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CRICKET. PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 and privueges, for which they were shot down, beaten Panama Capital The of THE WORKMAN Ior oppression while they sweitered in the heat or auFriendly Society tocrauc domination, unjust discrimination, and the burden of obedience to inequitable laws. In the United States, mob violence was in full swing, gangsters were Observes Fourteenth Anniversary Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, on parade, lynching and burning of Negroes proceeded The fourteenth Anniversary of the REPRESENTATIVES apace, and the war between the Wets and Drys was as Bus 74, Panama Box 1102, Acon CZ anama Capital Friendly Society was Representative. Try Again fierce as ever. in France the political pot boiled over, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Gbserved yesterday. Memorial Day. ly Society.
and the cabinet resigned. In Spain and Italy, rival poliRepresentative St.
ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
ucians and party demigods fueled the political furnace Ine Procession left the Hall 21st SIX MONTHS with party intrigue until the population gasped for Strect Guachapali for St. Paul Friendly Society.
11. Recitation Suppressed desires breath under pressure of the seething atmosphere! Church at 12. 30 m, where the Rev THREE.
What are these? They are the signs of the times. Nightingale Rector preached Miss Burnett.
12. Trio Driven from Home, Miss But look! the Conference is over, and the so called we Anniversary sermon and conductD. Manderson and others.
ed the service, treaty is at once under tire. There is confusion in EngThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS 13. Representative St. Lucian Proland because it is held that the ships and guns, and imAt the conoclusion, the pocession gressive and Benevolent Society.
returned to the Hall where the replements of war are not enough, not big enough, and 14. Recitation Advance Miss THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 what Britain is humiliated. It is hotter than hell in the mainder of thte ceremony was carried Lillins Cragwell.
United States Senate on the ground that her Navy has 15. Song One sweetly solem THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES no parity with Britain s, and that she has become inshe address of welcome was given thought Miss Dawes.
Ierior in Naval power. France and Japan did virtually by sister lanthe Rice, after which, 16. Representative Director Star the same thing when signatures were to be affixed, bethe Chairman of the evening (Bro, We look and we see. That is the natural way. That cause figuratively, they signed with their backs turned Lord) was introduced by Bro. Friendly Society.
17. Representative Edith Cavell, is the function of the eye. We see with the physical towards it, in that they were only signatories to those Burgs. An elaborate programme 18. Anthem The Choir come let eye as well as with the mental. How well we see depends clauses that facilitated mostly the very thing the Conwas rendered at the Hall and repreupon the condition of the eye the capacity for seeing us worship.
1erence was held to prevent, viz: Competition in Naval sentatives from several kindred Soor discerning. Seeing is regulated and governed by the 19. Guitar Solo Mr. Dalimore.
Armaments. This is not all. Japan is demanding the cieties were present to extend their system know as ocular perception, sight or vision. Some 20. Recitation Hip, Hip, Hooray resignation of her Admiral who gave away her birthcongratulations to the organization.
Miss Burnett.
are possessed of a circumscribed vision, and are only able right for a mess of pottage at the Naval Conference.
The function was brought to see within a certain distance or area. Hence we hear of 21. Representative Grenadian Be Where, oh where will it all end?
close with the singing of the Doxo near sighted persons. Those whose vision permits nevolent Society.
them to see over a wider area and at a greater distance The world, they say, is to be made safe for democ22. Barbadian Progressive BenevoFollowing is the programme: are said to be far sighted. There is therefore, a differracy; but in the meantime, Mockery has the floor. The lent Society. Processional Hymn The Church ence in vision, both from a physical and mental point of is one Foundation, 23. Song Still love thee. Miss view, and there is a difference in the faculty or sense of signs that we see indicate that the foundation has been firmly laid for the establishment of new causes to bring De Riggs and Miss Dalimore.
sight which governs the act of seeing.
about a more furious and consequential war, in the days Prayer by the Chaplain.
24. Song Shades of Evening But vision is again subject to a sort of analytical that are to come. Verily, these signs of the times pres3. Welcome address by Sister lanthe Miss Manderson.
sub division. The one is the representation of a fact age the advent of a dark and gloomy period, and from 25. Representative Life and Law something actually seen: the other a thing seen as in a the coming of which humanity should offer their humble Introduction of the Chairman, by Friendly Society.
vision, a production of fancy or imagination, something supplication to the Throne of Grace, saying, GOOD Bro. Burgess.
26. Organ Solo DAY (Schubert)
unreal or imaginary, affected by fantasy, dreamy sub LORD, DELIVER US. Anthem by the Choir. Praise Master, Cragwell.
We the Father.
stance, and impracticable romance.
