
vesserad INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS ST. LUCIA JAMAICA TRINIDAD BARBADOS on Departure of Governor la Large Large Influx City Corporation Co operative Chief of Winward Islands Of Chinese To Association Being The Island Organized lands, the Voice of St. Lucia says In Spite of Literacy Test Several Who Bowen (Northern Ward) that Land are Only able to Sign their Names ship of the Corporation. The deSMUGGLED WATCHES Women Eligible for Coare Exchange of PORT OF SPAIN, May 30. Commenting on the departure By the casting vote of the Hon.
of Sir Frederick Seton James, Cipriani, Mayor, the Portof Spain City Council yesterday E, Governoradopted the motion of Councillor in Chief of the Windward Is.
To Include Planters and Peasant women he admitted to memberamong other things: Proprietors cision was cheered by a gallery Sir Frederick who assumed of between 40 and 50 women. In a recent issue of the Advo prevalent opinion that the prothe Governorship of these islands Captain Cipriani said women cate the folowing appears under seasons of the year far exceeds on 26th July 1924, at Grenada, The Gleaner of the 18th ulto. Law of this country these aliens were the brains of the Empire. the caption Just Jottings. the local conumption, and in will be relinquishing the reins of who are desirous of entering the In England there were 21 women Tentative efforts Government at St. Lucia on Fri says: island must be able to read and Mayors. Men at best were moral made in this island to establish sions when the local market is day, 23rd May 1930, after close Within the past two months write the English langauge. It is cowards and would not tackle a cooperative association of glutted. If, however, everybody on six years service.
the island has ben invaded by however, a well known fact that things wit the courage and planters and peasants for the in this island could be persuadSir Frederick Administration Chinese have arrived in the is. honesty of women.
better organization of production ed of the superiority of fresh has not been free from criticism, Chinese. Every steamer, espeland since the law has been in cially those of the United Fruit existence who Councillor Bowen said women and marketing small committe vegetables to, imported foodbut criticism is an incident of cannot read or in the Great War proved them tion and marketing. small stuffs the market or locally public service. He is impressive Company that come from New write except for the signing of selves as capable as men. He ask has been working on this ques grown food doubtful whether the ly identified with St. Lucia as the York brings a number of the their names.
ed that they be given justice. tion for some weeks and am supply would be equal to the Governor who so completely held aliens who swell the ranks of demand. It is not perhaps fully It is interesting to know that In opposition it was urged by giving away no secret when the helm of our Government af shopkeepers.
ter the disorganizing and disasLast Friday twelve Chinese during the latter part of last Councillor Rigsby that women state that they have reached the realised that in all clases there year three Chinamen who made should not be given seats on the point for action. questionaire is a prefernce for the imported trous fire of Castries in May entered into the island off the 1927 three years ago and or United Fruit Company steamer application to the Licensing Au Council unless there was a man will shortly be sent to the plant over the local food, but there is ers of the island asking for their no reason why this preference ganized a successful programme Tivives and on Monday there thority in Kingston to conduct date from the people.
support, and it will be interest should exist.
for reconstruction. He has dis wą still a large invasion of 36 liquor business were refused as they failed to pass a test in reading to note the response to this Both on economic and phy.
played a grasp of our economic strong who arrived by the ing and writing to which they invitation.
sical grounds it is essential that problems by advancing schemes Santa Marta.
were subjected by the Court.
Naturally the Association the conumption of local foodof retrenchment and urging the The general route of the ChinCourtesies cause of Federation with a view must start on a small scale, but stuffs should be increased and To gain admission into the isese who come here is from Hong land, this class of aliens are callits objects should be clear from a campaign with this object in to reducing administrative ex Kong to Vancouver then to New its inception. It has no desire to view.
York, where they embark on the ed upont o deposit 35 with the Between Commander exclude the middle man, nor Should Be penses. By urging the cause of Immediately Begun Federation he has assisted in United Fruit Company vessels Government before disembarkcould it exclude him if it wished of French Submarine ing from the ship on which they bringing before the West Indian for these shore The Press might follow the to. But it is concerned to see example of the Trinidad news.
public a subject which must con It is a well known fact that arrive. But after six weeks have and Governor that the service which is rencern the future of the West In these Chinese immigrants claim elapsed, each party on present papers which are now exhorting dered by the distributor should the Trinidad worker in bold dies vitally. In the name of the the rights of Jamaicans on their ing an exemption certificate is people of St. Lucia we bid him arrival. Generally they state to refunded 30.
The Port of Spain Gazette of be adequately remunerated, and headlines to support local inthat he should not sleek and fat dustry by using Trinidad sugar and Lady James, farewell. the authorities that they were recent date says: Custom Discovery at the expense of the producer alone. The building up of an exLast week end the revenue of The Commandant of the We hope they will have a safe born here, left the island in their Its next duty port market will depend on the return to their native country infancy for their native land and the siland benefitted to the ex French submarines Vengeur and will be to ensure a steady sup quality of the articles which we and long live to enjoy a well tent of 18 in the orm of duty Redoutable which recently visitply of vegetables for the local export and the only way of suc.
earned rest from the active la Literacy Test collected from nine of the Chined the colony addressed the fol market, to avoid violent flucceeding is by establishing bours of Empire.
According to the Immigration ese immigrants who attempted lowing message to His Excellentuations in price and to build up high standard and by maintain.
to enter the island with wristlet cy the Governor on leaving our a market. Attention will be giving it by grading, The high qualwatches which they had disguis. shores: en simultaneously to the locality of Trinidad cocoa 1000 OPOL 10 POBODO is reed. At the moment of leaving and the export market. There is cognized, and the Association (Continued from page 3)
From what could be gathered duction of vegetables at some (Continued on Page 1)
whilst the Chinese were looking after the passing of their bagSurgeon Dentist gage through the Customs, suspicion of the officers fell on nine empty cardboard boxes of small 1:23 Central Avenue Panama City. dimensions in one package. search was made and each of the Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, nine aliens was discovered wear.
ing a watch each under their INCORPORATED 1869 Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works tent of 18 on the form of duty on each watch Head Office: Montreal, Canada It is learnt that there are more Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Chinese immigrants on the voy age here at present)
010 POD0 10 POCOPE PANAMA COLON ME Santa Ana Plana Corno Ilth and Bolivar Street NEURALGINA Formulated to and consumer.
now return.
a. Dr. Leo Pink The Royal Bank of Canada Plans Being Settle Differences Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart. SU Between the Jamaica JO With 900 Branches throughout the world, including Jockey Club and the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Mr. Dolphy is in a position to render the best possible service.
tort The Mail of recent date says. In connection with the move Antigua Dominica Montare that is being made to settle in Bahamas Gretinde an amicable way the difference St. Kitts between the Jockey Club of JaBarbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lud maica and Mr. Altamont DolBritish Honduras Martini phy, it is reported that a feeling excists among certain racing Guadeloupe (2)
men to convert the Jamaica 39 Turf Club into a Limited Liability Co. Mr. Dolphy, it is further learnt, is willing to hand HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST over his various interests to 59 Histero the Companyy at the value PAID ON DEPOSITS shown by his books. Generally, it is agreed among well informed racing men that the present condition of the two Stocinot (Continued on Page 7)
92 en de voks of at bayati Trinidad (2)
British Guiana (2)
For sale both Wholesale and Retail ng AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama. General Banking Business Transacted.
Big 56. 999


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