
The results of this Contest are being published today in the following weekly Newspapers EL GRAFICO PANAMA TRIBUNE ANGLO SWISS CONDENSED POLO 10 0100 100 105 NESTLE PANAMA MILK Co.
COLON TOO (ΟΣΟΙ 100 10 (ΟΟΣ 10 To Populate The World With Babies Trinidad FROM GLASS BOTTLES UNITED STATES JUDGE Exchange of FORESHADOWED BY FAVOURS RETENTION OF EARL OF BIRKENHEAL CAPITAL PUNISHMENT in For a long time to come it will express my appreciation of and In Certain Cases, But Not For Women at 1216.
meant a TROTT The Cleaner lency kindly to receive the sin cere wishes which we entertain for the proserity of your Colony as well as for yourself personal (Continued from Page 2)
English water should like His Excellency the Governor Your Excellency to receive an on receipt of the foregoing deexpression of our gratitude for spatched the following reply: the welcome which has so kindly On behalf of the people of LONDON, April 14Populat Disease practically abolished. been given to the submarines Trinidad and myself desire to ing the world with babies from Agriculture superseded and glass bottles is seriously fore food made by chemists. Every be a pleasure to us to remember thanks for your message LONDON, May 29. Judge were overwhelmed with persons showed by the Earl of Birken town self feeding, Beeisteak the days we spent at Trinidad good wishes which heartily reKavanagh, of Chicago, giving awaiting trial for homicide.
head in an entertaining and as grown by the ton in laboratories and the kindness of its inhab ciprocate.
It evidence before the special com tonishing book The World in Synthetic bread, sugar and veg. itants. would ask Your Excel was my duty to assign the cases mittee on capital punishment au to other judges. It was a hor2030 which is published etables cheaper than water.
the House of Commons recent today by Hodder and Stoughton One week work to three rible ordeal. My comparatively said favoured the reten small room was crowded with week leisure for all.
will become wholly changed.
tion of the capital penalty in men and women who had taken Ectogenetic birth is the Lord Birkenhead political op Lord Birkenhead predicts that DENTIST HOWELL certain cases, but it was not a life.
name which Lord Birkenhead ponents have generally regarded women will one day accept ecmatter which could be general Fourteen. he added, were gives to the new method of pro him as a bit of a jingo they someHouse No. 912 La Boca ised.
executed, and the murder rate in during children.
times recall Galloper Smith togenesis as the price of the Canal Zone He told of crime terror in Chicago dropped from 308 to By this, he explains and glittering prizes for sharp freedom they have never yet Chicago, in 1920. he said, we 190. Judge Kavanagh continued. the development of a swords but here they will find achieved in history.
child from a fertilised cell outa different Lord Birkenhead, Every time the death sentence is not carried out the murder side its mother body in a glass scoffingat jingoism like the Phone 453 veriest Little Englander.
vessel filled with serum on DRY CLEANING rate goes up, and every time there is an execution the murder y laboratory bench. Such a proPANAMA European Federation STEAM FRESSING rate goes down.
ceeding is neither incredible nor He scorns the narrow Spirit 15 STREET indeed impossibly remote. of nationality which is brought 62 to Prove Alibi DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA Practical Eugenics has about the present maelstrom Judge Kavanagh told of the following case in his experience: Research shows he says that of suspicious bickering in Europe the connection between the mo and he declares that European father and son were appointed by a secret society to kill two ther and the growing unborn nationality lives and drawns its men. They were accompanied by child is purely chemical and nourishment from such expena committee of five. They met there is no valid reason why sive and destructive agencies as the men and fatally wounded one one day biologists should not competitive armaments of them. The other man escapbe able to imitate that chemical mercial jealousy, prohibitive taed, and most connection in the laboratory. riff walls, and international in unusually came cidents.
It will be observed that Lor forward to testify. The other Birkenhead does not fore He predicts a man made a dying declaration.
Federation of shadow the scientific creation of Europe, and even hints at a new The father and son who were When in Panama remember to visit Alex. Dixon babies, but the separation of the realtionship between the British appointed to commit the murder were arrested, but they brought fertilised human cell from the Empire and the United States.
mother, and its development in Ectogenetic birth is the feainto my court, sixty two witnessa bottle.
ture of the future which will ex es to prove an alibi, which the Station, where you can get the old cross examination showed to be The need for more babies will, cite the most astonishment. Lord a frame alibi. convicted the he suggests, be one of the rea Birkenhead foresees that its adCuban touch at the father and son. They appealed to song why estogenesis will be vent will be violently opposed, the Supreme Court, who said to adopted. He describes it as and he suggests that its prome, What do you mean by con practical eugenics. as compar moters may be martyred.
victing against, the testimony of ed with the absurdities of huFate of Marriage man stud farm which so many sixty two witnesses? and the The possibility of ectogenetic two men were set free. What earnest, and generally unmar children will, he says, naturally would your police do in circumried enthusiasts at present pre arose the fiercest antagonism, stances of that kind. Religious bodies of many differJudge Kavanagh cited the case Disease Abolished ent creeds will rally their adher of William Coffee, who decided It will be a vastly different ents to fight such a fundamental to kill his bigamous wife. He world even in a hundred years biological invention. In fact, the took her from the State of Iowa, wl. ere capital punishment existpossibilities which Lord Birken: here may strike many readers In coming from Colon just look out the window ed into Wisconsin, where life head foresees. as gratituously affronting. Limitless motive power 600 Nevehtheless the thing is imprisonment provided the exacross to treme retribution, and killed her.
horse power in a fountain pen possible and since it is possible reservoir.
it is certain that scientists will In reply to Dr. Ethel Bentham, who asked, Would you make Stereoscogic television in na be deterred by no persecution tural colours. Test match in from straining after attain any difference in the punishment of men Australia seen with perfect ment.
and women? Judge clearness in London. Should ectogenesis ever beKavanagh said, Yes would Parliamentary debates heard come an established part of huhesitate to impose the death by everybody ending in a na man society its effect will be AND YOU WILL SEE THE SIGN penalty on a woman, though tional vote by all the electors shattering. Primarily it will secannot tell you why. It is matwithin twenty minutes, like a parate reproduction from marter of feeling. Continued on page 62 Parliamentary división. riage, and the later institution comWest Indians, Attention. Place (a good old timer) at the eastern end of RESTAURANTE LA ESPERANZA dict.
West Indian Restaurant.

    Death Sentence

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