
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 PAGE HIVI, DENTIST HOWELL ETIQUETTE The Semiquaver XXXXXXXXX House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone By ROBERTA LEE Phone 453 DRY CLEANING PANAMA STEAM PRESSING TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To Live DYEING 16 STREET PANAMA What rules govern the use of the fork? What is the best material for a dancing frock? Is it incorrect to send a typewritten invitation. Does late comer at a formal dinner begin with the first course?
PALAIS ROYAL FOR BEST CLOTHING AND INTERWOVEN HOSE am the semiqua ver, and being so insignificantly small, it is mpossble to aaccomplish all would like to my friends the minim and the crotchet having such an advantage over me; however, in my humble little way, will try to tell you many little interestng stories week by week; some of them you perhaps already know and others may be quite new to you. ΟΕΟΙ 10 POSAP0705 2051050 BOSO Isot judge my ability by my size. Is it proper to have married men 1or ushers at a wedding? When a stranger performs some ch. valrous service to a woman, is it polile to offer him money? On what costume does a welldressed woman spend the most care. At which side of a person does the butler stand while serving 1000 GREAT NESTLE CONTEST quest? Is it permissible for a woman who has accepted a dance invitation to ask the hostess permission to invite a man whom the hostess does not know?
11. Who should choose the style of what to do or use at the table, what should be do?
On the first of February 1930 we deposited in a sealed envelope with the Manager of the National City Bank of New York in Panama a ONE DOLLAR BILL whose serial number is not known by anyone.
Everybody knows that each bill of United States Currency bears a serial number of figures. therefore, what is required is that you guess the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL which we deposited with the National City Bank. It is not necessary to mention the letters which precede and follow the serial number.
On the 30th of June 1930 at 11 in the presence of the Manager of the National City Bank and several witnesses the envelope will be opened and the correct serial number of the said ONE DOLLAR BILL will be published.
WE WILL PAY: First Prize. 500. 00 to the person who will have guessed correctly or most approxiPIN CASH DOLLAR BILL depositd with the National City Bank.
to the person who guesses the second most approximate number. 200. 00 to the tour ending tigures of the serial number of the ONE IN CASH DOLLAR BILL deposited.
to the person who guesses the third most approximate number to Third Prize. 100. 00 the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR IN CASH DILL deposited.
to the ten persons whose guesses, after we have paid the. Ist. 2nd.
Ten Prizes. 10. 00 and 3rd. prizes and eliminated the corresponding numbers, are the numbers most approximate to the four ending figures of the EACH IN CASH serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited.
to the twenty persons whose guesses, after we have paid the first, Twenty Prizesi. 00 second, third and the ten prizes of 10 each and eliminated the corresponding numbers, are the twenty numbers most approxiEACH IN CASH mate to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE WDOLLAR BILL deposited.
Should several solutions show the number of determined prizes, the respective amount of the prize will be will be able to tell you stories aboutt music and musician:both local and foreign, so please on the lookout, will be on the JUU 13 coon as convenient. am looking forward with much interest to the series of musicians recitals to be given in the near future by Mrs. Olga King, Prima Donna of Panama. was thinking that Mrs.
hing repertoire was exhausted, bu.
recent, discoures indicate the contrary.
It appears that all the classical orchestras have gone to sleep, and since have undertaken to look up muveians, will try to discover what is wrong have been promised a few musical contributions from musical aspirants and musicians and am eagerly looking forward to same, trust they will not fail me. am also looking forward to tht junior members of my department to aassist me in this column, so you must all get busy. appreciate how excellently the girls Club party of the Panama Wesleyan Church came off Tuesday night last; was not invited, but, being a semiquaver, was there, and you knowSecond Prize. Prospective Division of the TO TAKE PART IN THIS CONTEST IT IS NECESSARY to include with each solution the quantity of labels or wrappers of either one of the brands indicated and illustrated below: PORATED MILK or 10 la11. Who should choose the style of an engagement ring?
