
PAGÉ SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 Southern Attitude Kills Negro Progress in Picture Films New Era Hailed with Hallelujah and Hearts in Dixie Constantine Back In Nelson Again DePriest Introduces first Bill In Congress Resolution is the First Sponsored by Negro Legislator in Twenty eight Years.
Short lived because of White Prejudices against Racial Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID The first bill by a colored member of Congress in the last 28 years was presented Monday in the House of Representatives by Mr. Oscar De Priest.
The measure which is known as 12316, provides for the payment of 493, 70 for the settlement of a claim against the government by Allen Holmes, 519 15th Street, Birmingham. The bill was referred to the committee on claims and ordered to be printed.
Under the conscription act in force during the World War, Holmes was picked up as a draft evader on September, 6, 1918. It was later learned that Holmes was only 17 years of age and not subject to the draft law. He was released on March 15, 1919.
Due to the fact that Holmes was more than six months in the service of the United States at Camp McClellan, and had committed no crime, the measure seeks to give him the sum of 18 per week which he lost while being detained.
Holmes in reply to a letter of De Priest asking if the amount satisfactory, wrote. am pleased with the amount named. You have done more for me than anybody else really appreciated.
are bethg christened Patsy. greatest confidence. What is more, Constantine has a big opinion of he has the right temperament for the Headley, who made 223 in the last big inue.
Test match. He predicts that he will (From the Manchester Guardian of be one of the world great batsmen.
April 22)
He is only 21 years of age, but he PALAIS ROYAL Constantine has returned to Nel possesses the technique of a matured FOR son absolutely fit after his cricket batsman, and is most versatile. Ho in the West Indien The operation plays all round the wicket with the SUITS which he had just before he left Trinidad was only of a minor character, and will not interfere with Advancement his freedom of action. Both he and FOR the Nelson club are being inundated NEW YORK. When the Metro South Wante Negro Down.
with requests for his services, and Goldwyn Mayer Pictures Corpora It is a deplorable state of af there are bound to be many disaption announced their plans for the fairs, but the south is the south and pointed applicants. Constantine is a making of all Negro cast talking lecturer as well as will tolerate no representation of and a cricketer, and pieture, the surprised and gratified the Negro as independent, well dreshis services in the former capacity Negro public began to anticipate sed, handing money, in a position of are in almost equal demand.
great triumphs for the dark skinned dignity. in any case above the Constantine told the writer that artists on the audible screen.
depths of ignorance, subjugation, and bowling to Hendren in the West Insee But it appears they halled the ad poverty which they consider his dies was like bowling at a stone vent of a new era far too soon, for place, and where they have apparent wall. The cast iron wickets were all in favour of the batsmen, and Henwith the exception of a few minorly determined to keep him.
dren gave nothing away. He was shorts, no move is being contemplat Uncle Tom Flops No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
ed by the big moving picture concerns Recalling the presentation of Un extremely popular in the West In.
One motor coach proprietor toward the making of feature pictures cle Tom Cabin in New York, the painted Patsy Hendren on his Panama, starrng Negroes.
writer was privileged to be present Picture Official Explains at the cutting an ecoring of the vehicle, and nearly all the baby boys original film. Several scenes that Some have attributed this tion to a prejudiced attitude on the PERSELFIESTUS groes were promptly cut. The picpart of motion picture officials. ture made a long, successful run on When approached on the question last Brodway. Later, when the picture week, an executive of one of the was synchronized, it was noted that leading moving picture concerns gave much sugar coating had been done, the following explanation: apparently to please the southern It is thoughtless as well as un states, for conciliatory scenes and fair to brand the moving picture passages had been inserted for companies as prejudiced because they example, General Robert Lee was areturning out nomore Negro flashed on the screen and words conpictures We are in the rame to demning slavery accredited to him.
make money, not ot make friends or Apropos of the beastly Legree, titles enemies. We produce whatever It were run to the effect that this type pays to produce, regardless of color was the exception and not the general offered for Sale in Panama and Colon.
or creed of the subjects. In order to type of slave owner. But all these realize adequate profit on a produc apologies were wasted for Dixie tion distribution must be nationturned thumbs down on Universal The Public is warned to Insist on wide. It does not suffice that the gigantic and costly venture.
East West and North accept Negro Can Use Shorts Only pictures, and the South refuses to In the past few months moving accept pictures wherein Negroes are picture studios are vieing wth each starred other in the making of shorts where Need cite Uncle Tom Cab. in the singing of Negroes contriin and the more recent Hallelujah. butes the unerring and universal apThe story of the picture has no bear. peal, together with his dancing. The ing on the situation. even the mixed cast promises to be popular, Octavus Roy Cohen pictures are ro but there is no indication that Nejected by the south. understand groes will be cast in any but usual that twelve Cohen stories contracted for by a well known comThis attitude of the South toward pany. The first short went over the Negro artist is not just now fairly well. On the second one the having the opportunity to express itprofits dropped approximately fifty self. It has long been known and acper cent, and so on the sixth produc cordingly adhered to that no music tion, when the company was compel bearing the likeness of a Negro will led to make a settlement with the enjoy a wide sale in the South, reauthor in order to prevent further gardless of the popularity of the losses. music or the artist.
condi might have been objected to by ne SE SALLEY WARNING! Inferior Electric Lamp Bulbs are being BOX 649 ANCON, Cirilo Sandford Attorney at Law OFFICE: 153 CENTRUL AV Edison Mazda Lamps PALAIS ROYAL FOR WHEN BUYING BULBS. BECAUSESUITS were roles.
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10 :9. m Innocent, Go Pray, says Youth in Electric Chair 19 Year Old Ernest Brumfield Warns Deputy Sheriff and Witnesees as Current Snuffs out Life Every Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbahas the SIGN ENGRAVED ON THE END OF THE BULB RALEIGH, Warning the took her from the house.
Deputy Sheriff and prosecuting wit Out in the open, she said, she nesses that they had better go struggled loose and tan back to the home and pray because he did not house. It was dark and she did not commit the crime of which he was see, he face of her capptor, she testiconvicted on circumstancial evidence, fied, but identified him by the fact Ernest Brumfield, declared his in that bis hair was long.
nocence to the last when his life was Another link in the circumstantial snuffed out in the electric chair here, evidence upon which he was convictFriday.
ed was the testimony of a barber who Brumfield was accused of first de said he cut Brumfield hair shorrtly that gree robbery, in that he was alleged after the alleged robbery and to have entered the home of white Brumfield told him not to mention it.
In his own defense the accused family at 1:00 o clock in the morning of August 18, 1929, and cartied out youth denied that he entered the house. In a prepared statement left the daughter whom he attempted to at with a minister, he insisted that he tack.
did not commit the crime.
Story Unusual According to the story by the girl, PALATS ROYAL Bromfield entered her bed room and before she was aware seized her and FOR BEST CLOTHING Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that gives more pure happiness than making someone else happy.
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When we present a gift, we want it to be packed with all the Sentiment, affection and good There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in Some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no usefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart.
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    World War

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