the opinions ways, after great pleasure to himself and Lady up on and the mother replied: kip. accompanied by the Choir and memand aspirations of a large and imbers of the congregation, marched in portant section of the Hollis to attend the Annual Meeting pers and beer (laughter. These will be asked to grant a license to community procession to the front of the of the Child Welfare League and they people in England were not only Rectory singing Hymn 378, Rejoice the company to enable it to supply should indeed be glad it by their pre norant, they were poor and they to day with one accord, Sing will that mean to Barbados. current to that part of the island.
out sence there that day they were able thought that by giving what to them know quite well that there is West Indian Islands PROPOSED REMOVAL with exultaion.
in any way to further this good cause were luxuries, they were doing their hostile minority in this island who After the hymn had been completed have always looked on the to Severe Test OF FREE TICKETS and to encourage the workers in thelr bent for the children. He believed Herald TO EMPLOYEES the Bishop opened the main entrance work of love. The League, he felt, that was soon as the mother was taught with disfavour. This section is prejuand entered with the Clergy and the Commenting editorially in its issue It is learnt that a notification was deserved every encouragement for it the error of her ways the child bediced and narrow minded and Choir.
we of the 3rd. April, the Barbados Ad. issued by the management of he Jawas not probable that the results and gan to thrive.
can almost hear their reans of jubila vocate says:Prayers were said and then Psalm tion at the promised end of a maica Public Service Company yesterthe full benefits of the work would be He considered that this was a splenfree 127 was sung followed by other It would be absurd to suggest that day to the effect that it is the intenseen immediately. In fact It was (Continued on Page 1)
and democratic Journal. But this the Lordship prayers. His inhabitants of the Caribbean. tion of he concern to discontinue the minority is not Barbados. And we colonies would be capable of any dis concession of free tickets to (Continued on Page 3)
its dare to suggest that without strong perial Government is putting our employees to ride on the tramways and emphatic checks upon this see(Continued on page Continued on Page 7)
NEURALGINA When the judgment of the Court Local Paper Says British Government ing of over head wires along roadwill be brought to a standstill. What Putting Loyalty of We a went to GRENADA Echoes of the Question The Royal Bank of Canada INCORPORATED 1869 Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic paio caused by excessive mental work.
NEURAL GINA should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the lever of children NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Fight for Principle that is, Still Being Waged Head Office: Montreal, Canada PANAMA Santa Ana Plana COLON Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets For sale both Wholesale and Retail Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 AT THB AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
As far back as August last year, a letter from Mr. Marryshow on the Question was sent to the Secretary of State for the Colonies through Dr. Morgan, reply has just been received by Mr. Marryshow, through the Acting Colonial Secretary. some ten days ago this year, to the effect that the Secretary of State finds, after careful consideration of all the documents, including the Governor decalon This is the April, 1980, reply to an August, 1929, letter. Since the first letter however, Marryshow forwarded another to the Secretary of State through the Governor. This was in December 1929. Mr. Marryshow received, seven days ago, official intimation that the Secretary of State is in in possesion of the second letter.
The Hon. Coppland, sent in a letter to the Secretary of State in December last also, and a note of acknowledgment of receipt is now in the hands of Mr. Copland.
Replies to the December letters are yet to come, no doubt it may mean another eight or nine months delay, by which time the Governor will be no (Continued on page 7)
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