
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 PAGE THREE INTERESTING JOTTUNGSDEVINE HAIR DRESSING were heard to great advantage in Panama Wesleyan Niegro Spiritual. while the other Choir OO of ST. LUCIA NEWS New Anglican an of elift.
members of the choir did their share (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
Used to prevent Dandruff and to assist by presenting beautiful anthems in the growth and culture of the Hair which were prepared for the occasion.
Friends and Countrymen. Once service. Previous experience not nePUT OVER GOOD MUSICAL Mr. Aleman, assistant upon a time, a woman lost her hus cesary. Call in person at the house PRICE 50 CENTS PROGRAMME Secretary, expressed great satisfacband from natural causes that is by the side of the river. Any reason tion with the programme and so did to say, he died. She had lived in able offer which conforms to the Mrs. Olga King Heard of Good KEEPS THE HAIR SOFT AND GLOSSY members of the who showed their house by the side of a river whose above specifications wll be accepted.
Advantage in Negro Spirituale appreciation after the rendition of gentle waters glided past unheard After interment, it is said that the FOR SALE AT each item.
from the rising of the sun to the set carriage carried this placard back Members of the Panama Wesleyan ting of the same. Now and then, a No. 2, 28th. November Street The Choir has been requested to to the house by the side of the river, Choir with Mra. Olga King (leading return at some future date to sing river mullet shot tup into space, and after which it was posted above the SAN MIGUEL Incal soprano) rendered an ideal for a special occasion.
splashed its body back into the cool gate Whether she obtained any apA SAMPLE BOX WILL BE GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER musical programme at the Balboa The following is the program rendering waters, leaving in its dive a rip plications or not, the story did not OF THE FIRST 50c. BOX FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Army and Navy on Sunday ed:ple like the ripple of a verdant say, but she was afterwards called last at p.
smile athwart the face of a beautiful Edith The Lion Heart (her name ODO 10 DOI 000 PROGRAM Mrs. King, Mrs. Doris Reece, Mr.
virgin. So ever and anon, there reign was Edith. So you see, frirends and Anthem: Sing Heavens Davis and Mr. Harris, diaunder Choir.
ed in that peaceful valley peace countrymen, we had a Richard The such as only Nature can bestow, and Lion Heart who was a King Duet. Love Divine Stainer Mra fish and fowl, and man and beast buted England, and now we hear of so largely towards that lost their lives through fever and King and Mr. Davis.
enjoyed the rapturous solicitude of a Edith The Lion Heart Queen struseture. It was almost three years other complaints brought on by ex Negro Spiritual Steel Away peaceful residence in that valley besince the calamitous fire and they Widows. Beat that if you can!
posure. When the German prisonera sirs. King and Others.
low the clift.
should be thankful for that structure At another place and in another Solo: My Task Ashford (Continued from Page 2)
were brought here by ed in that peaceful valley below the period we are told that another wo Berwick the Corps supplied the Mrs. Reece.
every room on the ground floor bles. in place of the old Rectory.
man lost her husband in the same way sing each in turn. Psalm was sung Their thanks were also due to those guards. All the time the Canadian Spiritual Standing in the need of But there came a ripple upon the who contributed to their Church Ex Gunners were here officer command Prayer. Mrs. King and others.
that Edith lost hers. She was all then His Lordship ascended the stairtension Fund and who consented to Chorus ing who was also in command of the waters, of different form and origin full of the usual tears and lamenta Praise ye the Lord case and blessed the rooms upstairs.
from that which disturbed the calmthte transfer to the Rectory Fund to Defence Force, insisted that his men Choir.
tions. All the way to the Cemetery, Rector Address.
the Churchein Barbados which were purely gunners and ness of the flowing river. a rip she bewailed the fact that there was the Vol Piano Solo Selected Miss RodOn their return the spectators asple caused by death a ripple which none to caress her, to take care of sembled on the sent them over 100 within a month verandah on the unteer Infantry must be maintained. ney.
brought pain and distres sof mind of the fire; to the Diocese of Antigua Subrequent to the War the old antiQuartette How Blest are They her, that she was all alone in this eastern side of the building, because of what appeared to be mis great big world and what was she which sent according to their means pathy to the Volunteer Corps made Mrs. King, Mrs. Reesee, Mr. Davis fortune, and the injury caused Trinidad and Grenada.
The Rector expressed hearty thanks and also by going to do In the procession itself felt with the result that the and Mr. Harris.
that misfortune. There was the ex was a near friend of the family, and to His Lordship for encroaching on He had to thank the architect. He Corps dwindled away into nothing Negro Spiritual Hush, somebody pression of grief, the lamentation of he beheld with much sympathy the his holiday that day to impart his was sure all present and those who ness.
calling my name. Mrs. King and would see it in the years to come Others the mourning and the visible affectasorrow of the wife of his departed blessing to their new Rectory.
