
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Echoes of the LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels VOIonul Agricultural Department. The largest size English Catte.
Our Tailors Trimming Department of LA MASCOTA are Child Wellare are JAMAICA NEWS scope which are now in flower. Among The Public Service (Continued from Page 2)
tem are some of very fine form and more in so far as Grenada is conUute ul red, white, dark orange, cerned.
and white red stripes.
IN (Continued from Page 2)
Meanwhile, the fight on prinelple which practice has existed since the COFFEE. With the good seasons is being waged. Prinetples are being electrie street, service was established uw prevailing opportunity should be analysed and tested. Somebody has to Lumen zur planting Coffee. There are In 1899.
be fought to a standstil in this mat10, 000 seedings of last seater. Mr. Marryshow of the GovRumour has it that reason for son planting of from one to two lect ernor, the object being to find out the proposed abolition of the conces glauw available for distributioll.
just where West Indians stand undersion during the next few weeks, is Or STOCK FARM The Electhe drop in revenue which is the reCrown Colony Goovernment ne miking equipment is now being sult of motor bus competition in cerIn his remarks in recent House install. at the large Diary Builuing, In the very Latest Designs of Commons debate, the Questain parts of Kingston and lower St. sterlining room is being built to tion was mentioned by Dr. Morgan. Andrew. The official notification has deal with this equipment which will ALSO He mentioned it incidentally, and maid caused a good deal of concern among enable 60 cows to be milked eight at he would raise it in full dressed employees of the company who will a time by the machine.
fashion, shortly, on the consion of be affected by the order. Rumours Fordson Tractor has been orthe Colonial Office Vote. We expect are afloat of an early meeting of some the dered through the Kingston Industrial to hear quite a lot then. Thingo pro of the employees to consider Garage. This will enable more and mise to get merry before long.
question better tillage to be operated on the canes and grass pieces.
More About The Question The Farm Yard is being provided Since writing the above, we rewith a new Crude Oil Engine by Rus LEST YOU FORGET ceived a letter from the Governor a Office, direct not from the Colonial ion and Hornsby England, of Secretary Office also a copy of an Extraordinary issue of the Governinade by the Papec Company ment Gazette, late yesterday after The following notes from the De. will be used with this engine IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL noon, setting forth the Secretary partment of Agriculture at Hope for cutting up the daily ration of State reply for the time being to should prove of interest to our readSugar Cane for the dairy cows.
Mr. Marryshow letter of Augusters:Three heifers by the Montgomery.
last year on the Question ORCHIDS: The largest display Guernsey bull Florian are to be The letter from the Governor Of of orchids in flower is now to be seen seen which first calf are giving from fice was sent to our Managing Editor in the new house at Hope, with over 18 to 21 quarts of milk per diem. MULLER Prop for the Press, as also the copy of the 200 expanded blooms. Cattleyas The farm has recently broken its re:37 CENTRAL AVENUE 9:317 Government Gazette. Governor let represented by Gaskelliana (includ cord in milk production by attaining ter and Gazette contain just what had ing a plant of the rare White form) a standard of 700 quarts a day. This been communicaed to Mr. Marryshow Mossine, Dowiana and Labiata. Two is due to mprovement in the cow, for ten days ago.
plants of a fine Brasso Cattleya Mos 50 cows from the Hope herd were sold The Governor is suffering from siae raised by Sir George Holford in February last.
British people that we are facing ruin pire to find the help and interest fractured hip we hear it whispered and awarded First Class CertifiThe high production fowls of the there is a great incitement to look which Great Britain refuses. Canethat his injury wil leave permanent cate are in flower. Other fine hybrids Rhode Island breed which were imelsewhere for help. British Guiana.
dian business men are realising more effects, and we are very sorry. aro Cattleyas Hentacheli, Aeneas and ported from the University of British. as the largest territorial unit of the and more the economie value to a (Continued from Page 2)
we certainly would not add to the Aumania.