27. Recitation The calico cat Chairman Opening remarks. Miss Small Finely, we see facts, and we dream dreams. One is NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH Reading of the Origin of the 28. Representative. Trinidadian a practical sight governed by facts: the other a mere Panama Capital Friendly Society, by Friendly Society imagination governed by fantastic apparition. He who The following is taken from the editorial column of Bro. William Beckles, General Sec 29. St Paul Friendly Society.
possesses sight sees, and he who is without sight imathe Pittsburg Courier and should make interesting readretary. Continued on page 8)
gins. Therefore, it is only those in possession of the faculty of sight who are able to see the signs of the ing:FODOC 2010 times in the present age.
Addressing the convention of the Protestant EpiscoNow, a sign is a symbol. It is an object or event pal Diocese oi Washington, Bishop James which indicates or signifies the presence or approach of Teeman declareu the church should accept the challenge of ine modern world and stand forth before men some other object or event. The fact as indicated by the sign presages the coming event, and is a token of as the authorized ambassadors of Christ.
that which might reasonably be expected. If the clouds The Church cannot be hoiy on Sunday and worldly NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM are heavy and black if the brilliance of the sun is made on ikionday. it cannot preach justice for a preferred class obscure by darkness if the swallows go rushing from wine at ignores responsibilities to the less fortunate.
HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES one direction to another, and the swine gets merry and frolicsome these are signs that presage the bursting of This is a strong statement but a true one. The white Get a copy of the the clouds, and the falling of the rain. flash of light ministry, the white church, needs much more of such ning indicates that there will be thunder. flicker of straight talk, for in every day practice it falls far short the lights in an electric lighting system is a sign that of preaching and living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
something is wrong in the mechanism, and is usually a While most of the white ministers and practically safe forerunner of the darkness that is impending. all of the white churches are in favor of law enforcement and, fread(the records of past Anything that can logically be taken as a distinctive and swear by the Federal Constitution, there are very mark by which the near presence or approach of any few who are willing to preach and practice the gospel of Cricket Veterans other thing is recognized, is a sign or omen. Hence, we Christ when and where the Negro is concerned.
sometimes apply the axion, coming events cast their AND shadows before, and this really, is saying the same When it con. es to the color question and the grantthing as would be implied by the statement after ing of full citizenship rights to the black citizens, the sunset comes the night.
forgets all about Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages As we take cognizance of the accoutrements of the and segregation and sign world as we retrospect the past and visualize the color in all walks of life, to say nothing of hanging and Summary of Contents: present and as we prognosticate as to what is to come burning, they at least do not openly oppose it. They find 4w1 History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years the basis of what is, we recogni in world happenings it much safer and more comfortable to advocate world Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, the signs of the times, and we come face to face with the peace and to denounce Soviet Russia; much pleasanter stately shadows of coming events.
to talk about the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace in Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, The British Premier, Ramsy MacDonald has Mesapotamia than to discuss the Negro children in the Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, startled the world by his unprecedented act of going in fiery furnace of Mississippi and unspeakable Texas; Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players person to the United States of America to lay a foundamuch nicer to grow eloquent about the beauties of tion for the commencement of conversations on reducHeaven than the tragedy of Honeygrove; much more Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and tion of Naval Armaments. He brought together later, thrilling to discuss the progress of missionary work in Interesting in historic London, Plenipotentiaries, Diplomats, Techthe Carolinas.
nical Advisers with an army of Scribes. The were the accredited representatives of the great powers. They and murderous country No wonder the United States is the most lawless the world when the custodians commenced their conversations, and before they had of the moral and spiritual forces of the land preach holibeen well set, the question of parity brought confusion.
Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN Italy rebelled and snarled at France. France resented ness on Sunday and compromise with Satan the rest of Panama the week.
and quit the Assembly. Japan watched Italy and France OPO ODO with eagle eye, and insisted upon a greater allowance in armaments for the protection of the approaches to Special Meeting her domains. There was a jostle between England and America for the retention of big ships, big guns, and Chapter 14 big Navy, and all around there was exhibited the same spirit of competition in Armaments in direct conflict with the object of the conference, according to their own pronouncement. And Russia, the biggest Nation upon Chapter 14 of the A. tomorrow There will be a special meeting of the earth was not there. Specifically, this was to be a night at p.
Of every description discussion of in Armaments; but generally, they said it was an effort to make the world safe for democDONE WITH NEATNESS AND In addition to the addresses to be racy, and for the establishment of universal peace. gven by representatives of the organWhere was the Negro? What became of the Jew, the ization from the United States, there Hindoo, and the Chinese? Why the non invitation and will be special music rendered by DESPATCH consequent absence of representatives of all the other the choir and other members of the peoples of the world if universal peace was to be seriously Chapter.
considered? This is significant.
The public is invited.
So And while parity was being discussed in London, there was violence, riot, and civil war in India. The PALAIS ROYAL people resisted what they regard as disparity in tghts FOR BEST CLOTHING West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 wtrements of the with the mob. It the white clergy do not come right out Price 50cts. ODO JOB. PRINTING WORKMAN PRINTERY

    Civil WarEnglandFranceItalySovietSpainViolence

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