After giving all their time, suffertion of sorrow; but the scene grad brother. No longer coul he bear it.
They had a great deal to be thank would always be moved with admiraAnthem Rejoice in the Lord ing from ill health through constant ually changed as the friends and Choir.
No longer could he withstand the ful for, firstly, to Almighty God not tion for the design which had been night exposure and some yielding sympathisers gathered to accompany thought that his sister would be left only for their recovery from their put into effect by Captain Mallet their lives in the service of their their departed friend to his last rest all alone in this great big world wthloss in the fire but also for the im Paret. They knew as well as he King and Country, when the ArmBOOKS ing place. The procession was form out one to caress, and take care of provement on their situaton before the that for him. Capt. Mallet Paret)
istice came and subsequently, when ORDER fire. From the time he had been in it was a labour of love and he had ed, headed by the bier and followed her. So he sought to comfort her by the services of those who bore arms by the sobbing wife in carriage.
saying, nevtr mind sister, am charge of the Parish he had thought thrown himself heart and soul into in aid of the cause of freedom the SECRETARY This wife was resourceful. She knew here. will take care of you and what a great pity it was that they that commodious, artistic and finely world over were recognised, not one her husband was dead, but not she, caress you. shall never see you could not have the Rectory in that planned design.
word of thanks or of recognition was AND so in order to correct a possible supleft alone in this great big worl: place and at the time of the untoward After Bishop Jackson had spoken uttered by any one to the St. Lucia was the position that she was dead, she had without someone to caress and take event he thought that the congregation sang Hymn 379, Volunteer Corps.
TREASURER a placard made in large letters, and care of you. will do to you my one spot on which the Rectory should Now thank we all our God, With We repeat although Imperial funds directed that it be placed high up duty. will do unto my dead brother be Through Providence his aim had heart and hand and voices.
will be available to reorganise the ON SALE been realised.
on the back of the carriage which what would like him to do unto His Lordship then gave his bles Corps, it will need careful, and conveyed her:if were dead and left my wife a He thanked those who had contri sing and the ceremony ende. thoughtful action to successfully re At the Workman ADVERTISEMENT. you are now left. As soon as he His Lordship then gave his blessing form a Corps where so much dis Effective at runrise to morrow buried, will take his place, and do and the ceremony ended.
ing the brother full in the face she satisfaction exists over the treatment photograph was taken by Mr. Accorded the old Corps.
morning, applications will be receiv unto you even as he had done in his said. thank you brother for life time.
ed of those desiring to become husEdward Myers of the congregation your kind offer, but am sorry to assembled in the verandah, the folbands, Age limit, nineteen to twenty The woman listened while she tell you that have somebody allowing sitting or standing in a group five, to ensure longevity and good sobbed and dried her tears, and look ready. Mercy!
in front: Bishop Jackson, Mrs. Jackson and son, His Hon, the Acting Administrator and Mrs Pink, Canon PHYSICIAN Laurie, Rev. Johnson, Capt.
Mallet Paret and the Choir.
HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY Printery Dr. Fairweather CERVEZA VOLUNTEER CORPS FOR NEAT and QUICK BALBOA JOB PRINTING GIVE US CALL AND BE CONVINCED THAT The product of a Master Brewer Writing editorially on the possibility of reorganising a Volunteer Corps for the island, the Voice of the 12th ulto, says: In his address to the Legislative Council His Excellency the Governor referred to the strike of Coal Carriers in January last year, in a manner that would lead one to believe that the strike makes a Volunteer Corps a necessity. There are those who believe that the strike was nothing serious. On the other hand there are those who believe that we were very near serious trouble then. Be that as it may, His Excellency announced that an Imperial Grant for the purpose of recreating and maintaining a Volunteer Corps the present year and onwards. We have no objection to the reforming of a Volunteer Corps in this Colony if the Imperial authorities will foot the bill. We certainly were not in favour of reforming the Corps when it was apparent that the finances of the Cocould not stand the strain.
Yet, although Imperial funds will be supplied to carry on the corps in view of the treatment accorded the old Corps, the utmost care will be needed to get it re established.
Prior to the 1907 strikes, the Government tried to form a Volunteer Corps but met with the strenuous opposition of the Unofficial Members of Council. After the strike the Corps was formed. On the declaration of war in 1914 the Corps was mobilized and kept busy for months while the German raiders were in these waters. few men we do only the best at Reasonable Prices IT IS IS THE TRIAL ONCE WILL BRING YOU ALWAYS EST ER REWED The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Streot 72 (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
many Telephone 454 PANAMAI 30x 1102 ANCON BETON


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