Columbia recently, are breeding well did thing for the colony and public Empire in the Caribbean, has been nada of a prosperous West Indies, and worries of the poor old man by wayThe new Aguarium House is near and at least 100 chickens will be rear. interest in this matter had been roushardest hit by this curious neglect on they are becoming converted to the ing what we feel about his latest ing completion and the Public Works ed from them this season. These ed and the necessity for caring for the part tof the Imperial Government view that Canada should adopt the much ado about nothing. It must be a Department are now erecting the steel birds represent records of 270 to 300 infants had been realized.
and naturally her people, who role of a benevolent uncle towards source of much chagrin that he has framing for the roof.
bearing a crushing burden of taxation, not been able to get square with og per annum and should improve these colonies. This growing interest SANITATION AND HYGIENE HIPPEASTRUMS: Along the cen. the eggs laying properties of local before his departure, but are the most querulous. Further should be fostered by all means, and In the past, the high mortality of politicians in British Guians have altral entrance drive and to east there is no reason why he should not of fowls when the progeny are distributsnice it is true that no movement the office there is a small bed of ed throughout the island.
infants was due to ignorance of the take his pill with the grace of resig.
ways flirted with the idea of calling seedling Hippeastrums produced at elementary principles of sanitation can really progress without a workOrder for 50 cockerels have already and hygiene. It was in fact cate nation.
in American capital to develop the ing organization it is time that.
His Excellency the Commander inbeen booked.
of the survival of the fittest. Now, it country. Brtish policy towards this Canada West Indies Association was Chief is to leave us in few weeks in England, the final word in the fine Holstein Frisian in Canada was largely to the Longue, the devo large and rich unit in the Caribbean formed. The Association West Indies for good, for Grenada good, but Question wll not have been said for the use of the Hope Farm is ex tion of the lady workers and the has been curiously short sighted, if Chambers of Commerce are now prelong after he shall have shuffled off by the Imperial Authorities, pected early next month by the Cana munificence of philantropists, notably not unfair, for they have not only his brief authority as Governor of Our arm is long and it can reach dian Natoinal Line. This is a year Mr. Stephens that the death refused to supply the financial backparing to take a step for securing the co operative action of the Gov.
th e Windward Islands, to become one in quarters unexpected of His Ex old bull with over 40 quarts of milk rate, as they learned from the reing for a progresive scheme of deof the Joness and James of the celleney We advise him have a day in the record of both the dam port, had decreased for the last ten velopment, but they have.
ernments to approach Canada for tagrey mass of nobodles in particular patience, and the sire dam.
riff benefitat and a new reciprocity or twelve years by 20 per cent. FORBIDDEN ANYONE ELSE TO treaty. But the neessary impetus will be SECRETARY OF STATE INDO SO.
more surely supplied if there is an TERESTED British Guiana is one of the dark organization working persistently toIt might interest them to hear that blots in British Colonial administrawards, economic union with Canada.
the Secretary of State for the Co. tion, and the strong telegram desAt the same time it may be asked lonies was interested in the Child patched three days ago to a Member what is the Standing West Indies Welfare League in Trinidad. His of Parliament is an unequivocal but Conference doing concernng this matreason for being so interested was representative expression the ter? Surely this is time for this body unknown. Popolbly it was due to the people feeling. Fortunately, we shall to be actively at work on behalf of Sa fact that the Government contributed not have to go outside of the Em the common good of these colonies.
No. 59, 24th Street Chorrillo a great deal towards the maintenance of the League. But by last mail be ROBO received a letter from Lord Passfield asking him for a report of the activiFOR THE BEST IN ties of the Langue and he should have much pleasure in forwarding to the Secretary of State a copy of the 12th annual report of the Child Welfare League.
He concluded by telling them that of every description the League had his whole hearted sympathy and support of his wife and VISIT THE himself. They congratulated them on last year results and they hoped most sincerely that their work in the future would extend and that they 1s would be more sucessful in the future than in the past (applause. a fine Selection of a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous to mention (Continued from Page 2)
loyalty to Great Britain, but the ImALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN perial Government is puting our loyalty to a severe test. The West Indian PAINTS ENAMELS sugar industry is beyond question on the verge of bankrupey and the Give us a call before purchasing Labour Government has show complete inabilitty to put forward any elsewhere policy which will revive or save it. It is little wonder, therefore that, temPANAMA HARDWARE pers should be trayed and that there should be some strong statements. We CATHEDRAL PLAZA are an integral part of the British СТ Empire, but it is nothing to the to THE CHORILLO TRADING SYNDICATE non of OFFER BARGAINS IN. HARDWARE :Photo Albums Scrap Albums Panama Hardware ALSO Local Paper Says ARTIZAN TOOLS Crockery of every description Sovernirs, etc. etc. Give a call and be convinced


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