12. Is it necessary to thank one who bas introduced you to a very interesting friend?
13. Are hot dishes served at a bufiet supper?
14. Who should precede when walking down the aisle of a train, the man or the woman?
15. What should mothers avoid doing in the presence of their children?
16. After taking friends to the theater, is it necessary to take them to dinner. 17. What is a a big help to a hos tess who is serving without a maid?
18. Is it permissible for a woman to travel alone in Europe. Answers It should be held in the left hand while cutting, and in right hand to convey food to the mouth. Georgetto and chiffon are very appropriate, as they permit freedom and comfort in dancing Yos; although it is not incorrect to use the typewriter for ordinary social correspondence. No; he begins with the course that is being served at the time he enters. Although it is customary to have unmarried men, it is by no means improper to have married one, No; merely show genuine gratitude.
Her street dress, because she appears in it is often. At the left side.
Yes, 10. He should follow the lead the hostess. 11. The bride to be. 12.
It is a very thoughtful courtesy; and one may also add that the friend is very charming. 18. buffet supper usually consist of cold dishes. 14. The woman goes first. 16. They should never talk about a child smart sayings and pranks, because he will get an exaggerated opinion of his abilities and his attractiveness and will continue to repeat them. 16. No. 17. tea wagon, as this can be placed near her and can hold the extra cups, silver, and anything else which would be in the way on the table. 18. Yes, as much so as in the United States.
bels of the 16 oz. tin or 20 III NESTLE MILE labels of the large size or ST. CHARLES 10 labels of the small size tin of the well known NESTLE CONDENSED MILK EVAPORATE or ST. CHARLES EVAlabels of the oz. tin of the o very interesting meeting was convened on Sunday last by the members of the Prospective Division of the at their Hall at 25 street Calidonia.
The meeting was opened with the singing of the Hymn From Greenland ley Mountains followed with prayer by the President who acied in the capacity of Chaplain.
Among the items contributed for the evening were a vocal solo by Miss Richards, and address by Miss Williams, and a recitation by Miss Lena Cunningham who also gave an address which was much appreciat ed, but the principal address of the evening was delivered by Mr. Licatower who spoke very interestingly and encouragingly to his audience on behalf of the organization.
Another address was given by Mr.
bile, provided each ding figures to dopo omit to by the cloning remarks of sc.
Africa Awaken was sung, followed Each solution must bear ONLY one number of figures but each person can send as many solutions as possible, provided each solution is accompanied by the required number of labels or wrappers.
Write clearly on a piece of paper or on the form printed hereunder, the four ending figures of the number which you think is on the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited and do not omit to indicate your name and address clearly.
Bring your solutions starting to day to either of the following NESTLE MILK OFFICES: 12 PABLO AROSEMENA AVENUE, JAVILLO FILL, PANAMA or 057, BALBOA AVENUE, COLON or send them by mail to NESTLE MILK CO. Box 803, PANAMA CITY.
The solutions will be accepted up to the 28th of June 1930 at P. and the correct serial number and names of the winners will be published in the weekly paper the Tribune on the 5th, of july 1980, Also we shall write separately to all the winners. Our decision will be final in all matters relative to this contest.
The rules of this contest have been approved by the Mayors of Panama Colon, a 90 Greely. The singing of the Hymn 477. The day thou gavest Lord is ended and the benediction brought the function to a close. Great preparation is being made for the Silver Tree which will be held by the members of the Division on June 15. The committee is working hard to bring this function to a suceess.
Friends and well wishers will be cordially invited Com.
oo Church Services ORDER BOOKS FORM OF ENTRY OF NESTLE CONTEST To the NESTLE ANGLO SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. Box 803, Panama City, Enclosed please find.
labels of NESTLE PRODUCTS to entitle me to enter the NESTLE contest.
wrappers Sio The four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL are: SECRETARY NAME CITY ADDRESS Kindly write clearly. WESLEYAN METHODIST.
Panama 11 a. and 30 Rev. Wright.
Colon 11 a. and 80 Rev.
CS. Cousins.
La Boca 11 a. Mr. Frank Reed 30 Mr. Perey Hinds.
New Providence Mrs. James Daly.
Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Kin, nimoutth 80p. Mr. Me Fargunbar. figures)


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